Figure type "Rectangle" (60 photos): What clothes to wear a woman with a rectangular body, how to lose weight


Every woman wants to look beautiful, harmonious and stylish. However, we are all gifted by different external data: type of shape, facial features, hair color, and so on. Fortunately, modern trends dictate a refusal to any standardized reference templates in the concept of beauty and style. In this sense, the Italians were definitely right, the whole world proclaimed their famous unquesting truth "ugly women does not happen."

In the article, we will talk about the features of the type "Rectangle" type, recommendations for the correction of the physique, as well as on acceptable options for clothing.

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This type of figure also has the second name - "n-silhouette." The main feature of this addition is the almost absent difference in the parameters of the shoulders, chest, waist and hips. In other words, girls and women practically do not stand out (in the smaller side) the area of ​​the abdomen.

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Quite often, representatives of this type of silhouette have an athletic and sporty look. In adolescence and young age, they can even be thin and have almost model appearance: sharp shoulders, flat belly, long legs, not expressed thighs. In this case, the girl is almost the reference of the podiums.

By the way, it is often precisely this type of figure is found from professional world-class top models.

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But unfortunately, not all women and girls have a slim body. And if at thinness and tightening of the figure, the type "Rectangle" looks sports, light and elegant, then with a tendency to completeness, the external perception is somewhat spoiled.

Not all female representatives can boast an excellent metabolism. And other factors leading to completeness or even obesity, more than enough: genetic predisposition, chronic diseases, pregnancy, injury with long-term dissemination or limit of loads, hormonal failure, in the end, just elementary weakness before tasty and sweet food.

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The female figure of this type with completeness is visually perceived as heavy, bulky, awkward and rude. Fat deposits are actively accumulated on shoulders, hips and stomach. With a significant degree of obesity, the waist area can begin to raise significantly and write, making the silhouette more similar to the ball. Therefore, the rectangular type requires special attention to weight control.

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Proper nutrition

Of course, health, appearance and physical form are very closely tied to nutrition: the number of food consumed in general, its composition, balance of the diet.

Slimming assumes that a person must consume less calories for some time than it spends. Otherwise, the process of deposition of fat will not stop, and their burning simply will not start.

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Do not exercise a stick to the detriment of well-being and health. As many sad stories about girls and women, frantically wanted to achieve contradious ideal, in their opinion, body proportions. Invalid restrictions on the consumption of vital substances and vitamins, taking themselves to Izmore to anything good, except for the exhaustion and acquisition of a number of severe diseases, unfortunately, does not lead.

Diet is not hunger and self-ruling, but a balanced and necessarily useful diet.

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To effectively and safely reduce body weight nutritionists recommend including a number of products in the menu.

  • On the table there must be regularly attending dishes from products containing protein. This is a white non-fat turkey or chicken meat. But the use of low-fat beef is allowed. In terms of saturation, high-quality protein is useful to eat mollusks, shrimp, whole grain bread, egg protein, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • For better saturation and dull feeling of hunger in the diet, complex carbohydrates should be included. The richest fresh vegetables and fruits (except potatoes), brown rice, oatmeal and buckwheat, barley.
  • With dietary nutrition, it is important that Omega-3 acids do in the body. This substance very actively stimulates the process of metabolism in the body. Thanks to this, fat burning can accelerate significantly. Salads should be filled with olive or linen oil. These oils are leaders in the content of omega-3. Useful to eat seabed fish and nuts.

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Optimal is fractional food by small portions. For one meal, it is desirable not to combine proteins and carbohydrates, observing the principle of separate consumption of products. The most rich food in calories is better to use for breakfast or lunch to evenly burn eaten calories during the day. Dinner is the most light.

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An example of a dietary daytime menu for the correction of the figure "Rectangle":

  • First meal: apple or pear, degreased cottage cheese;
  • The second meal: a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • The third eating: soup on chicken broth with vegetables and a piece of sololy grain bread;
  • Fourth food intake: greenery salad, seasoned with olive oil;
  • Fifth meal: white meat, steam vegetables;
  • Sixth food intake: dismountain yogurt or skim kefir.

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Another option of the daily diet to maintain the shape with the mass of the body is not more than 55 kg:

  • breakfast: 100 g of degreased cottage cheese, half of a glass of low-fat milk (2-5%), 3 toasts from whole grain bread, 8-10 pcs. any nuts;
  • lunch: 2-3 pcs. oatmeal cookies or whole grain bread;
  • dinner: 100 g of boiled chicken, vegetable salad (refueling with any vegetable oil), 2 pieces of rye bread, a glass of green tea;
  • afternoon person: 100 g of boiled rice, boiled low-fat beef, 100 g of broccoli for a couple;
  • dinner: 80 g of buckwheat, fish cutlet or fillet, 100 g of asparagus;
  • The second dinner (no later than 20.00): 1 cup of kefir, ryazhenka or varenza.

Under the observance of dietary food in terms of drinks, it is better to give preference to green tea, herbal and berry berry. During the day, clean water should be regularly consumed.

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Products that should be excluded or significantly limited:

  • Flour products from wheat, baking, sweets, milk chocolate;
  • Potatoes and other vegetables containing a large amount of starch;
  • soda (except for therapeutic and dining mineral water);
  • Coffee-containing drinks.

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It is worth noting that even when complying with healthy diet food, the burning process can only be launched, additionally applying physical exertion.

          As mentioned above, the calories consumed should be less than spent. Therefore, lose weight and adjust the figure sitting on the sofa, alas, most likely, will not succeed. In the best case, at least some result will have to wait a very long time.

