Effect of eyelashes "Kylie" (38 photos): Extension scheme than different from the effect of Kim Kardashian, extensive Eyelashes "Kylie Jenner" with 2D and 3D


Eyelash extension is the ability to create a bright and attractive image. One of the newest options for this cosmetic procedure is the effect of "Kylie". In Russia, it is not so famous, but the fans of this method of increasing the ciliation already have.

What it is?

Thanks to the extension of eyelashes, a fair sex is refused to use carcasses and shadows, and their hairpins in front look thick, longer and more beautiful. Extension of eyelashes with the effect of "Kayli Jenner" is a new cosmetic procedure, as a result of which the master creates an uneven ciliary line with single plug-in bunches of hair. Hairms that are glued chaotic ways can be of different sizes. Also during the eyelashes procedure, it turns out to be rotated to the center, which contributes to the attractiveness and designation of the image.

Effect of eyelashes

Effect of eyelashes

Effect of eyelashes

"Kylie" is a complete type of building, but with the visibility of individual enclosures. With this procedure, it is considered to be allowed to combine fox methods and doll options.

The advantages of this method of eyelash extension can be called the following points:

  • clearly enlarged density of native hairs;
  • long use;
  • natural effect;
  • Safety, hypoallergenicity of the components of the procedure.

Cons and contraindications:

  • the possibility of individual intolerance to the adhesive compositions, which the masters use when working;
  • high cost of synthetic fibers;
  • The procedure can be carried out only in salon conditions;
  • The need to restore the natural ciliary cover after removing the extensive.

Effect of eyelashes

Effect of eyelashes

Effect of eyelashes

To date, you can meet several similar types of cilia buildings, which are hardly distinguishes from the Kylie effect. For example, Differs from "Kim Kardashian" by some moments, despite the external similarity:

  • In the effect "Kim", the long hair fastening occurs randomly;
  • The Kardashian technique uses different length of eyelashes, namely at least 7 indicators.

Effect of eyelashes

Effect of eyelashes

    From the effect of "Luche" "Kylie" distinguishes the materials used, the direction of long hairs. To the whole other Eyelashes "Kayli Jenner" are often performed with the effect of 2d, and the "races" create a slightly noticeable, which very brings them to natural.

    The effect of increasing the cilgery "Jenner" is considered to be the long, and long, namely a few millimeters are attached through a specific distance of short artificial hairs.

    This universal technology is perfectly combined with any type of appearance, but does not adjust the shape and landing of the eye.

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    Who comes up?

    Using the Kylie effect, the image of the girl can become more interesting and expressive. But this procedure is not able to form a shape of the eye, as well as adjust its appearance.

    The most cilia "Kylie Jenner" are suitable in such cases:

    • When a woman has an average eye size, in this case the hairs will help to open the eyes and make it open;
    • When the eyes have a almond shape, as a result of the procedure, the natural beauty of the organs of vision will be emphasized;
    • If the girl has big eyes;
    • If the eyes have an Asian (narrow) type, during the extension they will expand, but do not change form;
    • When the eye is hanging eyelid.

    The extension of hairs with the effect of "Kylie" can be suitable for almost any representative of the beautiful sex. Of course, the cardinal shift is not worth the eye, but the person will have an unusual look.

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes


    During the increasing procedure, the wizard can use certain tools.

    1. Hydraulic patches - This is a special type of lining, which contributes to the protection of the lower row of hairs from the glue from entering them.
    2. Degreased. The substance is intended to remove the fat lubricant from the cilia, as well as clean the hairs from dust and mud particles.
    3. Prime. It is necessary to dry the cilia and opening hair scales. The use of primer contributes to the instantaneous compound of compositions.
    4. Micreaken. Hypoallergenic applicators are used to accurately apply glue and other materials.
    5. Tweezers. For catering, several tweezers are usually used. Direct and oblique devices are used for both artificial and natural hairs.
    6. Set of cilia. His master chooses, guided by the structure, as well as the thickness of natural eyelashes of the client.
    7. Writing tablet. The device has a kind of a special substrate in which the eyelashes are stored.
    8. Adhesive composition. The substance master selects depending on the color of natural hairs. Transparent use when fixing colored eyelashes. Black glue composition is able to add volume with dark eye attributes. White substance turns into a transparent after driving. According to experts, the use of silicone-based adhesive is a guarantee of instantaneous material chain. Resin makes it possible to change the position of an artificial hair repeatedly.
    9. Adhesive palette.
    10. Remumer. This gel is capable of eliminating hairs quickly and without pain, which was incorrect.
    11. Sealing gel which is capable of fixing extensive hairs, as well as to feed and moisturize the native eyelashes of the client. This type of gel has assistance to cilia in holding additional load.

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    When selecting the volume and size of artificial hairs, the Master must take into account the individual characteristics of the client. If the eyelashes are thick, then you can use a dense material. In the case of thin hairs, a thin material is increasing. All other artificial attributes for eyes are divided into such types:

    • short - with a length of 4 to 11 millimeters;
    • Long - from 14 to 20 millimeters.

