Summer Makeup: Light Eyes Makeup for Summer, Options in Heat and Other Ideas


Summer makeup requires a special approach - it sounds boring and problematic, and in fact, this is an interesting mini adventure. Because the makeup can be called a way to know ourselves, broadcasting "I-Messages", and, as a man's mood, it happens different, the life period, the need changes and his makeup.

And in the summer it dictates not only the opportunity to emphasize the fundamentally other outfits, but also the characteristics of the climate: to make a persistent, straight makeup makes sense to learn.

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There is only one cosmetic tool, which can be used in the summer, if not without restrictions, then the maximum. This is Sanskrin. But all other cosmetics should be dosed. 7 main rules of summer makeup.

  • Minimal Make . And absolutely no matter what purpose the woman is painted - goes to walk, going to work or rides on vacation. The stage of applying the base in the heat is often skipped, it focuses on working with a consilement.
  • Cream with toning effect and reflective particles in priority. He will suit those girls who are not ready to give up a meech in the summer, even for the sake of a simple walk. The tone will fall in a smooth and light layer, will not be felt in the heat and in the heat.
  • Glitter is good, but it should not be much . And if such a brilliant story is still suitable for a disco or party, then it can be mixed with a fatty natural brilliance, and there will be a failure.
  • Multifunctional products - our everything. And this is not an exaggeration. The era of multifunctional cosmetics came, which is beautiful, from the point of view of conscious consumption. For example, you can use one titt for a jacket and lips. And the multifunctionality of the pencil is difficult to exaggerate: and eyeliner and eyebrows, and light contour under lipstick.
  • Only persistent mascara. In the heat from this rule is not going anywhere. But with the color of the carca you can play as you like: violet, green, blue, burgundy - It is in summer that it becomes unconditionally appropriate.
  • Lipstick is applied in a special way. It is better to do it like this: to drive the pigment with the pads of the fingers on the lips, getting into the napkin and repeat the cycle again, until the color becomes acceptable.
  • No need to smear freckles . In the summer they appear in many, and for some incomprehensible cause of the girl they are shy. Of course, the tone will help muffle the pronounced pigmentation, but if the freckles are a bit, they are only worth emphasizing. For summer makes, they are almost the best natural emphasis.

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In general, summer is a great time for experiments, bold experiments with shadows, berry lipsticks, eye makeup. And it is very important not to forget that makeup is part of the image that should be harmonized with its other components. For example, the eyeliner can be chosen into the tone of servo. And your eyebrows are darker / lighter can in favor of the color of the clothes.

For example, if a girl in a monophonic beige dress, do not need to do coal eyebrows. But if there is an expressive black pattern on the dress, it is possible to darken the eyebrows.

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Choosing cosmetics

There is such a thing as a basic reserve of cosmetics. Summer can be overlooked separately, as in principle, it is logical at the beginning of the season to reboot the cosmetics.

What will happen in this basic summer reserve:

  • Thermal water in a small bottle - healthy refreshes in the heat;
  • Matting napkins - cut off if the skin began to grow oily;
  • Moisturizing cream with protective (sun) factor;
  • Light tonal remedy with a breathable structure;
  • Powder with SPF, so as not to score pores, aligned the tone, protected from the active Sun;
  • Spray for making makeup with a refreshing effect;
  • waterproof mascara;
  • Lip balsam with sunscreen.

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All this in the aggregate will allow you to create a resistant daily makeup, complementary leather in summer with its properties negatively respond to the sun, sweat, etc.

However, universal cosmetics will not throw anywhere, of course. For example, in the summer, the girl may want to make the arrows, make the lips with red lipstick, if the case is suitable. But many people fundamentally want to unload the face in the summer - if a tan appears, it is easier to do it. But even a natural make, very easy, almost imperceptible, too, you need to be able to do.

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Best options

There are 3 popular scripts in demand in summer and having their own implement nuances.

With arrows

Arrows arrows Return, like the shape of the eyes, is very different, and it should be considered in Makeup. For example, the owners of almond eye need to make arrows with thickening to an external corner. The lower eyelid in this case is allocated only partially, only a third. If your eyes have lowered corners, arrows must have expressive long tails, which rush to the temples. For round-eye, arrows with horizontal tails will be suitable, that is, a visually pulling eye shape. Well, women with the hung a century need to make wide arrows, which will be filled out of the visible part of the movable century.

Summer Make options - which arrows can be.

  • Basic model. A smooth and neat arrow is made, emphasizing the line of eyelashes, visually increasing their denatitude. If the intergrant is painted with black, makeup becomes even more expressive.

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  • Option with two ends. Eyelashes will turn out to be visually thicker, the look will gain additional playfulness. And the arrow does not necessarily have black. It is worth noticeing with dark brown, chocolate and coffee cane pencils - they make makeup softer, which is why it can be considered and daily too.

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  • Classic type . The tail and the thin strip along the ciliary row is drawn, then these parts are connected to each other. The arrow is evenly thickened.

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  • Semi-type . If your eyes are located close to each other, it is worth taking such a make. The inner corner of the eye is labeled, and the arrow is drawn only from the middle of the century.

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  • Haute couture. In this case, the arrow fills almost all the eyelids: dark and wide in the upper eyelid, color and bright - on the bottom. This is an option for evening exit or a special occasion.

Once again it is worth emphasizing on colored eyelids or pencils: in summer, when everything is bright and fresh, when the paints are very much, and the color should be used in the face.

