Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge


Espadrils are called, as a rule, summer shoes on a flat sole made of lightweight material. This type of shoe is put on bare leg without using socks.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_2

History of origin

The very first Espadrils appeared at the beginning of the eighteenth century and were traditional peasant shoes in Spanish Catalonia.

Since this shoes did not require any effort in manufacturing, as well as some special financial costs, it was quite widespread among the lower layers of the population.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_3

After some time, in the manufacture of Espadrils began to actively use jute - a special kind of plant suitable for the manufacture of durable yarn. Thanks to such strength, Espadrili soon became favorite shoes of French miners.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_4

In 1776, Castaner focused its activities on the manufacture of Espadrils, and by 1960 this type of shoe took such a species that has it to this day. By the way, it is worth mentioning that in the same year Yves Saint Laurent proposed the first model of Espadrils on the platform and a wedge.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_5

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_6

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_7

origin of name

The name of this type of shoes comes from French.

Translated from this significant language, the term ESPADRILLES denotes the name of a special type of grass. This grass is an elastic type of straw, which is actively used for the manufacture of ropes and some types of ropes.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_8

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_9

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_10

It was from such grass that the soles were made for the first models of Espadrils, and the upper part sewed from a dense canvas or material that was tetaped at home.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_11


The most obvious advantage of Espadril is ease and simplicity.

It's no secret that the leg needs to breathe and what threatens wearing too dense and "stuffy" shoes in hot weather.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_12

Since there are about two hundred and fifty thousand sweat glands on the legs of a person, sweat is simply inevitable. But, as you know, sweat does not have its own smell, it appears on the surface, when interacting with bacteria that can accumulate in the unrecoverable shoes.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_13

It is in such a situation that the advantage of Esprimilius is the most noticeable and relevant. Easy fabric is well ventilated, so bacteria do not have time to accumulate, and sweating occurs with significantly less intensity.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_14

Another advantage can be called an unusual design of a wicker sole and an attractive appearance. This type of shoe itself is a kind of decor, so it does not need any additional decoration.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_15

It is impossible not to note and incredibly comfortable sole, which is rather plastic and flexible, so when walking can adapt to the bend of the foot. If you have medical contraindications to carry shoes on an absolutely flat sole, there is always an option to use orthopedic stales with supinators.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_16

Trendy models

The model range of Espadrils is not so zuda, as it may seem at first glance. Some of the models are even somewhat unusual and can cause surprise among others, because by mistake they are often attributed to a completely different kind of shoes.

As already stipulated, the classic model has a flat, rather thin sole, decorated with a wicker element. The upper part of the model is made of a thin material that allows you to "breathe".

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_17

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_18

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_19

The model on the wedge looks very unusual, because more like shoes or sandals. The tanket is decorated with wicker elements, which gives the model easier, summer view. The upper part can also be made of any fabric.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_20

In addition to the espadril tanks can have a platform that looks like a thicker sole. The platform can be straight, as well as curved and combined with a wedge, thanks to which the growth will seem visually for a couple of centimeters above, and the leg is slimmer.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_21

In addition to the espadril tankets, there may be a high thick heel, which is most often combined with a wicker platform located in the model skew model.

Such a heel does not just look beautiful, but is quite comfortable and stable, which will ensure maximum comfort when walking, especially if there is a sudden walking.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_22

They have quite widespread not only women's models, but children's espadrilles for girls.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_23

This type of shoe is especially good for kids in the summer, since the closed upper part protects the leg from dirt and dust, but at the same time it is ventilated and does not allow the leg to overheat.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_24

A brief overview of male models: what and where to wear an Espadrille man?

Espadrillee is the type of shoes that is popular not only among women, but also among men. The shoes are so comfortable and suitable for the urban fuss, which finds its place even in the male wardrobe.

A stylish summer image for a man can be created, combining the tissue model Espadrils, a light monophonic T-shirt or a cotton shirt with a short sleeve, as well as light shorts to the knee or five to seven centimeters above.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_25

The jacket can be part of not only a business image, but also very well fit into the casual, especially if it is a dense linen model in a cage or strip. As the bottom of the dress fit as pants, so jeans and shorts.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_26

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_27

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_28

In addition, Espadrilles will look great with duffes, consisting of a jacket and vest, with shirts, pullover and cardigans.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_29

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_30

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_31

It is worth noting that men's models are made of the same tissues, but are very limited in decor and prints, since most elements inherent in the Women's Clock are not at all relevant for men.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_32

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_33


The classic Espadril model is made of rather lightweight, breathable fabric, which is not at all surprising, because this type of shoe is calculated for summer models. The material has a structure similar to a linen surface, but significantly superior to density.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_34

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_35

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_36

It is often used denim material, which is even more dense, still rather light and "breathing", thanks to which the shoes retain their ventilation properties. In addition, the denim model is stronger and will serve much longer.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_37

