How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth?


About how to bring teeth properly, we are told from early childhood. However, often after visiting the dentist, it turns out that even adult people clean their teeth. From this and all the problems associated with the health of the teeth. Therefore, it is very important to pay proper attention to the teeth.

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_2

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_3

What to brush your teeth?

Morning toilet, like evening care, is simply unthinkable without cleaning the teeth. And it should be not just a tick event. It is necessary to care for the oral cavity, applying all the necessary tools for this procedure and observing the cleaning scheme.


Everything begins with a selection of brush. In most cases, it is worth listening to the advice of your dentist, which knows better than you, what problems are in the oral cavity. Brushes are hard, soft and medium stiffness. Just the last option is chosen most often, because excessively soft brushes can poorly purify enamel, and too hard can injure gums.

But In some cases, the dentist may recommend to use these species for some time. For example, if the gums are inflamed and their treatment occurs, for some time you need to use a softer brush. If, on the contrary, you need to pay attention to the teeth, remove the flare or whiten them, you can choose a more hard version for a while. Brushes can have different handles, straight or at an angle. The bristles can also be located in different ways - even rows or different heights. Color range is also very diverse.

In any case, it is worth remembering that the brush must be changed regularly - at least once three months. In addition, it should be well rinsed after each cleaning and store properly.

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_4

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_5

There are special cases for brushes, which allow you not to settle dust particles on it and not to fall bacteria. The brush can be both fully in the case and only its upper part, where the bristle is located.

Some instead of ordinary brushes prefer to use electric. She really effectively removes the flare and cleans his teeth well. But the dentists do not recommend using it every day in the morning and in the evening, but only 3 times a week. It is even less likely to use an ultrasonic brush, which also struggles well with a raid.

In addition, you should not forget that the brushes are good assistants:

  • herors;
  • dental threads;
  • irrigators.

The brush is not able to clean the interdigible spaces as these objects are able to cope with this. And irrigators to the whole other and massage the gums, thereby improving their blood circulation.

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_6

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_7


Paste today in stores a great set - domestic and foreign manufacturers. Again, the right choice will help make a dentist based on the features of your teeth and gums. If there is a resistant flare due to regular use of coffee, smoking, you can use whitening paste for two or three months. If it is necessary to prevent the diseases of the gums or their bleeding, you can choose pasta-based pastes.

For children, you need to choose exclusively children's pastes. Their compositions are designed specifically for children's teeth. In addition, accidental swallowing paste is not capable of damaging the stomach. Children's pastes most often have a pleasant aroma and taste to make cleaning more enjoyable and teach a child to this important procedure. In other cases, it is possible to be guided by its own tastes and readiness to spend this or that amount on the means of hygiene of the oral cavity. In addition, a rinser will be a good addition to the paste, which can be used as the completion of hygienic procedures or between cleaning.

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_8

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_9


Dental powder used to use most often children to inadvertently not to swallow harmful substances contained in toothpastes. Currently, there are a large amount of pastes designed specifically for children. Therefore, the need for dental powders has long disappeared. In addition, it is useful to influence its impact. Dentists believe that with long-term use, the powder has a property of damaging enamel. It can only be used for a while in the absence of other cavity care products.

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_10

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_11

Basic rules cleansing

A very important role in the preservation of teeth is played whether the rules of cleaning are observed. Consider some of them.

