Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid


In the modern world, glasses have long ceased to be only the subject of necessity. That is why when buying should be guided not only by the price and quality of the product, but also how much a certain model is suitable for individual characteristics of a person. One of the important criteria for choice is the face form. Let's try to figure out how women pick up glasses, focusing on this parameter.

Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_2

Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_3

General rules of choice

The choice of points should be given close attention, since the wrong selection can cause the disadvantageous allocation of physical disadvantages and defects. Moreover, the correct approach can allow you to make defects not as noticeable or completely hid them.

In the process of the selection, the basic rule should be guided - the upper boundary of the rim must correspond to the line of eyebrows, and the lower one should rest in the cheek.

Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_4

Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_5

Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_6

In order to maximize this rule, it is necessary not only to proceed from the characteristics of the structure of the woman's face, but also to try on many models. Only, in this case, it will be possible to choose the product, the maximum way corresponding to the type of face. The fact is that even on similar types of person, certain models of glasses can look different.

Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_7

Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_8

Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_9

In addition, the following rules should be followed:

  • The width of the rim must be seamless in such a way as not to perform a lot of face.
  • Points must sit as close as possible and smoothly, as well as not to change positions when moving the head.
  • Rubbing should sit firmly without moving on the tip nose when you turn the head.

Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_10

Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_11

The optimal today is the patterns of steel, which are made of steel. Their cost is significantly higher than plastic options, however, they can boast a longer service life.

In the process of choice, you should also pay attention to such details:

  • It is impossible to pick up glasses that exactly repeat the contours of the face.
  • If the glasses are sitting high on the nose, then visually nose seems more.
  • During the selection, it is necessary to take into account the color of the framing and hair color. Girls with blond hair can not be particularly worried, as they fit the accessories in any color solutions. But the redheads need to be limited to juicy shades of violet, salad or blue.

Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_12

Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_13

    Remember that a stylish accessory never closes eyebrows. Sometimes the border coincides with the line of eyebrows, which gives even greater expressiveness.

    Important when choosing glasses also has a skin shade. In order for the image to be harmonious, it is necessary to be guided by such principles:

    • For dark skin, it is necessary to choose the rims made in warm colors. These may be turtle or copper options.
    • Wrongs of pale skin is best to give preference to models in cold colors.
    • To revive the skin of the elderly people will help rims of purple shades.

    Taking into account these recommendations, it is possible to hope that the points will be not only a means of improving vision, but also a stylish accessory.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_14

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_15

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_16

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_17

    Suitable models for different types of face

    Stylists recommend picking points depending on the type of face. Many types are isolated, so first it is necessary to study individual characteristics and only after that choose the optimal option.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_18


    In the case of a triangular form, the question of how to choose glasses becomes the most difficult. An extended person demands close attention due to a narrow and pear-shaped form.

    Stylists allocate two different types of triangles - one is characterized by softer and rounded features, and the other is characterized by a large and coarse chin. Selecting glasses for the triangular face form, it is necessary to take into account this feature.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_19

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_20

    The owner of the first type of appearance should be distracted from the top of the head, and the second is from the bottom.

    Regardless of the shape of the chin, for the triangular face of the face, it is forbidden to use large and massive glasses, "feline eye" or sunglasses with pointed edges.

    In most cases, women with similar face forms give preference to aviators, options with round glasses and low planted handles.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_21

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_22

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_23


    A distinctive feature of a square face is that the jaw and forehead have an equal width. As a result, the face looks sharp, however, the correct choice of points will allow you to soften the contours and achieve the most attractive effect. Girls who cannot choose the best option for themselves, it is best to look at glasses with large frames, aviators and an option with an interesting decoration on the top edge.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_24

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_25

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_26


    This type looks not very attractive, so the main task in the selection of accessories is to smooth the difference between the length and width of the face, which is so noticeable.

    Stylists do not advise you to choose too rectangular or small options, as they will emphasize face shortcomings. Ideal are the aircraft-aviators or large models, allowing you to close half the face.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_27

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_28

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_29

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_30


    A diamond face is distinguished by wide cheekbones, narrowed in the upper and lower parts of the face. Ladies that possess a form of a face in the form of a rhombus are suitable rapid and rectangular glasses. It is best to select products that do not have sharp lines and soft forms.

    Stylists recommend paying attention to products that give an additional width in the area of ​​the bottom of the person. This is especially true for girls who wear bangs on his forehead.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_31

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_32

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_33


    Choose glasses for girls with a heart-shaped face form are extremely difficult, however, the fact that such ladies differ in pronounced cheekbones should be taken into account. They protrude a bit forward, so the main task in the selection is to visually reduce the face.

    In addition, the type of heart is also characterized by a wide forehead, so it is impossible to focus on it. That is why it is recommended to select women's glasses that will differ in a rounded shape and low fit. Glasses - aviators or butterflies will look great.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_34

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_35


    For a trapezoidal face, glasses are considered the perfect accessory. The most effective way to correct the face form is the presence of large and bright frames that attract attention to the top of the person.

    It is best to pick up glasses that are distinguished by the upper edges of the frame. It also allows you to balance the lower part. If corrective glasses are chosen, then for such a type of rims in the style of "Street", "cat's eyes" or browlans are suitable. But for sunscreen options it is best to select Wayfarers, Aviators or Grande. Gradient coloring lenses will be perfectly.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_36

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_37

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_38


    The Asian face is characterized by a wide carrier, because of what most frames do not sit as it should be. That is why most manufacturers produce special rims for such a face form. A distinctive feature of such sunglasses is that the rims are made of cellulose acetate or are equipped with special silicone nosepapers.