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_38

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_39

"Boast" with its high degree of wear resistance can also model from genuine leather, which is not only durable and functional, but also very beautiful. Leather Espadrilles can have a matte surface or a light glossy effect obtained by varnishing.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_40

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_41

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_42

In some cases, Espadrillery is made of a thin suede - a matte surface of neat "slippers" looks very solid. And the velvet model, in turn, surprises modern fashionistas with luxury soft fabric.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_43

Lace Espadrilles look very unusually, which are also much easier than any tissue model. The finest lace is quite durable and wear-resistant, since it is made of elastic fibers. In addition, in combination with elegant embroidery and small sequins, such a model looks just incredible.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_44

Color and print

Colored Espadrili - Hit the season! What else is needed for the summer period, like not colorful bright shoes.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_45

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_46

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_47

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_48

For example, yellow or orange espadarls look very beautiful, and a soft lemon shade looks as gentle that it will give any kind of femininity anymore.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_49

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_50

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_51

Pink Espadrilles, as well as models in various shades of this color, will be delighted with absolutely any girl, because it is this shade that is a favorite among fragile representatives of weak gender.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_52

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_53

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_54

The red shoes have long been popular around the world, and the models of darker, deep shades look simply incredible. A burgundy shade is well combined with dark clothes, and the Espadrils of the color of ripe cherries will be an excellent choice for warm spring days.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_55

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_56

In addition to bright tones, more restrained dark colors looks quite interesting. Black, dark brown, dark blue and dark green espadrils will help in creating a more restrained outfit, close to the classic style.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_57

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_58

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_59

Very good and relevant for the summer heat, fabric emptarls of bright shades. White, cream, light beige, the color of the color of the foiled milk and the colors of champagne will come to the place to any along with a warm color scheme.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_60

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_61

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_62

In addition to monophonic models, use the success of Espadrils with prints. The most popular, of which are depicted in the form of large and small colors, air feathers, juicy oranges, as well as in the form of a classic strip, "pea" print and a popular animal printing.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_63

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_64

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_65


Sometimes it is not enough to have a topical colors so that the model of shoes looked beautiful and stylish, so any decorative elements always have a place to be.

But it is necessary to pre-examine the model range of Espadrili to certainly know which decor is most relevant and appropriate.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_66

Espadrillee, embroidered by sequins, look pretty smart, so they can come to create even an evening image, unless of course you want to make it non-standard. Neat brilliant "slippers" will be able to become a worthy replacement even the most luxurious heels.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_67

Enjoy the incredible success of the model with rhinestones. The stones that match the tone with the color of the Espadrils themselves are also looking at the color, it is in this version that they look like small neat dew droplets, which looks very unusual.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_68

Little chains and major chains look quite well on the emptarlies, in the sock or heel area. In addition to chains, different metal emblems and stripes are used, as well as small buckles, spikes and buttons.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_69

Among the most popular decorative elements, it is also possible to note the embroidery, the decor using large gems, color lacing and different stripes with the image of fruits, animals and animated characters.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_70

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_71

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_72

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_73


Brand things have always had a special value, because they seemed something sublime, affordable only for especially secured people. But now, in times of frantic discounts and plague sales, every girl can surround a stylish pair of shoes.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_74

And which brands are represented in their Espadrili collections and what they are especially, we will now consider in more detail.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_75

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_76


The brand founded by the French fashion designer named Gabrielle Boner Chanel, which is better known as Coco Chanel.

Among the models of Espadrils from Chanel there are many models from high-quality matte and lacquered leather.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_77

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_78

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_79

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_80

Eleven Paris.

This brand belongs to two young people, Oriello Benion and Den Cohen, who once decided to release their own clothing and footwear line.

Eleven Paris Eleven Paris is so versatile that they will not leave indifferent any girl. Different prints and breathtaking Espadril design, guarantee success and envy among others.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_81

Oscar de la Renta

The brand created by the famous fashion designer - Oscar Arstide Rento Phialo began its existence as a separate company only in 2000. Before that, promising and talented Oscar began and developed his career under the guidance of other famous couturiers.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_82

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_83

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_84

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_85

Espadrilles from the brand Oscar de la Renta are many non-standard models performed in the form of sandals, sandals with a closed toe and stylish shoes with a wicker sole.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_86

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_87

In addition, pretty interesting models of Espadrils in average cost are presented in BOSS Orange and Lanvin collections. And more budget models can be found in the Avon and Kari collections.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_88

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_89

Internet shops

For those who are too busy and does not have the opportunity for long-term shopping, as well as for those who do not like the bustle and accumulation of a large number of people in stores and shopping centers, there are many Internet sites offering online shopping services.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_90

We picked up a list of the most popular, proven Internet shops responsible for the reliability of their services and the quality of the goods provided.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_91


The Internet is a store that provides a wide selection of different models of all kinds of shoes. The model range includes, including espadrils, which are also not limited to one species.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_92

Bon Prix.

