Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews


Pine ether is actively used in cosmetology and alternative medicine. It is recommended for use against dandruff and has a powerful antibacterial effect, but it is necessary to follow the rules and restrictions when using it.

Features of the composition

Esters are used primarily in aromatherapy, cosmetology. Pine exhaust is a strong activator. It is made by distillation from needles, bark, and sometimes from a pine cone of various breeds. The wood oil is usually used for relaxation, demonstrates healing qualities and is used in skin infections, problems with the urinary system, during diseases of the respiratory tract. Pine ether is often used to create hygiene and perfume. It is often added to the water when they take a bath, or drip in the sauna.

Pine has a sweet and fresh aroma. Its ether is one of the most important components in the production of turpentine oil. It is recommended to use as an addition when dealing with arthritis, bruises and stretching. This is an antibiotic whose properties can be useful in combating infections and parasites.

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_2

The aroma of the described ether is wonderful with others. It is most often connected to a lavender or lemon extract. Eucalyptus and pine hoods have many common properties, and in combination help with pain in muscles and joints, they can take a headache. The fragrance of the tree also sounds well with Bergamot.

Pine oil is one of the most common and recognized household aromas, so it is popular in the production of disinfectants and deodorants. The product is a refined version of the synthetic variety of similar aroma.

In aromatherapy, pine oil is known for its useful properties that have a positive effect on each body system. This is a strong antioxidant, which contains a large amount of vitamin E. Vitamin C in its composition as much as in lemon and orange. The fragrance is able to awaken the desire for life, new feelings will be boring, contributes to spiritual development.

The tool consists of complex chemical elements, among which carbon and hydrogen compounds. Pinen and lemonsens demonstrate warming and antiseptic effect, but there are other active substances:

  • camphor;
  • aldehydes;
  • Smithic acids.

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_3

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_4

Medical properties

Pine ether demonstrates soothing properties that make it an ideal means capable of removing pain. It causes blood to circulate faster, arrive to the surface of the skin, due to which toxins are derived from the body, the process of cell regeneration is accelerated. Scientific research has proven that the product is an effective means of pain caused by burns.

Therapeutic properties of pine oil also make it effective in the fight against eductions and irritations, chronic joints in the joints. With outdoor use, for example, adding it to a warm bath or massage oil, the extract can take sharp muscle pain.

The ether of the tree is a natural painful and anti-inflammatory agent. Thus, it can be used as a natural replacement of anti-inflammatory drugs. It helps well with chronic inflammatory reactions, so it is recommended during arthritis.

Pine essential oil cleans the atmosphere in the house and makes it cleaner. Since harmful substances of the environment are one of the most common causes of headaches, the tool helps to cope with this problem.

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_5

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_6

Some types of mushrooms and bacteria, developing indoors, cause migraines, as well as respiratory problems and rashes on the skin. Researchers have discovered the positive results of the use of pine oil as antimicrobial means. It is used to remove stress and enhance mood.

When a person constantly hurts a headache, a few drops of diluted ether in breasts and whiskey should be launched or just add a product to the diffuser and breathe the fragrance.

Pine oil has an invigorating effect on the body and mind. It helps to relieve mental and physical fatigue, improves attentiveness, vigilance and memory. The tool increases the sense of confidence, relieves the symptoms of depression.

Essential Pine needles from ancient times used as an expectorant. It helps to ignite the sputum in the lungs, so that it is faster from the body. Also removes the pain in the throat, allows you to quickly cope with infection, promotes rapid recovery. It is best to connect the ether with eucalyptus and breathe them with pairs. You can rub the oil in the chest, neck and top of the back.

Pine essential oil has a valuable advantages in the treatment of skin diseases, such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, warts, furuncular, micaosis and dry itchy leather. It is so effectively that some dermatologists even prescribe pine oil specifically for the treatment of these problems.

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_7

In addition, the ether has antioxidant properties. When external use helps to fight with free radicals and reduces their negative impact on the skin. The tool works against wrinkles, fading the skin and other signs of premature aging. Before using the essential oil on the skin, be sure to first make the test to determine whether allergies are not on it.

Regularly using pine oil, you can strengthen the relaxing effect from the massage. It helps relieve mental stress, reduces anxiety feeling.

This is one of the best natural deodorants for the house, which is used to clean the carpet, because even the most stable odors removes. Most store products contain this component, since it is extremely effective.

To use it, you just need to add 20 drops on the water bucket, wipe the stains well. The tool is not toxic, besides the unpleasant flavor, the microbes will also remove. It is effectively in the fight against earthy fleas, since his strong smell scares them. Use oil by adding it to a spoon with a teaspoon of alcohol. The resulting mixture is sprayed on the carpet and other surfaces. But the oil can not be used on animals, because it, falling inside, causes irreparable harm to their body.

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_8

Contraindications and harm

Pine essential oil should only be used externally. When taking inside it can cause dangerous problems, including kidney damage and hypertension. If such symptoms appear as nausea or headache, it is necessary to urgently apply to a doctor or toxicological center.

Pine essential oil can also cause irritation on the skin.

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_9

Tips for use

Pine oil can be used in a diluted form locally as a compression, drip in the bath, inhale or apply through a diffuser. It is even added when washing. It is useful for hair and face, well stimulates hair bulbs, thus activating the growth of hair cover, strengthens the structure of the rods.

