History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt


Initially, the clothes were not divided into female and male. Both those and others covered only the lower part of the body, using for this mostly animal skins or palm leaves.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_2

At the dawn of civilizations, when humanity learned to make a fabric, the skirt became not only the subject of clothing, but also the indicator of the social situation of its owner:

  • In ancient Egypt, they wore Schenti - the skirt in the form of an apron, which was tied with a lace around the waist. The longer it was, the most reasonable and richer was its owner.
  • The sophisticated cut of the skirt begins to appear in the culture of ancient critany. Excavations in the field of life of this civilization indicate that clothes begins to acquire the elements of the decoration - ruffles, ruffles, transverse stripes and tissue inserts.
  • The ancient Greeks during the archaic period continued to wear a simple loyal bandage, unlike the female costume models, which were divided into two parts, the bottom of which was a straight cut skirt.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_3

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_4

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_5

In the Middle Ages, fashion was formed in Europe. During this period, the bodice separated from the main dress, which allowed the tailor to experiment on the design of the skirt. Changed species, form, volume, length and skirt color. A special role was acquired by a train, which played the same role as the long bandage in ancient history - the longer, the more nagally the owner. Immediately make a reservation that only ladies approximate to the palace could wear it.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_6

The longest loop length of 11 elbows had a queen, slightly shorter - in the 9 elbow they wore princesses, the remaining members of the royal family were carrying 7, and the duchess is 3 elbows of the loop. In church circles, such innovations did not find like-minded people: Catholic priests refused to confess the Persons who were to them with a train, until they decide these "devilish tails".

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_7

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_8

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_9

Finally, the female face of the skirt acquired in Spain in the XVI century, and from the same time the Spanish fashionable fashion began to dictate the fashion all over Europe. During this period, lush multi-layer skirts appear, the basis of which served as a hard metal frame consisting of several heavy hoops, called "Bedroom".

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_10

Independently, court words could not cope with such a design, the servants helped them. To dress, a woman needed to "enter" in the circle of skirt, and the two maids raised their hoops and fastened them to the lifu. The top of such a skirt fell by precious stones and embroidered with gold, which gave her even more weight.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_11

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_12

Frenchwomen and Italians willingly accepted the new fashion, undergoing the foundation of the Bedgery - the frame from the hoop. They changed the shape of the skirt - she acquired the form of a cone, narrow on top and expanding book. From above, the skirt was dressed on the cone, and on it - a cover with an expanding cut, through which it was possible to estimate the financial position of the special position - the skirts were also decorated with gold, brocha and precious stones.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_13

Starting from the XVII century to this day, France begins to dictate the fashion. Exquisite French people tried to change uncomfortable and heavy corsets on lighter dresses. The fashion includes straight dresses, the pomp of which is created only due to dressed skirts. Each top skirt was slightly shorter than the previous one. In winter, the number of skirts reached 15, and in the summer enough and 5.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_14

By the end of the century, the straight cut leaves the fashion, which returns chic and pomp. Metal in the frame is replaced by a much easier whale whale. The multi-layeredness remains, but new items are added. The lower skirt is decorated with lace, which when walking, as if by chance, allowed to see a female anklet. The clergy is extremely negatively related to such outfits, and they were not allowed to church.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_15

In the middle of the XIX century, it includes skirts on a frame of a rigid horse-hairy - Krinoline. It was a very dense matter, allowing to keep the form of the product. Subsequently, the word "Krnolin" began to designate any lower skirts with frames, whether metal, wood, or whale mustache.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_16

Closer to the end of the XIX century a very interesting element appears in the clothes - Tournywear. This is a kind of roller, which was led to the top of the skirt at the bottom of the lower back, to give particularly lush forms from behind.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_17

Some fashionistas were so overrelated with the size that became the object of ridicule of caricaturists of the time portraying the courtes in the form of centaurs.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_18

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_19

In the decor of the upper skirt, in addition to stones and gold, lace and embroidery appeared.

With the onset of the twentieth century, society undergo significant changes, women seek equality with men. Long loop and corsets go to the story. To replace them, they enter the democratic skirts of simple cut.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_20

With the popularity of passionate Latin American dances - Tango and Charleston, the popularity of shortened skirts and skirts with cuts opening legs are growing.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_21

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_22

With the onset of World War II, the skirt was even shorter, knees opened. True, with the onset of the complex 30s, women returned to the skirt models to the floor.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_23

In the mid-60s, cardinal changes occur in the world in views on how the woman should look like - a mini skirt is in fashion. Even the first Lady of America Jacqueline Kennedy began to allow himself to appear in public with open knees, the more contributed to the growth of the popularity of the mini length. Mary Cuant, who presented to women all over the world the opportunity to squeeze with open legs, received the Order of the British Empire for its product.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_24

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_25

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_26

But, nevertheless, Soviet women still continued to wear skirts not shorter than the middle of caviar and longer, all other models were acute criticism. The light industry of the Soviet Union in principle did not produce short skirts, so fashionmented had to personally sew what they liked.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_27

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_28

To date, there are no framework and restrictions in the length and beans of the skirt. Each woman chooses for himself it is the models that she likes and fit her figure and style in clothes. You can wear a skirt today in almost any situation and anywhere - starting with an office and business lunch and ending with an incendiary party on the beach. Even on the sports field, the skirts are appropriate - remember how sexually looking tennis players on the court in short tennis skirts in the fold.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_29

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_30

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_31

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_32

The most famous fashion designers and high fashion houses do not bypass this piece of clothing. Designers come up with many types of styles and colors of skirts, to each new season demonstrating their skills. The combination of interesting cut and various jewelry, such as embroidery, appliqués, beads and rhinestones, makes the choice of skirts so diverse that no woman can resist this kind of clothes, choosing what you need.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_33

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_34

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_35

History of the emergence of certain types of skirts

Pencil skirt It was born thanks to the unsurpassed Coco Chanel, who, after a small black dress, created a new masterpiece - a black skirt to the knee with a high waist, fickling hips and a tapering book. In the mid-40s, Christian Dior was a little diversified by this model on his show, and soon the new style was loved by the world. The famous Marilyn Monroe often rejoiced his fans, appearing in public in such a skirt.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_36

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_37

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_38

Skirt-pack It was created at the end of the XIX century specifically for the soloist of the ballet "Silfida" Mary Taloni.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_39

Some time the tutu time was the attribute of the scene, but by the middle of the twentieth century, many high fashion houses were inspired by the magnificent of this model, and not only the dancers began to wear this skirt. And by the end of the century, thanks to the series "Sex in the Big City", where the main heroine is proudly affecting the city in a ballet pack, in such skirts began to appear to appear the most revealed fashionists, boldly experimenting with the style, color and length of models. So they became the main attribute when creating bold and daring images, but at the same time feminine and very sexy.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_40

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_41

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_42

Skirt Tulip. Appeared on the podiums in the 70s of the last century, when the famous skirt-pencil already bored designers. The tulip was a skirt, narrow on the waist, with an extension on the hips and a narrowing book.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_43

Such a style is firmly arrived in women's wardrobes until today, even though the pencil model returned its popularity.

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_44

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_45

History Skirts: Appearance and creation, half-length, sun, pencil, straight, wedge skirt 14666_46

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