Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews


In the market of tools for the care of the oral cavity, the leading positions have long and firmly occupy electrical toothbrushes. In our review we will talk about how such brushes are arranged, tell me what they are useful, and what is harmful.

Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_2

Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_3

Features, pros and cons

To start a little story. The very first developments on the creation of an electric toothbrush appeared in pre-war years, but the difficult situation in the world did not allow this issue to be closely. Only in 1954, the inventor of Philip-Gi Vogov from Sweden was able to create and introduce into mass production the first model of the brand Broxo. . This toothbrush was intended for people with disabilities, she was rather cumbersome and needed a constant connection to the AC network.

Since then, the possibilities of hygienic funds were repeatedly modernized and improved, mechanical, rotary brushes appeared, silent models with a spinning head and many other devices.

Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_4

Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_5

Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_6

A modern electric toothbrush is a functional hygienic device for everyday care of solid and soft oral tissues. The motion of the cleaning head is made at the expense of the current - its source serves as a battery or battery. The device has the following functionality:

  • elimination of deposits on the teeth;
  • polishing the surface of the teeth;
  • gum massage;
  • Cleaning the surface of the language.

Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_7

    Mass popularity This device received due to ergonomics, multifunctionality, ease of operation and improve cleaning efficiency. The result of the treatment of the oral cavity corresponds to all professional cleaning standards produced in the framework of the dental clinic. Due to the progressive movement of rigid bristles, the dental flare is eliminated, the dental is reduced, the residues of food are cleaned, pathogenic bacteria are neutralized. The regular application of the electrical frequency allows you to clarify the enamel by 2-3 tones.

    Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_8

    Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_9

    Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_10

    However, along with obvious advantages, electrolates have their drawbacks. The main cost is the high cost. - The price of such products is ten times higher than the price for the traditional tool for processing the oral cavity.

    It is very difficult to choose to choose a toothbrush without consulting the attending dentist, There is often a situation where the user is inconvenient to keep the handle or does not fit the size of the cleaning head. If the latter was chosen wrong - it will not give high-quality cleaning, while the replacement of such equipment in pharmacies is not produced.

    For other minuses include:

    • The need for constant charging of the battery or the acquisition of new batteries;
    • Additional costs caused by the need to buy replaceable nozzles.

    Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_11

      Important: There are contraindications to the use of an electrical toothbrush:

      • acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
      • increased abrasibility of dental enamel;
      • The bleeding of the gums over two or more weeks;
      • White spots or wedge-shaped defects on enamel.

      It is not recommended to use the electrical toothbrush to people with dentures, implants and crowns. Under the action of vibrations, their destruction can begin.

      It should also be previously consulted with a doctor about the feasibility of such processing to future mothers and people with problems with the cardiovascular system.

      Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_12

      Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_13


      The classification of electrolates for teeth and the oral cavity includes several types of devices.


      In the case of a conventional electric power, an electric motor is embedded. It activates the movements of two types.

      • Return-rotating - Vile moves around the circumference. In this case, it is necessary to transfer the device from the tooth to the tooth and clean each of them separately.
      • Up down - Movements are similar to what they make a traditional brush when cleaning the teeth.

      Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_14

      Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_15


      Not so long ago, wireless ion devices appeared on the market, they feed from batteries or from the energy of the Sun. The power source is directly connected to the plate made of titanium dioxide. When activated, it forms a stream of negatively charged ions. Despite such a complex structure, this brush looks absolutely usually.

      The advantages of the ionic appliance are obvious.

      • When applying a similar brush The acidity of the oral cavity comes to normal much faster rather than when processing traditional models.
      • When forming ions, electrons are also available in parallel. They contribute to the maximum penetration of toothpaste into a dental fabric, and thus, crystalline formations begin to collapse under the influence of ions, so the ionic brush prevents the appearance of a dental stone.

      Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_16

      Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_17

      At the same time, doctors are skeptical about the declared anti-inflammatory effect of ion devices.

      The usefulness of this device concerns only short therapeutic courses, long-term use is fraught with a deterioration in the state of the oral cavity.

        The use of an ion toothbrush has a number of serious contraindications. It is not recommended for the use of smokers. The fact is that Nicotine has a pathological effect on the oral mucosa. With regular exposure to ions, which also affect the mucous membrane, the risk of inflammatory processes increases in many respects.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_18


        Sound brushes are very popular. Unlike standard They give a high speed air flow. It causes air mixing and liquid media (water and toothpaste) and their subsequent application on the teeth and the action of the air flow.

