Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint


Each person has its own characteristics in appearance, the face is not an exception. Many fine sex representatives are very often faced with the problem of lowered corners of the eyes and sad glance, not knowing how correct makeup pick up. To visually adjust the lowered corners with makeup, it should be considered a lot of nuances and correctly choose cosmetic products. This article will describe in more detail about how to correctly correct the problem corners of the eyes, without allowing the most common mistakes.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_2

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_3

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_4

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_5

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_6




Any makeup has its own characteristics and nuances that should be considered before the incarnation of him. Speaking directly about eyes with lowered corners, first of all it is worth noting that it is not for them to pick up very bright and contrast makeup. The first thing experts advise to pay attention to, are nude and low-tech shadows. They can be both dry and creamy. The consistency does not matter much. The lack of shadow shadows should be chosen on the basis of its own color.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_7

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_8

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_9

To make eyes allocated on a general background, it is equally important to pay special attention to the ideal tone of the person. For the eyes, it is necessary to apply a special base, which will further extend the life of the shadows and will allow them to distribute as careful as possible.

Persistent makeup is a key to success, but it is possible to achieve it only due to quality products and, of course, professional bases under the shadows.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_10

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_11

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_12

An equally important part in eye makeup with lowered corners is the outline of a dark color. Classic or any other arrows will in no way spoil such makeup. To realize smooth arrows, you can use not only eyeliner, but also liquid liner, and even a regular pencil. Select shade follows from the color of the eyes. Particularly relevant eyeliner colors for all times, of course, are black and brown. Colored options, such as blue and green, require special attention, as they are not suitable.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_13

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_14

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_15

How to paint?

If the borders of the eyelids are very much burst down, it is possible to correct this situation with the help of a wide variety of techniques. Just a little patience and dream makeup will embody into reality.

To create perfect makeup, must be purchased:

  • high-quality base under shadow (it is best to choose options from professional brands, for example, SMashbox or NYX);
  • Shadows, liner or eyeliner, shimmer (if you are going to make an evening makeup, then sparkles will be quite by the way);
  • mascara;

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_16

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_17

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_18

  • white pencil (may be needed if you need to visually switch the eyes and make them expressive);
  • A set of brushes (natural brushes are in great demand, but in those people who have too sensitive and prone skin to allergies, it is best to use artificial options).

Flat brush is the most real chopstick. With it, it is possible to very conveniently apply the necessary tool for century, the fluffy can be made easy decisive, smooth transitions and even makeup in the style of Smoky Eyes.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_19

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_20

Next, we recommend paying attention to the next step-by-step master class, With which you can even raise the outer corners of the eyes at home and create a professional smoky eye.

  • At the first stage, it is worth preparing a person and carry out all cleaner procedures. Next, you should apply the selected base on the eyelids: it will hold them as long as possible.
  • On both parts of the century, a light or nude shade of shadows should be applied.
  • At the next stage, you must bring your eyes. However, to emphasize them profitable, draw the line is not from the beginning of the eye, but from about the middle of the century. Stritch line costs at an angle of 45 degrees. It is advisable to create a stamp with a pencil, because it is best to grow in the brush.
  • Creating a gray or silver smoky, you should correctly pick up the cold colors of the shadows. They need to be applied to all the lower eyelids, as if copying the upper line of the rustic liner.

This simple makeup is perfectly suitable for owners with low-planted and closely located to the bridge. Makeup in SMOKY EYES technique not only perfectly adjusts many flaws, but also makes the face more attractive.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_21

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_22

Girls are particularly popular with makeup called "Wave".

With it, you can also fix the omitted corners of the eyes.

  • At the first stage, apply the basis for the shadow for the age.
  • On the moving part of the century it is necessary to distribute the selected shadow shadow.
  • Lighter, cream, dairy or white shadows should be applied to the areas under the eyebrows and on the rolling part of the century.
  • If the eyelid is divided by about three parts, then the dark shadow should be distributed on the most extremely, which will create a total contrast in this makeup.
  • Very important is the moment of decisive. Applying one or another shadow layer, a smooth decisive of borders and basic colors should be made.
  • If desired, this makeup can be supplemented with elegant arrows and, of course, you should thoroughly cry eyelashes with a carcass.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_23

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_24

Since not all masters and artists, unfortunately, it does not always turn out to make eyes correctly from the first time. In this case, it is not necessary to despair - it is enough to view several video tutorials and read the master classes from professional makeup artists in detail.

