Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models


Socks - an important attribute of the wardrobe, not only men but also women and children. Choose them to be high-quality and comfortable leg room - is not easy. By testing different brands, look for Nike.

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_2

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_3


Nike socks can be used for everyday wear, and go to the gym. They are produced primarily from natural materials, and therefore able to absorb excess moisture, to provide air circulation, relieve your feet from unpleasant odor. The strength of seals provided at the heel and toe.

Available in different sizes, you can pick up on any leg. There is a choice of models. It offers a high or short socks. Diverse colors. But the most buys are considered white, pink, gray and black.

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Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_5

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_6

Important moments in basketball socks this company - fixation of the ankle, keeping the anatomical features of the foot. It is necessary to select the correct size and density. If you sit tight on the leg, too fast will rub. Great - will be collected inside the shoe, creating discomfort. If the shoes are narrow, thin socks should be worn when shoes free, should wear thick.

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  • Depending on the purpose of socks produced are different in length, color. In addition the collection are divided into men's, women's and children's models.

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Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_9

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_10

  • Fans clips usually chosen higher model, which protect the lower leg. These are suitable for players.
  • For tennis players and runners more suitable short type Sledkov.

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Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_12

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_13

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_14

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_15

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_16

  • For lovers of jogging or runners-athletes firm Nike produces different socks that can save your feet dry. For production use a mixture of natural and synthetic fibers. These socks absorb moisture and protect against rubbing calluses and securely fix the ligament, protecting it from stretching.

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_17

  • Yoga model like silk ballet pointes, but with a cut finger. All in order to bend and convenient to stretch the foot and at the same time remain protected against viruses dermatological possible in public gyms.

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_18

  • Women's sports socks made from soft jersey, the combination of cotton and synthetic yarns. This provides access to the air, makes it easy to remove moisture. In some cases, a special technology with mesh inserts for ventilation. Women usually choose short socks that are comfortable to wear with sneakers and shorts. This model is suitable for everyday wear. The elastic material from which they are made, tightly fits the foot, and they will never will be removed together with the shoes.

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Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_20

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_21

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_22

  • Thin, but durable basketball socks are very wearing and able to withstand constant friction, inevitable with active movement during this game. Do not break after the first competitions.

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Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_24

  • Warmed socks for training when it's cold on the street. As part of natural wool, which is well processed, and therefore does not roll the foot. They are soft and elastic.

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Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_26

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_27

  • With non-slip soles, socks are used for training in fitness clubs. The effect is achieved for set of special soldering inserts.

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Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_29

Color spectrum

Training socks for gymnastics are most often produced in white without adding dyes. This avoids allergic reactions. The filaments for them are mostly cotton, as a result, the gymnasts feel comfortable.

In addition to gymnasts, white socks choose other athletes. Despite the groin, they are particularly popular. According to athletes, white color disciplines. In such socks, there is always an ideal appearance.

But they require special care. Return the original color after the workout will help soaking and bleaching. There is a people's way: boil for a few minutes by adding a little tea soda and salt into water.

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Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_31

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_32

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_33

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_34

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_35

Black socks are the most practical, but, according to women, they are less effective. Gymnasts do not use this colors.

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Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_37

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_38

In addition to white and black, Nike produces socks of various colors. From monophonic, bright, multicolored, with a geometric or abstract pattern. Each product is required by the company emblem in the form of a prostrate wing.

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Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_40

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_41

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_42

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_43

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_44

Where can I buy?

In order not to run into the fake, buy nike socks stands in corporate stores or in supermarkets Sportmaster.

The Nike brand loved buyers. Many observe the strength and durability of these products.

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Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_46

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_47

Nike socks (48 photos) Women's sports models 14939_48

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