Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style?


Japanese fans have a long and rich history. They were used in many spheres of life from performances in the theater and ending with the use of weapons in battle. This is an amazing invention, reflecting the beauty and uniqueness of the Japanese flavor.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_2

Description and History

In the culture of the country of the rising sun, historically developed two main types of fans: Sans and the WiSh.

According to generally accepted opinion, SanSu has Chinese roots. Perhaps for the first time the Japanese learned about the Vevey after the visits of ambassadors from China to Japan. Initially, they were brought to the country, merchants, but soon the Japanese masters gave their own unique look.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_3

SENSU is a folding fan consisting of several plates. Such faith were a purely male attribute, but in special cases women were used as a personal notebook during tea ceremonies.

The main use of Sansi was martial arts - in the hands of samurai ordinary fan could become a formidable weapon. In a foldable form, it was used as a baton that struck the head of the enemy, and the Japanese samurai decomposed fan could even cut the throat to their enemy, this part for the battle was well trained.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_4

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_5

The fan could be used not only for the attack, but also to protect, for example, from the weapon flying to the warrior.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_6

Sanssu imported from China became an integral part of the Japanese traditional outfit. European travelers who sailed from Holland and Portugal immediately appreciated the Veser of Japanese masters, but in European society, this item was not gained popularity immediately and for a couple of centuries was only a wonderful decoration of the ladies of the highest society.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_7

Subsequently, among Japanese fans, another type was originated - the hem. In their form, he resembled and consisted of a wooden frame, covered with silk fabric. Fan Wiv is assumed to be invoked by the Japanese invention.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_8

The history of the occurrence of Japanese fans is closely intertwined with art, they played a big role in the Japanese Kabuki Theater. According to the rules to participate in the play performances, exclusively men could, and in order to be stronger to women, they had to cover the lower part of their face, and they did this fan - an important theatrical attribute. Over time, Veter began to penetrate the daily life of the Japanese, where they purchased a new meaning.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_9

What happens

Sans and the speaker served as the protothes of several more types of fans, their changes can be traced on changing the epochs in Japan. The people gradually became more peaceful, and military destiny lost its significance.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_10

The wool is a folding flat fan, having a form of a peculiar appeal.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_11

It was based on bamboo rods, usually 46, 64 or 80, Bonded with a silk or vascular (special paper). On both sides, the canvas could carry his individual for each region drawing.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_12

The form could also differ, the hem was made round, oval or square with rounded corners.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_13

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_14

By the likeness of Veira, Hunbai was created - a special fan for combat It was used by commander to facilitate the command of the army and serving signals during the battle.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_15

Handle and edging Gunbai were made of iron, and the main part was made of wood covered with waterproof varnish. There were cases when Hunbai was fully performed from iron, increasing its effectiveness in battle.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_16

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_17

Now such a fan is used in Sumo, the judge shows them on the winner.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_18

Another view of the WiM is Hozukisan. He was made of bird feathers, and the drawing was held by Tengu - a mystical bird-like inher of forests. Hwatsukisan was distributed exclusively among Yamabusi (mountain priests) from the Sugendo Buddhist sect.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_19

In Edo (1600-1868), the wool began to gain its popularity as souvenirs for travelers , great value was the WiSh, made for regional shinto sanctoes. At about the same time, the wiem became popular among women, in connection with this design of fans began to change, they began to appear images of actors of the Kabuki theater or portraits of Waki-E.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_20

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_21

Large veins used in the Kabuki Theater, but served no longer for hiding individuals of actors, but for dances. Dancing with big versions were very famous in Japan, it was often that they constituted the basis of many productions of the theater.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_22

SanSu is a fan consisting of several metal or wooden plates capable of folding and unfolding. It was most often used as a weapon, but it was not the only feature.

The folding Werewa Sansi became most popular at the court, being a distinctive sign that reports on the rank and the occupied position in society.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_23

But the value of Sansi over time will be lost. In the modern world, it is used more as a decor element or a memorable souvenir for the holiday. However, fan, made on all the traditions of the ancestors, are stored and transmitted from generation to generation.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_24

How to make it yourself

Fan, made with his own hands, can serve as an interesting solution for the decor or a good summer gift. There are many techniques and ways to make fan, but it is best to start with the simplest - it is described below.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_25

To fulfill the Japanese Veser Sans, you will need:

  • wrapping paper or special paper intended for origami; Paper can be taken both monophonic and various ornaments and drawings on the eastern topics;
  • ordinary white paper;
  • Wooden sticks 28x1.2 cm, about 10 pieces;
  • Decorative pin with a length of 5 centimeters;
  • scissors, tassels and circulation;
  • Small pliers;
  • Stationery or any suitable for gluing paper and wood, glue.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_26

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_27

Work includes several actions.

  • From the ends of each of the sticks, you need to measure 2.6 cm, press the point exactly in the middle of the width width. In place of the marked point you need to do a narrow hole, it can be made by a stationery button.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_28

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_29

  • Align all the sticks together so that the hole coincides, and thoroughly through the pin.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_30

  • The sharp end of the pin cut crops. With the help of small pliers, you need to wrap the reciprocating end so that the sticks do not disintegrate. Then on the curved end of the pin can be glued with a button that is suitable for the eastern style.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_31

  • From the paper, a rectangle is cut 36x45 cm, on this rectangle with a circulation, we mark the semicircle with a radius of about 10 cm. The semicircle cut out, but the remaining part will be used for a rectangle.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_32

  • We declare our base on paper in such a way that the binding lower part is in the center of the cut-off semicircular, and about 10 cm each sticks lay in our semicircle. Make sure that all wands are located as much as possible.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_33

  • Carefully pressing the wooden base to paper should be bought by their pencil, it is necessary so that then it was possible to silently decompose the sticks on paper.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_34

  • On the other side of the sticks, where paper will be located, you need to apply glue with a thin layer with a brush.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_35

  • Now we impose our workpiece on previously marked lines, carefully pressed to paper, and we are waiting for the drying of the glue.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_36

  • From the top of the sticks, we retreat about 2.5-3 cm. Cut the paper by semicircle.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_37

  • Now the paper is entering the origami with your chosen pattern, it will become a finite material. With it you need to do the same as before with white paper, we take a rectangle, in it with a chickel of a slice of a slightly smaller radius - 9.6 cm.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_38

  • Again we take a silence and wander the second side of the sticks and paper between them. It is necessary that paper with a pattern fits tightly to the base.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_39

  • We put the decorative paper with the back side so that at the bottom it looks abroad with conventional white paper. Hand stroke the paper well to remove the extra bubbles of the air, and give glue to frozen.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_40

  • Focusing on the wooden frame of the Werewa, carefully cutting the paper left by us on the top of the veser.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_41

  • On the sides, we also cut paper, leaving only a small allowance of 1.6 cm. The side sticks are failed with glue and clamping the allowed by us, carefully by handing the paper so that the paper is glued.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_42

  • We fold the fan, carefully starting on one side gradually flexing sticks. We press the fan with a little a little to the folds to be counted.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_43

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_44

That's all, fan is ready. For the first time it may not work out quite perfect, but practice will help achieve a better result. Fan can be decorate the room in Japanese style, or give it to someone.

Japanese fan: round beative and other fans of Japan. How to make your hands fan in Japanese style? 15371_45

A good review of the creation of the Japanese Veser SanSu is presented in the following video.

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