Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews


Toothpaste is the necessary hygiene tool used every day. It accompanies any person throughout his life. Therefore, its correct choice is an important point.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_2

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_3


Most often, choosing toothpaste, a person is not very deliberate into details. The choice is made in favor of advertised goods. However, different pastes have different properties and it must be considered when choosing. It makes sense to learn how to make the right choice.

In our country, there are certain GOSTs that are obliged to observe all manufacturers. Despite the long-term production history, the standards still have their own strength.

Toothpaste is a product that is used everywhere. But very often people do not think about the characteristics of this product.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_4

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_5

Benefit and harm

Clean your teeth is necessary - this is a fact known to everyone. However, it is worth considering the choice of this hygiene. The optimal option when a tooth cleansing agent recommends a professional. This may be a dentist or oral hygienist. Typically, the recommendation is not limited to one particular toothpaste, it is rather about the product line that can help improve the condition of the oral cavity.

To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to periodically change the toothpaste. This is due to the fact that the body gets used to the ingredients of the means, and it ceases to be as efficient as possible. Fluorine is one of the most frequent elements of the dental composition, which can be both useful and harmful. The basic requirement is that there was no suspension in the human body. Since centralized water fluorination does not apply on the territory of Russia, the toothpaste with fluorine cannot cause noticeable damage to health.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_6

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_7

Separate attention requires dental compositions with bleaching effect. Choose and use them with great care. As a rule, such pastes contain a large number of abrasive substances, which can be beneficial in the form of giving more whiteness tooths, and to harm, washing tooth enamel.

Some recipes contain not only chemical components, but also natural components. When choosing a cavity tools for oral hygiene, it is necessary to take into account because a person may have an allergy and a rejection of some components.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_8

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_9


Currently, the main form of toothpaste is a pasty substance. There are other options, however, this form is the most common at the moment. In addition to the usual liquid paste in tubes, there is an opportunity to purchase a tool for cleaning in tablets. Such a solid form for cleaning is quite rare, but some consumers prefer to choose it.


The cleansing agent in gel form is preferable for people with a thinned enamel. These are weak-abrasive compositions that minimally affect the enamel of the teeth. Gel is a soft means that do not have a negative impact.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_10


Toothpaste in the form of powder is a sufficient rare at present. Not the most convenient form for the cavity of the oral cavity. Nevertheless, some manufacturing companies produce just such a form.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_11


The pasty substance is considered more familiar. Tubes with toothpastes are usual in any bathroom. And most consumers prefer precisely this form.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_12


There is a huge amount of types of cavity treatments. Tools for teeth are produced with different characteristics. Professional protection for gums or maximum protection against caries - depending on what is required to a specific consumer. Classifications There are many. An important role is given to anti-inflammatory funds, which are already among therapeutic.

When choosing a means of care, each consumer chooses the main characteristics for itself:

  • against caries;
  • for diabetics;
  • antibacterial;
  • multifunctional;
  • orthodontic;
  • anesthetic.

Anticious toothpastes are most popular, it is believed that they are effective and can be used to treat. But it is not. Caries is treated with an exceptionally professional dentist. However, for the prevention of teeth disease, they can be used.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_13

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_14


Hygienic dentists are used exclusively for a successful mechanical disposal from the dental plaque. You can use them in case of a complete absence of teeth, periodontal disease.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_15

Medical and prophylactic

Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes are designed to prevent the appearance of teeth disease. Such pastes can be several species. For example, some are intended to reduce the sensitivity of the teeth. Other species are directed to whitening or anti-inflammatory actions.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_16


Therapeutic agents allow you to improve the state of the oral cavity. Despite the name, "therapeutic" toothpastes are just an effective prophylactic agent. In any case, problems with your teeth will have to solve a dentist with a doctor and adhere to the recommendations of professionals who can accurately assess the state and give advice that truly can help.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_17


To properly select a cleaning agent, you should familiarize yourself with its composition, which is indicated on the package. There are elements that should be avoided, and there are those that, on the contrary, are useful, and their presence in the toothpaste is welcome. Many tubes indicate "Natural". But it is not so. This only speaks that in the composition there is some kind of natural ingredient. Currently, manufacturers love to write about the naturalness of their product, but this is far from always correspond to reality, since the chemical components obtained by artificially are present in any means to clean the teeth.

