Stamps of evening dresses: mermaid, a-silhouette, ampir, balloons, straight, long


Invitation to the wedding, a holiday evening with friends, your own birthday, meeting with classmates ... List the events for which girls will surely need to wear an evening dress can be infinite. Also infinitely a long time you can choose the outfit itself. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly pick up the evening dress.

Some simply look at fashionable covers with magazines and want to get exactly the same ensemble, others overestimate the capabilities of their own shape. It is hardly worth putting examples when a beautiful dress looks great on one girl, but it looks completely unite.

Evening dress from Tarik EDIZ

In many ways, the problem of choice is the ignorance of elementary things, such as styles. Among the diverse models you need to choose exactly the one that will be perfect specifically to your figure, it will correspond to your external data, it will emphasize all the advantages and will hide disadvantages. It is no secret that often turns out exactly the opposite.

Black and white evening dress

Long styles

Today dresses in the floor remain incredibly popular. They are performed from translucent fabrics fit, with short lower skirts, coquette upper layers of skirts, with cuts, asymmetric shoulders and so on.

In addition, the actual solution is a long evening dress with stones and crystals. Its main advantage is that it is suitable for the ladies of any age, and may also be appropriate at various events, from a wedding (of course, in the role of guests) to a simple corporate party.

Evening dress with a loop from Tarik EDIZ


Perhaps I have never left fashion yet. This is one of the most popular models to this day. In many ways, thanks to Christian Dior, this silhouette will deserve world fame, after all, the famous designer presented a wide collection of dresses representing this type of style.

Color Evening Dress A-Silhouette

The upper part is performed in the form of a corset covering the shoulder line. A special and well-designed cut is covered with the tummy, masks the full thighs, and also create the effect of the waist, even if it is practically no.

Evening dress black

A variety of evening outfits made with A-silhouettes is achieved due to patterns, the use of various tissues, finishes and accessories.

If necessary, you can adjust the shoulder line, depending on whether they are wide or narrow. To do this, we will have to experiment with cutouts on the neck and with the design of the neckline zone.

Evening dress a-silhouette with flower applique

Evening dress with an embroidery of a-silhouette

Evening dress a-silhouette

Evening dress a-silhouette short front


The silhouette of the mermaid is ideal for girls who want to focus on their beautiful hips. For such purposes, this style is the best. Before the knee level, and in some models there is a little higher, the body is tightly tissue.

Evening dress mermaid

It is also important to note that the lower part of the skirt is made in the form of a loop. Stoys can be different - with an open back, partially closed, with a similar version of the waist area. As for the materials, satin and silk are well-deserved here.

Evening dress mermaid

Yellow evening dress from Tarik EDIZ

Evening dress Mermaid from TAREK Sinno


As part of fashionable shows, designers managed to show that even direct styles may look spectacular and excellent for evening dress. Key raisins and "chips" have enough such outfits. For example, often fashion designers use:

  • rich shades that attract attention;
  • original cut;
  • Brenet combinations;
  • wide sleeves;
  • Unusual cuts;
  • The decor, made of applications, beaded embroidery, patterns on a dense dresses playing a latter role.

Do not forget that at the expense of horizontal long lines of the outfit, the owner becomes visually higher and slimmer.

Direct evening dress with cut

Evening dress direct from Dolce & Gabbana

Turquoise evening dress

Evening Dress Direct from Tarik EDIZ

Evening dress with a deep neckline

Evening dress with a print from Carolina Jeriers


Many fashion houses conduct shows, within which lush ballrooms are presented, which are a real decoration of collections. It is worth understanding that a similar outfit should be purchased for special cases, ballroom evenings, dinner dinner, within which there is a strict and mandatory dress code.

Lush evening dress

Young girls who choose interesting and bright outfits for prom, or the bride are the largest lover of such a style. It looks most favorably on the ladies possessing a sufficiently high growth. Add to the original silhouette open back or beautiful neckline zone, and you will become a real decoration of this evening.

Evening lush color dress

To emphasize the feminine, beautiful figure, experts advise you to choose the corset base, open shoulders, deep neckline, as well as the maximum length. If you are full or have a small increase, it is not worth the ballroom dresses. Just choose the shown models.

As for slim and high beauties, they will be able to fully appreciate the delights of balllots with multi-layer skirts to the floor.

If we talk about fabric, now in fashion tight silk, jacquard. In order to achieve airiness and ease of image, give preference to the guipure, chiffon and muslin.

Evening dress magnificent

turquoise lush dress evening

Black and white evening dress

Evening Lush Yellow Dress

Evening dress color lush

Lush blue evening dress


The peculiarity of this Leson evening dress is that his waist is overwhelmed, and the skirt is thin, flowing, decorated with a loop.

