Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand


Vogue sunglasses are the personification of femininity and elegance. In the collections of this brand, the latest trends are always taken into account, and the face of their advertising campaign becomes models and stars with world name.

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_2

Features and advantages

It should be noted that, despite the high quality and world fame, Vogue glasses belong to the average price segment and have a number of features and advantages over other brands.

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_3

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_4

The first thing is worth paying attention is quality. The glasses of this brand are made only from glass. Manufacturers avoid using acrylic and plastic. Equipped with bipolarized lenses, they provide reliable protection against ultraviolet.

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_5

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_6

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_7

Among the fans of Italian quality and luxurious design, many celebrities. Many of them are the persons of the brand advertising campaigns. Although the fact that Vogue glasses are not only Western celebrities, but also domestic and there is the most effective advertising.

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_8

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_9

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_10

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_11

The new collection, the designer of which became Charlot Ronson, is based on gentle femininity and bright summer motifs.

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_12

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_13

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_14

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_15

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_16

In her collection, the priority of the form is given to the "cat eye" with a reference to the style of retro. But the model VO2794 s is not less popular.

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_17

Color solutions of the new collection are very democratic. Among them are floral prints, pastel tones and bright contrasts. On the creation of this collection, Ronson inspired Eva Mendez, who became the face of the advertising campaign.

As for the pricing policy, the original glasses are expensive. But judging by customer reviews, this accessory is worth his money.

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_18

How to choose?

Vogue sunglasses design is concise shapes and geometric lines. Correctly picking up the accessory, you can adjust the face form and emphasize its dignity.

  • For a square face, large rounded glasses with a low jumper and in a dark frame are suitable.
  • The owners of a round face are worth paying attention to square and rectangular shapes.
  • The triangular face will decorate aviators or models in retro style. And the angular shapes of the frame will only spoil the face.
  • In the world of modern fashion, an oval face is considered the benchmark and any accessories are suitable for it. But it is not necessary to abuse and choose too large rims.

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_19

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_20

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_21

How to distinguish from fake

Like other well-known brands, Vogue very often copy unscrupulous manufacturers.

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_22

How to distinguish a fake from the original?

  • Package. The brand comes with a glasses in velvet bags and branded boxes. Sometimes a special care napkin is included.
  • Price and place of sale. As mentioned earlier, the glasses of this brand could not cost cheaply. The average price of them is 3-6 thousand rubles. Accordingly, they can only be purchased in specialized and official stores.
  • Concept. The main style is retro style. On the original models you will not find decorative elements, the style is very laconic. This is done so that the glasses come to any along and did not move the emphasis on themselves.
  • Quality. To create original products, only high quality materials are used. Original models cannot be made of plastic. Glasses are made with regard to all technologies to securely protect from the sun.

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_23

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_24

Vogue sunglasses (25 photos): reviews about models of the famous brand 15187_25

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