Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews


Hair removal technology was created more than 70 years ago and is a popular method that allows for a long time to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the body. This method is applicable to gray hair, usually poorly infant procedure. Epilation. This technique has its advantages and disadvantages, which will not prevent to know before you decide on this procedure.

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_2

What it is?

In the aesthetic, and often the hygienic purposes of women apply different ways of hair removal, but most effective is considered electric shock epilation. This is a modern method that provides complete elimination of hairs on the whole skin. For this, electric current with a small discharge is used, but its actions are enough to destroy the hair onion. As a result, the hair growth is first slowed down, and then stops at all. Each person has a different intensity of hair growth rate, this ability is laid genetically. But with the time the follicles are still restored. To prevent these processes, electroepilation is repeated once a few years, which it is understood that the effect of such sessions is more than long.

The history of this cosmetology procedure originates at the end of the XIX century. Already then, with the help of current, ophthalmologists have successfully removed ingrown eyelashes, thus eliminating their patients from trichiasis. Later, this method found distribution in cosmetology, at the same time the first devices appeared - prototypes of modern apparatus for removal . In the 70s of the last century, such sessions could not afford not to all, as they differed in high cost, but now this procedure has a more democratic price.

Today, improved electrocipions are arranged so that they can produce multiplicate current charges and operate in several modes. During a session, electricity penetrates the hair follicle, cuts it off from producing nutrients, which gradually leads to the destruction of the bulbs. In different parts of the body, a different current intensity is used, but in all cases passing through the needle charge sent to the center of the root, in addition to the state of the follicle, high temperature acts.

With repeated exposure, on the passage of the total course, the result becomes the cessation of the growth of the hair rod.

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_3

Pros, cons and contraindications

The electropilees conducted by a specialist allows us to spread with hair on the body actually forever. From this we can conclude that high efficiency is the main advantage of this method. But this technology has other advantages:

  • continuous result;
  • use for any type of skin and hair cover;
  • The procedure is suitable for getting rid of hair on different zones;
  • Available cost.

Along with the advantages, the epilation of the current has several drawbacks:

  • the need for about 30 procedures for full removal of all hair;
  • The duration of the event itself is to remove only one hairs, it takes at least 2 minutes;
  • the inability to complete the removal of vegetation after sugar depilation, plucking and applying wax;
  • Electricity can provoke the rustling of hair;
  • Use of anesthetic means to relieve pain.

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_4

In addition, the method has a lot of contraindications, such as:

  • the presence of warts and moles;
  • fungal diseases of the epidermis;
  • Burns obtained as a result of a long stay in the sun;
  • progressive epilepsy;
  • diabetes;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • insufficient blood flowing function;
  • diseases of vessels and hearts;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • Mental diseases;
  • Fresh scars and scars;
  • acne rash, vulgar acne;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hepatitis.

Electricepilation is contraindicated in pregnant and nursing mothers, it is not carried out in the presence of piercing and artificial drivers of the heart rhythm.

The consequences of incorrect epilation excluding contraindications - infection of the skin, bleeding, inflammatory processes, oncological growth of skin cells, other health problems.

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_5


Electric shock epilation is carried out by means of electrodes in the form of a tweezers and needles, respectively, There are two types of procedures: pincente and needle . The latter was wider distribution, for this uses of gold needles, teflon and made from medical alloy. However, currently more often apply Electricpilants with tungsten thread. This thin electrode allows you to make a procedure less painful. With the tendency to allergies, the needles with a gold coating are taken, excluding any unpleasant reaction.

The needy way is relevant with any thickness of the hair on the skin . Unlike him, the pincenetic technique is used less often, as each manipulation takes a lot of time. At the same time, it has its advantages - provides a spectacular removal on particularly sensitive areas of the skin, since less painful, while avoiding unwanted effects.

Consider the main methods of electroepilation.

