Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer


In the shoe market, the currently popular Unita MOREGOR appeared less than 20 years ago, when the Latvian firm engaged in the manufacture of specialized boots for those who are forced to be in frost due to their profession (fishermen, pilots, etc.), decided to master the new production line And expand product range and what happened.

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_3

Unputa MOREGOR - high-quality shoes for the whole family

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The history of the winter footwear from fur is much more ancient. The birthplace of these amazingly soft and warm boots - the regions of the Far North. Their inventors are Evenks (Tungs) living in Eastern Siberia. From their tongue, the word "Unput" is translated as "boot" or "shoes".

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_6

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_7

Initially, the Unputs made of deer skins were made, more precisely, from the Camus (the lower part of the deer leg). But after their popularity began to grow, and other materials began to be used for sewing.

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_9

Currently, the UH is fully considered to be the warmest shoes in the world. At the same time, from modest boots that served only to protect legs from the strongest frosts, they increasingly evolve into fashionable modern shoes, perfectly suitable for both urban and rustic conditions.

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_11

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_12

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_13

Tightly making legs, the top of the CNT is reliably protected from snow from entering into the snow. Even if necessary, to do in deep snowdrifts. And the external fur finish makes them not only warm, but also beautiful.

The lower part of the shoes is made of leather incense from the inside sheep wool, which allows you to maintain heat as much as possible and does not miss moisture. In addition, a wool insole is embedded, consisting of several layers, which makes it even in severe frosts not to tighten the unts into several warm socks - it is enough to wear ordinary socks.

In addition, the entire lower part is covered with special water repellent compositions.

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_15

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_16

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_17

The sole at the same time can be either rubber (thermocouple) or leather. Special attention is paid to its stability.

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_18

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_19

ONTA - shoes for the whole family. In the Assortment of Moregor, there are men's, women's and children's models.

The lady model range is especially presented, in which you can find copies with finishing of nutria, raccoon, foxes, mutona, etc. At the same time, the fur can be short or long, many models are complemented by all sorts of ornaments and accessories. There is also a unite on a flat sole or on a wedge, replacing the fashionable heel in winter.

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_21

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_22

In addition, manufacturers have long been limited only by natural flowes of fur. In a modern assortment, you can meet all sorts of colors from white and beige, to brown and black. Along with classic, it is easy to find all sorts of bright shades (from gently pink to indigo), allowing to show individuality.

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_24

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_25

For children and teenagers, you can also pick up various options: there are models for boys and for girls, high and low, dark and bright, with decorations and without them.

But regardless of the selected model, all of them guaranteed to give children a sense of comfort, and their parents will allow not to worry about their children - after all, Unputa Moregor will reliably protect children's legs from cold and moisture. For additional protection against snow from entering the shoes, many children's models are equipped with additional laces that are tightened by the top.

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_27

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_28

At the same time, whatever the child (ran, jumped, rode on the hill) you can be quite sure that the shoes will not suffer and do not even lose their presentable appearance.

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_30

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_31

As for the dimensional grid, it is slightly different from the generally accepted. For example, at the length of the foot 23.4 cm, the standard scale determines 36 shoes size, while the MoregorOr it will correspond to 37 sizes.

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"Secrets" of success and popularity of Unites MOREGOR

  • Naturalness - materials from which shoes are manufactured do not contain harmful to human health and environmental components;
  • Maximum comfort for any weather - due to the combination of materials used, boots can be worn both in the most severe frosts and in thaw. At the same time, natural air circulation is always preserved inside, which allows you to protect your legs from the cold and moisture;
  • Safety - in such a shoe can safely walk even in a strong ice. Stability and increased "clutch" provide a deep pattern of the tread and the anti-slip properties of the sole itself. On male models, folding spikes are also provided;
  • Neutility in care - the lower part of the CNT does not absorb dirt and is easily cleaned with water and napkins. After a wet cleaning, it can be lubricated with cream or handle the sprays.

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When the fur is contaminated, he needs to give a breath before cleaning (drying the unts near the battery is not recommended). After the shoes dry, the fur must be combed in the right direction. This uses a brush brush brush.

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_35

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_36

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_37

To remove bold spots (it happens!) From fur, it is necessary to wipe with a soft cloth moistened in gasoline and starch, after which it is easy to dry and go through it with a brush.

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_39

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_40

  • Long service life - on average, the UH can serve about 5 years. At the same time, their qualitative characteristics are not reduced at all;
  • Original design and variety of models.

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_42

A good confirmation of the "advantages" of the shoes from Moregor is numerous reviews about the product, most of which are positive. Most often, buyers note their convenience and ease, as well as that even with long-term finding on a strong frost, the legs are absolutely not frozen in them. Most of the buyers are pleased with the fact that ONTU serve for several seasons, which is more than paying for their considerable cost.

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However, in order for the Unput to not only help keep legs in warmth, even in the strongest frost, but became a real decoration of your legs, it is necessary to choose the right "Neighborhood" to them.

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_45

At the same time, the long-legged and slender ladies can wear a Unput with almost any upper clothes, but the owners of low growth should avoid long fur coats and volumetric coats - such a combination visually will significantly reduce growth and make a form of formless

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_46

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_47

In addition, designers are not recommended to combine them with:

  • Skinny pants. It is believed that the UH should demonstrate and emphasize the legs, so it is not worth hiding them under wide pants;
  • Middle length skirts. Midi in combination with fur boots can be visually pretty "truncated" growth, but at the same time, to increase the figure of the styre - that he will not please one woman;

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_49

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_50

But an excellent "company" for fur boots will be:

  • Short or medium fur coat. At the same time, it is recommended to emphasize the waist as much as possible;
  • jacket or coat with fur finish;
  • Cap and mittens from fur;
  • Down jacket or sucker. In this case, for the greatest compatibility, it is worth picking up the ONT with a short furious fur.
  • Tight trousers or leggings;
  • Knitted sweaters.

Important! Selecting the shoes and upper clothes should be monitored so that the shades of fur of individual elements are combined with each other (at the same time they may not be identical).

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Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_52

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_53

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_54

Unputa Moregor (55 photos): Women's and children's models, dimensional mesh and reviews about the manufacturer 15061_55

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