Eyelashes 2D (83 photos): Effect after capacity building 2D, how long is the time increase, length before and after


Eyelash extensions have long won a great popularity among fair sex representatives. Thanks to this procedure, a female look becomes more expressive and sensual. There is a lot of extension techniques. In this article we will talk about building 2D effect.

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What it is?

Before moving to a detailed consideration of all nuances of eyelash extension in 2D technique, it should be understood that it is this sought-after cosmetic procedure. This subspecies implies not 1, but 2 cilias on 1 own eyelash.

Subject to the properly implemented 2D technique, it is possible to achieve a spectacular double volume, if compared with a natural view. For everyday socks, it is best to choose a pork having the same length.

They can be very nice to arrange, due to which a female will play new paints.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays, extension with the 2D effect is insanely popular. Many girls choose this particular cosmetic procedure, despite the fact that modern beauty masters offer a more advanced 3D extension service. The relevance of the 2D effect is due to the set of advantages that are characteristic of it.

  • The collection procedure of cilia in the 2D technique does not take much time. This is a decisive factor for many girls who hardly cut free hours to visit the beauty salon.
  • With the type of growing type, water resistant cilia is most often used. In the sock, such material turns out to be more comfortable and attractive.
  • If the master did everything right And really has a rich experience, after completing the procedure, the increasing cilia can hold out for about a month. This is a good time that the most fashionistas is satisfied.
  • The 2D-extension procedure itself is completely safe and painless. The girls do not experience painful or unpleasant sensations.
  • Due to the qualitatively conducted 2D build Girls can become very fluffy and volumetric. In this case, the look becomes brighter and attractive.
  • With the extension type under consideration, additional decoration of eyelashes is possible. If a girl wants to have a more natural image, there is no need for such jewelry, but if we are talking about the celebration, you can resort to decoration of ciliates with glitters and other interesting elements.
  • There are many schemes 2D - extension - From the poscular to the donation. Select the appropriate option will not be difficult.

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2D-buildings attracts many fashionistas, because it looks beautiful and gently, but at the same time as natural as possible. If a good master was taken for the work, the results will be chic, and the surrounding do not guess that your view is emphasized increasing, not natural cilia.

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However, without minuses here, too, did not cost and it should be taken into account if you planned to turn to a similar type of extension.

  • Allergic reaction may occur On the materials used during the procedure. Fortunately, such problems arise very rarely, but allergies should take into account the likelihood of their occurrence.
  • As with any other type of building, your own cilia will suffer.
  • In order for the cilia in the considered technique, they laid as long as possible, It has been additionally degreased skin cover. In addition, it is not allowed to use creams.
  • It is very important to choose good masters for this procedure and proven lounges with a brilliant reputation. . The fact is that when using low-quality materials, it is highly risk of increasing serious damage to the eyes. That is why it should not be overly saved on such an increase.
  • If you usually wear lenses, should know that The liquid designed specifically for them, destroyably affects the glue used for extension. For many girls, this fact turns out to be the biggest minus.

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Precautions and Contraindications

To do not encounter a different kind of complications after extension, certain precautions are required. Read them.

  • As mentioned above, it is very important to pick up a good wizard and the same good salon. If you visit a second-rate establishment (where, perhaps, all services will cost cheaper) or find yourself in the hands of a poorly trained specialist, the results may unpleasant you and upset. In the most unfavorable cases, the girls face the spool of their own eyelashes and even with the problems of the eyes.
  • It is advisable to make sure that the wizard uses only sterile equipment to build up. This is a very important condition for the safe procedure.
  • In the process of fixing the overhead eyelashes, the Master must use only hypoallergenic glue. Ensure this is especially important if the client is an allergy.

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If all the conditions listed above are observed, the cilia update process will be successful and without negative consequences. But There are other serious contraindications that are not associated with the quality of the procedures carried out.