The world-famous online shopping portal, which presents all sorts of types and models of stylish espadrils. The brand is responsible for the quality and wear resistance of its goods, so most buyers are satisfied with their acquisition.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_93

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_94

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_95


Perhaps the most advertised and well-known online store, which is not engaged in its own production, but is a choice of espadrili from different brands. The idea of ​​a collection of shoes of various brands on one site significantly saves time in search and simplifies the choice.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_96

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_97

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_98

But when choosing shoes remotely, all nuances should be taken into account. First of all, it is necessary to carefully examine the dimensional grid and, if necessary, measure the length of the foot. When receiving goods, it is necessary to carefully inspect the shoes to make sure of its quality.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_99

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_100

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_101

How to care?

Espadrilles do not require some special care, but the careful attitude is always welcome.

Since the shoes are light and fine, it is absolutely not suitable for wet weather, because because of the special structure of the sole, it instantly absorbs all moisture and loses its functional qualities and the original appearance, so water gets better to avoid.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_102

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_103

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_104

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_105

The departments care is quite simple: the sole must be cleaned with the help of a soft brush, and the upper surface is enough only to wipe with a soft wet cloth.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_106

In compliance with these simple, but useful tips, Espadrili will serve you even a few seasons.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_107

What to wear?

Light Espadrili fit mainly for warm dry weather, because in the cold season or on rainy periods, they will not help protect their legs from the cold and slush, which in turn can lead to colds.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_108

Espadrillee are perfect and harmoniously combined with light dresses. The dress from the air chiffon, and a light cotton sarafan, and a tight model from knitwear, and even a stylish mini-dress made of dense material.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_109

But besides dresses to create a light feminine image, you can use skirts of different models. Denim mini, light, flowing maxi, and medium length models will be perfectly complemented by the emptarls of different models and shades.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_110

But with pants it should be careful, because not every model will be harmonized with unusual emptarlies.

With tight and fascinating trousers, as well as with leggings, Jeggins, narrow jeans and jeans - boyfriends, the image will be incredibly stylish, but to classic trousers with arrows, direct and analyzed model it is better to choose a different shoe option.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_111

In cool weather, we can safely complement the outfit with light windings, different jackets, jackets and blazers, as well as cardigans and triples of different lengths. Espadrili images will always be relevant and convenient for everyday fuss.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_112


Stylish urban image, diluted with delicate details, perfectly fit into the casual city bustle. Black Skinny trousers with challenges, a black top and lace jacket - the windbreaker are complemented by beige Palantine, and stylish beige espartarls with black toes are the final element of the image.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_113

A long shatter cappuccino color skirt has a free cut and will be perfectly combined with a white shortened t-shirt and a leather jacket. Such an interesting, non-standard image needs such a non-standard supplement and denim emptarls will fit perfectly.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_114

Very stylish and at the same time light blue jeans, tight model, combined with black sweatshirt and black espadrilles with a white sock. A small handbag on the chain perfectly complements the outfit.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_115

The elongated denim shorts with the raws will be perfectly combined with a white t-shirt and a blue leather jacket with a print. Large bag of bright cornflower combination with raspberry emptarlies with denim wear perfectly fit into this outfit.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_116

Trendy espadrillee from black leather will be perfectly combined with black leather leggings, a white sweater and a sand shade trenchy. So simple, but an incredibly stylish composition complements a large black bag, which is not only a decorative element, but also a rather functional thing.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_117

Summer outfit with Hawaiian motifs will raise the mood of any girl! You will need only denim shorts and a loose white T-shirt. The main accessory is a Hawaiian necklace from large pink colors, and to complete the image will help the coral handbag and emptarlie on a wedge with a geometric print, which includes the same shade.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_118

No girl wardrobe costs without a stylish mini skirt, in this case it is a deep blue tint model decorated with "petals" of fabric. Openwork white top and light pink jacket perfectly complement this skirt, and tissue espadrilles with blue-white stripes will be a highlight flavor.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_119

Light summer image in the best traditions of a sophisticated feminine style. Light lemon hue shirt perfectly complemented by beige cotton shorts. A large brown bag and fabric emptarls of khaki color is what is needed to supplement such a combination.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_120

Outfit suitable for girls with a beautiful, seductive figure. Jeans - boyfriends with torn knees look perfectly with a light top of a gentle white cotton, an exposive tummy. Top decorated with wide lace rolling. White Espadrils on the lacing and thick soles are just what is necessary for the harmonious completion of this outfit.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_121

With competent use of bright parts, they will become an indispensable ornament of the outfit. For example, bright yellow emptarls will perfectly complement the white pleated print skirt and stylish knitted sleeveless blouse. But shoes are not the main focus of this image, since all attention is riveted to a huge red bag on the strap over the shoulder.

Espadrille (122 photos): female models from Chanel, Avon, Eleven Paris and Oscar de la Renta, with which wearing shoes on a wedge 15052_122

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