Common mistakes

Make the perfect eye makeup is not always very easy.

Despite the fact that some errors may seem banal, their girls admit most often.

  • If there is no confidence, whether you are very dark and pearl shadows, it is best to replace them with less bright. Accurable makeups rarely when portraits images.
  • If the focus is on the eyes, the lips do not allocate the lips and, of course, on the contrary.
  • The lowered corners of the eye do not always like a rich amount of gloss, which is scattered not only in all her eyes, but also in the face. If makeup is not on a special and bright celebration, it is best not to experiment with glitter. Shadows with the effect of flicker in this case can only emphasize the shortcomings.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_25

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_26

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_27

  • Create eyeliner is very important exclusively along the line of eyelashes. If there are gaps, makeup will seem unfinished.
  • Cilia in external corners should not be painted completely - it is best to punish only tips. Lower eyelashes should not be painted too bright without creating a puppet effect.
  • It is not recommended to apply shadow to the outer corners of the eyelids: it can only worsen the position with the outed eyes.

Despite the sufficient number of errors, it is very important to remember that makeup should be harmonious and low. Over time, you can find your own style and fill your hand, the main thing is to work with high-quality cosmetics and brushes.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_28

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_29

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_30

Tips of makeup artists

Lowered corners very often resemble sad eyes, but it does not seem that the girl is sad, Many experts recommend to make a special accent or on the eyeliner, or on lush eyelashes.

  • Special adjustments can be made using competently selected shadows of bright shades. Options are allowed with light shine, but not with excessive abundance of shine.
  • If you do not know whether your corners are omitted or not, then try to spend a simple experiment. Be near the mirror, mentally swing a flat line through the bridge. If the corners seemed below this feature, it means that the eyes are really omitted.
  • A very simple and effective way of applying shadows is wet, with which it is easiest to grow the shadows.
  • Arrows, on the one hand, can profitably emphasize the eyes, but, on the other, they can slightly lose them. In order not to guess, you should try to make the most thin and inappropriate arrows. If it seems that they do not emphasize the beauty of the eye, the arrows can be slightly increased.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_31

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_32

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_33

The most striking example with omnounced eye corners is the beauty of all times Marilyn Monroe. But would anyone think that her makeup was unattractive and gave her eyes? Everything is quite simple here. Light or white shadows and classic arrows are always the perfect solution.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_34

Remove the eyes and make a look more open with a carcass with a fluffy tassel. Do not forget also about the fact that the eyes directly complement their eyebrows. Therefore, their shape and color should be perfect. No large fades and bends that can only aggravate the whole situation with subsequent makeup.

If many attempts to create the perfect makeup did not succeed, do not be upset, because you can always seek help from professional makeup artist who will certainly be able to help with the necessary eye makeup.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_35

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_36

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_37

Beautiful examples

To date, the lowered corners of the eye cannot be considered a global problem, since it is possible to find a million variants of beautiful makeups for such eyes on the Internet.

It is not always worth emphasizing the beauty of the eye solely with a combination of any shadows. An excellent solution can be the use of false fan-shaped eyelashes. They perfectly cast an eye corner, making them brighter and expressive.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_38

No less successful and beautiful option is considered brown Smoky Eyes. However, it is not necessary to be limited to exclusively brown, chocolate and coffee shades. Special attention should be paid by an easy shimmer option. Make high-quality decisive should not only in the upper eyelid, but also below. The inner eyelid can be brought using a black waterproof pencil, but if the eyes are not very big and narrow, then from this reception it is best to refuse.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_39

Dark eyes with lowered corners perfectly emphasize natural shades of shadows, as well as purple, blue and gray shades. Especially good of their combinations. No less gently looks like makeup using white and pink shadows, which can be complemented by classic arrows.

Makeup for lowered corners of the eyes (42 photos): how to lift with the arrows lowered down the eyes, how to paint 15750_40

About how to make eye makeup with the omitted outer corner, see the next video.

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