Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models


With the approach of summer, the demand for swimsuits is increasingly growing, but the fashionista of all ages seek to acquire the product not only comfortable and stylish, but also beautifully decorated.

Designers use a variety of details as a decor, such as beads, rhinestones, chains and even large stones, imitating jewels. Perhaps the greatest popularity and widespread models are decorated with sequins, which will be discussed.

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_2

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_3

What does a swimsuit look like with sequins?

A swimsuit with sequins looks quite simple, but at the same time it is elegant, which makes it a suitable part of the dress even for the busiest beach party. The decor of this kind is not only easy to perform, but also quite practical.

Sequins are small flat details of different colors that may have a pearl flame and different shape. In the center of such a detail there is a hole, thanks to which the sequins are attached to clothes with the help of threads.

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_4

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_5

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_6

Sequins can be an add-on of any print applied to a swimsuit, and can be outer as an independent ornament, which looks more interesting and unusual.

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_7

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_8

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_9

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_10

How to decorate swimsuit sequins yourself?

  1. It often happens that in girls' stores do not find products with a suitable ornament or a pattern that satisfies their stylistic tastes. It is quite simple to get out of such a situation, just enough to purchase a product of a suitable shade and pick up the corresponding sequins to it.
  2. Further, with the help of a special fabric chalk, you need to apply a pattern of a pattern of a pattern of a pattern that you are going to lay out shiny decorative elements on the surface of the swimsuit. And then notify the details for better fixation.
  3. You can fix sequins manually, but it is painstaking and time-consuming process. It is much easier to flash them on the sewing machine, picking threads and a needle for the appropriate type of fabric, and also adjusting the stitch length.
  4. There are sequins-ribbons fixed on threads. Working with the decor of such a plan is much easier if it comes to straight lines or a spiral ornament. A ribbon with sequins can be easily put a decorative bath of a swimsuit or edging of its upper boundaries.

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_11

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_12

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_13

Models and colors Swimwear with sequins

The ornament from the sequins is laid out on a swimsuit based on the product model. It is necessary to take into account this to avoid buying or manufacturing ugly, ridiculous decorated things.

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_14

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_15


The fusion swimsuits close most of the body, but this does not mean that such a product welcomes a random decor. On the contrary, everything should be as elegantly and restrained.

For example, a small pattern stretching along the entire silhouette may well be decorated with a small number of round-shaped sequins.

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_16

Strips, small circles, zigzag and wavy lines can also be an unusual sequencing decor. It is these elements that help slightly straighten the dark fusion bathing models, give them more gloss and make more interesting in appearance.

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_17

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_18

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_19

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_20

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_21

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_22

Swimwear intended for any public speeches may have a much stronger and massive decor. Because of the need to impress the public, concert and different kinds of costume swimsuits can even be completely stripped by sequins.

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_23

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_24


With the decor of separate models, everything is slightly simpler, because in such a model most of the body remains open, so even if there is a large number of decorative elements, the effect of overload decorations should not occur.

Therefore, it is safe to pay attention to the models of swimsuits, the bodice of which is completely or more widged by sequins.

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_25

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_26

It is necessary to pay attention to the lower part - the panties must be monophonic and should not have decor.

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_27

In addition, sequins on a separate bathing suit can also be posted in the form of animal silhouettes, in the form of geometric shapes, lines and stripes. Or, they can be used as an addition to the existing drawing.

As for the combination of flowers, here, the main thing is not to peer, because all the brilliant in fact simply - the color of the sequins must look beautiful and harmoniously with a shade of swimsuit. It is best if the color of the details are selected in the same color scheme.

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_28

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_29

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_30

Swimsuit with sequins (31 photos): the most interesting models 1482_31

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