  • Hygienic treatment of the oral cavity should cover all sections, even the most difficult to reach. Only with the surface of the teeth, the gum, the tongue is removed by flare and bacteria.
  • Teeth are cleaned in the morning (after breakfast or on an empty stomach) and at night. These are mandatory cleaning. But you can clean several times a day, after each meal. Provided that the gums were inflamed or climb wisdom teeth, day cleaning can be replaced by rinse with special means.
  • In order to clean the teeth and children well, and adults are enough to squeeze on the brush with only one pea pea peas. This will be enough to remove all bacteria and fall. The main thing is to properly make the brush manipulation. First of all, it moves up, down, and not horizontal. Circular are used only as additional.
  • But in order to effectively clean all the surfaces in the oral cavity, one toothbrush is not enough. Badly purified gaps between the teeth are badly affected by the general condition of the teeth. Therefore, the stuck food must be removed with the help of a dental filament, and the flight to remove the rash.
  • Do not hurry when cleaning the teeth. This needs to be given for at least five minutes, carefully cleaned all the surfaces and hard-to-reach places.
  • In addition, it is necessary to visit the dentist at least twice a year, if necessary, professional cleansing and tell me how to properly carry out home care, which brush and the paste choose than further can be used.

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_12

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_13


Most often, the cleaning of the teeth does not pay sufficient attention, assuming that the cleaning method is only one and just a few movements of the brush, so that the teeth are clean and healthy. However, it is not. And in order to avoid caries and other unpleasant consequences, your teeth need to be cleaned not quickly, but carefully, by observing certain schemes for cleaning the front and rear teeth, in hard-to-reach places. The hygienic procedure needs to be paid regularly.

Well clean your teeth will help instructions.

  • First, rinse with water with water, even if there is no doubt about it in its purity. Each time you should apply toothpaste with a pea size. The use of large quantities will only create an excessive amount of foam. And the main functions of cleansing the plaque takes exactly the brush, the paste is only auxiliary means.
  • We place the brush towards the upper row of teeth at an angle of 45 degrees. Up-down movements clean each tooth. The same manipulations are performed from the inside.
  • To clean the root space well, the dentists advise to do this: place the brush horizontally at the very base of the tooth (where it comes into contact with the gums), make a couple of movements left-right and then down. So you need to work hard for each tooth. These motion movements will make it good to clean the root space, where the raid accumulates most often and is poorly cleaned.
  • Next, it should be done with the lower a number of teeth, with the only difference that after horizontal movements you need to send the brush up. This will allow reissue raid from the lower teeth.
  • You also need to do with the side surfaces of the indigenous teeth. Chewing surfaces can be cleaned normally using horizontal movements.
  • Then you need to close my jaws and clean the teeth front and side by rotational movements. This will make the gum massage.
  • After that, it is necessary to pay attention to the language, a large number of bacteria also accumulates on it. To do this, you can buy a scraper or a special brush, which has a special coating on the reverse side.
  • To clearly clean the interdental intervals, you can use the rash. The dentist will tell you which size should be selected in each case. To remove the raid between the teeth, the rash is neatly placed in the interdental gap and carefully move them back and forth. After each tooth, the rash is well washed.
  • An alternative can be a tooth thread. It should be filled with sufficient thread in size, and, reading each tooth, the plot used should be wedging for ease of finger. It is impossible to re-use the same site.
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to rinse the mouth with a special composition. It can be different depending on the destination - to strengthen the enamel, remove the bleeding of the gum, give fresh breath.
  • After completing the cleaning of the teeth, it is necessary to rinse the brush well and put in the case or put into a special cup.
  • Very often, dentists recommend using an irrigator. It is beautifully fighting with a bloom and actively massages the gums, removes the raid in the interdental intervals.

It is very convenient when the braces systems are used, and it is practically impossible to cope with cleaning with one brush alone.

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_14

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_15

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_16

Common mistakes

In most cases, incorrect cleaning can lead to caries, dental stone, gum diseases and other issues. Therefore, it is better not to make mistakes that will be discussed below.

Non-smoke or non-smooth cleaning

Teeth need to be cleaned regularly. With rare cleaning, the territory in the mouth occupies bacteria, the number of which is growing very rapidly, which ends with diseases of gums and teeth. With irregular hygienic procedures, a soft flare accumulates, which over time leads to a dental stone. And in this case only a specialist will help. Professional cleaning cannot be called cheaply, on average, such a procedure is about 5 thousand rubles. Therefore, it is better to clean your teeth regularly to prevent all this.

