Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length


The result of eyelash extension is an expressive plowed view. Different equipment gives a different effect. The final result is influenced by the size, bending and color of cilia. Let's talk about the possible effects of eyelash extension.

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_2

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_3

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_4

Basic effects overview

Masters-Lashmeiker use a variety of effects when sticking artificial cilia on natural. Artificial fibers are characterized by bend and thick. Depending on this, the result may be of different volumes. The classic assumes the extension of one artificial hair on one natural, double volume - gluing a beam of two hairs, triple - out of three and so on. Popularity is popular from classic to triple, the rest are used less often.

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_5

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_6

Depending on the resulting polymer, the eyelashes are divided into several types.

  • Mink - shiny hair of the middle thickness of black color.
  • Sable - Thicker and hard hairs used in bulk buildings.
  • Silk - The lightest and soft villi to create the most natural result.

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_7

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_8

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_9


  • J - straight hairs, rarely used in a separate build-up, only together with other bends;
  • B is a small bend for natural buildup;
  • C is a common bending, which is popular due to medium curls;
  • D - also a popular view that gives the eyelashes of pomp;
  • L is a strong bending with a swirling end used to create large volumes.

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_10

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_11

Standard effects are used most often, as they differ in greater naturalness.

Total there are three types.

  • Natural effect. The procedure is carried out by sticking the cilia of the same length as its own, as well as on the natural line of growth. At the same time, short cilia are glued with the edge, and in the middle are long. This method emphasizes the natural beauty of the eye. For naturalness, silk or mink brown eyelashes are selected. Often customers or beginner masters confuse the concept of natural and classical buildup. The fact is that the first is a way of modeling a look at which you can use both classics and volumes.

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_12

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_13

  • Puppet effect. This way creates a lush look. Artificial hairs of the same length are glued to natural throughout the row. The wizard visually shares all the cilia into four parts. First, the center is increasing, and then the edges. The puppet effect of extensive eyelashes is often used in classics, as well as the volume of 2D. Suitable for girls with the eyes of the almond shape, not suitable for ladies with narrow and convex eyes.

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_14

Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_15

      • The effect of painted eyelashes. Unlike the first method, thick cilia are used in this. Execution technique is similar. When using silk cilia, a light glitter appears, which gives the volume.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_16

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_17

      These are the most common ways to extend eyelashes, suitable almost every girl. For any of them, the master uses a specific technique (European, Japanese, Hollywood and so on).

      What are the effects with the stretch of the outer edge?

      They are suitable for girls with rounded, slightly convex and closely planted eyes. With their help, you can adjust the look. The name speaks for itself.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_18

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_19

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_20


      The second prevalence method of extension after natural. Instructed lush eyelashes create eyeliner and expressive look. With this method, a visually pulls out a look. Fox effect is performed by two methods according to the scheme:

      • Smooth fox. - execution of a gradual transition from the shortest cilia of an inner corner of the eye to the longest outdoor;
      • sharp fox. - Performing a gradual transition from the short cilia of an inner corner of the eye and a sharp transition to the longest cilia of an outer corner.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_21

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_22

      Cilia are divided into four parts, from half the third size of the eyelashes instantly increases.

      Cilia are divided into four parts, from half the third size of the eyelashes instantly increases. The longest cilia of 12-15 millimeters is fixed in an external corner. The emphasis is done on the outer corners of the eye, painfully pulling them. Fox effect fits girls with a convex and rounded eye shape, not suitable for beautiful sexes with far-planted eyes. It is clearly viewed at extensive eyelashes with a bend L and C.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_23

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_24


      It differs from the previous one due to a smooth increase in the size of the cilia. A number of short cilia is glued to the outer corner. Building this method opens a look by lifting the corners of the eyes. The inner side of the century has short cilia, then long and short again. The squirrel effect attaches a mysteriousness. Fits girls with hanging eyelids and lowered corners, not suitable for far-plane.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_25

