Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews


Modern ideas about beauty and hygiene require to save the female body from a large amount of excess hair - in particular, they should not be in the intimate zone. One of the most popular and efficient methods to solve the problem remains shugaring, especially since the procedure is also available in the cabin, and at home. If you heard a lot about him, but you know too little about it, this article will be useful for you.

What it is?

Shugaring in general reminiscent of Vaxing. At the very least, the common is that a heated plastic substance is used, which, frozen, reliably captures the hairs and with a sharp jerk pulls them out of the skin. The technique is often referred to as sugar epilation for the simple reason that the main ingredient for all compositions for shugaring is precisely sugar.

The technology itself was invented in deep antiquity and over time passed several recipe improvements, although still in many recipes there are extremely natural products. In modern form, this is a Brazilian invention, quickly acquired popularity among the ladies who have fallen by the tightened figure on the beaches of Rio.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_2

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_3

To date, Shugaring is widely used to treat various zones throughout the body, including bikini zones. Separately highlighted in a deep bikini shouting, in which the hair is removed from the pubic, the inner side of the hips, germ lips and the perineum, as well as from the tailbone to the anal hole. Most alternative methods do not imply the processing of this area in such a broad sense.

Shugaring female intimate places for no sport is so popular - he has plenty of advantages.

  • Low cost. Doing Shugaring at home, you can buy all the necessary ingredients in the literal sense.
  • Lack of obvious pain. Let's notify immediately - with the right approach, sugar epilation is really considered gentle, but still total hair removal in the intimate zone without pain is unlikely to cost. For particularly sensitive ladies, discomfort can be so tangible that they will have to abandon.
  • Hypoallergenicity. If you wish, you can cook at home or buy in store such sugar paste, which does not contain completely no allergens and synthetic substances.
  • Efficiency. Shave is an adequate alternative to Shugaring in an intimate zone - solves the problem for about 2-4 days. Sugar epilation on average solves the problem of excess vegetation for 8-10 days.
  • Low danger of skin injury. This aspect is relevant only if you really know how to do shugaring - then it will work out without Absadin, scratches and bruises. Otherwise, all these negative consequences are still possible.
  • Simplicity. The technique is available at home, and it does not require much costs, nor any technique, nor even outstanding skills.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_4

It should be noted that even a disgusting will have a cons. Another thing is that they are relatively small. However, any of their number may cause to abandon the procedure. Therefore, we consider how non-ideal sugar epilation:

  • After the procedure, individual hairs can grow into the skin;
  • Some stores can be called poorly, they do not give the expected effect and throw a shadow on shugaring as a whole;
  • Caramel and lemon juice, which are the main and mandatory mass ingredients, rarely provoke allergies, but still it is possible.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_5


Shugaring bikini zone exists in different varieties. To begin with, it is worth mentioning that there is a complete removal of hair from an intimate zone, including processing even the inside of the sexual lips and zones around the anal hole, and there are mini-versions that assume epilation, let's say only pubis.

In addition, there are several basic techniques for performing a procedure that differ in the main way to apply paste on the skin.

  • Manual technique. For epilation, it is used dense, and sometimes the average paste, it is applied to the skin with bare hands. They also take off with their hands, calculating the high density and strength of the frozen material.
  • Bandage. For the intimate zone epilation, it is relatively rarely applied, if the skin of a woman in this place is not too thickly covered with hair, because in such a technique used soft and medium pastes. The sugar mass is applied to the skin with a special spatula, after which they quickly glue special bandages from adhesive paper or tissue. The bandage tape leave a couple of centimeters of stock - we will pull for them, turning the ribbon in the likeness of the wax strip. The method is valued due to the high speed of hair removal and intuitive understanding even for beginners.
  • Spailing technique. As in the previous case, the mass (average or dense) is applied to the skin with a spatula, but the bandages are not used. In fact, the technique is quite complicated: it assumes the removal of a paste with a sharp jerk of a spatula, who just, without breaking, and put it. This method is relevant for wide spaces, so in the intimate zone is used only on the pubic.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_6

Selection of material

Come to any large cosmetic store and ask for a mass for epilation with sugar - you will lay out such an assortment of such products that your eyes scatter. It is worth choosing the best paste, because the processing zone is very sensitive.

The paste is 3 density classes:

  • soft;
  • average;
  • dense or tough.

The softer the mixture, the more bright and thin hairs it is designed, and vice versa, the tougher caramel mass, the more thick and thick hair it can capture. Lobok, as a rule, is covered with very thick dark hair, so hard compounds are most relevant for it, in some cases it is appropriate to use the average. Most often, the mass is sold in ordinary jars, from which it will be drunk either by hand or a spatula.