  • Thermolysis . This is an impact on the hair by means of a high-frequency current of low voltage. The method is characterized by speed - the hair rod is destroyed literally in a few seconds due to strong heating. But the essential disadvantage of this manipulation is pain, because of which an anesthesia is required before the procedure. Thermolysis does not apply during epilation on the skin of the face.
  • Galvanic electrolysis. A similar method is characterized by a slower effect on the roots of the hair, rather than thermolysis, while the pain appears less brightly. In this case, permanent current affects the hair follicle, and the removal of one hairs lasts from 20 seconds to 2 minutes. With increased sensitivity, the use of this technology is undesirable. In addition, the disinfection of the zone being processed is considered a prerequisite.
  • Bland-method . This procedure allows you to remove hair in 10 seconds and combines the features of electrolysis and thermolysis. The pain during the session is almost no felt, since the current with a low pulse rate is selected individually for each client. As a result, the hair onion is heated, and then collapsed.
  • Sicavenial Blynd. . A method involving minimal soreness and is a variety of BLAND method. The main feature is low electric current amplitude. The technology provides the processing even deeply located on the bulbs, in one procedure delivers from 80% of the hair, and their roots are collapsed 2 times faster.
  • Flash method. Manipulations of this kind include the use of a constant electric current with a high frequency. With such a method that is upgraded thermolysis, the threat to obtaining burns is reduced to zero. Consequently, there are almost absent painful sensations. The method allows you to handle the most sensitive zones - face and bikini. The use of the finest needles prevents the appearance of scars.
  • Sikwashihalflash . This is a high-speed method of getting rid of the vegetation of different structures and thickness using a sinusoidal alternating current. Such flash devices have several modes, provide accelerated painless skin processing, including in sensitive places, focusing on the thickness of the hair rod. When it increases, the current is increasing and the pulse duration decreases.

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_6

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_7

What zones can be processed?

With the help of electric current with different pulse and frequency, it is possible to remove various sections of the skin. But to completely eliminate vegetation, it will take a lot of time. Main zones.

  • Hands and legs with outdoor and outdoor . This will require at least 8 sessions. This process is long - only one part of the leg from the foot to the knee can leave up to 2.5 hours.
  • Back, abdominal area and buttocks . Basically, men suffering from hyperitrihosis are treated for epilation of these areas. In general, these are insensitive to the pain zone, not counting the tailbone and the area around the anus. In such places after the procedure, a slight inflammation and redness can be maintained for some time.
  • Chest in the area of ​​nipples. In women, the hair grows on the aroles in adolescence, when having tolerance of a child and a climax. All these cases are associated with a change in the hormonal background. Since we are talking about a small amount of hair, the result will be visible quite quickly.
  • Intimate zone and armpits area. For bikini processing, gentle epilation methods will be required, since the sensitivity of these areas is high. Before the procedure (about 2 months) you cannot use any means to eliminate hair.
  • Face . Women are distinguished by areas on chin and over the upper lip, sometimes needed eyebrow correction. In the chin area, where the hair is small and they are thick, hair removals quickly, but still need to go through several procedures. Such sessions on the face begin with skin disinfecting and anesthesia.

In general, all procedures on sensitive sites are accompanied by such actions and subsequent application of anti-inflammatory and soothing agents that prevent hyperemia, itching and irritation to the processed epidermis.

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_8

How many years can you make electroepilation?

Early age is a restriction for hair removal using an electric current . Due to the pain of some types of electrolysis, the cosmetology procedure can be carried out under the age of no earlier than 17 years. Young girls are recommended to turn to this method after the complete set of menstrual cycle.

This is due to the high sensitivity of children's skin, which can entail serious consequences. In addition to itching, ethics, allergic reactions and point hemorrhages, there is a risk of infection, impaired pigmentation and inflammatory processes.

How many sessions need for full hair removal?

Regarding the face, for complete hair removal, you will need 2-4 sessions. Much more time is required with a large thickness of the hair and processing large areas of the body - back, legs, hands, not less than 4-7 procedures. In each case, this is a certain number of activities that can reach 9-10 manipulations, in time.

But through the technology of exposure to the current, elimination of only those hairs that are under active growth are achieved. Therefore, there is a passage of repeated courses that are intended to destroy the awakened follicles of the remaining hair.

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_9

Time and frequency

Using hardware electropilees, on average, it turns out to handle a small section of the skin (10x10) in 1-1.2 hours. For different areas of the skin, various time of sessions and intervals between them are assumed.

  1. The intimate zone is completely cleaned for 8-10 hours with interruptions between procedures in 15-20 days.
  2. The armpits area of ​​the cosmetologist processes in 1-2 hours, the time between sessions is about 2-3 weeks.
  3. On the skin of the face, electrophypilation lasts no more than 40 minutes, the removal of hair eyebrows and mustaches is faster - for 15-25 minutes. Interval is allowed between manipulations in a few days.
  4. Epilation of the leg current can occupy from 1 to 3 hours, hands - up to 4 hours and more. It all depends on the skin area, state and density of vegetation, including intervals between events (from 2 weeks to 1.5-2 months).