Toothpaste is a complex composition, which includes many components with enzymes. These are abrasive binders, foaming and other elements. Preservatives, taste additives and other components are also present. Mint and mental supplements that help refresh their breath are most often used. Mint toothpaste is one of the most common. Also popular are toothpastes on herbs, with propolis or lemon. Another equally well-known additive is Aloe Vera. Plant is known for its useful properties.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_18

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_19

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_20

Also, concentrated toothpastes are currently produced, the main advantage of which is that it takes a very little means to purify the oral cavity. Another view is an organic tool for cleaning. As part of such a fund, there is no triclozan and parabens. It is also without sodium lauryl sulfate. Such a paste is made based on natural and environmentally friendly materials and components. For people suffering from allergic reactions, it is worth preferring the compositions without mint and menthol. Manufacturers offer their consumers hypoallergenic compositions.

Recently, salting toothpaste is gaining increasingly popular. This is the composition without sugar, which does not have a negative effect on the oral cavity. Salted toothpaste has not quite familiar taste, but addictive occurs after several applications. Paste with salt cleanses well, but it is necessary to make a choice in favor of such a paste, where the salt is maximally crushed. Otherwise, the abrasive properties of this substance can have a negative effect on dental enamel.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_21

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_22

There are compounds with chlorhexidine. This substance is an antiseptic. Therefore, pasta, which includes this component, are therapeutic and prophylactic. The paste with the antiseptic is needed if surgery or orthodontic intervention has been carried out. Also useful it will be after the prosthetics. In the case of the presence of diseases such as stomatitis or gingivitis, or after removal of the tooth, it is preferable to use similar toothpastes.

In addition to chlorhexidine, other antiseptics may occur as part of therapeutic and prophylactic dental. Among them, chlorine dioxide, triclozan, zinc or silver. The inclusion of these elements into the composition helps to get rid of the inflammation of the gum, unpleasant smell of mouth.

Currently, manufacturers offer toothpastes of different colors - classic white, red, blue, green. But when choosing, it is necessary to remember that, as a rule, a saturated color indicates the presence of active chemical ingredients.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_23

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_24

Not all additives are harmful. A good addition to the composition can be xylitis or eucalyptus. Pastes with xylitol or with eucalyptus are well refreshing breathing. Not so long ago, compositions with unusual components appeared in the domestic market. For example, with coconut. This supplement does not carry an active medical property, but gives the paste a pleasant taste.

Enzymatic paste is often used as a means that allows you to whiten your teeth. Most often, the bromelain enzyme is used in the teeth. This substance is obtained from pineapple juice. Another very frequent component is papain. This enzyme is obtained from a melon tree - papaya.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_25

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_26

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_27

How to choose?

Select toothpaste is required depending on the emerging needs. For trips, it is necessary to give preference to small tubes that do not take too much space in hand. The travel bag must be filled with only useful things, so the road is worth taking only small tubes or containers with dispensers. The choice of dental to the road is different from the choice of toothpaste for everyday use. But in any case, it is necessary to pay attention to the shelf life. As a rule, people rarely look at the shelf life of the toothpaste specified on the packaging. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the teeth and their needs.

It is also necessary to pay attention to several aspects:

  • cost of goods;
  • manufacturer's company;
  • Comfortable and attractive packaging.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_28

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_29


Tooth production is a complex technological process. But companies engaged in this type of production take into account the needs of their customers. Therefore, it is possible to choose pasta for a variety of purposes: to strengthen gums and dental enamel, whitening, cleansing.

