Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme, "Fox's view" with bend L and M, Caltic care after the procedure


In recent years, the extension procedure has become insanely popular. Today, many girls resort to it and remain very satisfied with beautiful results. There is a lot of interesting effects that can be achieved properly carried out. In this article we will talk about fox effect.

Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

What it is?

Before studying all the features and technology of creating the original fox effect on the eyelashes, it makes sense to answer the main question: what is it. Fox effect call the technique of eyelash extension, in which a smooth increase in their length towards the outer corners of the eye is envisaged. To further enhance the beautiful and bright effect, which many girls likes, more dense hairs are often used, fixed closer to the outer edge. If you do everything correctly, then the ladies' look certainly turns out to be mysterious, languid and mounted.

Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

Slightly elongated the angle of the effect on the cilia makes it possible to disguise many disadvantages that are observed on the corners of the eyes. An interesting visual effect is created, literally changing their shape.

    True, some girls do not follow such decisions, because, on the contrary, there are noticeably emphasized the existing shortcomings that need to be hidden.

    Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

    Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

    Who comes up?

    There are many different types of build-up, allowing to achieve a variety of effect. Modern fashionicats are offered to make a glance having a smooth or more sharp cilience transition from thin to longer and dense. There are even such techniques, in accordance with which the eyelashes are made by extreme and fluffy, due to which the original "puppet" look is formed. Any option is advisable to choose if it is perfect for a girl. This also applies to fox effect, because it looks good not at all fashionable.

    Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

    Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

    Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

    Today, the effect of "Fox" is one of the most popular women who care about the beauty of their image. This is an excellent solution if the lady wants to make a look more open, expressive and piercing. It is worth dealing with who is most suitable for this trend effect.

    • A similar solution will be very successful if the lady's eyes are located close to each other. Thus, it turns out to be effectively adjusted and visually pull them out to the sides.
    • The effect of "Fox" and the girls who have convex and round eyes are suitable. Thanks to the adjusting abilities of the fourth effect, it will be visually a little divorious eyes to the sides and smooth their original shape.
    • The ideal solution to the extension under consideration will be for girls and women who have the eyes of the almond-shaped form. The cosmetic procedure will allow emphasize the natural beauty of the view.

    Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

    Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

    Who does not fit?

    Before you go to the salon to increase the cilia with a fox effect, it is worth understanding not only to whom it is suitable, but also to find out who should not contact him.

    • Not suitable for the effect of the game that girls who are from nature have a very wide eye cut. Fox effect will pull them even more.
    • When the eyes are narrow, a similar effect will also look inappropriate. Because of him, the eyes visually will narrow even more - it will look ridiculous.
    • If the corners of the eye from nature slightly lowered, the foxes will look like the girl crying.
    • Ladies with deeply planted eyes the "Fox" effect will not work either.
    • This effect does not look at very little eyes.

    Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

    Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

    Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

    Overview of volume options

    Extension of eyelashes with a fox effect may provide for different volumes. Each girl chooses an optimal solution that looks at her eyes best.

    So, extension with a volume of 2D and 3D is obtained more expressive, lush and attractive.

    Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

    Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

    The distinctive characteristics of these technicians are in the number of hairs that the master attachs to the natural cilia girls. In the case of 2D buildings, the bundles are formed from the total of 2 hairs. If it is a more spectacular 3D building, then the beam is assembled not from 2, but from 3 hairs. There is another volume option - 1.5D. With it, the fox effect is softer and smooth.

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      What materials are used?

      First-class extension largely depends not only on the skill level of a specialist who does it, but also from the quality of the materials used. The extension service with the use of high-quality branded materials is usually expensive, but also the results similar procedures bring truly chic.

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      If the work was performed using low-quality materials, then the look will lose its aesthetics very soon - long to wait. In addition, bad material may adversely affect the health of the girl who resorted to build up with similar components. Often there is a feeling of discomfort, allergies appear either artificial hair fighters very quickly and very much.

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      The following materials are used to form a fox effect.