  • It is not recommended to refer to a similar procedure if your natural eyelashes are too thinned and weakened. It can apply a very big damage.
  • If you suffer from individual allergic reactions, it is better to refuse the procedure. The fact is that the funds used by the Master may arise a serious allergy.
  • If you suffer from infections and inflammatory processes related to the eye, the procedure is better to postpone until the moment of complete recovery. Otherwise, you risk aggravate your condition.
  • One should not refer to 2D-buildings to girls suffering from hypervised skin fat on centuries.
  • With coarse eye damage, the 2D-extension is also contraindicated.
  • It is impossible to build cilia during pregnancy.
  • People for whom chemotherapy was carried out, any increase is prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to increase the cilia to women suffering from metabolic disorders and hormone problems.

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It is impossible to neglect the listed contraindications. Otherwise, you can encounter very bad consequences.

Materials and tools

To increase lush and spectacular cilia in a 2D technique, the master will need special materials and tools. Consider their list.

  • Special professional glue with hypoallergenic composition. It is usually black, but transparent solutions are also on sale.
  • Tweezers with straight tips So you can easily and conveniently grab cilia.
  • Tweezers with beveled tips . It will be needed to gently push the hairs and highlight the desired areas to which artificial cilia will be glued.
  • Cotton discs.
  • Separate clean capacity Either a special piece of glass. They will be useful to lay the glue solution on them.
  • Special degreasing spray.
  • Set of hairs Suitable shade, texture and size.

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Eyelashes 2D (83 photos): Effect after capacity building 2D, how long is the time increase, length before and after 15936_29

Selecting suitable cilia for the procedure, it is necessary to repel from the desired length, the thickness and the level of stiffness of the villi, as well as the level of their bend. As a rule, all the characteristics of materials for extension are indicated on corporate packages.

To properly choose the most appropriate cilia variants, you need to familiarize yourself with some characteristics of materials of various types. You can find the following eyelashes.

  • Silk. Material of artificial origin, is distinguished by a medium volume and light glitter. Suitable for additional elongation and giving volume. Shelkovsky cilia are thin, so they do not cause discomfort in the sock.

Shades of such material for extension are different - from black to violet. Shelkovsky cilia is least harmful.

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  • Mink. This is so called very thin and "weightless" material for extension. This is an analog of wool, suitable for everyday wearing. With similar cilia, you can get a stunning natural effect. Each Vorki has its own thickness, due to which the naturalness is achieved. Such material is not afraid of high temperatures and humidity.

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  • Sable . Cilia from such material are hard, so they are not allowed for thin and weakened their eyelashes.

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To get the effect of natural eyelashes, It is not necessary to use the hairs, the thickness of which is more than 0.15 mm. Otherwise, you can achieve the effect of so-called dolls. The optimal length of the eyelashes is from 9 to 11 mm.

The sets may be present hairs, differing from each other in length.

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Bending and length selection

There are several options for animal cilia, extensive on 2D technique:

  • B, C, D - are characterized by a pronounced rounderness at the tips of hairs;
  • U. - the shape of such hair is obtained by a semicircular (the beginning of the arc comes from the base);
  • L. - The main feature of such bend is in direct versinks from the foundation, but raised tips;
  • L + - From the bend of the previous type, it is characterized by a more sharply raised eyelashes tip, which also has a small arc.

As for the indicators of length, the cilia happens to:

  • 5 mm;
  • 6 mm;
  • 7 mm;
  • 8 mm;
  • 9 mm;
  • 10 mm;
  • 11 mm;
  • 12 mm;
  • 13 mm;
  • 14 mm;
  • 15 mm;
  • 16 mm;
  • 17 mm;
  • 18 mm.

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Little to choose only suitable sizes and bends of artificial cilia. It is equally important to think through their design so that the ladies can be spectacular and sexy. Consider what options for designing eyelashes exist.

  • Cilia with rhinestones look very smartly and originally. This is a great solution for a lush celebration or just a festive evening.

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Eyelashes 2D (83 photos): Effect after capacity building 2D, how long is the time increase, length before and after 15936_42

  • If you want to bring colorful notes into the image, 2D-buildup with color inserts will be appropriate. It can be blue, pink, green or villi with ombre - mass options.

True, in business and official images with such a design should be very careful, and it is better to abandon him at all.

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  • The look becomes more spectacular If you use the so-called cutting of the cilia design.