For sensitive teeth

Many people suffer from excessive sensitivity of teeth. This is an unpleasant feeling that gives a lot of discomfort. To reduce the unpleasant sensations, it is worth purchasing special pastes intended for sensitive teeth. The compositions are selected in such a way as to minimize the effect of external factors. Constant use of special means will help reduce the level of sensitivity. But it will not solve the problem forever. Sensitive teeth interfere with living a full life. This problem should be solved with a dentist doctor. No pasta will cure the problem of sensitive teeth, it will simply help for a while.

Good proven such products intended for sensitive teeth: SENSODYNE (most effective according to consumer reviews), Colgate and Spread. The ingredients are selected in such a way as to possibly remove the reaction to irritating products.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_30

For smokers

Smoking people suffer from two unpleasant factors - this is an unpleasant smell of mouth and yellowing of dental enamel. If a person cannot refuse the harmful habit, then it is worth thinking about the acquisition of a proper toothpaste. A good option will be a mentholic whitening paste, which will help get rid of the unpleasant smell and clean the teeth. However, it is impossible to constantly use whitening compositions, because they violate the integrity of the dental enamel. For smokers, the best option is to acquire a tooth pasta with a strong aromatic effect. Smokers are not always treated seriously to the choice of toothpaste, and in vain. After all, it is she who can help get rid of at least some consequences of the impact of this negative habit.

Smokers are advised to pay attention to the following options:

  • R. O. C. S;
  • Youtel Pharma;
  • Albadent.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_31

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_32


Whitening pastes allow several tones to whiten the dental enamel. However, professional procedures are more effective, which are conducted in dental offices. Toothpaste with whitening effect is a temporary measure. For a "Hollywood smile", the dentist is needed. Only he, conducting the necessary procedures, will be able to achieve the effect of snow-white teeth.

A certain efficiency of using the following products for cleansing the oral cavity is proved:

  • Himalaya Herbals Sparkly White;
  • Parodontax "Big bleaching".

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_33

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_34

Without fluorine

Recently, the toothpastes are popular without fluorine. Fluoride is a part of a huge amount of toothpaste. But some manufacturers go to the production of toothpastes without using fluoride, because it has both useful and negative factors. Many consumers make a choice in favor of the Klatz brand or light.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_35

For kids

Many manufacturers make a distinction between adults and children's toothpastes. Children's pastes are usually softer, do not contain harmful substances, have a pleasant smell and taste. With unexpected swallowing, such pastes are not capable of harming the stomach. Adults often make a choice in favor of Lacalut, Aquafresh, President.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_36

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_37

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_38


Therapeutic toothpastes are prescribed by dentists in the case when the bleeding of the gums or excessive sensitivity of the dental enamel occurs. In therapeutic compositions of the dental paste, the concentration of abrasive substances should not be more RDA 80-100. Therapeutic pastes differ from the hygienic presence of plant components and active additives. The most effective recognizes compositions of algae, with extracts of needles, chamomile, sage and yarrow.

It must be remembered that therapeutic toothpastes do not need to be used on an ongoing basis. These are funds that help cope with specific problems arising in the oral cavity.

After the treatment or intervention of the orthodontist, therapeutic toothpaste is very useful.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_39

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_40

Review reviews

Each person has its own personal preferences in the choice of oral hygiene. But judging by the reviews, most often consumers pay attention to the following points:

  • price toothpaste;
  • fame of the manufacturer;
  • consistency;
  • efficiency;
  • Pleasant taste and smell.

Users a positive effect of the permanent use of one or another paste is noted. However, some of them are dissatisfied with the insufficient whitening effect, and this applies to many companies. But many pasta praise for their pleasant taste and smell.

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_41

Toothpaste (42 photos): how to choose? Natural therapeutic pastes for gums and from caries, professional and other species, reviews 16161_42

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