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With red lipstick

And in this case, it is necessary to clearly remember the rules that belong to any make of a red lipstick - and the summer, and universal. That's what the rules are.

  • Blushes and lipstick should be harmonious - It's easier not to look for a means in the tone, but to use lipstick as a Rumyan. In the summer it can be done a little less active.
  • With a daily make of the eyes, let them remain "clean", You can do without shadows, eyeliner and even carcasses. If this for some reason is impossible, enough carcasses. But in the evening, the look can be strengthened, make your eyes more expressive. Better if it is graceful arrows.
  • If red lipstick is part of an office image, it is better combined with light outfits (especially shirts and blouses) . Then the choice should fall on matte and cream textures, they will look less than calming.
  • Fashionable and attractive especially in summer - make with the effect of the kissed lips. Lipstick on the lips should be put on the pillows of the fingers, making the characteristic driven movements, and then grow the contours.

The most brave option is the red lips on an absolutely "clean" face. This is when there is a natural tan (or just good skin, which does not need tone alignment), well-groomed eyebrows and red lipstick on the lips.

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No tonal cream

The tonalnik, even the most cool, in the summer of many women only brings: It is hot with him, he "floats", it is difficult to avoid the effect of the mask. I want lightness finally. Of course, this is possible, here are 2 options for the development of events. The first is radical, no tone on the face and point. But it involves good skin, clean, without pronounced defects, as the basis. The second option is a compromise, the tight tone is not used, but it is possible for a CC-cream.

What is CC Cream: This is an improved version of the BB-cream. More clearer did not become, it will have to be explained in more detail. BB-cream (Blamish Balm) is considered a light tone, the texture of which is very gentle, and it is less dense itself than the usual tonalnik. Many representatives of this product are distinguished by the ability to adapt to the skin of a woman, that is, the tone of such a cream can be considered universal.

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So here CC Cream has several translations: Control Color, Complete Control, Color Correction. In fact, it is, it is, this is a universal corrector, which in addition and perfectly moisturizes the skin, nourishes it, protects it from the Sun and is even used as prevention of aging.

For a summer makeboard, in which the skin wants to maximize "relax", CC-cream is a stunning find. If there is a goal to refuse even from it, cooking the skin to the summer season needed in advance. This is moisture, nutrition, skin tone masks, regular use of tissue masks with different functions, patches. And, of course, this is a drinking mode, proper nutrition, hiking to the beautician and much more. Then the makeboard will cost and without a tonalnik. Its foundation will be mascara or lipstick, or both in harmonious proportions.

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Nuances of creation makeup in color eye

And a few more tips that will help make eye color with an additional tool in creating beauty on your face.

Eye color and Summer Make:

  • Blue - Warm and dark palettes of shadows are preferable (beige, dark dairy, champagne), pink and redheads in the summer will look especially convincingly;

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  • Gray - if the color of the eye is gray-blue, the same thing is taken as for blue-eyed girls, if gray-green - brown, golden and khaki in favor;

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  • Carie - Blue and plum tones in front of the eyes will be in the top, as a daily mea, it is worth navigating the style of the Nyud;

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  • Green - Universal gray, golden, bronze and blue-violet, green-eyed goes almost everything.

The face folds not only from the eyes and their colors, it is important to take into account the skin tone, the shape of the eyes and lips, eyebrow features. Therefore, all the advice and recommendations are conditional, go with reservations.

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Beautiful examples

You do not need to be inventing the bike (if, of course, this is not an end in itself), you can always be sprinkled by successful make scenarios and try to repeat. Top 10 Summer Makes for different types of appearance.

  • Everything is clear about the pink shadows: they are in fashion and are very coming by carragelasm and green-eyed. Lips are better to withstand in the same range, it will be organically and fresh.

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  • Here the decisive seems to be the tone: sultry, warm, perfect. In the eyes of golden shadows, brown eyeliner and extension mascara. Highlights are moderately used almost under the complexion.

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  • Colored shadows and eyeliner - this is what is needed for the "Girl-Summer" title. Green shadows, blue kayal on the mucous, create a Hollywood effect, make eyes very expressive.

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  • Yellow shadows are also in fashion, walk in the evening around the city with such a mek, it means that to be noticed. Boldly, accently and bright.

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  • The story about freckles that do not "roll" in tone. Gray-blue eyes are classically underlined with active golden shadows. Mascara is used very dosed. Eyebrows - exactly in today's fashion, without graphic, sharpness. Very gentle make of tanned, blue-eyed girl with rusia hair. And freckles and curls are the highest degree of charm.

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  • The most natural possible and in this case conceptually. Light tender skin, almost porcelain with pinkish subtock, a little carcass on the eyelashes and barely noticeable pink gloss on the lips. Fragility, subtlety and elegance of this image conquer.

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  • Here also the main thing is the tone, the eyes are very delicately shaped - a dark brown pencil and a small amount of velvet carcass. On the lips neutral shine or just balm.

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  • And here is the red lipstick, which is perfectly combined with freckles, dense eyebrows and a good tone. Eyes painted and not necessarily.

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  • One of the cunning techniques of this summer is a color mascara. Against the background of gray shadows, it looks magically.

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  • In the lead role in this make - highlight. The rest is still almost and not touched with cosmetics.

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In the next video, you will be waiting for the creation of a beautiful summer make-up with a palette Revolution Reloaded Fundamental.

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