Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews


Practice shows that most people vanilla is associated exclusively with a cooking area - as one of the most famous and fragrant spices. In this case, this exotic plant has another use: from its fruits, valuable essential oil is obtained, which has a number of positive properties. Due to the many options for its use, the considered gift of nature can solve a variety of tasks, improving the external person and contributing to the return of its vitality.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_2

Features and composition

Despite the fact that Vanilla's essential oil is a product of plant origin, it can have a very strong impact on the human body. This is largely due to its compounds with unsaturated carbon ties.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_3

This feature causes high chemical activity - the main cause of the effectiveness of the described product.

Pods are used as raw materials to obtain the oil under consideration - the fruits of vanilla, constructive on the Liana for 9 months. Most often they are grown in Madagascar, as well as in Indonesia and China - countries that account for about 90% of the world production of this fragrant spice. As for the release of essential oil from fruits, it is very small, and it naturally affects the final value of the product.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_4

One of the main features of the liquid represented is its persistent fragrance, primarily memorable with its spicy notes. Vanilla essential oil is characterized by a strong viscosity and a saturated grayish-amber tint. Deserves mention and impressive concentration of the product, due to which its use is limited to extremely small doses.

It is possible to distinguish the natural essential oil of vanilla from the counterfeit not only at its cost, but also by the specifics of the fragrance. If the liquid has an artificial origin, then it has a sharper and much less resistant odor.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_5

A separate consideration deserves the composition of the described oil. It provides for the presence of one and a half hundred ingredients, the main of which includes:

  • vanillin;
  • hydroxybenzaldehyde;
  • Furfurol;
  • anise aldehyde;
  • Cinnamon esters;
  • Eugenol.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_6

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_7

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_8

Other significant components of vanilla essential oil are acids - anise, acetic, isomaslane and kapron.

Beneficial features

There is a sufficient number of reasons that make the use of essential oil vanilla fulfilled solution. In particular, this product has the following useful qualities:

  • Stabilization of the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, achieved due to the restoration of the enzyme balance and the normalization of the acid level;
  • strengthening the protective forces of the body, which allows to increase the sustainability of the latter to the action of negative factors and prevent the development of many hazardous pathologies;

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_9

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_10

  • normalization of carbohydrate exchange, which is of paramount importance for patients with diabetes;
  • stabilization of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in the pain of menstruation (in the case of its presence);
  • getting rid of postpartum stretch marks and unnecessary kilograms (including those who were scored for a short time segment);

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_11

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_12

  • elimination of inflammatory processes arising from mechanical or chemical impact;
  • disinfection of infected fabrics, characterized by a high degree of efficiency;

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_13

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_14

  • The integrated effect on the hair, giving them softness and smoothness, eliminating dandruff and noticeably strengthening their roots;
  • saturation of cells with oxygen and nutrients, which is especially important for dry, irritated, hypersensitive or age-related skin;
  • Strengthening the health of nail plates, possible due to calcium and vitamins that are part of the vanilla essential oil.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_15

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_16

In addition, the product in question is a powerful means of alcohol dependence: its regular use allows you to repel the thrust to strong alcoholic beverages. It also has pronounced sedative properties, stabilizing psycho-emotional state and normalizing sleep.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_17


As a rule, the use of vanilla essential oil does not lead to any health problems. Given this circumstance, this product can be considered safe and applying without restrictions in the overwhelming majority. The exception is only individual intolerance, leading to the development of an allergic reaction, is a relatively rare problem, but deserving mandatory mention.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_18

To eliminate the likelihood of the trouble described above, a simple test should be carried out, providing for the application of several droplets of essential oil vanilla on the skin. The main symptoms indicating the inadmissibility of the application of this fund are:

  • noticeable redness of the oil-treated area;
  • the appearance of rash;
  • Itching, burning and other discomfort.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_19

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_20

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_21

If after 20 minutes from the date of application, negative manifestations are not observed, it can be used without the slightest fears.

