How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want


Brush teeth - skill, habit, hygienic procedure, the need for which does not need argumentation. Another question is that teach a child to the daily cleaning of the teeth sometimes becomes a real challenge. Someone peacefully follows the lessons of the parent, and someone avoids the ritual under any pretext. Fortunately, there is a way out, and not one.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_2

How to instill an understanding of the need for cleaning?

All lectures, notations, conversations and other things are illustrative, terribly tedious for the submission "Content" need to immediately cross out the teachment plan. A small child needs to explain vital things in the language that is understandable to him, and most importantly is interesting. At about 2 years, the child already confidently takes the brush, less confident, but still squeezes the paste on the brush and makes movements that can be attributed to the cleaning of the teeth. If this is an automatic ritual, the baby is unlikely to do it with due zeal.

He needs an argument - why clean, and why it is interesting.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_3

In understanding the need for hygienic procedures, various things help.

  • Educational cartoons. For example, "Good Dr. Dentist", "Bird Tari". The guys are passionately watch cartoons that explain clearly, brightly, natively what the parents want from them. If a cartoon especially liked the baby, you can draw (make a screen, print) a loved one and glue it temporarily on the bathroom door. A good association will work.

  • Reading fairy tales. Many children are audiors, they are impressive heard. Therefore, the teach can be brushing the teeth and thus. Moreover, the fairy tale can be the authorship of parents, a multi-siele, and each new series tells the child only after the ritual of the cleaning of the teeth.

  • Developing books. Those the most, in which there are windows and pockets, where you can literally open your mouth with a character and see what inside.

  • Puppet show. To play the scene of the unfortunate animal, which has no paste and brushes, and parents themselves.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_4

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_5

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_6

The result is clear: in the game form you need to tell the child that it is important to clean the teeth, and that he also grew up and finally gets his brush, his pasta and a children's teeth cleaning timer. Timers are different: some are sold along with pasta. You can simply just buy small hourglass, and until the sand is slept, the child 2 minutes obediently cleans the teeth. Of course, those parents will win who solemnly beat the moment of growing up: a brush can be tied with a ribbon or put in a bright box and leave on a children's bedside table. As a gift from the dental fairies.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_7

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_8

How to teach properly brushing your teeth?

Suppose the baby understood the importance of the procedure, does not argue with his parents and is actively going to the bathroom. But even more importantly, he cleans his teeth correctly, did not formal procedure.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_9

Time allotted for cleaning - 2 minutes at a minimum. For the baby, it is possible to increase to 3 minutes, because it is still a nonoraptic. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening, in no way.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_10

We will examine on points of the rules for cleaning teeth for kids.

  1. Toothbrush keep at an angle of 45 degrees. At first, the parent shows on himself, then puts his hand to the baby. So that the baby does not come down from the course, you can show the technique on the toy: Mom holds a bear and brush in his paw and notes how properly the bear holds the brush. A child with pleasure repeats independently.

  2. The movements of the brush are swept away from the gums to the edge of the tooth. It is convenient to show in a book with bulk images.

  3. Teeth clean outside and inside, not "offending" none of the sides. And be sure to clean the language, because the procedure refers to the oral hygiene, and therefore it is necessary to put in order and teeth and the tongue.

  4. The chewing surface of the teeth is cleaned by progressive circular motions. The child repeats for adults. It is possible to call this movement "bounce" - the kid with pleasure steep brushes on the surface of the tooth. You can do it at the expense.

  5. Shine jaw, you need to massage gums. The child is explained that the gums are like a garden, of which the teeth grow. And they must be poured, just gently and neatly.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_11

To teach correctly clean - the matter is not one day. It is impossible to rush and scold a baby who does not immediately understand, makes clumsily and frustrated because of his misses. This is training, with your success and failures. Of course, crumb need to motivate. For example, on the inside of the bathroom door to attach the "poster of achievements". If the baby successfully coped, point out this business to a cheerful sticker opposite the date or day of the week in such a poster calendar. Either allow the baby to choose the incentive sticker from the set.

Everything that the parent beats, the child absorbs much more successful.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_12

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_13

What if the child refuses?

Perhaps he was frightened, and it's only in this. For example, the first paste had an unpleasant taste. Or on the day before, he first got to the dentist, and he didn't like it at all. Finally, For a two-year-old baby, it can be difficult, or some other associations do not allow him to quietly learn such an easy thing.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_14

If the child does not want / does not like to brush his teeth, parents tricks are going.