      • Special patch on the hydrogel basis. They allow you to fix the ladies' cilia in the field of the lower eyelid to prevent their gluing with the upper eyelashes.
      • Special auxiliary ribbon, which can fix eyelashes, and patches.
      • Ribbon with perforation, which is used for a neat tip of the upper eyelid, if necessary.
      • In order to better and fully clean natural cilia from dust and remnants of cosmetic products, use a special primer or degreaser.
      • If there is a need, it is worthwhile as high-quality micellar water.
      • To correctly form bunches of hairs, it is necessary to use curved tweezers (tweezers).
      • Sleeve or direct tweezers will be useful in order to carefully separate the "native" cilia.
      • Be sure to need a special adhesive composition, which can be black or transparent. Suitable glue color depends on the color of which color is fixed on the eyelids.
      • Special stone required specifically for glue, or instead of glass. Due to the last droplet of glue, it will not dry over a long period of time, will remain a working.
      • Special ring for glue, which is put on the finger of the wizard. Due to the operation of this part, the time of the extension procedure is noticeably reduced.
      • Palets with synthetic hairs of different parameters.
      • Remumber - it may need if extensive hairs will need to be safely and painlessly remove.
      • Nylon and silicone brushes are useful for combing eyelashes.

      Ward sticks will necessarily need if the eyelashes are increasing a lady with high tears.

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      Experienced specialists give the following useful recommendations.

      • The used adhesive droplet should be quenched in water, applying a cotton wand.
      • It is recommended to wear a special protective mask to protect yourself from possible adhesive evaporation.
      • It is advisable to get rid of all distracting moments. It can be tirelessly "chatting" radio or TV.

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

      Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

          Also, a special fixer or an adhesive amplifier is allowed as a supplement. The fixer is capable of significantly enhancing the level of resistance of the adhesive solution. Due to the action of this component, extensive hairs can be worn much longer without sickness. The amplifier accelerates the time that goes to the process of fastening artificial hair to the native.

          Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

          Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

          The main parameters of eyelashes

          Each girl who wants to build cilia to get a fox effect, should know what parameters there must be overhead hair. Read these characteristics.

          Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

          Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

          Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,


          The length is usually selected in accordance with the desires and preferences of the girl who decided to increase the cilia. At the same time, the recommendations of the master and the goals for which extension is made. To obtain a beautiful fox effect, the optimal is considered the length of from 6 to 11 mm.

          Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

          Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

          The largest length of artificial extensive hairs can reach 16 mm. However, such indicators can be applied only if the natural ladies' eyelashes are sufficiently dense and strong, will be able to withstand serious loads.

          The fixation of long artificial hairs often falls to taste the bold young ladies who want to achieve a spectacular, attractive volume. The big length will be used when increasing, the more beautiful will be the end result. But it must be borne in mind that there will be no natural outcome.

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,


            One of the most important values ​​has a competently selected bending of eyelashes for extension. In the work you can use both one and several different bends.

            The main thing is to combine them correctly.

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Consider which varieties of bends exist.

            • B. This is a completely insignificant and unshakful type of bend. Visually, he looks very natural.
            • C. The most popular type of bend, which visually opens his eyes, makes them more thanks to moderately twisted hairs.
            • D. This is how the more twisted bend type is denoted, which can silently hide the hidden eyelid, supplement the beautiful volume. In this case, the bend D looks natural.
            • L. This bend is best suited for a beautiful fox effect. Recently, it became one of the most popular and sought-after decisions, especially among those girls whose natural eyelashes are characterized by minimal bend.
            • M. Bend, characterized by a large degree of twistedness. It will be perfectly looking at women whose natural eyelashes grow down.

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Thickness and volume

            These parameters are also very important in the procedure for building eyelashes with the effect of "Fox". Based on the specific technique of extension, the optimal thickness of artificial hairs is selected, because it is it that it has a direct impact on their weight.

            • The lightest and weightless eyelashes are considered to be with parameters of 0.03-0.08 mm. Such vile can be performed both classical and volumetric extension. In both cases, the result is excellent.
            • The average thickness is distinguished by the hair with parameters 0.1-0.13 mm. Most often, they are used to build up the classic style or with 2D builds. They look very carefully, have a beautiful shape.
            • Thick is considered to be hairs with parameters 0.15-0.19 mm. Because of the high thickness, they are most often used for classical extension techniques, but for the 2D procedures, they can be used only if the girl's own eyelashes are healthy and strong. Thick cilia are tough and dense.
            • The fattest are VILLIN 0.2-0.25 mm. Building, in which such materials are involved, looks very effectively and attracts a lot of attention.

            Most often to similar beauty procedures are treated for specific purposes, because for daily socks, such cilias are not suitable.

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Extension scheme

            If all the necessary materials are selected and the choice is made in favor of perfectly suitable eyelash parameters, you can proceed to the procedure of their extension. Consider step by step, as you need to act correctly.