As for the use of vanilla essential oil during pregnancy, the specialists strongly recommend refraining from oral administration of this product. It is also worth exercising caution when using masks with this tool a few weeks before delivery: in such cases it is desirable to consult with your doctor. After applying essential oil vanilla on the skin, it is worthwhile to be located under the right sunlight: being a photosensitizer, it increases the sensitivity of biological tissues to the light.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_22

Application options

The most common vanilla essential oil is used as a component of cosmetics: both the main and auxiliary. Thanks to the wide palette of its positive qualities, it can be applied to the care of the face and body, hair and nails. This product also plays the role of a natural aromatic component, which is explained by its excellent smell, and means to fight many diseases of the internal organs.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_23

In cosmetology

Using the described oil for the skin of the face involves adding a few drops into a prepared mask or massage base. Also, experts advise to enrich this fragrant face cream used daily to achieve maximum effect. In order to achieve noticeable results, in most cases there are enough 4 weeks, after which the skin is cleared, becomes more elastic and gets rid of peeling, and therefore it looks younger and more attractive.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_24

The second version of the use of vanilla essential oil - baths prepared with its addition. A good example is a mixture of 5-6 drops of this product with sea salt, cream and milk soluble in warm (but not hot) water. Such baths are recommended to take in a day for 2 decades, spending 15 minutes per each conducted procedure. As a result, the skin of the body is noticeably tightened, becomes more elastic and acquires pleasant velvety.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_25

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of vanilla hair oil.

In particular, it can be:

  • add to shampoos, balms and other care products, recommended dosage - up to 15 drops per container;
  • use as one of the components of the hair mask, to solve this problem, 3 drops of oil, thoroughly stirred in a cooked cosmetic agent;
  • Apply for combing in the amount of several drops, evenly distributed using the ridge.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_26

The latter option has only one limitation - fatty hair, with which its use is impractical.

other methods

No less effective, the internal reception of the drug under consideration is 1-2 drops no more than 2 times a day. Alternatively, it can be used as an additive to vegetable oil or by applying to biscuit and other foods. Experience shows that the described fragrant liquid copes with many pathologies of cardiovascular and nervous systems, the consequences of injuries suffered and the pathogenic microflora.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_27

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_28

There are also such applications of vanilla essential oil.

  • Use in aromatic lamps, allowing you to create a peaceful atmosphere indoors. To achieve the desired effect, only 5 drops of oil is sufficient, which is explained by the accelerated evaporation as a result of heating.
  • Giving an impressive fragrance with baking. 1-2 drops of the product are allowed to achieve the desired result, while more than their quantity is invalid.
  • Application in medallions. Here Vanilla oil also plays the role of a powerful flavoring agent, 2 drops of which are more than enough to solve the task.
  • Massage component. Recommended quantity - 1 drop by 4-5 ml of the base used.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_29

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_30

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_31

In addition, this oil is reasonably used as a means of repeating annoying insects. It is especially effective in dealing with mosquitoes, incapable of carrying out its strong smell: to achieve the desired result, several drops of this fluid, mixed with the same amount of warm water in an aromatic lamp. An alternative solution is the usual napkin moistened with the solution described above and left near the bed for the night.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_32


After reviewing the opinions of people who were able to use Vanilla's essential oil, it can be argued that for the most part they are completely satisfied with this means. First of all, buyers noted the following advantages of this product:

  • The use of oil as a face mask gives the skin softness and elasticity, in parallel, removing the feeling of fatigue and contributing to the return cover of a natural shade;
  • A pronounced, pleasant and persistent fragrance of the means to many resembles the smell of spirits with a complex composition;
  • After masks with the addition of the product under consideration, the hair looks noticeably healthier and silky;

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_33

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_34

  • Massage with essential oil vanilla contributes to relaxation after a difficult day and moisturizing the skin;
  • Installing the purchased product in the aroma, most users note its relaxing and soothing effect.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_35

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_36

Also, individual buyers express the opinion that the regular inhalation of the aroma of the vanilla essential oil leads to a noticeable reduction in thrust to sweet. Negative reviews about this agent are much less, and the following points are mentioned in them:

  • the development of allergic reactions (observed in some cases, often due to the acquisition of a product of dubious origin);
  • High oil concentration that is not like everyone else (bust in just a few drops can worsen the perception of flavor);
  • The cost is even justified, but not the most democratic.

Vanilla essential oil: properties and application of vanilla hair oil, reviews 15852_37

Thus, vanilla essential oil can be reasonably considered not only fragrant, but also an extremely useful product. Possessing an impressive amount of advantages, it is an excellent tool using which you can win the battle for health, beauty and peace of mind.

How to cook a vanilla extract at home, look in the video.

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