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_26

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_27


      This is a rather complicated reception performed for lossekers. It is achieved by pulling out the outer corner of the eye and giving the middle of the century rounded form. As in the previous methods, the cilia smoothly increases to the outer corner. Several short ciliates stick around the edges. To give a rounding form, a combination of bends, for example, C and B. Using the combination of bends The effect fits girls with widespread eyes.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_28

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_29

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_30

      Description of effects with increasing different lengths

      These methods suggest the use of cilias of different lengths that give the volume and emphasize. When applying short-lived cilia, very natural work is obtained. Different extension length is suitable for girls with an eye shape in the form of almonds.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_31

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_32

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_33

      Developed effect

      Suitable for owners of thick and long eyelashes. Artificial hairs are attached at a certain distance. Masters are left unravelable 2-3 hairs. Thus, It turns out a combination of long and short hairs and an effect of open look.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_34

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_35

      The effect of rains

      Differs from the previous extension technique. The scheme is as follows: sticking an artificial cilia, the same length with natural, one hairs, and on another sticking of a longer hairs. Alternate throughout the eye. As a result, it turns out a neat natural look. On rare eyelashes additionally glue beams, creating volume. Bending and thickness are selected individually.

      Sometimes the rays are made multicolored.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_36

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_37

      Cocktail effect

      Another name is eyeliner, as it creates its visibility in the upper eyelid. Short hairs are glued along the lower seafrine, and the top is long. The upper eyelary row is compacted, creating a liner effect. Basically this method combines with fox or natural buildings.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_38

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_39

      Colored options

      Previously, colored extension options were used for photo shoots, and now many girls wear multicolored cilia in everyday life. Colored hairs are glued either throughout the ciliated row or a method of ombre. There are also several extension techniques.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_40

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_41

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_42


      When building a "mermaid" technique, colored hairs are gradually flowing from one shade to another. In the inner corner, the darkest hairs are glued, in the center of the spot, and brightly cilia is glued along the outer edge. The shade is selected based on the wishes of the client. For a saturated bright and attractive result, a combination of shades are used.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_43

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_44


      The new effect involving the gluing of several color cilias on the outer corner, and suitable for everyday socks. If it is conditionally divided by eyelashes on 4 parts, then colored hairs occupy 1/4. The color also depends on the wishes of the client, but mostly selected enough bright shades - pink, yellow, blue, purple and so on. The unicorn effect is popular in fox and waste technology of extension.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_45

      Colored tips

      The technology implies the extension of black cilia at the base, and bright are attached at the ends. The effect looks also attractive as the two previous ones. Colored tips are combined with natural effects, as well as for girls with an elongated outer corner of the eye.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_46

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_47

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_48


      Another name is mixed. This technique does not provide for everyday toe, since the entire eyelash row is embedded with multi-colored hairs. As a result, it turns out very bright buildup.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_49

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_50

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_51

      Rhinestones and sparkles

      The method of extension is suitable for solemn outlets. You can use the technology you like, placing on top of certain punching rhinestones or sparkles, thanks to which overflow and glamorous flicker is created. The star dust effect is obtained through the use of glitters.

      Sequins are safe for health.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_52

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_53

      What else are there?

      When building the cilia, various types of technologies are used. Among popular are the following.

      • American. The main substance is rubber. Each cilia of silicone hairs is increasing. Usually used for customers wishing to gain the effect of wet eyelashes.
      • Japanese It provides for extension with beams, that is, an artificial beam is glued to each natural eyelashes.
      • Indonesian Just like American, suggests the pistonous increase in the use of natural glue equipped with useful minerals that contribute to the growth of cilia.
      • Volume - This is the gluing of several artificial cilias to one natural.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_54

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_55

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_56

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_57

      There are some more ways to build up, which are less popular. Many of them are similar to the above effects.


