Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure


Laser hair removal is an excellent alternative to the traditional shaving of particularly sensitive spars. Sometimes in such a situation does not save even shugaring, wax epilation and an electroplator. Sensitive places require careful and careful relationship. Therefore, it makes sense to resort to the procedure, which will make it possible to do without unwanted consequences (rustling of hair, gunnocks and rashes), clutching their structure and permanent difficulties associated with frequent removal at home.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_2

What it is?

Laser epilation (deep bikini) is one of the demanded methods for removing unwanted vegetation in the intimate area - in groin, on the buttocks and in the fold between them. The undoubted advantage of this processing of the zone of agriculture consists in the disappearance of vegetation at least six months after the procedure, and often several years after the full course. Here are some information to make an idea of ​​the epilation with a laser.

  1. The most common - female procedure, it is women who are more often resorted to the removal of the hair cover from various considerations - to comply with the full intimate hygiene (pure skin is easier to be treated with detergents and does not store unpleasant odors). It captures the base of the bottom of the legs, sex lips and an interconnected grinding.
  2. This procedure has several options - classic, medium (for underwear of a certain LED) and deep (second name - "Extra Bikini").
  3. In men, the same segments are subjected to processing, only the scrotum is added.
  4. This definition implies a one-time procedure, and its implementation in several sessions is used to obtain a long-term result. There are different design options and the resulting long-term result, as well as excellent visualization of the skin, deprived of rudimentary vegetation.
  5. The main advantage is the lack of negative consequences that are inevitable when shaving or other methods of epilation.
  6. Laser removal acts not on the skin, but directly on the hair follicles and the structure of hairs. As a result, the destruction of the painting pigment (melanin) contained in them, the destruction of the bulb, from which the hair is constantly growing.
  7. The longest result is achieved by several procedures, but this allows several years not to engage in uncomfortable treatment of ever-growing hair.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_3

The diversity of the proposed service consists not only in its difference for representatives of various sexes or design, which changes depending on fashion trends. There are 4 options (differentiated by the length of the light wave), different types of appliances, separation of hair color and skin type. The length of the generated wave and the power of the apparatus used is a variable factor that is focused on the individual features of the hairproof.

The skill of a specialist is not so much in the careful removal of hairs as in the correct selection of the necessary conditions, the ability to determine the choice of the structure of the hairs of the intimate zone, as well as the sensitivity of the skin of each client.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_4

Pros, cons and contraindications

As with each progressive invention, which applied to the human body for certain purposes, laser technology has its own specific advantages and cons. It can be dangerous in unpleasant hands and give an optimal result, if it is engaged in the master who knows his business. The advantages of the method include a number of aspects.

  1. The effectiveness of the implementation is the consistently persistent result, which allows for a long time to get rid of the teenage procedures to gain good visualization and modern species.
  2. The absence of negative sensations, which can especially be appreciated by those who previously resorted to the electro-epiplayer, shigaring or electric current.
  3. The minimum risks of the development of complications, so often appearing in mechanical epilation, and even after a chemical method, which is considered dangerous only from the point of view of skin reactions with an incorrect selection of funds.
  4. Safety of use (for carrying out specially designed devices, allowing to use the required beam length, its point orientation, eliminating the possibility of skin damage, on which hair does not grow).

The disadvantages are familiar to the need to pass the full course to get rid of the problem for a long time. Since high-tech equipment is used to perform epilation, it is difficult to call it a democratic value. Therefore, part of customers chooses cheaper methods.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_5

Contraindications. And one more circumstance is laser hair removal, especially in a sensitive intimate zone may not be made due to contraindications. These include a certain color of the skin and the structure of the hair, in which the stable type of melanin is prevented by total discoloration and destruction. Will not hold the masters to eliminate the hair cut and if there is a potential client:

  • diseases of the skin (damage, injuries, rashes and gunnings);
  • neoplasms, both common and skin, and the obstacle can become moles, and pigment spots, as a potential source of appearance of abnormal cells;
  • Systemic endocrine diseases (diabetes) and immune pathologies (mainly it concerns the immunodeficiency states of the variable etiology).

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure for women in the period of tooling the child and breastfeeding. This is due to the risks of miscarriage or stress, which can affect the quality of milk and the health of the baby. An obstacle to the conduct is a minor age, even if there is already a formed and sustainable hairproof.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_6

Types of laser

The selection of the necessary device is in the competence of the wizard, they are developed enough modifications to cover almost all categories of those who want. The general idea of ​​the types must be to understand that this type of laser will be the best for a particular client.

  • Alexandrite - Optimulated with light skin and coarse structure of dark hairs in the intimate zone. The limit depth on which the destruction occurs - 4 mm. It has tangible advantages - the procedure is shorter, since a large area is processed with a single outbreak, sensitive skin burns. However, it is not used for blondes and red women.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_7

  • Diode method Conduct a wide range of hairs, while the skin color does not have. It is not possible to cover only a very light cannon. From bonuses - the need to carry out fewer sessions and a good depth of penetration into the epidermis (up to 8 mm). There are minus - does not give results if a person has gray-haired hair, but with the same success can be used for dark and light skin.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_8

  • Ruby option Established in the processing of light hair of natural origin. This is an inexpensive and common procedure. The cost is determined by a small depth of penetration into the dermis and discomfort, which marks part of customers. There is also the likelihood of redness of the dermal layer, obtaining small burns, due to the need for longer processing.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_9

  • Neodymium - It is more often used in medicine, a radical action has a radical action, it allows the total destruction of follicles and the destruction of melanin with the launch of the thermal reaction. Can delete gray hair, but the use in beauty salons is limited due to the need for special preparation, more sessions to achieve a complete result.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_10

The choice of a suitable type (performance, cost and prolongation of the result) only in part dependent on the client. The desired view is selected after estimating the type of skin and the colors of hairs in the intimate zone. Usually at the disposal of the wizard there is diode, alexandrite and ruby ​​species.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_11

How do you do?

