Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus


Crab hairpin is a popular hair accessory, with which you can do the simplest, and the original festive hairstyle. This simple design is universal and is equally suitable for a strict business woman or a teacher and a teenager's girl, and a regular housewife.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_2

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_3

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_4

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_5

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_6

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_7

Hair Clip Crab: Beautiful and original hairstyles without too much effort

Until recently, Krabik was an attribute of exclusively baby cosmetics.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_8

However, today he became a real trend among the fashionistas of the whole world.

The indisputable advantages of the clamping clamp include:

  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • a huge variety, among which you can find an option for any case, taste and wealth;
  • Universality that allows you to use the clamp and "to exit" and at home.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_9

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_10

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_11

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_12

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_13

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_14


A variety of crabs does not know borders. Their main differences from each other relate to:

  • Material manufacturing. The most common are metal and plastic products. The first is distinguished by massiveness and considerable weight, and are used for beautiful and festive laying. The second is the simplest and affordable costs great for daily use.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_15

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_16

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_17

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_18

  • Size. Clamps can be quite small - these are used for the decor hairstyles and can fix that individual small strands can be fixed. Middle - suitable for strands of medium length. And large - for dense long curls.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_19

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_20

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_21

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_22

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_23

  • Registration and decoration with decorative elements. It all depends on the purpose of the crab. Metal, for example, are often decorated with rhinestones and stones, laying out all sorts of patterns. The plastic is most often different in color.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_24

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_25

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_26

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_27

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_28



Use options

How wide is the range of hair clips, as varied and their use in various conditions and for different purposes. With their help, you can quickly collect curls in order not to interfere in home or make a gorgeous laying.

For quick home hairstyles, the most ordinary plastic grills are suitable. The easiest way to fix the curls is to collect them in a bundle, twist in one direction and clamping the hairpin. As an option, instead of twisting, you can use weaving - braid strands into the braid, lift it upstairs and pull the crab.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_29

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_30

For greater originality, it is not one, but several decorations.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_31

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_32

You can also divide the curls into two equal parts and, tied from the back by the node, secure the accessory, inverted horizontally. Leaving the horses of the ends of strands on this can be stopped, and you can continue to show your fantasy and scroll them with the help of a cloth or braid into several thin braids.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_33

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_34

It is important to take into account that on the hair of the average length of the big crab will look inappropriate, so it is better to use a model of medium or small size.

To make the laying for the evening access to the light, it is enough to take a beautiful accessory with a decor of fabric flowers and asymmetrically consolidate it on loose curb.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_35

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_36

Perfectly look and a bundle of smooth strands, fixed with a metal crab with crystals or stones.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_37

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_38

You can use this accessory not only for hair fixation, but also as a beautiful decoration. So, for decorating an armor and dreadlocks, small grinding of various colors are perfect.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_39

Often hairstyles with small grinding make young girls. They are also in demand and girls teenagers who want to stand out, show their individuality.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_40

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_41

Small bangs, pigtails or simply side strands are well fixed with small hairpins - any option looks neat and unusual.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_42

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_43

Beauty, style and originality

In addition to simple and familiar forms, the clamps for the formation can make the most amazing and unusual forms.

For example, one of the original Subastus hairpins has a spiral shape and helps to create numerous creative styling of various styles and types.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_44

The birthplace of this unusual hairpin is France - a country that is a fashion legislator not only in clothing, but also in the use of stylish additions to it.

Any woman will be transformed with an exclusive crab from the famous elite French brand Alexandre de Paris in the form of a pearl flower decorated with swarovski crystals.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_45

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_46

Or no less stylish - crabs from Janeke - the Italian manufacturer of all sorts of accessories for curls.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_47

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_48

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_49

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_50

It is interesting looks in the hairstyle of side crab with rhinestones or colors made of stones. Such accessories are perfectly suitable even to the most elegant dress in the women's wardrobe.

To put and decorate strands, it is not necessary to look for unusual model of the hairpin and acquire expensive branded accessories.

You can make a stylish and original crab and with your own hands, decides it with flowers from ribbons in Kanzashi technique (Kandzasi), who came from Japan. It will become an excellent addition to a light romantic image and be sure to attract attention to its owner.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_51

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_52

Also create a unique image will help the hairpin from phoamyran - a foam decorative material, easily refusable. From it you can create everything that your soul: from colors to futuristic figures and patterns.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_53

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_54

Another way to drastically change your hairstyle with the help of the same crab bar - use a model with overhead hair. At the same time, an artificial "tail" is worthwhile to tone his own strands. Attaching it, you can hit friends and familiar in a completely simple way and your lucky and disturbing curls.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_55

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_56

Store clips to the right

To make your favorite crabist, I do not lose your kind (mostly concerns models with canzashi ornaments and a phoamyran decor), they must be kept correctly.

Here, every fashionista itself decides how it is convenient to store, ideas can be the most diverse: from simple boxes and boxes to special decorative buckets and organizers for hair decorations.

Crab Hair Barring (60 photos): Which hairstyles can be done with a grid, from Kanzashi, Fashion on small grills Subastus 15535_57

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