Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it?


The implementation of a bright and fashionable nail nail coating using a resistant polymer gel lacquer today has become one of the most demanded services in modern beauty salons. The reason for such increased demand among women is explained simply - gel varnishes are one of the most persistent and practical quick-drying coatings for the nail plate. After applying to the nails, gel varnish retains gloss, color brightness and its resistance at least 3-4 weeks. Despite many positive factors of gel lacquer, this product is suitable for manicure far from everyone. Sometimes it can happen that after applying the resistant polymer coating, an allergic reaction occurs, and the reasons for its appearance and symptoms of manifestation are very diverse.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_2


The technology of applying gel varnish on the nail surface depends on which components the product itself consists. There are one-component, two-component and three-component gel varnishes. In general, the entire procedure for using gel varnish is that a basic coating is applied to the nail, then the color composition and the final layer, which fixes all the previous ones, combining them into one unit.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_3

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_4

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_5

The final top may contain a sticky layer requiring removal, but there are varnishes where it is missing.

If we consider the compositions of gel varnishes from the point of view of their allergenicity, it is believed that the more different components are present in the composition of the product, the higher the probability of allergies to one or more such ingredients. Performing a manicure using polymers needs to be understood that allergies may occur on any layer of gel varnish , and the effects of components may not only be on the nail plate, but also on the skin.

The gel varnish consists of a film former, photoinitiator, pigments, diluents and other additional ingredients, such as diacetone alcohol, butyl acetate, phosphoric acid, phenyl ketone, toluene, formaldehyde resins, polymers, nitrocellulose and others. Each of the listed ingredients has chemical origin and is a rather strong potential allergen.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_6

To reveal an allergen to which your body will react, it is almost impossible, no matter how regrettable, but everything turns out, as a rule, by the method of trial and error.

Sometimes an allergic reaction of the body can manifest itself not to the components of the gel varnish, but on the violation of its storage or use technology. For example, if the material falls under the influence of ultraviolet rays of the Sun, then under their action, the polymer is part of the polymer product, which should not occur in a bubble with varnish, and when applying the product on the nail plate.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_7

Of course, it is impossible to use such a product, as it is not known how he behaves when applied to the nails.

Often, allergic irritation is manifested if the polymeric material is pushing from the nail plate on the skin of nail rollers, so when applying any component of the gel product requires maximum care and accuracy of movements.

In fact, the risk of developing allergies to the use of gel varnish is not so large and although it is present, the body's immune response occurs on a high-quality product very rarely.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_8


An allergic reaction is manifested, as a rule, the locally and its signs are reduced to the appearance of irritation on the skin. Such manifestations are the names of the contact allergies when the fingers of the hands are affected, when the components included in the gel varnish are affected. Allergic reaction looks like this: On the skin appear areas of redness with small point rash, sometimes rash happens in the form of blisters, inside of which liquid is located. Such processes are usually accompanied by a strong sense of itching or sensation of skin burning.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_9

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_10

Sometimes the process is spilled in nature and from the fingers of the hands it rises up, capturing the entire brush of the hand completely.

The allergic response of the body can manifest itself and peeling the skin, as well as the smelling of the nail plate, up to the complete detachment of the nail from the nail bed. In rare cases, allergies to gel varnish can provoke symptoms of bronchial asthma with a long painful cough and difficult exhalation. But such cases are extremely rare, although they should not be excluded from the list of possible.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_11

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_12

The basis of the manifestation of an allergic reaction is the individual feature of the body, which consists in the intolerance to those or other components of the product.

However, allergies are not only subject to customers, on the nail plate of which gel-varnish is applied. Masters, daily performing one after another procedure for applying polymer compositions on the nails of their customers, are forced to inhale chemicals and indirectly in contact with them. Failure to comply with safety masters and ignoring the use of personal protective equipment can lead to an allergic reaction to them and without use on their nails of a manicure with gel varnish.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_13

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_14

Inhalation of vapors of chemical components of gel varnish leads to an allergic cold, cough, eye edema and face, pronounced tear.

