How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products?


Bronze products are found in many houses. Such objects look beautiful, create a pleasant retroatmofer. However, over time, the metal is covered with an ugly raid. It can be simply contamination or a signal that the object was oxidized. The most unpleasant moment is the appearance of rust. Nevertheless, you should not immediately throw out a thing that seems to be spoiled.

There are many people's and professional ways to get rid of stains, sweating and even a rusty plaque. If the process is not too running, perhaps it may even be possible to return the original look and attractive shine. About how to quickly and effectively clean the bronze at home, tells the article.

How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_2

Tools for cleaning

Get rid of green plaque, blacks, oxide or rust can be in different ways.

Household chemicals

First of all, it is possible to clean the bronze through chemicals. The main thing is to observe precautions, because most of these substances are very aggressive.

It is important to protect the skin of the hands with dense rubber gloves, use tweezers when immersing products into solutions.

And also worth watching Over time impact funds for the subject . Otherwise, instead of decor, which will be beautifully glittered, you will get a metal covered with spots of another kind. If caustic chemicals are able to damage the surface, it will be impossible to restore it.

How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_3

So, consider the most effective options for cleansing bronze with chemicals.

  1. Ammonia . With it, you can clean small objects, such as coins, decorations. The remedy is poured into the prepared container, where metal products are then immersed. After 10-13 minutes, they are getting tweezers and are thoroughly washed with clean water. After that, bronze belts fold out on soft tissue for complete drying.
  2. Acetone . This tool can be used for objects of any size, for example, figurines, candlesticks, other similar things. To purify your cotton disk. It needs to drop the active substance. Then you need to carefully wipe the places requiring processing. When a cotton disk starts dark, it is replaced with a new one. After that, the products are rushed with water and wipe. This option requires not only the use of gloves, but also a thorough ventilating room.
  3. Oxalic acid . This is the most aggressive method of impact on metal, requiring great caution. It is used only in cases of very strong pollution. The solution is made at the rate of 30 ml of an acid per 1 liter of water. Objects requiring updates are immersed in it to light darkening. Then they get them, rinsed thoroughly and wipe with dry clean cloth. The use of tweezers and gloves in this case is required.
  4. Laundry soap . This method is more gentle, although caution to observe needs anyway. The soap is added to boiling water and stirred to obtain a homogeneous composition. It is advisable to achieve foam formation. The hot soap solution immerses metal products that require purification. After 10 minutes, the items get, carefully wash and wipe with a clean cloth.

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                How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_5

                How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_6

                Food products

                Remove with old bronze things a small flaw can and more secure ways. These include the use of products that are practically every kitchen.

                1. Soda and lemon juice . Good cleansing properties of soda are known to many. But not everyone knows that in combination with lemon juice, it gives an even more impressive result. To return the metal initial species, you need to mix these two components in equal shares. The resulting cleaner should be gently apply to pollution areas. After half an hour, the products are washed under the crane. Then they wipe them dry.
                2. Vinegar, salt and flour . In this recipe, salt and flour are mixed in equal parts. 2 tablespoons of vinegar are added to the resulting composition. Everything is well mixed. After that, the composition is applied to the darkened places of bronze items. Wait 30-40 minutes. Then the products are washed and wipe.
                3. Chicory. This method of cleaning metal may seem unexpected by many, nevertheless it is very effective. In this case, chicory is crushed. Then he is slightly divorced with warm water. Must get a mixture that resembles a thick sour cream. As in the previous versions, the composition is applied to the surface of contaminated items. At the same time, it is possible to carefully lose their non-rival brush. After half an hour, the mixture washed off, and the bronze is cleaned with a clean cloth.
                4. Peas . This product is able to cope even with rust. To do this, make a pea porridge. In a large saucepan, water is poured into which metal objects are put. Then peas fall asleep and bring liquid to boiling. After that, the composition is "boiled" on slow fire a couple of hours. After turning off the plate, the products are removed from the porridge and move to another container filled with clean warm water. With the help of a brush or a foam sponge remove the residues of peas along with contaminants. In conclusion, things are washed with cool water and wipe dry.