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          In most cases, women and girls with "n-silhouette" are pretty strong and hardy physically. But still, to maintain the form, especially if there is a full "rectangle", it is necessary to systematically perform exercises, load yourself with physical education and gymnastics.

          To lose weight or maintain its physical form, representatives of this type of addition are approached by running, swimming, moving sports with moderate loads (tennis, volleyball, and the like), aerobics, dances, skiing or skating. For stretching the muscles, improve the flexibility and giving the body of greater graceful 1-2 times a week, it is worth it to work out yoga, pilates or gymnastics with stretching.

          Running and other moving loads optimally engage in at least 3 times a week.

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          Since the main feature of the rectangular type of silhouette is the absence of a waist, the power exercises should be primarily aimed at pumping muscles and maintain the tone of exactly this area. In training should include squats, pressing from the floor (pumps the abdominal muscles), bicycle aerobics, tilting with weighting and without.

          If there is a tendency to complete, systematic execution of such a complex will help get rid of the tummy and make the waist.

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          Women with big breasts should not be left on strength exercises that affect the breasts: various beasts, lifting dumbbells. It can be greater with time to aggravate the situation, since the muscles worked with the mass and increase in volume. As a result, the upper part of the body will prevail in size and figure due to the relative narrowness of the hips will be close to the type "Triangle".

          A little to reduce excessive and unwanted breast volume with the help of a diet and restrictions on the consumption of products rich in fiber.

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          Make a wardrobe

          Adjust the features of the shape and turn some drawbacks in the pros are quite possible if you dress correctly, and competently pick up the style of your clothes. For women with a figure "Rectangle" suitable things that do not make an accent on the waist area.

          Basic wardrobe is desirable to make up of unattached things. Accent in clothes should be for the most part on the line of shoulders and hips. There should be no extra details or bright patterns that create a visual volume.

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          You can use the advice of professional designers.

          • A rectangular silhouette is very suitable coat trapezoids. The narrow of the hips will hide overhead pockets.
          • Jackets and down jackets with straight cut without a belt.
          • When choosing a joints, it is better to give preference to a short fur, with direct or a-silhouette.
          • In terms of skirts, you should choose to choose a trapezium, sun-clay, tulip. Representatives of the type are very often beautiful and sports legs, so for the girl under 30 years old is allowed to wear skirts. Women after 45 years will fit the skirt to the knee-length or until the middle of the leg.

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          • Pants should not be baggy and unnecessarily free on Crow. The tight or classic jeans look good, as well as jeans-clay. Classic pants with folds, halifes and patch pockets in the field of buttocks and the hips will visually give a greater volume of this body area. It will make a figure more embossed and emphasizes not too prominent waist.
          • Almost any shorts are suitable for n-silhouette. It is only necessary to avoid models of thin tissues.
          • Low fit trousers, skirts, shorts visually focus on narrow hips. In clothing, you should stick to the classic or overestimated line of the belt.
          • Slender "rectangles" is permissible to wear wide belts. But you can also wear a narrow belt on the hips.
          • When the swimsuit selection, solid models are immediately excluded. But if you really want a closed version, the swimsuit must have a cutout on the stomach or insertion and prints in this area. Spearly enlarges the area of ​​the hips of smelting shorts or skirt.

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          Preference should be given to things from light flowing and dense elastic fabrics:

          • chiffon;
          • silks;
          • cotton;
          • viscose;
          • denim;
          • Velvet;
          • wool;
          • Tweed.

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              The owners of the silhouette "Rectangle" are very unwanted to include in his wardrobe:

              • Clothes on narrow straps;
              • Sweaters and turtlenecks with a neckline for the neck;
              • Models of clothing made of thin fabrics that are tightly inclined;
              • Things with rlanlan sleeves;
              • Short tight shirts and tops;
              • things with a low planted belt;
              • Skirts and pants on the scenes;
              • Clothes with horizontal patterns, stripes or prints in the waist and abdomen.

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              Famous representatives like

              The type of figures "Rectangle" have many world stars and celebrities. This, for example:

              • Nicole Kidman;
              • Keira Knightley;
              • Natalie Portman;
              • Mind Tourm;
              • Milla Jovovich;
              • Misha Barton;

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              • Kate Moss;
              • Lisa Minhelli;
              • Tina Turner;
              • Britney Spears;
              • Cameron Diaz.

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              Spectacular examples

              Stylists have several tips that best and spectacular to wear. So, the top details of the wardrobe for the "rectangle" better choose with such stations:

              • Blouse with smell;
              • Top with naughty;
              • Blouse with a V-shaped neckline;
              • elongated straight tunic;
              • Semi-tight short jacket on one button.

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              Dresses for rectangular silhouette is better to choose the following models:

              • dress with smell;
              • dress with asymmetrical silhouette cut and details;
              • Plears dress;
              • dress-case;
              • dress with a low waistline;
              • Dress with overwhelmed waist.

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              Suitable skirt models:

              • tulip skirt;
              • Skirt with a large fold;
              • pencil skirt;
              • Skirt having sex;
              • Skirt on the coquetka;
              • Skirt-cylinder;
              • Skirt trapezium.

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                      Pants for the owners of a rectangular type of physique also quite suit:

                      • classic pants;
                      • Pants with a breakthrough in the thighs;
                      • Clash pants;
                      • Skinny pants (with thin addition).

                      In more detail about which wardrobe is suitable for the type of the figure "Rectangle", see the next video.

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