OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used?


So far, in many countries of our planet, the main measure of the weight of precious metals (for example, silver and gold) is Troyan oz. And the concept of "oz" appeared since the time of ancient Rome, when the function of the money was performed by bronze coins as entirely and broken into 12 parts. Here are these parts - each of them was just called ounces.

OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used? 15325_2

OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used? 15325_3

What it is?

The weight of the weight of precious metals was called Troyskaya from the French town of True, in the vicinity of which the grand fair fairs passed to the XII century, which was glasses from all over Europe. In order to trade and calculate somehow for the goods, the "international" unit of weight of precious metals was allowed, which was based on the French Livre, equal to the Troysky pound of silver. Thus, it was then that the popularization of the troy ounce (1/12 of part of the pound of the eponymed) began. Consider more detailed what is a modern ounce of gold and what is its role today.

OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used? 15325_4

Should know that There are other weights of ounces other than Troyan . Therefore, it is not necessary to be confused with the Troy pharmaceutical unit of the weight unit, common in Russia in the former times, or the ounce of Maria Teresa and Avergupua, which are also measures of precious metals that have the meaning in separate states. By weight, they all vary. And for gold in our time, it is mainly used either a Troy mea weight in ounces, or metric - in grams

If the phrase "OUTION OF GOLD" is mentioned somewhere, then the Troyan Once is meant to be understood, and not any other.

OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used? 15325_5

OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used? 15325_6

OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used? 15325_7

Compare a triple pound and modern metric weight system.

What is equal to?

In one oz, the Troic weight measure contains 31.1035 grams. This indicator in some cases is rounded to a value convenient for counting: 31.1 or 31.1035 grams. Therefore, on the contrary, To determine how many Troy ounces are contained in 1 gram of gold, you should take the reverse value from the weight of 1 ounce in grams: 1 / 31,1035. In recalculation on oz, the figure is 0.0322.

That is, 1 gram of gold corresponds to 0.0322 troy oz.

OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used? 15325_8

Often there is a need to indicate weight in larger weight units, for example, when transporting large batches of gold bars or the same type of products from it. In such cases, they resort to weight in kilograms and even tons. And then to translate these weights in the three system, you need to just know how much oz is contained in 1 kilogram of gold. Knowing weight 1 kilogram of gold in oz, it is easy to calculate their number in 1 ton.

OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used? 15325_9

The calculation is quite light, if we proceed from the weight of a single ounce of gold in grams.

  • 1 ounce of gold in the Troy system is equal as it turned out above, 31,1035
  • Therefore, 1 kg of gold contains 32,1507 ounces, if the calculation of the ratio of 1 kg of gold to weight 1 oz. Naturally, the calculation of the initial values ​​is taken in grams (1000 / 31,1035).
  • How many Troy ounces are contained in 1 ton (1000 kg) of gold, find out even easier if we proceed from the previous calculation. It is possible to calculate the result without computing technology, multiplying the number of three weighing units contained in 1 kg (32,1507), by the number of kilograms contained in a ton of gold (1000). It turns out a weight equal to 32150.7 Troy units (32,1507x1000).

OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used? 15325_10

Someone may have a completely legitarious question of why this old French system has still retained its relevance. It is possible to replace it with a more modern metric system - it would be less headaches and at jewelers, and in financiers, and in industrialists engaged in the production and sale of precious metals. On this You can answer like this: In some developed countries, the traditions for measuring not only gold and silver are held firmly on such a system, but also other products . In addition, the global banking and jewelry communities believe that the old French measure of measuring gold and other noble metals in combination with calculations to determine their value is the most convenient.

That is why no one is going to change anything in the near future.

OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used? 15325_11

The weight of gold contained in the adopted weight standards, translated by grams - the value is rather stable. Only its cost is changed, depending on the economic and political processes on a global scale. Twice a day, London Fixing is determined by the value of gold, and exactly one unit of the described French weight measure, that is, notice, the price of not 1 gram of gold is set, and 31,10348 grams. The cost is set for three currencies: dollar, pound sterling and euros.

OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used? 15325_12

Where is used?

Troy weight measure for measuring gold is the main in jewelry and banking. It is used to accurately determine the weight of precious metals and calculating the value of gold ingots. In addition, Troyan oz applies often in those far from gold and precious metals of areas as phant and cosmetic production.

OUTION OF GOLD: How much is it in one gram and ton? What is it and what is it? Where is used? 15325_13

You can learn more about Troysk Oz from the following video.

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