When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery?


Caring for a child, his health, health, development is the main task that is facing parents. Many young and still completely inexperienced moms and dads face many situations for the first time in life, and they have many questions, one of which - when to start brushing the teeth to the child.

The question is very relevant and correct, and it is often addressed to pediatricians, and dentists, reread various forums. In this article we will try to give the most accurate and correct information about when it is worth starting to teach the kid to the cleaning of the teeth.

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_2

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_3

Suitable age

It is necessary to brush the teeth to the child, this is the golden rule that every parent must learn. Hygiene of teeth and oral cavity is a guarantee of health and a real opportunity to avoid unpleasant, especially for children, hiking to the dentist. But when is the appropriate age, from which you can start brushing your teeth to your chad? The fact is that no one can give a clear answer, because it all depends on the physiology and the active development of the kid himself.

One child's teeth begin to rub off in 4-6 months, another - in 9, and so on. There are many disputes on this issue. Someone claims that it is not necessary to teach the baby to the cleaning of the teeth while it is on breastfeeding, others, are generally waiting until he is 2-3 years old.

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_4

But in fact, you need to teach the child to clean the teeth as soon as possible. This is necessary for several reasons.

  • The appearance of caries on the teeth will not allow. Children's teeth are more prone to caries, than permanent adults. This is due to the features of enamel, which in small children is soft and thin. Damage to enamel in children's teeth caries is fraught with the appearance of diseases such as tonsillitis and pyelonephritis.
  • Prevents dental pain. If you do not follow the hygiene and purity of the oral cavity, his teeth will begin to root, since various bacteria will appear in the mouth and multiplies. Most often, such situations end in visiting the dental cabinet and the removal of a sore tooth. Milk teeth should fall out naturally. Otherwise, if the tooth breaks the doctor earlier than he was going to fall out, a bite could break, and other teeth sprinkle.
  • Develop the development of infectious diseases. Even if the child is still on breastfeeding and does not use any other food, except for milk, but he has already cut the teeth, they need to be cleaned.

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_5

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_6

Let's look at what you can brush the teeth to the child depending on its age.

  • Up to 6 months This can be done by a gauze tampon moistened in boiled water, a napkin-an attack or a dental napkin. The napkin-the attack perfectly cleans gums and teeth from the fall, relieves pain from teething and prevents the appearance of caries. Dental napkins serve as an excellent cleansing and disinfectant - this is a kind of safe antiseptic.
  • From 6 months before the year, the cleaning of the teeth can be performed by a soft silicone brush. It is absolutely safe, equipped with a convenient and non-slip handle, does not harm the gums and teeth, does not cause painful sensations. With this brush, the baby can even even try to brush his teeth.
  • Starting from 2 years of age, you can already give the child a real toothbrush. You need to choose a brush, the diameter of the head of which does not exceed 1.5 centimeters. The bristle should be soft, the handle is comfortable, and the edges are maximally rounded.

It is very important to choose the child a proper toothbrush, and most importantly, safe. When buying, it is not necessary to consider the cheapest options, most likely, such a product is not distinguished by high quality and safety levels. Take care of the health of the teeth and the oral cavity of your child, buy a good brush from a reliable and verified manufacturer.

It is best to buy in pharmacies or specialized stores. In such places, certified and high-quality products are most often for sale.

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_7

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_8

Children's toothpaste is another important aspects of the hygiene of the children's oral cavity. The choice of children's toothpaste needs to be approached as responsibly as to choosing a toothbrush. The modern market offers a wide selection and assortment of toothpaste for children's dairy teeth. You need to pay attention to a number of aspects.

  • Composition of funds. In no case in the composition of pasta for cleaning children's teeth should not be fluorine and any other abrasive substance, dyes and preservatives. It should be characterized by the presence of xylitis, natural medicinal plants, milk enzymes, calcium, microelements.
  • It is desirable that the hygiene tool is tasteless, or a lightweight mint is present in it.
  • Shelf life. This information is required to be indicated by the manufacturer on the tube.
  • Admissible to use the age of the child.
  • Manufacturer. Just as when choosing a toothbrush, it is better to give preference, albeit more expensive, but reliable brand.

Doctors dentists argue that it is impossible to clean the teeth to the child of paste, if he has not yet been 1.5 years old.

Remember: If you have doubts about choosing a paste or brush, it is best to apply for advice to a specialist, namely: to the children's dental doctor. A qualified doctor will examine the mouth of the baby and advises exactly those hygiene products that are suitable.

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_9

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_10

When can I independently begin brushing your teeth?

Absolutely all children are different. Someone more independent, others love to take care of them. It all depends exclusively on the child himself and on how parents themselves will prepare the baby to this process. Given the experience and recommendations of specialists, it is safe to assert that the child aged 2 years can easily cope with the brushing of teeth.

If, from the moment of the appearance of the teeth, the child is familiar with the toothpaste, the brush and knows how to clean it, you do not need to delay this moment. The earlier the baby learns to clean his teeth on his own, the better.

Consider what you need to make parents so that everything goes smoothly, and the child himself wanted to clean his teeth alone.

  • The main thing is to purchase a safe toothbrush that will not cause painful sensations in the process of cleaning, and the paste. Toothpaste can be with some taste - such like children.
  • Explain and show exactly how to perform cleaning so as not to miss any tooth.
  • Teach the kid to hold a toothbrush in his hands.
  • Talk about how cool to be independent.

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_11

Practice shows that all children copy the behavior of their parents. That is why in order to simplify the process, mom or dad must be coexisted in the morning and in the evening - and together go and brush your teeth. Be an example for your child. And after some time, the baby, having undermined the experience of parents, will begin to clean the teeth.

Of course, there are repeated cases when the kid shall refuse to become independent. Most often it is due to the fact that the child is afraid of a toothbrush, perceives it as some kind of enemy object. In such situations, it is not necessary to exercise pressure. Act better carefully. It is necessary to talk to the child, find out the reason for his fears, even go with him to the store - let him choose the brush for himself, which he likes.

Various psychological techniques helps well when the cleaning of the teeth turns into a kind of interesting game, which is accompanied by songs or dances. The main thing is not to overdo it so that it does not get into the habit.

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_12

Psychologists recommend not to let everything in samonek. Some parents are confident that when the time comes, the child will take and the brush itself, and the paste - and will begin to brush his teeth. No, if you do not take it to this, it will not begin to follow the oral hygiene.

How many years can you go to an adult toothpaste?

Children's dental doctors unanimously recommend parents not to rush to teach the child to clean the teeth with an adult toothpaste. According to experts, children's teeth may suffer from adult toothpaste. It is no secret that such hygiene products may contain chemical components and aggressive substances in their composition, which is why they cope so well with a flare, dental stone and gum inflammation.

If the parents begin to start teaching the child to clean the teeth of adults for adults, there is a high probability that enamel in children's dairy teeth will be damaged, and this is fraught with serious consequences.

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_13

Absolutely all adult toothpastes contain a fluorine element in its composition, which is categorically not recommended for children.

From all of the above, it follows that the child can begin to brush the teeth of paste for adults only when he had all the milk teeth and grown permanent. The constant teeth are strong, the enamel on them is no longer mild, and the mucous milk of the oral cavity by that time will not suffer from the very fluorine or other abrasive components.

Given the large range of children's toothpastes that are safe, natural and perfectly copble with such common diseases, like carious manifestation, hurry with the transition to the means of another age level is not worth it.

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_14

When to start brushing teeth baby? How old can the child be accustomed to adult toothpaste? How many years do you need to use a nursery? 16139_15

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