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Eyelashes 2D (83 photos): Effect after capacity building 2D, how long is the time increase, length before and after 15936_49

There are several of the most popular designer effects that it turns out to achieve with 2D-building eyelashes.

  • Classic. Universal design. Natural cilia during its implementation is complemented by a minor number of artificial. This is the optimal solution for those fashionists who wish to achieve an excellent natural image.

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  • Feline . For such an effect, longer cilia are involved and they are fixed in external corners. Thus, visually eyes become much larger, and the view acquires expressiveness and sensuality.

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  • Puppet . It will be appropriate for those ladies who want to have large, voluminous and twisted eyelashes. Thanks to this interesting effect, you can lift slightly hanging eyelids or "sad" corners of the eyes.

To achieve this effect, the longest eyelashes are fixed in the middle, at the expense of what eyes are visually becoming more.

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  • Lysius. . Another effect, thanks to which it will be possible to achieve an unobtrusive eye increase. In this case, short cilia are placed in the inner corners, gradually increasing them, approaching an external corner. So you can make a look not only more aesthetic, but also mysterious.

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Eyelashes 2D (83 photos): Effect after capacity building 2D, how long is the time increase, length before and after 15936_59

  • Squirrel. This effect, in which the villicks of equal length are glued at the edges, and in the middle point, the bunch is fixed or a certain amount of long hair. The effect is very similar to the brush, which is located on a squirrel tail, so it has a similar name.

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  • Star effect. To achieve it, the bristles are attached to the complete circumference of the eyes. Usually, with such a solution, the veil is characterized by a silk structure and a good volume, due to which they look velvety. Such an effect will be a good solution for almost all cases.

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Eyelashes 2D (83 photos): Effect after capacity building 2D, how long is the time increase, length before and after 15936_65

Technology of procedure

With a fashionable 2D increase, you need to adhere to the right scheme of action. If you do everything as carefully and correctly, it will be possible to grow very beautiful and natural cilia. We learn from which stages there are extensions of different species.

Poam method

Popular and fairly simple way to build up with a double volume effect. Punches can be formed independently, it does not take much time. For such a procedure, you will need the following tools:

  • plastic tablet;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Special protective ribbon for eyelashes;
  • glue composition for eyelashes;
  • Single cilia of suitable length;
  • tweezers.

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And now we will describe in stages all the features of the formation of beams for further attachment them.

  • The tablet will need to stick the scotch strips . Then they will need to put a protective ribbon. It should be glued with a sticky half up. Prepared bundles will be attached to the ribbon.
  • From individual cilias it will be necessary to gently form the beams of the desired 2D-volume . To this end, using tweezers, you need to take on the Village and form a kind of "heel", a masculine bundle in a glue solution. Surplus will need to be removed.
  • Make sure that the adhesive is not a lot. The collected beam should be accurately fixed on the tablet (on the protective film).

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The process of 2D-extension itself by the beam method should be implemented in such a sequence.

  • You need to choose a suitable length. Material of artificial origin can be slightly issued beyond natural cilia. If they are much more, you can very carefully cut them with conventional sharp scissors.
  • Think out in advance what effect you want to get and what kind of plots will be glued with artificial cilia. Based on this, you can understand how many beams and which volume you will need. Bundles are not recommended to apply along the entire growth line of their own eyelashes.
  • Treat eyelids alcohol . It is necessary for degreasing the skin. In this case, the material is better connected with the base.
  • Put some glue on a special plate, Stretch a little time.
  • Take tweezers Pick up the beam, dip it in glue.
  • Carefully attach a beam to the outer part of the century at the very base of natural hair. Press it with a wooden stick and hold a little like that.
  • So that the beams did not begin to disappear Give them some time drying. As soon as one bundle pasted, wait 2-3 minutes and can glue the next one.
  • Determine for yourself how thick cilia want to get as a result. You can correct this parameter by choosing a certain amount of beams. The gaps between them must be left at least 2 mm.
  • After completing all the steps, close the eyes and give glue composition until the end to dry.

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Execution of this type of building is considered easy and fast. Not much time goes on it. The main thing is to always give glue to guard well on the basis and not hurry in your actions.