Hair removal with a laser is carried out in 2 stages. The first is preliminary preparation that may require the abolition of familiar manipulations for a long time. For women who constantly paying attention to their intimate zone leading an active sex life, he may be unacceptable. With a properly conducted preparatory stage, the second stage (actually the removal of hair under the deep bikini) is no longer complicated and does not give any complications.


To prepare and minimize the likely risks, It is necessary to abandon some manipulations in advance and familiar care for the intimate zone:

  • For 14 days, cancel not only the solarium, but also visiting the beaches, pools, where sunbathing under the outdoor sun;
  • a month before the procedure stop pulling hair with tweezers, the use of an electro-pharmacist and other means that exist at home for a similar purpose;
  • not less than a day to abandon cosmetic products for skin care, starting with a cream and ending with lotion, spray and even gel for the intimate zone;
  • For 24 hours before going to the master, hit the hair cover with a safe razor (electrical can cause micro-damage, unwanted during laser processing).

Some species recommended local anesthesia. The preparatory stage includes a discussion with a master of optimal means for anesthesia. This is a prerequisite for people with a low pain threshold or allergic reactions on anesthetics of a certain species. You can specify the application method - spray, gel, in the form of a solution or injection. An important meaning is to have a psychological attitude, especially with primary conduct.

Obtaining information on the principles of operation of the laser device can also be one of the elements of preliminary preparation.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_12

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_13

Hair removal procedure

It is usually carried out only after a deliberate and weighted solution. Total epilation is complex, expensive and, possibly, it makes sense to limit the classic option. Since in the same form of hair no longer restored. This is a longer holding, a lot of necessary precautions, extra time to perform original design, etc. Remove the hair into several main stages:

  • The skin in the intimate zone is treated with an anesthetic;
  • After the loss of sensitivity, the gel for epilation is applied and the removal of the laser tuned to the corresponding power begins;
  • As soon as the procedure ends, the master inflicts a special soothing composition (cream or lotion).

Risks are minimal, complications rarely occur, there is no reason to worry, especially if the anesthetics are discussed in advance and do not cause allergic reactions. You can only feel a little tingling, but it is unlikely.

The appearance of undesirable effects is possible, but only if preliminary preparation conditions have not been followed or the masters had insufficient qualifications.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_14

How many last time?

The duration of the procedure varies depending on the type of selected type (the designer solution occupies a longer time) selected by the laser wizard. The longest processing is a cheap and affordable ruby ​​device. Standard time with the classic version - until half an hour, but the total bikini requires a session for an hour or one and a half.

Male hair removal always lasts longer and requires more sessions. This is due to the peculiarities of physiology and more intense growth of the hairproof. The cost of the session for men is higher, since the cover is distributed on a larger area and has a rough and rigid structure, in a rich color. The duration of the session depends on the desired depth of processing the dermal layer.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_15

How much sessions need?

One session can be used to obtain a brief effect. Women usually take up to 7 removal procedures, men - from 7 to 12. More than 1 time a month is not recommended, since the recommended interval is 30 days. Considering 6 procedures as averaged norm, it can be assumed that the total removal, which gives the effect for several years, will take six months. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as how much is the effect after the first procedure is held.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_16

Subsequent care

The absence of side effects depends largely on the client itself. The processing carried out by the master immediately after deep epilation is not enough. For the week, it is recommended that the use of anti-harm funds that can be purchased at the pharmacy without a recipe. Cosmetics are better to use 3 weeks after the removal procedure, solarium and sunbathing - no earlier than after 14 days, it is possible to wash under the shower only in a day. Inhibit the processed areas should be avoided, so you need to forget about tweezers for accusing, washcloth and sponge with an abrasive surface, aggressive means of cosmetology.

During this period, to prevent allergic reactions and rashes, we are advised to wear underwear from cotton standard cutting.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_17

Review reviews

Users always leave their feedback on cosmetology procedures, but references to what was painful during epilation is an insignificant amount, and even then in cases where treatment was conducted by a medical laser. Men, as more sensitive to such options, complain more often, but this is explained by their physiological features. Some of them are grabbed the first time to return to traditional hair removal methods. It is important for women, as the body looks like, especially, at a young age. Therefore, they bring the work started to the end and their results are pleased. Especially if, in the period after removal of hair, the laser is complied with all the necessary conditions.

Every year new modifications of the devices appear, the developers will improve existing technologies and open up new principles. Science does not stand still, it develops rapidly. Surely, in the near future, new devices based on other principles will appear. But the laser, while confidently remains in the top of the methods, to which women and men are resorted to.

Safety and prolongation of the procedure lead to laser epilation masters of all new and new customers.

Laser epilation deep bikini (18 photos): How do the epilation of a bikini zone with a laser? Preparation for the procedure. What is included? Reviews after the procedure 15995_18

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