Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes


Each woman is awarded from nature unique data. Represent a world in which absolutely all are identical and similar to a single template ideal, you see, just scary. But the representatives of the beautiful sex very tend to find out the flaws among their external features, and even worry about their occasion. Although adjusting the appearance with the help of the competent use of cosmetics is completely simple. The article will talk about such an individual facial feature as closely planted eyes.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_2

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_3

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_4


Before applying cosmetics, each woman should decide to determine their type and characteristics of external features. Sometimes it is accurately determined whether the eye location is really close, not quite simple. The ideal parameter is considered the gap between the eyes equal to the width of the eye itself. With close location, this distance, respectively, less.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_5

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_6

To determine your type, stand in front of the mirror and mentally try to spend two vertical lines from the corners of the eyes. This will be width. The size of the nose is determined by measuring the distance from the inner corners of the eye depressions. Speakingly compare these indicators. If the width of the nose differs from the parameters of the eye contours to the smaller side, this is a clear sign of near-locked eyes.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_7

Often because of this feature of the eye in women look small in size. In particular, it concerns round in the form of eye contours. The look at the same time seems to deepen and the impression is that a person looks like improved. However, in the case of the proper selection of the color of the makeup and knowledge of some secrets of its application with such a feature of the person, it is possible to easily adjust its appearance.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_8

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_9

How to make up?

Further, you are waiting for a step-by-step explanation, how to properly apply classic everyday and evening makeup.

Day option

To begin with, the complexion should be aligned with a tonal cream and powder.

After that, you can proceed to applying the shadows. The first are the dark shades on the outer corners of the eyelids. Tassel movements neat and short, directed up. Thus, the eye contours will visually stretch to the outer edges.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_10

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_11

Good wearing applied shadows. Also for external contours, you can use a soft pencil.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_12

The next step is to apply shadows on the inner corners. The task here consists in their decline in the tone. Thus, the edges will visually move away from the bridges. For this zone, select the most bright shades of shades.

At the final stage, you need to make eyelashes and make eyebrows.

If necessary, eyebrows can be corrected using a pencil.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_13

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_14

Evening version

Apply to the upper eyelids the basic tone tool. Beige or pale pink shade is best suited. From the middle of the century to the outer corners, make a feature with a pencil along the base of the cilia.

In order for the decisiveness did not cause difficulties, it is advisable to apply a soft type of pencil.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_15

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_16

The fold above the upper century at the outer edge of the eye should also darken with shadows. Good wearing applied shadows and a pencil strip closer to the corners.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_17

The last touch is the applying arrow. It should be thin and elegant. For her drawing, a dark eyeliner is used.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_18

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_19

However, it is possible to do without it, if, in your opinion, makeup is already somewhat overloaded.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_20

Use arrows

Since the main rule for proper makeup and eyeliner is closely planted, the cutting of the external corners, the arrows are often used to create an image of the owners of this type.

Very popular and original is the so-called retro style. The emphasis on the eyes is strengthened by the fact that the lips remain neuropric. By eyeliner or very thin pencil, you need to draw arrows from external contours. Long arrows visually stretched out eyes.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_21

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_22

Additional effect will help create a more dense eyelash procession from the outside. After overlaying the main layer of carcasses, an additional layer is applied to the cilia from the outer corners of the eye, which will make a darkened focus on this area.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_23

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_24

Also, with the arrow, you can adjust too rounded the shapes of the eye circuit. To do this, it is necessary to draw a clear arrow, which will be over the edge of the century on approximately a centimeter. If the casual makeup is applied, the arrows are better not to do longer than 0.5 cm.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_25

To properly use cosmetics and apply makeup suitable for your type It is necessary to memorize several simple tips and recommendations of professional makeup artists.

  • The owners of closely planted eyes should memorize the most appropriate corrective makeup scheme. It is that the inner corners are covered with shadows or pencil, but external, on the contrary, shades. The boundary of clarification and dimming must be selected individually. For example, than a circle eye, the longer there should be a dark zone. Since in this case the goal will be the maximum narrowing and pulling the eye contours to the outer edges.
  • Dark shadows or pencil should only be laminated near external corners. In the middle of the century, the line must remain quite thin.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_26

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_27

  • The black or dark eyeliner should not be solid all over the century. This also applies to the bottom, and the upper eyeliner.
  • For an additional accent, you can use overhead eyelashes or their extension on the external edges of the century. The cilia is attached approximately from the middle to the edge of the upper eyelid.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_28

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_29

  • Eyebrows play an important role in the audience perception of the view. For a close-based type, it is best to use the elongation of an outer tail eyebrows with a pencil drawing. The brow's browseen should be made more subtle. Bright and blond eyebrows do not need to bring in black or very dark pencil.
  • Cream shadows are not very convenient to use. Many of them have property to roll into small lumps and make the tone of the century uneven.
  • Peach and turquoise shades should be applied to the measure. The imposed too thick, they can create the illusion of patients, tired and swelling eyes.

Do not apply a lot of carcasses on the lower cilia, it will visually reduce eye contours. It is better to even abandon their tinting, at least for daily lung makeup.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_30

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_31

Color spectrum

The theme of the most suitable shades should also touch. The selection of the color scheme is very dependent on the shade of the eyes themselves, as well as the size and shape of the contour.

  • Under green iris Excellent shades of shadows close to copper and light brown. Also, the natural color of the eyes can be emphasized by using a small number of shadows of green, but not too bright.
  • For brown eyes The makeup should include dark brown, chocolate and light beige shades. Black eyeliner will look especially expressive. Classic blue and purple shadows are also permissible to use girlfriend girls and women.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_32

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_33

  • To the eyes of cold shades (gray, blue) should be chosen shades of a similar cold spectrum. It looks good on the eyelids of blue-eyed and mid-eyed girls shadow with a metal glitter.
  • For small close-planted eyes It is better to use more natural and light tones and not to relocate with a liner. Since excessive darkening of the eyelid will further reduce the eyes visually.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_34

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_35

Beautiful examples

If you look very and very carefully, removing the effect of make-up mentally, it can be noted that no celebrity is the owner of an absolutely perfect person. Individual features derived from nature are simply competently underlined and harmoniously corrected with cosmetics. So to study the rules for applying makeup for your type of face and use them when creating your own image every girl and woman. The result will be a beautiful appearance that will delight both your loved ones and others.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_36

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_37

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_38

Domestic and world stars having close-based eyes:

  • Tina Kandelaki;
  • Kate Moss;
  • Paris Hilton;

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_39

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_40

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_41

  • Jennifer Aniston;
  • Christina Ricchi;
  • Natalie Portman;
  • Sarah Jessica Parker.

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_42

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_43

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_44

Closely planted eyes (45 photos): Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup with arrows, how to determine the type and paint your eyes 15751_45

About how to make makeup for closely planted eyes, look in the video below.

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