Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing


Such an unusual element of clothing, like swimsuit-body, perfectly complements the wardrobe of amateur guests of an active lifestyle. It is ideal for exercising gymnastics, dancing and various sports. At the same time there are models that perform the classical function of the swimsuit. Despite the simplicity of cut and the inability to demonstrate in it the beauty of his body many girls choose her for conciseness, femininity and versatility.

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_2

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_3

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_4

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_5

This fusion swimsuit is a compilation of a long top and panties. Complements the design of an unusual clasp below, on buttons or on hooks. We will tell about the advantages of swimsuit-bodies and how to choose this item to choose this detail depending on the purpose.

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_6


Today, female representatives are increasingly recorded on various dance classes. Paul Dance, Flamenco, ballroom dancing ... First of all, swimwear-misfortunes are great for training, as there are no extra elements of the decor. Some models are put on and on performances, if this discipline involves a concise suit. They can be seen even in the music clips on the stars, for example, in Madonna. Not surprising, because this thing is really convenient and gives unsurpassed freedom of movements.

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_7

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_8

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_9

Models for dancing, like models for gymnastics, sometimes made of cotton. In them, dancers and gymnasts sweat less, which makes these things as a successful option for training.

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_10

The bathing bodies intended for ballet classes can have a mesh bundle. She caught up in the waist area, it sits reliably and does not drive anywhere when performing complex PA.

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_11

For Sport

The fabric from which these types of swimsuits are made is usually well stretched, and therefore does not shine movements. It makes them very convenient for fitness halls. You can make Mahi legs, stretching, and not be afraid that the shape will crack on the seams. In addition, you can choose a sports model with shorts, which will allow you to confidently feel even during the most active workouts.

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_12

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_13

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_14

For swimming

For active movements in the water, a tightly seated swimsuit is simply necessary. It is not scary to lose the top or panties at the most inopportune moment, because with his design, such incidents are excluded. More often swimsuit-body worn into the pool or water park than on the beach, since it is not very suitable for the sun. In general, those who want to have a universal shape for swimming, it is quite possible to stop the choice precisely on this option. The clasp in the form of hooks is considered more reliable than buttons.

In rare cases there are similar models for relaxing on the sea. They may even have even thongs at the bottom. True, this option is difficult to call comfortable and functional.

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_15

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_16

For gymnastics

By the way, it is believed that the ancestor of all the bodies is the usual gymnastic swimsuit. The advantages of the swimsuit in the form of body gymnastics are the same as in other cases: practicality, lack of stiffness in movements, simplicity. These models differ, first of all, the length of the sleeve: from the most short, barely covering shoulder, to a length of three quarters, or completely covering the arm.

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_17

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_18

For surfing

The design of such bodies is distinguished by long sleeves, shorts and clasp - it is usually located on them from behind. It is necessary in order to protect the body from bruises, which serfengist can get during training with a board.

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_19

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_20

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_21


They sew swimsuits in the form of bodies from a variety of materials: synthetics, halftate, natural fabrics. So that he sat, like a free, cloth should be very elastic. For this reason, the most popular material for them is Liker. It is well stretched, and also does not lose sight with numerous washers. Even in the production of such things, polyester, microfiber, etc., etc. If occupations are very intense, or in a hot room, it is better to use more natural fabrics.

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_22

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_23

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_24

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_25

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_26

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_27

Color spectrum

Since basically, neutral tones are used for exercises in gymnastics and dance, it is neutral tone with the greatest demand, since during classes should not distract anything from the workflow. In some cases, bright tones are very appropriate - for example, for children engaged in dancing. Also a more diverse color palette is used for models intended for swimming or visiting the fitness room. Especially good models with a printer for competitions, they are also often decorative details.

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_28

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_29

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_30

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_31

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_32

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_33

Black models often choose surfers and dancers, they are stylish and at the same time can be decorated with multi-colored inserts. This is a win-win version, especially since there are more men among the surfers, and this color is suitable as it is impossible. White Bodi often give preference gymnasts, this noble classic color emphasizes harmony and become their owners.

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_34

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_35

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_36

With all the unusual, swimsuit-bodies perfectly deserves in order to take a place in the wardrobe of a modern, active and purposeful girl. If you like to discover new faces, try various hobbies associated with the movement, then this option is for you!

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_37

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_38

Body swimsuit (39 photos): print models, with string panties, swimming, black stylish for dancing 1542_39

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