Japanese technique

Poam is far from the only way 2D-extension. There is also a special Japanese technique, which is designed to create a spectacular volume on the eyelashes. In the course of the implementation of this type of increment, each of its cilia is attached over a pair of invoices. Usually, in the end, the eyelashes look natural and effectively.

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We will analyze step by step, how can the eyelashes can be increasing in accordance with the popular Japanese technology.

  • At first it is recommended to test the test for possible allergic reactions that can manifest itself in response to components in the composition of the adhesive.
  • Its eyelashes must be pre-propagated.
  • Lower cilia should be covered with special silicone or gel linings - both varieties are suitable. Due to this, you will avoid gluing the upper and lower hairs. In the course of the procedure, the eye must be kept closed. Printing is most convenient to carry out 2nd thin and sharp tweezers.
  • The first tweezers must be carefully separated by his cilia, and the second is attached artificially. The tool formulation must be correct. In the eyelid can be superimposed up to 150 artificial veins.
  • The hairs are fixed by means of special substances protecting the adhesive basis from the effects of moisture.

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How to wear?

Established and pooded, and beams of eyelashes need to be properly. At artificial eyelashes should be careported. Only providing the correct material to the correct material, it can be noted that it keeps long enough.

  • On eyelashes and zones near them can not be applied cosmetics, Based on oil. Fat creams should also be refused. Under the action of such compositions, glue becomes too soft, due to which the false porcelines inevitably fall out.
  • Should not rub eyes and eyelids Because due to this cilia can be deformed. Often in such conditions, the hairs begin to actively fall out.
  • During the first day it is better to abandon water procedures, do not attend the pool.
  • It is not recommended to sleep face in a pillow otherwise the invoice is deformed.
  • Do not apply various cosmetics for artificial villi, It is also not necessary to curl and laminate them.
  • For washing every day you need to use only delicate agents. Hot water should not fall on the cilia.

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Review reviews

Consider that good modern fashionista noticed in popular 2D buildings.

  • Most of the most beautiful sex representatives have been satisfied with the aesthetic effect of a similar type of extension. The 2D effect seemed very beautiful and bright girls.
  • Girls noted and the fact that cilia incremented by such technology are comfortable in the sock and are almost never felt on the eyelids.
  • Liked the ladies and the natural look of the cilia with the 2D effect. Properly glued porks are practically no different from natural.
  • Increased 2D-cilias do not need to paint - this is a feature that pleased many girls.
  • The procedure for 2D-extension of the eyelashes lasts not very long as opposed to other techniques, which could not not surprise modern fashionists who have every minute on the account.
  • Cilia with the volume of 2D are very convenient on travel and business trips.

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There were negative feedback.

  • Many girls were upset that with such an extension could not use their favorite fat creams, because they dissolve the glue on which the false porcins hold.
  • Despite the fact that 2D-buildings do not require high time costs, and many girls were pleased, they were also those who procedure, on the contrary, seemed too tightened. Perhaps the case in an inexperienced master or exclusively in subjective sensations.
  • The possibility of an allergic reaction scares some fashionistas.
  • Mandatory daily care is another of repulsive factors.
  • Many ladies have noticed that the cilia holds not too long and they have to update them often, which leads to excess spending.

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Beautiful examples

Properly conducted 2D-build procedure allows you to get perfect lush cilia, spectacularly decorating the ladies. Consider some beautiful examples.

  • The win-win option is a beam building with longer and venerable hairs, glued closer to the corner of the eye. Before this cilia zone can be shorter and thin. Looks like such an extension naturally and feminine.

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  • Effective will look Lush black cilia big lengths, glued along the entire line of their own eyelashes. You can get a chic amount close to the puppet effect.

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                              • It will be originally watching 2D-extensions, decorated with rhinestones, Mounted near the base of the eyelashes closer to the angle of the eyes.

                              Eyelashes 2D (83 photos): Effect after capacity building 2D, how long is the time increase, length before and after 15936_83

                              The next video will tell the following video about the extension of eyelashes with a 2D effect.

                              Read more