Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir


Depressive condition never arises just like that. His manifestation is provoked by dissatisfaction, misfortune, lack of positive emotions and many others. However, few people know that depression can be displayed in different kinds of art, highlighting it in black. This method of creating masterpieces originated in America in the 50s of the last century and received a whole stylistic direction "Noir".

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_2

What it is?

Noir style is the beauty and greatness of black color, which fills 90% of the total weight of the image or plot. The remaining 10% is recommended to dilute with silver or gold shades, as well as burgundy, gray or white colors. If we are talking about creating furniture or room interior, a launchy style involves the use of different textures.

It is important to remember that when designing the interior of Noir, it is categorically forbidden to be afraid of a large amount of black. Paul, walls and ceiling may have a dark shade, and embodies will allow farts of other colors.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_3

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_4

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_5

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_6

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_7

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_8

Many black - a sign of excellent taste. Dark beauty allows us to concentrate, concentrate, to show special attention to the details of the upcoming work. Noir is the perfect option for making a writer's office or scientist.

If you delve into the origins, Noir is a genre of cinema of the 40-50s, which was called Noir. In each film, there were significant notes of pessimism. Many scenes were filmed solely at night. But even after filming, the filmed frames were additionally darkened. And that is noteworthy, in such films there is never a happy end. Of course, since those times, the style of Noir passed several steps of transfiguration and today is posing with its mystery, elegance and invisible magic.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_9

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_10

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_11

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_12

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_13

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_14

Application in the interior

In Europe, the popularity of the style of Noir is gaining momentum every year. Especially when making interior in the house. But the Russian people do not always have a dark approach to creating a room design. Russians believe that black is a symbol of mourning. And only some understand that this is a banal fortification of culture. So, for example, the color of mourning in Japan is considered white, and in Egypt - red.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_15

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_16

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_17

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_18

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_19

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_20

In fact, the black color of the interior is a real chic and an indicator of the failure of the family. It is very important that the dark color corresponds to the atmosphere of the rooms and harmonized with the elements of the decor of other colors.

  • As you know, the black color absorbs the free space, because of which the small room will remind more the vampire's lair than the cozy living room. However, an interesting solution that allows you to visually increase the small room for receiving guests, the use of marble will be. This material has a lot of advantages, the main of which is the nobility and the possibility of combining with any surfaces. As additional colors of the black living room, it is worth considering the materials of gray and white shades. Dilute the black color of the living room will also help vertical landscaping, such as a high and narrow plant in a small pot or stabilized moss.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_21

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_22

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_23

  • Bedroom Located in the style of Noir, more often causes bewilderment than delight. However, pick up the right palette and texture of materials, it will be possible to make a harmonious ensemble. Whoever spoke to, the dark bedroom allows a person to tune in to strong sleep. The black atmosphere contributes to rapid falling asleep.

The bedroom with dark decoration is the perfect option for the persons suffering from insomnia.

Few people know, but black has a huge amount of accieveness. With it, it will be possible to fill the room with brutality or make notes of sexuality. The highlight of the bedroom is the tinted partition, followed by a wardrobe.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_24

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_25

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_26

  • Bathroom Made in black color - a real bohemian chic. A greater perimeter of dark color is preferably used in bathrooms with an impressive quadrature. Small rooms are expected to dilute with a large number of light elements. For example, put one wall with white porcelain tiles. However, creating an exclusive design will only be in large rooms. There it will be possible to place a bowl for swimming in the center, and it is not necessary to use the classic model. A bowl may have a different form and be made of any available materials.

The main thing is not to be mistaken with the color.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_27

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_28

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_29

When making any room, you need to pay attention to the combination of black with other colors. It is neutral and still very effectively look together black, gray and white colors. To create the game of shadows, consider the version of the chandelier or high flying with an unusual form of lamps. Windows should be framed by black curtains 100% density.

