How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh?


In school regulations there are many rules that students, parents and teachers must fulfill. The area that remains unhawned by the school regulations is controlled by Rospotrebnadzor. It was this institution that the norms regarding the weight of the school backpack were prescribed. Significant overload can cause serious damage to the musculoskeletal apparatus of the child.

How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh? 15474_2

What factors are taken into account?

Before talking about the weight of the school level, you should familiarize yourself with other requirements for the school accessory. So, parents when choosing a backpack need to take into account the following points.

  1. Straps must be wide. Normally 4.5-5 cm. This provides good fit to the back.
  2. The backpack should be enough Sustainable.
  3. SET for primary school students (from 1 to 4th grade) should have solid frame. This ensures a uniform distribution of gravity throughout the perimeter.
  4. Better if it is executed From light and durable water repellent fabric which is easily cleaned from pollution.

How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh? 15474_3

When calculating the weight of the school backpack, the age of schoolchildren is taken into account. It is important to note that the growth and weight of a special role is not playing. That is, for schoolchildren who study in one class, but at the same time relate to different weight categories, the mass of the backpack will still be the same. But at the same time there is a checkered rule: the school sentence should not be more than 10% of the weight of the schoolboy himself.

How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh? 15474_4

Weight norms

According to Sanpina, schoolchildren are not forbidden to wear an empty backpack, as it does not harm health. But the overcrowded rational testifies to gross violation. Parents necessarily need to know the weight rate, and if necessary, you can weigh a wretched scale.

How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh? 15474_5

For different classes, the Rospotrebnadzor provides for the following criteria.

  1. For first grader and second-grader The weight of the spank itself should not exceed 700 g, and the weight of the textbooks is not more than 1.5 kg.
  2. For 3-4 classes The optimal weight of the ward remains unchanged, but by weight of the textbooks you can add 0.5 kg.
  3. Pupils of 5-6 classes You can buy backpacks that weigh in 1 kg. At the same time, the load for textbooks and other school supplies should not exceed 2.5 kg.
  4. Semiments and eighth graders You can also buy backpacks weighing up to 1 kg (the same norm is preserved until graduation). In grade 8, it is already allowed to load a school bag to 3.5 kg.
  5. For students of the senior school (from 9 to 11 classes) You can download a bag with books up to 4 kg.

How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh? 15474_6

In addition, according to GOST, it is recommended to carry the worsens with an orthopedic back. Sanitary standards just do not oblige parents to acquire a backpack for one or another color.

How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh? 15474_7

How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh? 15474_8

How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh? 15474_9

What if the mass is exceeded?

Before dealing with a complaint about the inconsistencies with the standards, parents are recommended Check the correct filling of the school wreck. So, the rules prescribed by Rospotrebnadzor concern only textbooks. They cannot be included the weight of the replacement shoes of the child, his sports form, dinners (who parents collect with them a child to school), toys and other accessories.

How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh? 15474_10

For example, some school wounds are equipped with a special compartment for placing in it by removable shoes. If you put light sneakers in this pocket, the weight almost does not change, and if it is heavy boots, in this case there is a significant overload. Parents of students need to be remembered that one should not overload the bag of children with unauthorized items.

In the case when the norm is violated directly by the weighing textbooks and notebooks, parents can safely approach the teacher and indicate a discrepancy. The teacher is obliged to take action.

For example, some tutorial can be left in cool cabinets, and not to carry with you home.

How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh? 15474_11

If the teacher ignores the remark of his parents, you can contact the director. It is better if parents immediately indicate several students at once. The complaint should be filed in writing. The school administration is obliged to respond to the statement of parents.

But in Rospotrebnadzor, it does not make sense to complain about this case, since the norms written are only recommendations. To punish for this school or assign a service check, Rospotrebnadzor is not entitled.

How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh? 15474_12

If the administration did not respond in any way to the comments of the parents, do not let the case on a self-shot. Parents can agree on the distribution of textbooks between students. For example, if 4 lessons are assigned on the school day, then the package by the desk can bring each 2 textbook.

Another solution to the problem is to accompany and meet a child from school. True, in the walls of the educational institution, the child will still be a heavy bag. But in most cases, teachers go to meet and do not overload backpacks of students.

How much should a schoolboy backpack weigh? Sanitary rates of weight for first grader, eighth grader and other classes. How much should the empty and full school backpack weigh? 15474_13

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