            • First of all, it is necessary to prepare and hair, and the skin around the eye client. These sections are necessarily cleaned, and then degreased.
            • The next step is superimposed with special pillows, So that the upper hairs began to push and do not glue with the bottom hairs.
            • Next is taken adhesive solution and tweezers. You can begin the process of increasing artificial material. If possible, it is necessary to bypass too weakened and thin "their" hairless hair to pick up the best basis for fixing artificial.
            • Sticker artificial material is required gradually, without free. Before you impose a new bristle, you need to make sure that the previous one dried to the end. Until the middle of the century, the parameters of hairs should not change.
            • As soon as the specified mark is reached, It is necessary to attach hairs that have a more impressive length.
            • After completing the gluing of all Village, it will be necessary to wait for the complete drying of the adhesive composition. Only then you can safely remove the pads, which were imposed at the very beginning.

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            After completing the procedure described, the wizard always carefully examines the result. The effect that managed to be achieved is fixed by taking careless combing hair.

            The studied procedure is very simple and suitable even for beginners who do not have rich experience in building eyelashes. If you do everything strictly according to the instructions, you can achieve very good results and get a luxurious fox look.

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Care after the procedure

            After extension with the fox, it is very important to properly care for eyelashes and skin around the eyes. If you neglect the leaving procedures, beautifully extensive hairless hair will not be shortly pleased the young lady.

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Consider in detail how it is necessary to maintain the eyelashes after the extension.

            • After the procedure, it is forbidden to visit the bath or sauna. It is strongly recommended to refuse to visit places where high humidity and sharp temperature races occur.
            • Sleep recommended only on the back either on the side. It is better not to go to the stomach.
            • Do not apply any cosmetics products, if there are fatty components in their composition.
            • Extensive hair outsight should be periodically combed combing using a special brush.
            • You should not cry, rub your eyes with your hands or touch them.
            • No need to contact with water, which contains salt or chloric.
            • Any decorative cosmetics needs to be removed from the eye with only special lotions.
            • It is not recommended to skip the procedure for adjusting the professional wizard.

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Fox eyelashes are allowed to wear without a break for no more than 6 months.

            Eyes should always be left for rest at least a couple of months. During this period, it is recommended to use various nutritional masks and other high-efficiency cargoing products. As soon as the term of "recreation" will pass, you can again build up beautiful cilia.

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,


            Before contacting the extension with the fox effect, it is necessary to consider that this procedure has enough contraindications. They must be taken into account in order to not encounter serious problems by ignorance.

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Consider the items that exactly serves as a contraindication to such an extension type.

            • As in many other cases, such a procedure should not be resorted if the individual intolerance of the components included in the composition of the increasing glue takes place.
            • Allergic reactions also serve as an obstacle to the considered procedure. Otherwise, a woman may encounter violent allergies, which will harm her health, and spoil appearance.
            • Increased tears - one of the contraindications to extension with the fox effect.
            • Any eye diseases prohibit resort to the considered beauty procedure. If this is not taken into account, you can seriously harm your own health.
            • If over the past 3 months, surgical interventions were performed, it is better to pay better with extension.
            • The period of breastfeeding and pregnancy - serious contraindications that cannot be neglected.
            • People hosting hormonal agents can not be increased eyelashes.
            • Too fatty skin and high levels of sweating serve as a contraindication. In addition, people with similar problems rarely can wear an impaired artificial material for a long time.
            • In no case cannot be used by such a service for people suffering from cancer, as well as those who undergo chemotherapy.
            • Customers with high sensitivity of the eyes will not be able to comfortably wear even the highest quality extensive hairs.

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            All listed contraindications are mostly associated with human health, so they can not be covered with eyes. If you treat such prohibitions dismissively, you can later encounter very large problems.

            Useful advice

            Consider several recommendations on extension of eyelashes with a fox effect.

            • If you are making an independently, you need to create all the necessary conditions for this. Put a large mirror, prepare all the tools and materials. In the extreme atmosphere of high-quality extension not to do.
            • Fox effect can be supplemented with decorations in the form of feathers or rhinestones. This is an excellent solution for the holiday or a solemn event.
            • The considered beauty procedure can only be applied in If the girl's own eyelashes are strong and healthy, do not appear and do not look thinned. No conscientious master takes place for work if natural cilia clients require additional care.
            • When choosing suitable extension parameters, it is recommended to consult with the master. The specialist will help to stop at the best option. For example, many girls advise the beautiful extension of the "acute fox". Also, the wizard will help to dwell on the best bend and the length of hairs.

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            Lisys Effect in eyelashes (74 photos): 2D, 3D and classics building scheme,

            About how to make fusion Effect in building eyelashes, see the next video.

            Read more