By the way, In addition to the traditional Noura, such directions of style as neo-Noir and Art Nouire are known today. Both are expressed in the creation of films, photos and paintings. They are characterized by brightness and contrast of flowers, cynicity and ambiguity, light and darkness.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_30

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_31

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_32

Noir style and photo

The director who creates a film in the style of Noir, uses all sorts of shooting advantages. Photographer in this matter has much more difficult. It has to create the required lighting, causing the sharpness, adjust the contrast with the effect of the voltage. On the face of the models should fall the shadows of the vertical and horizontal direction, and the light is obliged to emphasize the image of the object partial highlighting. Speaking with simple words, the model should be dissolved in a general background.

Of particular importance of snapshots in the style of Noir playing unusual angles capable of changing reality. For example, the "Dutch angle" is able to give a tension to the snapshot. The essence of the method consists in the direction of the camera lens from the bottom up and slightly in the side.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_33

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_34

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_35

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_36

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_37

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_38

A snapshot made from below strengthens the image of the model, hanging the character dominant qualities. And here Dramatic and fear is created when photographing the model from a height. But with this version of the shooting, the character does not show any facial expressions, which means it will have to express a mental state with the help of body, outfits and items present in the frame.

An important part of the creation of a photo in the style of Noir is the filling of a common plan. Ideally - night, wet asphalt, staircase, dark houses, luminous light. All this should express tragedy, inevitability, hopelessness.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_39

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_40

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_41

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_42

Makeup and hairstyles

Makeup in the style of Noir is characterized by black lips. But not for all women, such an experiment seems interesting. Most of the fair sex representatives only because of the prejudices are afraid to paint the lips of black lipstick. But professional models are not used to this.

In the nearby past, the ladies used a coal pencil, and today the beauty industry offers a selection of black lipsticks of different textures. There are cream options, and matte. Ultra-baiting looks extremely impressive, and slightly pearls allow you to create an image of a representative of the Gothic culture.

Selecting the lipstick (the main element of the Makeup Noir), you can select other cosmetics, namely, blush, shadow, mascara and eyeliner.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_43

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_44

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_45

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_46

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_47

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_48

To create an epaptation effect before applying cosmetics, the tone of the face should be aligned, gently emphasizing the cheekbones and eyelids. Under black lipstick, light tones of the skin of the face are suitable. To make a light shine, it is worth considering cosmetics with shimmer. Highlight the eyes will help the shadow of the metallic color and the gold liner.

If there is a photo session in the style of Noir, you need to stock up with several types of cosmetics:

  • Moisturization serum;
  • basic base;
  • tone cream;
  • ruddy cream consistency;
  • Heilater.

Also, a transparent powder, cream shadows, lipstick and shine will be used to create an unusual beauty.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_49

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_50

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_51

To begin with, the skin should be moistened, then cover the face with an aligning basis. For a pale face, it is preferable to use a pink base. When the base is absorbed, you can apply a tone cream. Its tone must match the skin color. A blush falls on the convex pieces of the cheeks and neatly chosen by the pads of the fingers. The result obtained should be consolidated by the crumbly powder.

Next, the eyelids are covered with shadows, then the eyelashes are covered with ink.

It is important to note that no sticking and lumps should be.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_52

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_53

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_54

It remains only to put lipstick. To reduce the effect of density, it is assumed to be pre-covered with lips with a balm. So that the black lipstick lay down exactly, it is necessary to use a special brush. The final stage is the addition of a discharge color drop in the central part of the upper and lower lips.

As for the hairstyles, the films should be recalling the 50s. There are ladies appear in front of the audience with hair of any length laid in neat curls. The modern direction of Noura does not have specific requirements regarding the length of the hair. However, short strands are recommended to curl into small curls, and long, on the contrary, straighten and combed according to the shooting requirements.

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_55

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_56

Noir style (57 photos): What is it? Noar style in the interior of rooms, make-up and other areas, features of the directions of the Ar- and Neo-Noir 15570_57

About how the style of Noir originated, you can learn from the video below.

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