    Effect of eyelashes


    Considering the volume and bend of cilia, they can be divided into several types. In accordance with the desire of the client and, with the records of the face, the Master will be able to pick up the most successful option.


    Extraction of cilia with a volume of 2D is considered the most simple option to give the volume of eyes. Wherein Woman looks elegant and naturally at the same time. Double volume often prefer the preference to the representatives of the beautiful floor that do not want to spend their time on the morning makeup and his evening removal.

    After performing such an extension, the girl can forget about the daily use of the carcass for several weeks.

    After building eyelashes with the effect of "Kylie Jenner" with a 2D woman can count on the following:

    • expressiveness and seductivity of the view;
    • Naturalness and naturalness of the image;
    • Celestial, additional volume.

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes


    Wipers on eyelash extension use 3D method to create fluffy, thick cilia rows with elegant bend. Hollywood volume often pleases its owners, if, when fulfilling it, the Master took into account the shape of the eyeball, as well as the individual features of the face. This technology contributes to the fact that the expressiveness of the gland is traced from a weak representative, but it does not make make up daily.

    Eyelashes in 3D volume look natural and beautiful, while the population increases.

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    How to do?

    According to experts, creating the effect of "Kylie" is possible when overlapping hairs for other effects. For example, The beams - "races" with ease are obtained on the effect of "protein", "Fox", "Doll". The scheme of creating a charming look is based on the classic buildup by increasing the length of the cilia from the inner angle to the outer. At the same time, at a distance of 4-9 millimeters, enclosures with closed beams are formed.

    During the procedure of increasing the wizard makes beams, which is more major in size for a couple of millimeters. The length of the main thing is to choose, given the state of natural hairs.

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    In the course of building cilia in the style of "Kylie Jenner", the wizard performs a certain sequence of actions.

    1. Makeup flushes with a century.
    2. On the lower row fixes patches that should hide all the cilia of the lower eyelid. If this is not done correctly, the glue caught in the hairs can simply glue them.
    3. Eyelashes and eyelids handles the defension with microbrash.
    4. A minute later the primer is delivering, thanks to which a good grip of natural cereal scales and artificial fiber is ensured.
    5. A few minutes later, a pale droplets of glue.
    6. Strips on the cilia rods. The procedure is carried out with the help of oblique tweezers. The tool is pushing the row and isolated natural hairs from it.
    7. With the help of direct tweezers, an artificial rod is captured, its lower edge into the glue composition. After that, the latter is attached to the bristle, which was highlighted earlier. The fixation of an artificial hairs should be carried out with an indent of 1-1.25 millimeters from the basics of natural bristles.
    8. After the entire eyelash row is filled, the bristles are cleaned.
    9. When detecting proper screws or places of falling out of the extensive material, the gluing hair is per capita.
    10. At the end of the work, the master deals with patches and scotch.

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    Effect of eyelashes

    The procedure for classical buildup, during which 1 artificial rod in the style of "Kylie" is fastened to the 1st cilia, can take from one and a half to two hours. Work on the creation of 2D Kylie Style can last about 100-150 minutes. The impact rate is influenced by the experience of the master, as well as the state of natural eyelashes.

    According to reviews, new masters work longer professionals.

    Effect of eyelashes

    How to care?

    In order to preserve the effect of beauty-based effects for a long time, experts recommend not to ignore such tips:

    • Do not visit the sauna;
    • not to use fatty creams and cosmetics based on alcohol;
    • As you can easily use ink;
    • Take care of the eye from a sharp temperature difference;
    • Drying cilias to carry out by scraping with a paper towel.

    Effect of eyelashes

            There are also recommendations, with the help of which wearing extensive hairs will not bring their mistress of discomfort:

            • Do not rub the organs of view after washing or during makeup removal;
            • Do not apply mascara for 24 hours before the time of the beauty procedure;
            • Decide on the material for performing work, you need to use synthetic materials for strong hairs, and for thin - silicone or polyester;
            • regularly apply masks to the hairs that contribute to strengthening them;
            • Correction once a month, while the break between the extension must be at least 2 months;
            • do not engage in independent removal of cilia, since this responsible procedure should be carried out exclusively by a specialist;
            • Do not extend if during the year the operation was performed on the eyes;
            • Do not expose new hair effects of water over the 4th hours.

            Effect of eyelashes

            Effect of eyelashes

            The duration of wearing extensive eyelashes with the effect of "Kylie Jenner" is influenced by the genetic features of the human body, as well as subsequent care. At a minimum, gorgeous eyelashes will delight the fair sex for two weeks, but usually lasts about a month. Many girls loved Kylie Style for originality, as well as no overload and special nature.

            The execution of this beauty procedure should be engaged in an experienced specialist who can spend work in a few hours. For the duration of the effect, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations that were described above.

            Effect of eyelashes

            For the extension of eyelashes with this effect, see below.

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