  1. People can persuade his favorite toy. It all depends on the efforts of parents. Almost a win-win option - write a mini-cartoon. Dad or mom sit under the table, hold in their hands (unnoticed) beloved bear / baby bunny. And that next to a glass, in which the children's pasta and a pretty brush are banging, asks the kid to follow his example and be sure to clean the teeth. The voice can be later in the simplest installation program to change the cartoon. For a child, such a cartoon will be a miracle, and, quite likely, Mishke or Bunny will manage to persuade the child.

  2. Share that the pasta was offended by the baby and went somewhere. Of course, there is a little acting craftsmanship here, so that mom with dad is enthusiastically looking for a tube throughout the house. The child should want to participate in search. And, of course, should be the one who will find it. Probably loyalty to cleaning will increase after such an adventure.

  3. Find a very good doctor who, like a magician, shows wonderful tools and gives some kind of medical smallers from the discharge "miracle wonderful" for the kid. There are such doctors, and if you bring references, you can find a doctor in a bright form, with jokes-additives, a colorful office, where everything leads the child to delight. Sometimes after such an excursion to the supercabinet, the baby changes his opinion on the cleaning of the teeth.

  4. Trust the child to choose the paste and brush for yourself. Such conditions are bribed.

  5. During cleaning, turn on a funny song that Karapuz wants to hear more than once.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_15

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_16

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_17

But there are things that do not do.

  1. Scare terrible stories about Caries and hellish dental pain. It is not a fact that the bridge of associations will be in the baby's head correctly. Perhaps a terrible story will be associated only with pasta and brush.

  2. Provise candy or other food, yummy for each cleaning ritual. It is wrong with any of the parties, it diminishes the authority of the parent and also builds incorrect connections. The logic should be simple: to clean the teeth is useful and great, because I want to be healthy, smart and just well done. And not because I will give something for it.

  3. Threaten the dental chair. All threats, except for paralyzing fear, do not cause anything. "To intimidate" is the most stubble tactic about a small child.

  4. Shout and punish. As a rule, it does not give anything good. As a rule, it builds far from trust and warm relationships between the child and parents. If the baby becomes brushing the teeth, the fear of punishment, then it will do it bad, without any understanding of the value of the process.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_18

Although one of the ways and techniques can work. Of course, the parent needs to be patient and be ready to show the most creative approach.

Useful recommendations to parents

Children's psychologists, having enlisted by the help of children's dentists, developed not one list of recommendations that significantly facilitate the process of teaching the child to clean the teeth. Parents note - the most interesting tips from these lists.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_19

  • It is impossible to crush. This will cause response to the baby. More humor, patience, readiness for the conversation and understanding views from the elder - it has any baby. Just someone faster, someone is not immediately.

  • This example is required. The child should see how pleasure and how diligently parents brush their teeth every morning and every evening. To the music, dancing, smiling in the mirror - as you like, but such a positive reinforcement works too.

  • Fixing success. Everyone needs praise, and even children - no doubt. And oral first. Gifts are good, but not all efforts must have a material remuneration. But the sincere parent delight, lunizing, admiration is just as important for the baby, they tell him a lot about themselves and build warm relationships with the elders.

  • Accustomed to the hike to the dentist. Let it go into parallels with teeth cleaning. The earlier the baby will understand that the doctor has fun, in cognitive and does not hurt, the more likely that this association will be for life. Do not pull the moment of visiting a dentist and make it sacred: the lighter and more fun, the less fear of the child. Of course, the doctor needs to choose good.

  • Some magic. There are children's pastes on sale, which change color during cleaning. The foam becomes green, and this focus is possible only if you clean your teeth. Children such fiction leaves no indifferent.

  • Compete. Who is better cleaned - a child or dad, you can spend such a competition. Of course, the dad will have to play giveaway, but it is for the sake of a common cause. Mama-judge strictly and rightly will lead the verdict, the winner of Glory and honor. And let him still read the dad, who suddenly forgot the rules of cleaning.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_20

It turns out that all charts, cleaning calendars, strict rules are needed by parents, and the baby comprehends such things in the game form. And if moms and dads will remember this, with a guarantee of almost 100% of the problems with the training of oral hygiene in the family will not be.

How to teach a child to brush your teeth? How to teach it with the help of a cleaning calendar and children's timer in 2-3 years? Learning hygiene if he does not want 16153_21

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