Often there is a multiple sneezing, nasal congestion, puffiness of the lips and even the language, the occurrence of the feeling of cancellation in the throat and the difficulty of breathing. Such symptoms may appear like a master performing manicure and his client. Doctors believe that the manifestation of respiratory symptoms of allergies is much worse than skin symptoms Since, with a disturbance of breathing, a direct threat to a person's life appears. The most terrible in such a situation of swelling, developing rapidly and leading to suffocation in a matter of minutes - without the provision of comprehensive medical care, this state is most often ends with death.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_15

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_16

If it does not respond to the appearance of an allergic reaction of the organism on the components of the gel varnish and not eliminate the source of allergies, the situation may be exacerbated, and the symptoms of the immune response will increase, leading to serious consequences. There are already known modern medicine such when using allergenic gel lacquer and ignoring the symptoms of the manifestation of allergies began to appear not only in their hands, but also throughout the body.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_17

What gel varnishes are allergic?

Among the manufacturers of gel varnishes with a high degree of allergenity, sad glory acquired products of Chinese origin. This is due to the fact that in the competitive struggle and pursuit of the low cost of the finished product, manufacturers are used as part of low-quality and aggressive chemical components.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_18

In addition to Chinese manufacturers, allergenic gel varnishes are also manufacturers from other countries.

Based on practical observations, knowledgeable manicure masters allocate a group of varnishes, in which the greatest probability of an allergic response of the body to their application:

  • Chinese gel varnishes Bluesky, Kiwi, Cristina, Canni Colors and other cheap products;
  • Russian products of SEVERINA, Formula Profi brands;
  • Ukrainian gel varnishes of the Kodi Professional brand, manufactured in the USA;
  • Russian product Masura Lady, used for the medical manicure on Japanese technology.

It is worth noting that the occurrence of allergies to these products may not be far from all, and sometimes the cause of peeling and skin edema was not an allergenic effect, but a chemical burn, which also takes place in the process of improper use of persistent polymer products.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_19

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_20

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_21

Among the professional masters of the manicure there is an opinion that most often the trouble in the form of allergic manifestations occurs with products, the cost of which is lower than 500-700 rubles.

Hypoallergenic brands of gel varnishes are usually made from high-quality components, and they are mandatory before issuing a hypoallergenicity testing. Conscientious manufacturers of gel varnishes always publish the full component of its product While the creators of cheap gel analogues try to hide the composition of the decorative polymer coating. Lucky with a high degree of allergenicity, as a rule, do not have a party number assigned to the product during its manufacture. In addition, low-quality products have a pronounced sharp chemical smell.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_22

What and how to be treated?

An allergic manifestation appearing when using gel lacquer, similar to symptoms with skin fungal diseases or epidermis diseases of another genesis. In order to get rid of allergic symptoms, it is necessary to determine the reason for their appearance by performing diagnostic samples. If the symptoms of contact allergies appeared immediately after the manicure is fulfilled with the use of gel lacquer, it is possible to fight with them only by eliminating the source of allergies. Therefore, you will, first of all, you will need to remove the gel manicure from the nails, and after that, immediately appeal to the medical assistance in order to correctly diagnose the disease and cure it.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_23

After allergic samples, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. Usually therapy consists of the use of certain types of drugs.

  • Antihistamines. Their appointment allows to eliminate the development of an autoimmune response of the body on an allergen, while reducing the swelling of the tissues and the feeling of burning. Drugs of the antihistamine series are drugs of Loratadine, Claritin, diazoline, suprastin, peritol, trexyl and other similar means. In order to successfully treat allergies, one of these funds should be taken as directed by the doctor for at least 10 days. But you should not engage in self-medication, and it is better to consult with your doctor.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_24

  • External means. In order to alleviate the condition at contact allergies, it is necessary to make medicine local processing of the affected skin sections. For these purposes, it is effective to use ointment, gel or cream with corticosteroid hormones. Reviews of doctors and patients indicate that the combination of antihistamine drugs and external ointments gives a quick and persistent therapeutic effect. It is possible to regularly smear the affected skin such as hydrocortisone, celenerm, loringe, eloc, mesoderm, flucinar, advantan and other analogues. There are also ointments that need to be used to provide emergency care for removing allergy symptoms. Among such means are most common phenyistil, non-snulp.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_25

  • Vitamin preparations. They are prescribed in a complex with antihistamine and outdoor ointments. The use of vitamins contributes to the strengthening of immunity and accelerate the reduction of skin after allergic manifestations.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_26

During the course of treatment, the allergist can assign you a hypoallergenic diet and recommend avoiding contacts with water for a while.