        Simply put, to achieve the optimal effect, it is not necessary to press the bristles to the surface of the enamel - there will be enough distance in 1-2 mm.

        The speed of such an appliance is so high that during cleaning you can hear the sounds of the movement of the bristles. That is how the device and got its name. Sound waves have a property to penetrate into an intersabolic space where a large number of bacteria and food remains accumulate. In a minute, such a brush makes 10-30 thousand oscillations.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_19

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_20

        The advantages of the device include:

        • minimum risk of damage to gums and dental enamel;
        • Elimination of a soft plaque and solid tartar.

        From disadvantages can be allocated High price. The cost of such a device is much higher than typical solutions. The backbone of use can be attributed to cons. - Sound brushes are not recommended to use people with crowns, veneers and fillings.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_21


        Ultrasonic models are considered the most advanced and progressive variety of electrical appliances for processing the oral cavity. The first patented brush was represented in the United States in 1992 and since then does not inferior its leading positions in power.

        Initially, the processing of ultrasound was performed solely in dental offices.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_22

        According to functions, such devices are almost no different from the sound, the difference is intensity. For example, sound brushes can perform 10-30 movements per minute, the ultrasonic option is able to provide up to 2 million movements during the same time. Thus, Ultrasonic electric brush can be called a unique professional tool that provides an unprecedented purity of even the most hard-to-reach sections of the oral cavity.

        Disadvantages of ultrasound brushes are the same as the sound. This is the most expensive option for domestic use. The price of similar products comes to 10 thousand rubles.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_23

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_24

        Method of work

        From the time of autonomous work, the ease of operation of the device directly depends. That's why Do not ignore what product is functioning on the source of energy . Electrokers are accumulating and battery-operated batteries.


        To ensure continuous operation in an electric toothbrush, the battery is embedded. The kit includes a base for recharging connecting to the AC network. Rechargeable products before use need to be charged, On average, the cost of charging is 10-20 hours. Controlling the charge level is made using a special indicator.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_25

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_26

        On batteries

        The cheapest model of dental brushes work on removable power elements. After discharge, they are subject to replacement. The total battery purchase costs may pour into a considerable amount, so the purchase of battery models is considered more practical.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_27

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_28

        How to choose?

        In the modern market, you can find many models of electrical toothbrushes of various manufacturers. There are American, German, Chinese, Korean and Japanese models in stores. Brushes have different technical and operational characteristics and design.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_29

        When choosing the optimal model, it is necessary to take into account the set of factors that affect the functionality of the electric power.

        • Stiffness of bristles . The flexible pile - the more qualitatively it will clean the hard-to-reach areas. But it is important that the bristle remains tough, otherwise it will not be highly removed by falling and solid deposits. Therefore, for healthy gums and teeth, the optimal model will become a bristled medium hardness.
        • Head parameters . The size of the workspace is important: the smaller the device will be the head, the greater the possibilities it will open for the full processing of each individual tooth, interdicable space and gums. The universal is considered to be size from 18 to 30 mm, the exact parameters are determined based on the age of the user. So, for adults is preferable to the maximum head size of 30 mm, and for children it is better the model of a head of 20-25 mm.
        • Bristle density. When choosing an electric brush for children, appliances are recommended appliances with a number of beams 20-25 pieces. When a complete bite change occurs in adolescence, you can move to models with the number of beams up to 40 pieces. Adults can be taken with 50-55 beams.
        • Operating principle . Different models of brushes provide variable velocity modes and the nature of the working head movement. Some nozzles make pulsating movements, others - reciprocating. The pulsating effectively remove the raids and are fighting well with deposits, but they can injure sensitive enamel and are not recommended for inflamed mucous membranes. Recurrent movements provide more careful cleaning, they will become a good solution for children, older users, also for people with sensitive enamel.
        • Possibility of adjusting pressure . The most modern electrical brushes are equipped with a pressure sensor and can independently adjust the speed of the head. When active pressure on enamel occurs, such a brush slightly deflects the working area and thereby protects it from injury and damage.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_30

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_31

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_32

        And of course, it is worth paying attention to design Device. So, for adults is a white or black model. For children, pink, blue, orange and other color samples are preferred.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_33

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_34

        Of all the variety of dental devices presented in the market, several models can be distinguished, which deserved the most positive feedback from users and dentists.