However, some manufacturers sell an epilatory caramel in the cartridge. If you are so comfortable, you can use it.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_7

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_8

It is easy to assume that with all the variety of goods, the part is distinguished by high quality, and the other part is the opposite, is not impressive. If you do not understand the topic at all, then at least not be lazy to carefully examine the labels of all the funds offered, and we will tell you what to pay attention to.

  • Presence in a mixture of aggressive particles. Remember: One of the main advantages of Shugarring consists of its 100% natural composition, which is usually an extra guarantee that allergies should not be. Aromatizers and other optional aggressive additives are most often allergenic synthetics or increase the risk of irritation in the most tender places. You do not need it - it means that such recipes immediately skip.
  • The presence of plant components. But the presence in the composition of some herbal extract, if it has a natural origin, is considered to be a big plus for mass. In most cases, such components are designed to protect the skin and once again moisten it that in the process of pulling the hair, it is unlikely to be superfluous.
  • Adding oils. In this case, they are as useful as the above-described plant components. At least, eucalyptus oils, lavender and chamomile have a pronounced softening and moisturizing effect, and also struggle with allergic manifestations, so their entry into the formulation indicates that the manufacturer takes care of its consumers.
  • Information on suitability for the use and quality of goods. As it should be the product of natural origin, consisting mainly of food ingredients, any paste for shugaring has a shelf life, and in overdue, it will bring more problems than benefits. In addition, self-respecting brands produce such cosmetology products to the market only after clinical trials and proper certification, and if everything is in order, this fact will not only be hidden, and also insert them in large letters on the package - they are looking for them.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_9


Shugaring as a procedure looks quite simple, but to it, as well as other cosmetic actions, should be prepared in advance. If you are going to make sugar epilacation for the first time, you should understand how to prepare correctly.

  • Shugaring can not be done on a short cannon - the hair should be clearly noticeable so that Caramel can capture them. The optimal length of the hair differs in different sources, but in general they should be repeated by 0.5-1 cm, otherwise it will not be a sense of the procedure.
  • The day before the procedure, it is desirable to intend to the skin in the treated area - then the caramel will be clinging precisely for the hairs, and not for dead skin particles. You can use for this purpose any submitted scrub.
  • Before the shigaring at home, be sure to be chlorhexidine or miramistine. Without a huge experience, you can hardly remove the hair correctly, so small damage on the skin is very likely and they will need to be disinfected.
  • For better sticking of caramels to hair rods and its deeper penetration in the pores need to make sprinkling of the skin. For this, the hot bath or shower is accepted immediately before epilation.
  • Shugaring is incompatible with the receipt of the sun before the procedure, nor after it. It is not worth sunbathing before epilation, although, of course, if you do it in the underwear, fully closing the processed zone, it is not scary. If you ignore this warning, you can face peeling and irritation after a cosmetic procedure.
  • For 3-4 days, it is also not advised to use any lotions and skin care creams in intimate places. The joint effect of such chemistry and sugar paste is difficult to predict, but as a result, there may be the occurrence of various adverse reactions.

Among other things, girls with sensitive skin or low pain It is worth thinking about how to get rid of painful sensations. During the first procedure, some discomfort is considered the norm, but with regular repetitions of hairs in the processed zone, it becomes less and less, and they themselves are thinned, thereby decreasing pain.

If you are doing shigaring for the first time, and you understand what will hurt, take advantage of Emla cream (Popular in cosmetology salons) or lidocaine sprays. Alternatively, you can enjoy the pill anesthetic drug for half an hour before the procedure, although the last option is already considered "heavy artillery".

If you made a shigaring for no less than 5 times, and the pain does not become less, then we have bad news for you: this procedure does not suit you in principle and it should be discarded in the future.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_10

Epilation process

Strange procedures often cause light panic or experiences, as well as difficult to plan their own time. Consider how it is the shogaring of the bikini zone in various conditions.


The generally accepted recommendations call on the young lady to receive the first experience of Shugaring in the cosmetology salon and only then begin independent experiences. If we are talking about hair removal in the bikini zone, then the most relevant schemes are manual and bandage (stripes). We remind you that sugar epilation will only affect long hairs that have thrown at least 5 mm. You can start the procedure with the adoption of a hot shower for sprinkling the skin, at the same time you can intend the intimate zone, just not too diligent, there should be no scratches.