Non-breaking cleaning is also harmful to the teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to brush your teeth at least three minutes using all the necessary funds.

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_17

Too frequent cleaning

Too frequent cleaning can also harm. The first thing you can do is damage enamel. Especially when it is used too rigid brush or whitening paste. Therefore, the teeth should be cleaned correctly, regularly, but without unnecessary fanaticism. If you want to feel a constant freshness, there is an option to eat chewing gum after eating or using a special rinse, which will kill harmful bacteria and refresh their breath.

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_18

Non-use of dental filament

Toothbrush, whatever good and super-art, it is, clean the raid between the teeth and delete all the remains of food are not able. It often seems that the teeth are absolutely clean, but there is no time on the thread. But actually it is not. It is worth working floss to make sure that food residues are enough. If you ignore this part of the hygienic procedure, with time you can also get caries, and dented stone, and gum inflammation. With all this no longer cope with home procedures. We will have to go to the doctor and spend considerable funds.

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_19

Violation of technology

Some are surprised why the teeth are spoiled, the bleeding gums, because the cleaning of the teeth is regular. The fact is that If you brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening, using high-quality and expensive pastes, but at the same time not to comply with the cleaning technique, there will be no sense. After all, it is the right movements recommended by dentists who can remove the entire flare, which is formed on the teeth due to food, coffee, smoking and other factors.

Therefore, it is impossible to neglect the observance of the technique. Otherwise, more often will have to make professional cleaning from the dentist.

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_20


There are other errors that can lead to certain problems. It is worth considering them too.

  • Use for a long time with a tight or soft brush. The rigid brush is suitable only to people who do not have any problems with the diseases of the oral cavity. In other cases, with long use, it can damage enamel, worsen the state of the gum. A soft brush, on the contrary, can not cope with the raid. On this account, it is better to consult with your doctor.
  • Use incorrect paste. The choice of pastes is very large on store shelves, but you do not always need to buy any paste or guided only by advertising. So, if with a special sensitivity of the enamel, choose whitening paste, you can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, with such a problem, it is necessary to acquire an extremely paste for super-sensitive enamel. Or, for example, with strong gum inflammation, choose a paste with a reinforced effect of freshness. This composition will only annoy the inflamed gums and will not lead to anything good. In such cases, it is better to buy a paste on the basis of herbs and supplement it with a special rinse for the treatment of gums.
  • In addition, it is impossible to use the children of adult paste, and vice versa. Children will not suit such a paste, can cause various irritations and other side effects. And adults simply will not be able to fully cope with cleaning, using the children's paste.
  • Ignoring language cleaning. This is a very important procedure, since a large number of bacteria accumulates in the language. And the care of the oral cavity, even very high quality, is reduced to no, if you neglect this action. It is enough to complete the procedure for cleaning the language with a scraper or a special brush, and many problems will be avoided.
  • Meal after the last cleaning. For the night, it is necessary to brush your teeth for the night, because a large number of bacteria accumulates per day. But in no case cannot eat food and sweet drinks after cleaning, even if it is one sweetie or one sip of sweet tea.
  • Ignore bleeding gums. If the gums are bleeding, it is impossible to be limited only to the cleaning of the teeth. Otherwise, it can lead to very serious problems, up to the loss of the tooth. Therefore, you need to use special appliques from gels, as well as use rinsers. Pastes also need to be selected on herbs, until the gums are put in order.

To avoid a wide variety of mistakes that will lead to unpleasant consequences, at the reception at the dentist, it is necessary not to be ashamed to ask all the questions. It is the doctor will help to navigate in a variety of cavity of the oral cavity and a layout will show how to properly brush your teeth.

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_21

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_22

How to clean your teeth? What a toothbrush and paste them to clean? Cleaning technique. How should the brush teeth cover? What move moves do you need to brush your teeth? 16133_23

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