VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use


In the life of each modern woman, depilation is one of the most important and necessary cosmetic and hygienic procedures. Depilation cream is a painless and convenient way to use independently, while habitual conditions. Especially popular cream for intimate zones from the Veet series.

VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_2

VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_3

VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_4


The composition of the depilation cream VEET includes substances of chemical origin, which contribute to the destruction of the structure of the outer part of the hair . The bulb of the hair follicle remains unharmed. The result from this cosmetics is preserved for 1-2 weeks, after which the procedure is repeated. The hairs that grow up after depilation becomes soft and thin.

VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_5

Among the reasons why VEET cream to depilation of intimate zones has gained popularity and recognition from the ladies, they allocate the following:

  • Availability - a relatively low cost of a cosmetic makes it possible to purchase it to anyone;
  • The cream is designed for special technology and is designed for its use on particularly sensitive parts of the body; I carefully affecting the skin, the remedy softens and removes the hair, not traumating the epidermis;
  • The use of cream is absolutely painless, in the process of depilation there are no unpleasant sensations or a sense of discomfort; This is especially important for those who have a low pain threshold, in connection with which such procedures, like wax depilation, shugaring, etc. Man cannot suffer;
  • Cream is designed for home use; It is enough to familiarize themselves with the instructions attached to it;
  • High impact speed: only 10-15 minutes spent on the procedure - and women's skin will become smooth and silky;
  • The VEET cream does not dry the skin on intimate zones, does not cause negative reactions after use;
  • The regular use of this depilator leads to gradual thinning of hairs; As a result, they become like a cannon, each time everything is easier to eliminate;

VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_6

VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_7

VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_8

Cream is convenient to use in hard-to-reach areas of the body.


    Despite all the positive qualities of the veet depilation cream, it may not be suitable. Special attention should be paid to several nuances.

    • Low efficiency. In some cases, hair has an extremely rigid structure and with difficulty can be exposed to depilation cream. In this case, the hairproof is removed by parts. The surviving hair has to be eliminated with a razor machine.
    • There are categories of people who are prone to allergic reactions, have the individual intolerance to certain components that are part of the tool, or are owners of super-sensitive skin. Cosmetologists are recommended before attacking depilation, to test the allergic reaction. To this end, a small amount of cream should be applied to the inner surface of the elbow. If after 20 minutes there was no redness on the trial portion, you can safely begin the procedure.
    • When the hard hair of the tight hair specified on the cream may not be enough to get rid of vegetation. In this case, it is permissible to adjust it yourself, not allowing too much zoom.
    • The use of an overdue or counterfeit depilation cream can have an extremely negative impact on female genitals. As a result, swelling, swelling and tumors may occur. Therefore, it is extremely important to acquire the cream VEET only from proven providers of brand products that can provide a quality certificate confirming its authenticity.

    VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_9

    Product Overview

    The veet depilators manufacturer for intimate zones took care that each wishes could acquire a cosmetics suitable for him. In this regard, such varieties of depilation creams are known as:

    • hypoallergenic;
    • with additional care;
    • universal;
    • for highly sensitive skin;
    • For hard hair.

    VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_10

    VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_11

    VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_12

    All veet funds have a pleasant smell, tender texture and can easily cope with even hard hair type.

    The brand manufacturer has also released The range of creams that are used immediately before taking the soul. After the time specified on the tool, the active substance together with the destroyed hair is easily washed off by the washcloth.

    VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_13


    The main active chemical component, which is included in the creams for the depilation of intimate zones veet protrudes tioglycol potassium. After applying it to a certain section of the body, it has a destructive and softening effect on the hair follicles. In addition to the chemical component, the VEET cream also includes additional components that moisturize, nourish the skin of an intimate zone, making additional care for it. Depending on the type of cosmetics, it can be seen as follows:

    • Mint (menthol), the main purpose of which is cooling the skin during the depilation procedure;
    • Essential oils - they put on the skin in the bikini area soothing, softening and moisturizing effect;
    • Vitamin E;
    • Panthenol, which when it comes to the surface of the skin is converted into vitamin B5;
    • Components of natural vegetable origin, which produce a sedative effect on the skin (for example, aloe extract);
    • Substances that slow down the subsequent hair growth.

    VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_14

    VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_15

    Instructions for use

    On each tube of cosmetic to determine the intimate zones of Veet there is a detailed Instructions for use. The process of removing hair cream is simple, does not require special knowledge and skills, designed to use it at home. In order to minimize the risk of damage to the skin during the depilation process within a few hours before and after the depilation procedure, it is forbidden to apply soaps and means to which alcohol is included.

    If negative reactions appeared in the process of deterioration of the intimate zone, such as itching, burning, redness, it is necessary to immediately wash off the cream with plenty of water with soap or gel.

    VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_16

          It is worth performing the following steps:

          • Before the start of the depilation procedure, it is necessary to clean the bikini area using a delicate intimate soap or a special gel; The poor quality preparation of the body part may prevent the active work of the cream composition, which will reduce the overall efficiency of manipulation;
          • After cleaning the skin in the bikini zone, it is necessary to wipe with a paper or conventional towel - the cosmetic agent is applied solely on dry skin;
          • The cream on the selected zone is applied with a special shovel (spatula), which comes with depilation cream; The layer should be quite thick and smooth, to capture immediately all parts of the body prepared for depilation;
          • Through the time specified in the instruction, the cream is assembled by the same spatula; Together with him from the surface of the epidermis, weakened and destroyed in the process of hairs procedure are separated;
          • The remains of the cream are flushed with warm water, after which they wipe dry;
          • The final stage is the applied to the skin of a sedative, moisturizing agent (for example, spray with dermatological thermal water).

          VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_17

          VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_18

          VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_19

          Cream for depilation of intimate zones Veet is a worthy alternative for painful and expensive procedures that are carried out in cosmetic salons. Despite the fact that the depilation procedure with a cosmetic means must be repeated regularly, it passes completely painlessly than attractive for many women. Taking care of the health and beauty of customers, protecting your reputation, the Veet manufacturer offers exceptionally high-quality cosmetics.

          VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_20

          VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_21

          VEET cream for depilation of intimate zones: varieties of creams for depilation in the field of women's bikini, instructions for use 16001_22

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