Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque?


Dentation of dental enamel is a common problem of many people. For bleaching, you can resort to the services of the dentist, however, such procedures will cost much. To make enamel on a few tones lighter at home, it is better to use a special pencil for whitening teeth. It is characterized by efficiency and ease of use.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_2

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_3


Handles for removing plaque from teeth massively produced by manufacturers from Europe and Asia. Visually such means are similar. They resemble lipstick, pencil, container from under the spirits. In a compact case there is a gel-shaped agent designed to apply to enamel.

Most existing tools are made on the basis of hydrogen peroxide. When applied to the dental enamel, chemical reactions occur, during which peroxide breaks into water and oxygen. The latter penetrates down the enamel, lengthening the teeth and breaking the bacterial bloom.

To achieve the desired result, you will need to use a gel pencil for 10 days.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_4

The effect of clarifying agents is based not only on teeth whitening. In its composition, they often contain fluorine, calcium, flavoring additives. Thanks to these components, the microflora in the oral cavity is improved, breathing becomes fresh.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_5

BELITIVE - Find for coffee lovers, strong tea and smokers. They are most often faced with the problem of Motniming Enamel. However, you can not use dental pencils. Such funds have a number of contraindications. They are not recommended to use:

  • Women in the period of tooling the child and lactation;
  • people with increased enamel sensitivity;
  • for diseases of teeth and gums (caries, paradontitis);
  • with existing crowns and fillings on teeth in visible zones;
  • persons having braces and other orthodontic designs;
  • People with piercing in the mouth or cheeks;
  • persons under the age of 18.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_6

Pencils can cause serious allergic reactions, therefore, with individual intolerances of 1 or several components that are part of the gels, it is advisable to abandon their use.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_7

Advantages and disadvantages

Whitening pencil for teeth is compact and easy to use. Due to the small size, it will not take a lot of space in a small ladies' handbag. At the same time, the procedure for whitening enamel can be produced anywhere - it is very convenient for people whose activity is related to long-term business trips.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_8

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_9

Other key advantages of the bleach handle:

  • Accessibility - pencils are sold in pharmacies and shops specializing in the sale of cosmetics products can also be ordered in online stores;
  • a large range - on sale there are gels of various brands that differ in price, composition, efficiency;
  • Economical consumption of composition - means applied to enamel through a special dispenser;
  • efficient removal of soft plaque;
  • elimination of dark spots on enamel;
  • prevention of active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • more careful whitening compared to professional hardware technologies;
  • Available pencil cost;
  • Safety for teeth subject to the usage rules and precautions.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_10

Whitening pencils have some drawbacks. Significant minus consumers include a short effect. With the termination of the use of the handle, after a few days, the teeth begin to shut again. Another significant disadvantage is an increase in the sensitivity of the teeth, especially with uncontrolled application. To level this minus, dentists recommend choosing pasta for sensitive enamel.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_11


Whitening dental pencils are classified depending on the active substance used.

Based on hydrogen peroxide

In small quantities, this component quickly removes bacterial deposits on the teeth and contributes to their lightening. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide in gels should not be higher than 12%. The most secure are the compositions in which the content of this component is within 5-10%. The excess of hydrogen peroxide may result in damage to the enamel and the development of caries. The use of pencils with an excessive substance content leads to thinning the protective layer of teeth and an increase in their sensitivity.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_12

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_13

Based on carbamide peroxide

This substance is more "gentle" an analogue of hydrogen peroxide containing urea. Peroxide carbamide acts slower, but at the same time he "softer" for enamel. Basically, bleach pencils contain no more than 15% of this component.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_14

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_15

Best manufacturers

Whitening pencils offer many brands. Consider the most popular products and its features.

  • Teeth Whitening Pen. Product of the American brand. Contains 10% carbamide peroxide, carbomer, peppermint oil and other auxiliary components. It is easy to use due to the absence of the need for flushing. It has weak performance, which is why it is recommended to be used after the hardware whitening of the teeth to secure the result obtained.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_16

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_17

  • Luxury White Pro. One of the most effective funds recommended by dentists. Contains 35% of carbamide peroxide. According to research, the pencil contributes to the lightening of enamel on 4-6 tones. Its advantages include high percentage of urea, rapid drying, to disadvantages - high cost.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_18

  • Global White. An innovative 5 ml gel pencil containing active oxygen, potassium nitrate and xylitis. There are funds with different tastes (fruit mix, apple, mint, raspberry and others). Promotes teeth whitening, respiratory refreshing, suppressing bacteria causing caries.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_19

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_20

  • White Kiss. This is a whitening pencil made by the Spanish company. Its composition is 10% of carbamide peroxide. According to the manufacturer, regular use of the handle contributes to the lightening of enamel in 10 days. To reduce the sensitivity of the teeth, the manufacturer has included in xylitol and calcium fluoride.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_21

  • Rocs. The remedy that has proven itself when removing a dark fly from coffee and tea. Effectively eliminates the coloring pigments. The main feature of the handle is the presence of brushes for polishing on both sides of the brush, providing a convenient application of the composition on the lateral parts of the teeth.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_22

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_23

  • Yotuel Whitening Pen. Whitening pencils made on the basis of carbamide peroxide. In the manufacture of funds, the manufacturer pays special attention to their design. There are helves for men in the form of fountain, as well as solutions for women in the form of lipstick.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_24

Pencils-bleach for teeth are sold in a wide range, because of which consumers are difficult to decide on the choice. There are several criteria for which you need to pay attention when buying a clarifying handle.

How to choose?

When buying a dental bleach first, you need to see the composition. Dentists are not advised to acquire the gels for cleaning enamels, which contain more than 15% hydrogen peroxide or carbamide. The excess number of these components weakens the dental enamel leads to its hypersensitivity, and with uncontrolled application to various diseases of the oral cavity. Dentists recommend to give preference to gel containing calcium - it helps strengthen the enamel and the leveling of the negative impact of peroxide.

In order not to make mistakes and buy quality products, it is necessary to choose products of famous brands. In addition, the price of a pencil is important.

Effective and safe tool can not cost cheaply. Usually the cost of the bleach corresponds to its quality.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_25

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_26

How to use?

Before applying a pencil-bleach, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions from the manufacturer. In order not to harm health, you need to strictly follow all the prescriptions. Depending on the means, it must be applied to the teeth 1 or several times a day. Most gels need to be used regularly for 1 or 2 weeks.

For teeth whitening with a pencil, several actions should be performed:

  • rinse with mouth with water;
  • remove the residues of moisture from the teeth - for this you can use napkins;
  • Applying the gel with a thin and smooth layer on the surface of the teeth (at the same time the mouth must be kept open for 3-5 minutes until the gel drying).

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_27

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_28

Most gels do not require watering with water, however, some funds require removal or additional rinsing. After using a pencil, it is not recommended to eat for 30 minutes. To achieve the desired result, you need to use gel daily. You should not withstand the tooth on the teeth longer than the time-specified time. Otherwise, irritation may arise in the oral cavity.

An increase in exposure time also leads to the thinning of dental enamel.

Pencils for teeth whitening: TEETH WHITENING PEN, Global White and others. How to use dental handles to remove the plaque? 16150_29

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