Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting


Many women Used for staining Henna - Natural material, which has both advantages and disadvantages. To avoid problems, it is necessary to get acquainted in detail how to properly produce staining and in what proportion to mix the components.

Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_2

Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_3

Pros and Cough Staining

There are several reasons why it is worth using a hub for eyelashes. Dye makes exclusively from natural material, which is why the composition is hypoallergenic. Often for women with sensitive skin is the only available option. Moreover, Henna has an attractive cost, it can be found in any cosmetic store. It is made of a plant from the leaves of the plant, which is called Lovesoni. Thanks to the natural origin of the Henna helps strengthen eyelashes. Over time, they are less likely and increase in volume.

Among the main advantages can be allocated:

  • security;
  • Easy use;
  • Saving time and money.

Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_4

Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_5

Many women use henna because it Beautiful alternative to chemical dyes which often cause an allergic reaction. Some shades contain additional organic compounds that allow you to make color deeper and increase stability. Henna-based shades are a good choice for those who already use the dye on her hair and wants their eyebrows to have the same color. With the finished set of toning for eyelashes, you do not need to go to the salon to transform. It is enough just to follow the manufacturer's instructions, mix powder with water or manifesting emulsion and apply it to eyelashes with a brush.


  • It is difficult superimposed
  • coloring skin;
  • Color quickly disappears.

Henna has a consistency of pasta, so it is not so easy to apply on the eyelashes.

Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_6

Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_7

Some women are difficult at the beginning of using the dye. The first staining take away a lot of time. In the first place is always safety.

It is important that the dye does not hit the eye.

    If Henna gets on clothes, she will not be flushed , so it is better to wear what is not sorry. Coloring means and skin. But if you pre-lubricate it with cream or vaseline, then the henna does not fit or it will be easy to rinse. Over time, the color will be pale and need to make re-staining. In fact, this is a problem with all the coloring compositions, which used natural components.

    Depending on the individual characteristics of the girl, The effect of staining can last from 1 to several weeks. Before painting, you must remove the makeup or just wash if it is not. Sometimes the result may not be visible immediately. This happens with eyelashes, which are without black. It is difficult to take a dye and hard hair, and it should not be used during pregnancy or reception of hormonal drugs. In the latter case, the result of staining can be unpredictable.

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_8

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_9

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_10

    Choosing henna

    Henna is produced for eyelashes separately. The instructions are clearly written, for which the tool is intended. When choosing a natural paint, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition, expiration date, type. There are manufacturers who add other components to enhance the color and durability of staining. They are not always safe for humans and can cause strong irritation. Usually it is cream-hen, since it is not possible to achieve such a liquid texture with a simple powder from the leaves.

    If you plan to use a powder or tube with paint several times, then It is worth ensiting that shelf life will not expire to this moment.

    Professionals noted that the dye, which was prepared for a long time, does not have such a strong effect as the one recently done.

    Powder Henna is considered the best tool for painting eyelashes. It is natural, safe. Cream formulations include additional components, so they are even comfortable, not always better.

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_11

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_12

    If painting eyelashes make home on their own, it is better to use powder natural hen from a proven brand.

    Saving on the agent, you can then be unpleasantly surprised by the result. Lashmeakers recommend several equipment for eyelash. These are such brands:

    • Brow Henna;
    • Viva Henna;
    • Godefroy.

    Brow Henna. Called on sale in small tubes. This henna is consumed economically. In the proposed palette of 8 attractive shades, among which the necessary tone will pick up both blondes and brunettes. One tool is enough for 200 staining.

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_13

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_14

    Concerning Viva Henna. It is believed that Indian manufacturers make the best dyes in quality. This henna can be found in packs of various volumes. There are very small 15 grams and large 120 grams. Before using the tool, make a solution from it. As a pleasant supplement in the package there is always some coconut oil, which helps to care for the eyelashes.

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_15

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_16

    Part Godefroy. Includes chemical components, so before use it is worth a reaction test. Eyelashes are exactly the scene, which is specified on the package. For sale, paint comes in the form of capsules with a powder prisoner. Included there is an oxidant, mixed with the dye, only after that the solution is applied to the eyelashes.

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_17

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_18

    How to paint?

    Coloring eyelashes at home occurs just as in the cabin. Due to the availability of ready-made sets and detailed instructions, each girl can carry out the procedure itself.


    You can buy a ready-made liquid dye. It does not need to breed. Powder mixtures are necessarily prepared before applying. Step by step this process is as follows.

    • Powder is bred with boiled water, it is desirable that it is warm or with an oxidizer embedded.
    • Plastic or ceramic container is used for mixing. Metal is not suitable because it reacts with henna.
    • The solution must remind a thick sour cream in its consistency and be sure to be without lumps.