      The effect provides for the use of cilia various lengths, due to which a torn eyelash is created. Depending on the wishes of the client, Lashmeaker selects the corresponding interval between the hairs and their length. As a result, it turns out a magnificent volumetric extension. The effect is suitable for girls with eyes of almond.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_58

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_59


      The butterfly is considered a variety of larding. He received its name due to the final result, where the eyelashes look like a butterfly wings. The length of the eyelashes varies gradually from the outer corner. In the middle of the cilly row, the length increases sharply and the longest hairs are attached at extreme eyelashes. As a result, the look looks more open.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_60

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_61


      When increasing in Hollywood style, the master uses beams from three eyelashes that sticks on one natural, creating the effect of Barbie. The effect has several subspecies. The classic implies the glittering of hairs throughout the rash row, lightly through one natural eyelashes and external - extension from the outer corner. The effect is allowed to wear every day, but it should be borne in mind that due to the heavy load, the bundles will fall off.

      Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_62


        Ensures the creation of an oval. For this, the master in the center of glue long hairs and moves to an external corner. At the tips, the length of artificial cilia is minimal.

        It is suitable for representatives with a heavy century and reveals a glance, as well as for age customers, as visually hides wrinkles and creates a dramatic look.

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_63

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_64


        This is a new glamorous method of increasing, common less frequently. Its essence is as follows: on the outer corner of the eye, the master comes to the longest cilia and sharply goes into a small one. This effect is rarely chosen by customers for everyday socks.

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_65

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_66

        Each girl pays great attention to eye makeup. In the summer, due to heat, the skin constantly sweats, which reduces the resistance of decorative cosmetics, and painted eyelashes look sticky. Therefore, the mascara, shadows and pencils are better not to use. Explosive eyelashes are a great way to look impeccable at any time.

        There are a lot of eyelash extension methods, and each can choose suitable for yourself. Girls loving Makeup in the Nude style may not be afraid of the procedure, since natural effects only emphasize natural beauty. Fractured cilia are beautifully combined with arrows.

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_67

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_68

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_69

        Child Nuances

        Proper extension from the experienced master decorates a look, and does not make it unnatural. The final result depends on the selected effect. It is selected by a losheker, depending on a certain shape of the client's eye and the state of natural cilia.

        For a round eye, it is better to choose the natural or effect of painted cilia. With the help of a fourth way, you can visually lengthen the outer corner of the eye, which visually remove the rounding. Clients with deeply planted eyes need to open a glance. With this task, the puppet effect or pulling the corner is perfectly coping.

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_70

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_71

        Pulling will also suit customers with narrowly planted eyes. Lisys and feline effect are perfectly harmonized with raised corners. To hide raised corners, there are several bends in the work at once, for example, C and V.

        For lowered corners, a squirrel effect is suitable with a combination of several twisted bends. Convex eyes are fixed to the external corner pulling technology. The puppet effect is categorically not suitable for such forms, as it will make the eyelashes unnatural and increases the convexity of the eyes.

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_72

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_73

        Natural eyelash length is also significance when choosing an effect. Thick artificial cilia can not be glued on weak and thin hairs. Significant load on weakened eyelashes will have a negative impact that will lead to falling. Also cannot be used by the surround effects on small natural cilia.

        For various representatives of thick natural eyelashes, artificial hairs are applied, the same in length.

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_74

        So let's summarize how to choose the effect:

        • Almond eye shape - Suitable absolutely every way;
        • Corners looking down - fix the situation "BELICH EFFECT";
        • Convex eyes - For large eyes, you can use a classic or volume 2D with thin hairs, as well as the "fox" effect that gives the right shape to his eyes;
        • narrowly planted eyes - "Lysi" or "BELICH" effect will make a look more open;
        • Wrong eyelid - fit cilia with a large curl and increased length at the end of the ciliary series;
        • Asian style - a combination of bends for maximum eye disclosure.

        Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_75

          Before starting the procedure, the Lashmeaker will appreciate the proportion of the face and correctly select the desired effect individually for each client. Fractured cilia change the shape of the eyes, their landing and look more expressive. The procedure can be corrected by the disadvantages of appearance and make it harmonious. It is important to approach the wizard's choice with all seriousness, since only a professional can create a result that will be harmonized with features. Not always what you see in the picture can be applied on your image.

          Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_76

          Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_77

          Eyelash extension effects (78 photos): titles and schemes, combination with bending types. What are the natural effects? Their description and length 15931_78

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