                              How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_7

                              How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_8

                              How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_9

                              Other options

                              There are unexpected methods for cleaning bronze items of decor.

                              • Wood sawdust . In this case, a slightly acetic acid is added to the sawdust. The ingredients are well mixed and wait for a while. When the resulting mixture begins to swell, it is applied to a piece of wool fabric. An object requiring cleansing is neatly rubbed by this composition. Then it is rinsed and dried.
                              • chalk . You can simply graze problem areas with chalk. This method works with minor pollution. After applying, you need to wait a few minutes. Then the metal should be washed and wipe the soft cloth.

                                    How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_10

                                    How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_11

                                    Technology performance of work

                                    Before the start of work, you should prepare everything that may be needed in the process. As mentioned, with chemical compositions should work only in rubber gloves . For immersion of bronze in chemicals and it will be needed Big Pinzet . And also worth cooking Suitable capacity. If you plan to prepare a paste, there will be a fairly small dish. If the metal immersion method is used in some substance, it is better to take a saucepan.

                                    By the way, it is important not to forget to thoroughly flushing after the procedure not only bronze, but also the container in which the cleansing composition was. This is especially true for chemicals.

                                    Wash up the compositions from items using Soft sponge . For wiping the washed bronze thing can come in handy Paper napkins. At the very end, the item wipes with a soft cloth. It can be flannel or cotton fabric. Such materials are not only removed from the surface water, but also help rub the metal to the brilliance.

                                    How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_12

                                    When all materials and dishes are ready, Selects the purification method. Usually minor items (coins, decorations) are completely immersed in the compositions. Large things are more likely to return to the initial form by applying the paste on their surface.

                                    For greater efficiency It is recommended to first rinse the metal with clean water or at least wipe with a damp cloth to remove dust. Only after that the cleansing substances apply, acting on the selected technology. Objects or omitted, or rub it depending on the type of fund used. Then they are washed and wipe or dried, laying on the fabric in a well ventilated place.

                                    How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_13

                                    How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_14

                                    Prevention of oxidation

                                    In order for bronze items as long as possible preserved their beauty, simple rules for the care of them should be observed. These tips can also be applied to aluminum products.

                                    1. Do not keep metal objects under high humidity. Moreover, it is impossible to allow frequent and long contacts with water. For example, if you decide to wash the bronze thing, after that it must be wired immediately and put it on an open place so that it is completely dry.
                                    2. You can not use hard tissue from bronze items. This will not add glitter metal, but, on the contrary, can scratch it, lead to the appearance of scuffs. Such sections will be more vulnerable to external negative impact. They will be faster to accumulate dirt. They will also be oxidized with greater speed. If you want to graze a bronze decor to give him a gloss, it is better to use suede or wool.
                                    3. For the prevention of oxidation and the appearance of contaminants, a saline can be used. It also eliminates a slight sweating from the surface of the products. In addition, experts are recommended sometimes wipe the products with a slice of lemon.
                                    4. Another option of preventive cleaning that can be used regularly - The use of ordinary toothpaste. The composition is applied to a rag that rubs the product. Then the item is rinsed and wipe dry.
                                    5. Helps reduce the likelihood of the rapid appearance of pollution and rust on bronze and paraffin . It is rubbed to create a protective layer. Wash the paraffin from the surface is not needed. It will prevent the start of the oxidation process even in high humidity conditions.
                                    6. Special relationship requires minor items from the considered metal. If you have rare bronze coins or decorations, keep them in special bags from velor, and not just in the box.

                                    For additional protection, a silica gel can be used. This substance absorbs moisture, reducing its negative impact on the metal.

                                    How to clean bronze at home? How quickly and effectively clean the bridal candlestick and other products? 15296_15

                                    About how to clean the bronze correctly, see the next video.

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