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_19

    Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_20

      To keep a ready-made mixture for further use does not make sense, it is prepared only for one application. Since through time it loses its properties and becomes unsuitable for eyelashing. The powder to use the house is much more complicated, since he is badly falling into the hairs because of his coarse structure. Some women prefer to use lemon juice or chamomile decoction. They are called to strengthen the effect, but it is worth using them with extreme caution.

      Also suitable nettle and a small amount of rapid oil.

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_21

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_22


      Many women seek help to an experienced master, because it seems to them that it is impossible to paint on their own. In fact, it is not so, the technique of applying the mixture is very simple.

      • First, it is required to dissolve the solution or pour a small amount of cream paint into the container.
      • The skin around the eyes is desirable to lubricate with fatty cream or vaseline if it is at hand. Even if Henna falls, she will not leave traces.
      • Under the lower eyelashes, patches or cotton swabs are preserved, who have something at hand. Perfectly fit cotton discs that can be additionally soaked with cream. Eyelashes paint in closed eyes. The paint is stacked with a thick layer so that it covered every cilia. If the composition in large quantities hit the skin, it is desirable to remove it immediately. It is very convenient for this to use a ray oil and ear wand.

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_23

      Staining time is about 20 minutes But sometimes longer. It depends on how the tint wants to achieve a girl. The longer the composition affects the hairs, the darker the eyelashes are obtained. The advantage of professional staining in this case is that the master sees how the shade changes, and can remove the hu from the eyes on time. Clean the composition first with a dry cotton disk, then clean wetted in warm water and remove the remnants.

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_24

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_25

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_26

      Subsequent care

      Regardless of which cosmetic procedure was carried out, it is necessary to provide high-quality subsequent care, and otherwise the effect will soon disappear. Masters have their secrets, they are happy to share with girls.

      1. After the henna is completely removed from the eye, it is necessary to apply a fat cream. The skin in this place is very sensitive, any aggressive impact may cause serious irritation. Cream will help calm skin cover.
      2. On the first day and the next one does not advise you to use hot water during washing. The dye must absorb the structure of the eyelashes to stay there for a long time.
      3. Cannot be used to cleanse the skin around the eye cosmetic milk, gel and any other cleansing agent.
      4. To make eyelashes look healthy and were fluffy, they advise on them every evening to apply a small amount of castor oil.

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_27

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_28

      When natural henna is used for staining, the effect is shorter, but if you follow the recommendations to the above, it can be extended at no additional cost.

      Additional protection measures allow you to save eyelashes beautiful for 5 weeks. It must be said that the technology of cabin staining is no different from home, they simply do not need to independently apply their composition first on one eye, and then to another. A visit to the salon can significantly save time. If the girl still decided on independent staining, then it is worth using gloves And otherwise you can spoil the manicure. For the same reason, the shoulders are covered or put on old clothes, on which it is not scary to put stains from henna.

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_29

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_30

      Review reviews

      Women with interest share their experience in using Henna as a dye for eyelashes. There are among them those who remained satisfied with the result, and girls, full disappointment. Most notes that The effect of funds with chemical components is preserved longer, but often irritation in the area around the eyes. The intensity of staining and the quality of the product depends, after using paint from unknown brands, practically nothing changes.

      So it can occur because when creating a powder was used from the very beginning a poor-quality product. Be sure to pay attention to the shelf life. Means with an expired term at best do not change anything in the image. At worst, they will differ in its result. It should always be remembered that natural dye without adding additional components cannot harm the eyelashes, on the contrary, it has a positive effect on the structure of hairs, strengthening them.

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_31

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_32

      There are girls who remained unhappy with the result not due to weak staining, but on the contrary. In this case, they themselves did not get acquainted with the instructions, so they simply overtook paint, as a result, too dark eyelashes were obtained, which may not go blondes. The soft effect of black henna can be obtained in 2-3 minutes, from brown - in 5 minutes. To achieve maximum staining, you should hold the composition on the eyelashes within an hour.

      Specialists advise to use natural hen several times a month to secure the result. There is still one moment to pay attention to. If the lamination was previously done, the color will not give the result. It is necessary to first cut the hairs, and then use additional coating. In this case, the color will be "sealed" and lasted longer.

      Also, no one forbids using ink, but the means for removing makeup are removed and the dye from the hairs, so the correction will be required earlier.

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_33

      Staining Henna Eyelashes (34 photos): How to paint with cream-henna at home? Reviews after painting 15910_34

      Instructions for painting eyelashes at home, see the next video.

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