Apply sugar paste is only on dry and disinfected skin, so you carefully wipe the towel and use pre-harvested antiseptics.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_11

The paste for Shugaring, by analogy with the plasticine, will have to first remember and warm up in the hands until it becomes elastic, after which it is one of the described methods apply to the skin against hair growth. Experts advise to start from the pubis, since this is the least sensitive part of the zone and when it is handling, in any case should not be too painful. At home, they advise you to wait for 2-3 minutes, while the mass freezes on the skin, and only then, pulling the skin, dramatically tear the frozen pasta. The newcomer has a time procedure for 2 hours, but with experience will be aware of how to do the operation much faster.

note that Re-processing the same area of ​​the skin is undesirable, but the secondary use of one lump paste is possible if it is not very clogged with her hair. The most difficult thing will be an inexperienced lady to cope with the spock area, but you need to stock mirror and patience - in the future it will be easier.

After removing all hair, the treated surface should be rinsed with warm water, but it's not worth using a shower gel or soap: they cut the skin that is now not easy. After that, the intimate zone should be awarded with nutritional and moisturizing creams.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_12

In the cabin

The beginners advise first to contact the beauty salon: the masters know the technology and make the process as painless as possible, and also prevent the emergence of many unwanted consequences like burning, inflammation and wounds. Only after the density of hairs in the intimate zone will noticeably decrease, you can begin home experiments.

In the cabin on special equipment, the paste is warmed up to 40 °, and while it is heated, disinfected the skin, then sprinkled with a children's powder or talc. Next, the master takes a lump, the size of which depends on how thick the hair is growing, and one of the ways puts it on the skin, distributing a thin layer. It is necessary to smear the mass of the mass against the growth of hair, but to tear - in the direction of their growth, sharp and confident movement, stretching before this skin. Such manipulations specialist do, gradually cleaning the entire processed zone from vegetation. Small lumps of caramel on the skin will remain, so at the end of the procedure, the specialist removes them from the body of the client.

After that, it is necessary to treat the intimate zone with nutrient or moisturizing creams on a vegetable basis.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_13

Subsequent care

Although the Sugaring technique is considered painless, naive to assume that the hairs can dry, without damaging the skin. Small damage can manifest itself that the skin is peeling, blushes and annoyed, an unpleasant feeling of dryness appears. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to care for the intimate zone.

Without some redness, it will not be possible in principle. Within 2-3 hours after the procedure, it can even be considered a normal phenomenon. It happens, however, it is that the phenomenon does not stop even after a couple of days - then it will have to purposefully use moisturizing creams and antiseptics.

In no case do not descend similar results of Shugaring on the brakes, otherwise it is very likely to roame the skin, and this will naturally affect sensitivity.

Natural calendula based cream, chamomile or aloe in any case is needed immediately after the epilation of the bikini zone, but there are other mandatory measures to prevent side effects. For example, in the first days it is worth a preference to free lover from natural cotton fabric. Tight synthetic panties at this time are banned: They only nod the already irritated skin and may even cause an allergic reaction. Due to the likely rubbing and general discomfort, specialists are advised in the first 2 days to abandon intimate jeads.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_14

It's no secret that For an anesthetic effect, cooling is used. The heating is fraught with a strengthening of unpleasant sensations, respectively, a hot tub, a sauna and tan in any form during the first week are contraindicated - they can cause deterioration of well-being. They also do not advise the pool too, but the reason is different: small wounds can cause discomfort due to chlorinated water and through them it is pretty easy to pick up any infection.

At the same time, warm shower at home is allowed, but without aggressive detergents. An acceptable natural soap for intimate hygiene is sold in cosmetic stores.

To get rid of the side effect of Shugaring in the form of ingrown hair, experts advise approximately a week after the procedure to take advantage of the scrub process.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_15

Review reviews

In most cases, the lady's comments on various women's sites are reduced to the fact that shigaring is not in vain so popular: it is really good almost from all sides. Most of the ladies pleases how much the result is held: The hairs grow not earlier than in 8-10 days, and then first only in the form of a gun. With each subsequent procedure, they are becoming less, that is, care for it becomes the farther, the easier. Shugaring is simple and comfortable even at home, and it is worth a penny. Naturally, many choose it as an optimal way to remove vegetation in an intimate zone.

Criticism The technique usually comes from girls who honestly admit that they have no big experience. Most often they complain that bruises appear after the home procedure. Therefore, they advise beginners first to go to the specialist to see the principle of performing removal of caramel epilation. And you can also meet the mention that shugaring is non-ideal, and the hairs still remain. In this case, they advise more to never buy that pasta you took advantage of the last time.

Shugaring Bikini (16 photos): How do the shigaring of the female intimate zone do? What it is? Medium Sugar Depilation Seats and Other Types, Reviews 15997_16

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