Doctors are still advised to make significant breaks between cosmetic manipulations - from 1-2 months and more, since it is a certain stress for the skin.

After complete getting rid of vegetation, you can forget about this problem for 4-5 years. However, it is possible to correctly adjust the activity of hair bulbs.

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_10

Does prepare need?

Before starting procedures, especially if they are held for the first time, it is important to identify any health problems capable of becoming an obstacle to the course. To do this, you will need to visit the surgeon, endocrinologist and cardiologist.

Immediately before the session, it is necessary to be carefully prepared.

  • With a fatty skin type per day before epilation, it should be cleaned of the skin saber intended for this with cosmetics - tonic, lotion.
  • With dry skin, it is first cleaned, and then moisturized. In any case, the skin must be clean.

Also It is forbidden a week before the electroepilation to get rid of the hair through shugaring, wax, other methods of removal, bleach hair, drink alcohol. The beautician will surely advise his patient within 6-7 days before the procedure to drink at least 2 liters of fresh drinking water. The optimal length of hairs in front of the cosmetology operation is 3 mm, so you need to correctly calculate when they can be shaved with the machine. To remove dead skin epithelium cells, 2 days before the session it is necessary to carry out light peeling.

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_11

How is it?

Electric epiplation is carried out by a specialist in stages using a special device - an electriable pharmacist.

  • An hour before the procedure, preparation is carried out - anesthesia. For this purpose, external anesthetic agents are used in the form of ointments, sprays, tablets or problem areas are dried with novocaine.
  • If the lidocins are used in the form of a cream, it is applied, without rubbing, layer about 3 mm.
  • Then an occlusive bandage (special film) is superimposed to exclude the interaction of the treated zone with oxygen. It is fixed using a patch.
  • During the entire procedure, the patient must be in a horizontal position with a neutral electrode recorded in hand.
  • The second electrode holds a beautician, his task is to gently keep the needle to the center of the follicle and give a discharge for a few seconds. To see even the thinnest hairs, the cosmetologist puts on glasses - special magnifiers. So he removes hair at the hair.
  • At the end of the session, the problem area is treated with antiseptic heighting means.

Conduct electroepilation and at home, but To do this, you need to purchase the device, thoroughly examine the removal method and make a full course of procedures. Unfortunately, independently at home can not get rid of the vegetation of the armpits and the bridges are too dangerous due to the threat to get a needle in a lymph node or nervous end.

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_12

Subsequent skin care

After epilation, in order to avoid complications and side effects, it is important to comply with the following recommendations of doctors:

  • During the day, it is impossible to water the processed zone;
  • It is impossible to sunbathe, including going to the solarium, sauna and bath;
  • It is necessary to use moisturizing drugs and apply disinfectants to the skin of the disinfectants or juice of fresh Aloe leaves 2 times a day;
  • It is unacceptable to use alcohol ointments or deodorants, as well as fruit-based cream.

The recovery of the epidermis after the procedure occurs within a few days, and the points from the needle disappear after 10-15 days.

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_13

Review reviews

The opinions of different people who have passed electroepilation sessions are contradictory, but most customers converge in one - this is the most efficient technology of getting rid of hair. Many women respond about the method positive:

  • It allows you to completely clean the bikini zone, faces, hands and feet zone, other parts of the body, although it takes a lot of time - this is a long process, and you can expect a result not earlier than 8-9 months;
  • In some cases, it is possible to do without anesthesia, and even with a low pain, the procedure is not accompanied by discomfort, unpleasant sensations and pain;
  • Currently, modern drugs are used to eliminate pain, and through tungsten thread there is an opportunity to carry out sessions even for the younger age category, that is, adolescents suffering from excessive fraud;
  • Compared to sugar epilation and removal with wax, electroepilation is more effective, despite the fact that after the first sessions on the body, irritation may appear.

Some patients have a negative impression of this cosmetology event, but mainly the duration of manipulations and pain. Indeed, it is impossible to quickly achieve smooth skin in a short period of time. Regarding pain, then, most likely, this means that anesthesia was incorrectly carried out. Electroepilation is a proven method of getting rid of hair for a long time, but complete deletion is achieved only after a full-fledged course.

For different zones and, depending on the type of vegetation, you can choose various epilation technologies, but it is primarily important to make sure that there are no contraindications to this procedure, and its experienced cosmetologist holds.

Electroepilation (14 photos): efficiency, electric shock removal of nipples, armpits and other zead, tungsten thread and needles, reviews 15987_14

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