Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies


Modern thermal underwear helps to solve the issue of heat and comfort during walks in any weather. The choice of such clothes for children is especially relevant with the approach of cold weather.

Features, pros and cons

Children are active and moving both in the summer and in the cold period, so they need such clothes that will not be able to overheat and at the same time will provide the moisture alignment. This is how children's thermal underwear is. One of its main advantages is small weight, so kids in thermal underwear can participate in active games. If the child is still very small and simply lies in the stroller, Thermoesews will help him keep warm and not freeze.

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_2

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_3

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_4

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_5

A feature of such products is a method of manufacture, thanks to which Threads create inside the material a kind of air layer. It is she who allows you to keep warm in cold weather, but does not provoke overheating . Besides, This technology helps to divert moisture, so children in thermal underwear sweat less.

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Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_7

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_8

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_9

To the advantages of children's thermal facilities and a large assortment. Nowadays, such clothes produce many manufacturers, offering models for children of different ages, including for newborn babies. There are on sale as separate things (body, leggings, shirts, sliders, thermalons) and ready-made sets.

Among the shortcomings can be mentioned only the high cost of certain thermal brands.

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_10

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_11

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_12

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_13

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_14


Depending on the effect, all thermal underwear can be divided into clothing, which takes moisture, and clothes that retains heat. There are also combined products that prevent sweating and warming. Depending on the thickness of the tissue, Things are divided into clothing for cool weather (spring, autumn), low temperatures (up to -20 degrees) and extreme frosts. All models can also be divided by age, for example, separately produce kits for infants and for adolescents.

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_15

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_16


Most often, thermal underwear for children is made of cotton and wool. Most popular Products from merino wool, because it is hypoallergenic natural material with good warming properties. Clothing from it is fine, pleasant to the touch and suitable even for newborns. Many manufacturers offer wool products, additionally containing cotton, bamboo or silk.

An older for older children recommend buying thermal underwear, which includes one of the artificial components, helps better to divert moisture. Such clothes are suitable for children who are engaged in sports.

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Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_18

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_19

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_20

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_21

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_22

Tips for choosing

The most important criteria for buying a children's thermal power is the composition of the material and size, as well as the temperature on which the product is calculated. Color, cut, buttons and other nuances are secondary and are determined individually. Thermoesewood for a child must be approached by size.

For example, if you buy underwear for a 6-month child, you should not take things to grow (for a year or two), as they will not fulfill their functions.

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_23

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_24

Term underwear for kids: review of products for newborns, features of thermoslahs from Merino wool for infants and babies 1448_25

Products are certain Must fit tightly to the body of the baby. Choosing a thermal manufacturer, carefully read not only promotional materials, but also reviews real users. On the forums and sites, mom willingly leave their impressions of socks of different models, and also give recommendations how to care for such clothes.

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