After recovery, you should not use resistant polymer gel lacquers again, since such a manicure can cause the organism repeated allergic reaction, but much stronger in its development than the previous manifestations. Experts advise not to use some time even ordinary manicure varnish. It is necessary so that your nails and skin can have the opportunity to complete the restoration and consolidation of therapeutic effect.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_27

How to avoid an allergic reaction?

The possibility of allergy to gel-varnish should never be overlooked from the species and should take all necessary measures to prevent it. To do this, you need to adhere to some rules:

  • Purchase gel lacquer is necessary only from proven suppliers, fearing fakes, and choose famous high-quality hypoallergenic brands from conscientious manufacturers;
  • The application of polymer materials must be performed very carefully, avoiding chemical products from entering the skin, while it is important not to violate and not change the process technology itself;
  • Before using gel varnish, try not only its composition, but also the shelf life of the product;
  • If you do not have the skills of self-use of gel lacquer, try to perform the procedure from a professional having a certificate to work with similar products;
  • It is noted that with nerve exconstructation, allergic reactions to gel varnishes arise much more often, therefore, being in such a state, refuse to perform the procedure, and if it is impossible, then it is better to replace gel varnish on the usual manicure lacquer.
  • In order to eliminate allergies and chemical burns, when applying gel lacquer, it is necessary to alternately comply with all the stages of the application of the components of the product and at the same time do not affect the skin.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_28

This is facilitated by the proper preparation of the workplace, where the purity and the absence of foreign objects should be.

In the best version, work with gel varnishes should be held at the table, over which the exhaust air system is equipped - the master itself will be protected from chemical vapor, and his client. If an allergic reaction began to develop suddenly, you always need first aid tools before the arrival of doctors.

Hypoallergenic funds

In order to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction to the use of gel lacquer for nails, it is best to choose those materials that contain in its composition the minimum number of aggressive chemical components. Alternative in this case is given to hypoallergenic products.

The list of hypoallergenic agents may be as follows:

  • Original products of the American grade CND premium class;
  • American brand Gelcolor brand OPI Iceland;
  • German brand Grattol of the average price category;
  • Luxio Gel Luxio Gel line of the Canadian company Akzentz;
  • Gel varnishes from the series "Organic" production of the Russian company "Option";
  • The line of cashmere gel varnishes Marble Chinese brand UNO;
  • American gel varnishes from Professional Nail Boutique.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_29

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_30

The listed products have proven themselves in the market for manicure services using gel varnishes.

It is difficult to argue that these varnishes will be an absolute guarantee from the occurrence of an allergic reaction from you, since each human body is unique and individual. However, the base and the top of these manufacturers have a minimal set of aggressive components, while maintaining the high stability of nail nail coating.

If you have individual intolerance to the ultraviolet rays of the lamp for drying gel lacquer, then the alternative can be found in this case. There are products that can polymerize without ultraviolet:

  • Line of gel varnishes from the American CND company, which is a pioneer in creating such products;
  • System of gel varnishes from the French company Sophin to perform a professional manicure.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_31

The special oligomer includes a special oligomer, in the top of it, in addition to it, contains a photoinitiator that binds the coating layers.

Due to the special formula, the polymerization processes undergo independently and do not need to activate the ultraviolet spectrum of the rays. However, according to user reviews, the strength of such varnishes is lower than that of traditional analogues, solidifying with the use of the lamp. Such a varnish from 30 to 60 minutes, and its resistance manufacturers declare up to 14 days But in fact, after 3-5 days on the manicure you can see small chips. The big plus of such gel lacquers is that for removing the decorative coating does not require long-term soaking of nails in acetone or spilling varnish from the nail plate - this gel varnish can be removed as ordinary manicure.

Allergy to gel-varnish (32 photos): Symptoms and causes of appearance, list of hypoallergenic nail polishes. What covers cause allergies and how to treat it? 15825_32

    Summing up the consideration of the issue of allergic reactions to gel-varnish It should be noted that the use of such products is becoming more and more common, in spite of any risks. Fashion for persistent decorative coatings of nails is relevant due to the convenience and practicality of the use of persistent polymer materials. Introducing the body's allergic reaction to the gel varnish, it is not necessary to come to the idea that the well-kept nails are not available to you - after all, there is an ordinary manicure lacquer, which can be applied at least every day, choosing a color palette for the mood. And yet, science does not stand still, and gel varnish is one of the bright breakthroughs in the fashion industry, which many of us will be happy to use.

    How to get rid of allergies on gel varnish, look next.

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