        Oral-B Professional Care 700

        Oral-B is one of the leading firms in the production of the new generation electric boosters. This model has a rounded head shape, which allows to perform alternate cleaning of each tooth. The package includes an additional nozzle with a painted pile - it is a peculiar indicator of the quality of the brush worniness. Once the paint comes down, the nozzle is subject to replacement. This device produces 9 thousand directed and 20 thousand pulsating movements per minute.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_35

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_36

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_37

        KOLIBREE V1.

        The bristles of such a brush make low-amplitude fluctuations - up to 15 thousand movements per minute. The device provides only one mode of operation. Nevertheless, it copes with 100% with his main task.

        The set includes two spare nozzles with bristle medium hardness. The battery, the built-in timer, Bluetooth and the ability to connect to the smartphone to collect statistics on time costs for hygienic procedures and the quality of treatment of the oral cavity are provided.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_38

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_39

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_40

        Oral-B Smart 6 6000N

        Another wireless device from Oral-B for the whole family. It has three round nozzles designed to process each tooth separately by rotational and translational movements. There are nozzles for bleaching.

        The device works in several modes: massage, delicate, standard and bleaching. Combined head movements: pulsating up to 48 thousand per minute and directed up to 11 thousand per minute. The kit includes rechargeable charging, Bluetooth with a smartphone and pressure sensor.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_41

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_42

        How to use?

        The treatment of oral cavity is occupied by a conventional toothbrush 3-5 minutes. Electrical acts much faster - thereby significantly save the time and effort of the user. However, that the procedure is not only effective, but also safe, it is necessary to step by step to disassemble the correct procedure for the use of equipment.

        To begin, it should be moistened with a brush with water and apply the healing paste - To effectively clean the oral cavity, a ball with a diameter of 4-5 mm will be enough.

        Turn on the speed mode. It can be gentle or maximum. After that, you can start cleaning the outer side of the teeth.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_43

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_44

        The sequence of teeth treatment does not matter. You can first clear the upper jaw, and then go to the bottom or do the other on the contrary - it is non-procurement. Movements must be smooth, one tooth is allocated for 1-2 seconds. The brush is kept at an angle of 45 degrees.

        After external cleaning, you can proceed to the processing of the inner side of the teeth. The principle of operation here is similar - the brush with smooth movements move from one tooth to another. To clean the front teeth, the brush is turned over in the vertical direction.

        Special attention should be paid Cleaning chewing teeth. They are more at risk of developing pulpitis and caries. It should be cleaned on each side very carefully. During this processing, easy pressure on the brush is allowed - this will allow you to completely clean the interdigable space.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_45

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_46

        After cleaning the solid tissues, you can move to the cleaning of the gums and the language. To do this, you can use a special nozzle for massage a game or to process the turned off the device.

        After completion of hygienic procedures, you need Wash the nozzle thoroughly with running water. Most well-known manufacturers produce special disinfector cases for their devices - they allow you to completely deliver the brush from pathogenic microflora. Keep the brushes in the bathroom on the stand in a special case - it will significantly extend the life of the device.

        When using an electrical toothbrush, at least one or twice a week, it is necessary to alternate with the traditional one. Dentists argue that in this way you will reduce the load on enamel.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_47

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_48

        Review reviews

        User reviews about electrical dental instruments are the most positive. Their owners argue that the use of such devices significantly simplifies the cleaning procedure and allows you to save time. In the case of proper use, the processing increases the life of the teeth, allows you to noticeably improve their condition and view.

        The big advantage is considered Ensuring efficient and high-quality oral hygiene at home . Buying such a brush eliminates the need to regularly visits the dentist for professional cleansing.

        The electric power will become the best solution for people with motility pathologies and impaired coordination of movements. The mechanism is programmed to make cleaning movements, and the user does not need to do them yourself. At the same time, cleaning does not require the availability of special skills to work with the device.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_49

        If you purchase several replaceable nozzles, then such a brush can be used as a family. It is suitable for children, and for users of mature age. The most important thing - Correct the device.

        The use of an electrical toothbrush, according to buyers, is Good prevention of oral diseases, inflammatory processes of solid and soft tissue atrophy. In general, the use of such a brush prevents the development of dental problems and improves the type of teeth, allows you to comprehensively care for them. However, the procedure has a lot of contraindications, so before you buy a stack, it is necessary to obtain the recommendations of the attending dentist.

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_50

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_51

        Electric toothbrushes (52 photos): good electrolates for teeth. How to choose an adult? Pros and cons, dentists reviews 16160_52

        An even more interesting information about electric toothbrushes, you will learn from the following video.

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