    Asian girls are distinguished by a small face, so it's better to abandon the major options for glasses from the sun. The perfectly selected accessory comes only to the line of eyebrows and in no case closes them. Large models can only be chosen if the girl received a large nose from nature. Then the glasses will help hide this drawback and make the face more harmonious.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_39

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_40

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_41

    Full and thin

    When selecting optimal glasses, depending on the face form, the level of completeness should also be taken into account. If the girl is thin and has a thin and elongated face, it is possible to fix it with a round or triangular glasses. Lenses are best selected large and massive. "Feline Eye" will also become an excellent solution.

    If the skinny nose has a Velic Nose, then you can correct the situation with the help of accessories with horizontal lines.

    Particularly enlarged the face will also help colored rims decorated on the sides.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_42

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_43

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_44

    Full ladies need to choose a thing that visually make them less. To achieve a similar effect, the remedy ladies should refuse glasses with round glasses, models with wide jumpers and low handles.

    The same recommendations should be followed in cases where the girl plans to choose sunglasses depending on the face form. If the product is equipped with dark or transparent lenses, then it is best to choose options made in the form of a square, a trapezoid or rectangle.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_45

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_46

    Some girls with a complete face perfectly suitable changing glasses, however, in each case, it is necessary to be guided by individual features of the face. A huge role also plays the color of the framing. For a complete face, it is better to abandon bright and multicolored options, preferring a darker framework. The noble cherry tone will also become an excellent solution.

    Stylists also advise paying attention to the asphalt gray, which will make a lady beautiful and will visually seem smaller.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_47

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_48

    Large and small

    To properly choose glasses for a big person, you need to know several fashionable laws that will not make mistakes with the choice. In the process of selection of the rim, you should give preference to options that are not only suitable in size, but also a charm and mysterious girl will give. For a large face, the scroll can not be less than 145 mm. Otherwise, selected points once again emphasize the large dimensions of the face.

    If a large face is characterized by a rectangular shape, then you can buy options with a square rim without fear. They not only perfectly fit into any image, but also help visually reduce the face. In addition, thanks to such points, the person acquires a business species, and the rim allows you to visually eliminate the defects of the face and focus on the merits.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_49

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_50

    For girls with small face, glasses are vital accessory, so the choice must be given the maximum attention. So that selected points have become an integral part of the image, you need:

    • Choose a frame that is characterized by high hangers;
    • Give preference to variants with bright patterns at the top;
    • The outlines of the points must be clear and accurate.

    For a small face, models of "Butterflies", "trapezoids" and models with rectangular lenses are considered the ideal option.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_51

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_52

    Rims for vision

    To the selection of rims for points, which are intended for vision correction, should be approached with full responsibility and thoroughness. We will have to wear much more often than a sweater or shoes, and the wrong selected option may cause constant discomfort or headaches.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_53

    First of all, you need to pay attention to the size of the rim. Usually all manufacturers indicate the rim parameters on the side. Of course, all the parameters are averaged, so they should not be oriented exclusively on them. Some people may have large noses or narrow eyes, which will force to retreat from the options recommended by stylists. In each case, it will be necessary to take into account the individual features of each person.

    Classic selection rules for frames say that they should not go beyond the face. The exception is only some models that were originally created to go out for the front frames.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_54

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_55

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_56

    If the size of the frame was picked up incorrectly, then eyebrow or fall into the eyepiece or partially will be closed with a rim. It looks unbalanced. Another point is towers, which in most cases are located in parallel to each other. If the rim is small, the towers will begin to disappear, crush and bring discomfort.

    The shape of the rim corrective glasses should be selected in such a way as to hide face flaws and emphasize its strengths. When buying glasses for vision correction, the most important thing is to fully feel the rim. She should not put on the face or bring discomfort. It is necessary to turn your head to the parties and make sure that the glasses do not fall and comfortably sit. Models for correction are usually worn throughout the day, so the head can be accelerated in close glasses.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_57

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_58

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_59

    In the process of fitting the rim, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that after installation, the weight of the structure will increase due to optics. Pick up the best color is the most difficult. Of course, if universal options for winter, summer, spring, however, is best to select the color decision individually. For example, a person with light skin is best to choose warm brown shades and abandon black models that take too much attention to themselves.

    Classic and versatile colors of frames are considered black, brown and gray colors.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_60

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_61

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_62

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_63

    Stylists argue that cherry shades are also perfectly combined with any wardrobe. In any case, the topic with the colors is extremely individual. If we take into account trends, in recent years, models with vintage fler are very popular.

    Girls are trying not to choose universal options, giving preference by Oversiz models and selecting points depending on the individual features of the person. Only in this case can be the owner of the accessory, which will make it possible to make the image completed and harmonious.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_64

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_65

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_66

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_67

    Beautiful examples

    Points for a square person allow you to soften the cheekbones that strongly give the chin line.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_68

    Oval face is characterized by a balance of forms and proportions, thanks to which almost any varieties of glasses are suitable. Rounded glasses add femininity and softness.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_69

    Points allow you to balance a small disproportionateness of the heart-shaped face.

    Form of the face form (70 photos): how to choose how to choose women in the type of face, triangular and rectangular, rhombid 15730_70

    About how to choose the right glasses in the form of the face, look in the video.

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