Materials for the manufacture of such an outfit serves preferably translucent fabric, although no one prohibits the use of more dense alternatives and narrowed skirts. The last option, by the way, is suitable for a secular party. For it, almost any expensive jewelry will be suitable.

Empire evening dresses

If you want to choose an ampir dress outfit, then pay special attention to the liftis. The overwhelmed waist will focus on the chest, because to play with straps will have neatly. They are able to play a major role in choosing a dress. So, thin straps are suitable for slim and gentle young ladies that do not have a large breast size. If the chest is big, then the straps should be wide.

Pink ampir dress on strap

Ampire evening dress with rhinestones

With the help of assemblies and lace trim, you can visually enlarge the chest. That is why the owners of the lush breast are not recommended to grow the upper part of their shape. Otherwise, the appearance will be ridiculous.

Ampire will serve great to pregnant women who want to visit some events. With the help of the original style, pregnant and complete ladies will hide their tumors, making an emphasis on the chest.

Evening dress Ampir from Dolce & Gabbana

Blue dress ampir

Evening dress ampir with bolero

Greek style

It is unlikely that someone is very surprised by the fact that it is Greek style that is a favorite style of many girls and women. The thing is that with the help of such outfits, it is possible to emphasize the most well emphasizing femininity and sexuality.

Evening dress with sleeves in Greek style

It is noteworthy, but many consider exceptionally thought-out folds and drapes that create an effect of antiquity, which create an effect of antiquity.

These dresses are able to successfully hide a small tummy, cover not quite the perfect waist. Together with this, the Logson focuses on the zone of seductive neckline, shoulders.

Evening dress on one shoulder

Evening dress from Jovani

Black evening dress in Greek style

Evening dress in Greek style

Experts recommend choosing certain colors of the dress in the Greek style, depending on which the goal in front of you is. For example, if you go to the ball, the secular event, and you wish to make your image gentle and wounded, it is exclusively white dresses, supplemented with rhinestones and flowers. With their help, you will emphasize the sophistication of the shoulders and their neck. But if you strive to conquer the heart of a man, then the dress must necessarily be bright, saturated. He will definitely not be able to resist.

Evening dress Greek with embroidery

Greek evening dress with decorations

By the way, an important factor in favor of choosing a Greek style evening dresses is that it is suitable for almost every type of figure. Although it looks most profitable at slender and high beauties.

A short

In society, there are certain rules and requirements for outfits if you are on various kinds of events. So, evening long dresses should be put on the evenings, which begin not earlier than 19.00. If you are invited to earlier time, then you have the full right to give preference to a short style.

Evening dress short front, long rear


In the summer it is worth paying attention to dresses supplemented by a cylinder skirt. Although the bottom part turns out lush, the image still is formed light and fresh. Such a cut is suitable for long-legged and high ladies. Depending on solemnity, choose the required degree of brightness of the shade. So, if it is a simple corporate, then wear a neutral shade dress. If this is a wedding, birthday, then bright outfits will be quite appropriate.

Evening dress with skirt Ballon

Baby Dol

Some of the most modern trends among short styles are imperial style and so-called bebi dresses.

Bebi-dollars choose young, self-confident personnel. They have a very short skirt, and at the top there is a deep neckline. There are no sleeves at all. Fabrics are preferably light, translucent. Color Choose one of two - calm pastel or catchy, bright.

Evening dress lilac bebi dol

Lilac dress short lush

Evening Dress Baby Dol

Imperial style

Imperial style implies completely closed shoulders, which, nevertheless, create an elegant and unique image. Such an outfit turns out to be as it is impossible at any event. So it can be called universal.

Lenten choose depending on the event, age and figures - from Midi to Maxi. The bodice is predominantly complemented by sleeves, and the square shape, and on the chest a V-shaped neckline. Great for full beauties who want to hide the hips and give the waist a clearer line.

Short evening ampir dress


Do not think that exclusively dresses in the floor make the image of a girl elegant and gentle. To achieve visually stronger form, as well as to make the silhouette more elongated with the dresses of the pipe.

Just keep in mind, they should wear underwear without seams, and if you need to correct the shape, choose the pulling underwear.

Evening Dress Dobce & Gabbana Case

Short dress evening case

Dress-case short

As you can see, there are a lot of styles. There are also many materials, from which your evening dress can be sewn.

You should not focus solely on pictures from magazines or the Internet when choosing a beloved. First you need to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the figure, understand which zones it is better to close, and what to focus on. Only so you will be able to find your own perfect style. It is in such a dress that you will shine, emit confidence, femininity, and perhaps even sexuality.

Black dress with openwork riding

Of course, each event has its own characteristics in terms of choosing a dress. So, at too official evenings, it is unlikely to appear in an open outstanding outfit. At the same time, you should not get lost in the crowd.

White-black evening dress

Blue evening dress with an openwork from Rosa Clara

Evening dress with illusion of naked body

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