Thanks to its properties, it is often used in the composition of balsams, masks, combined with other essential oils. The remedy is on the head, massaging the skin of the head, and leave for an hour and a half. Among the main beneficial properties of pine ester for hair can be allocated:

  • moisturizing;
  • imparting shine;
  • strengthening;
  • improving growth;
  • Relief from dandruff.

You should not use oil more than seven days in a row, because instead of the desired effect you can damage the hair, itching and burning.

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_10

The use of ether in accordance with the recommendations of doctors helps to restore the work of the sebaceous glands, stops active hair loss. It is best to use it in combination with ether of such plants:

  • Carnation;
  • geranium;
  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus.

It is necessary to apply the air on weakened tips, which have a porous structure. Especially this condition of hair is characteristic after intensive staining.

To activate the blood circulation in the skin of the head, return the former shine to sweat curls, you can use a pine ester, the burdock and the root of ginger. 15 drops of oils are added to the plastic container, ginger rubbed and mix well. The mixture is applied to the roasting area and light massaging movements rub.

Wash out the composition in twenty minutes using the usual shampoo. You can rinse the hair with decoction of nettle, which will ensure additional strengthening of their structure.

The mask is used to prevent seasonal hair loss and are applied once a week for a month.

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_11

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_12

The beneficial properties of the pine essential oil found the use in cosmetology. It is used for moisturizing, treating from acne, rejuvenation and skin whitening.

The main contraindication is the individual intolerance to the product, so it is necessary to test on a separate area of ​​the skin, will not cause irritation ether, itching. Cosmetologists recommend using only proven preparations that are manufactured by well-known brands, and this is the reason - only qualitative components are used in them.

Pine oil is ideal for those who have problematic, sensitive skin. You can add a few drops into cream, lotion or tonic. You can independently do ice with ether, which will help return the skin elasticity. The effect can be strengthened using a face massage product. Thanks to this natural recovery, a pleasant skin color is returned, it is saturated with oxygen, pulls up.

For the manufacture of massage oil, it is necessary 6 drops of pine ether to dilute in 12 drops of peach oil. The composition is distributed over the skin and move their fingers in the direction of lymphotok by unsiler moving movements. The course lasts ten sessions and is repeated twice a year. It is so much enough to achieve the desired effect.

You can independently make a mask from acne rams, which will additionally help align the complexion. For its preparation, three drops of ether will be required, 8 grams of clay and one ampoule of pantothenic acid.

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_13

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_14

The indicated ingredients are mixed with clay, the face is well sprinkled, the mixture is applied and wash off only after half an hour. It is advisable to wash without warm and cool water.

You can make a mask from wrinkles. For her, the so many wood oil, a spoon of laminaria and cocoa. Laminaria is crushed and steam with warm tea, then the remaining components are added. Apply on the skin, but do not touch the eyelids and the area around the eyes. Wash off in 40 minutes.

It is useful to do a homemade equipment with essential oils, which are known for their powerful regenerative and restoring properties. It will help reduce signs of aging.

To make this mask, you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon clay;
  • a spoon of ground oatmeal, which can be grinding in a coffee grinder;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • spoon of vegetable, hemp or olive oil;
  • ½ teaspoon of water, milk;
  • one drop of essential oil incense, pines;
  • 2 drops of jojoba ether.

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_15

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_16

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_17

Mix all the ingredients together until it turns out a thick paste. Add a few more drops of milk so that it becomes more liquid, and if necessary, a little clay or oatmeal is added. Apply with a smooth layer on the face and hold 20 minutes.

The mask perfectly covers the skin, prone to acne. It can be used 2-3 times a week. It reduces redness and removes inflammation.

It is possible as a useful ingredient to use white willow bark if it is at hand, since it is a natural form of salicylic acid, which contributes to deep pore cleansing.

To make a mask, you will need:

  • 2 h. L. clay;
  • 0.5 h. L. Aloe gel;
  • 0.5 h. L. honey;
  • a few drops of water;
  • one capsule of white willow bark;
  • A drop of tea tree essential oil, pine and lemon.

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin, the exposure time is half an hour.

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_18

How to make a remedy at home?

Make pine oil at home is quite difficult, since this is a production expensive process using steam distillation. However, there is nothing no possible. Create a product at home can be two possible methods:

  • cold maceration;
  • Hot maceration.

Get a product from needles and kidneys. You can collect the source product at any time of the year. For cold maceration, you will need to crumpled kidneys or chew, pour out in a glass container and pour oil. Close the mixture with a lid and put there, where the sun's rays do not penetrate, for five days. Periodically, it takes to shake the container.

On the sixth day, the mixture is filtered off, pressing the mass and repeat everything again, using this oil. The more the process is repeated, the greater the concentration of ether in the composition of the finished product.

With hot maceration, they do the same thing, only the jar is installed on a water bath and closed with a lid. The oil should be allocated for five hours, then give it to cool, flickering, the cake is pressed. This way is faster, but the quality of the product is lower than in the first case.

Pine essential oil: therapeutic properties and the use of pine hair and face. How to make it home? Reviews 15854_19

In the next video you will find a step-by-step production of pine essential oil.

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