Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly


The mink fur coat is not only a symbol of luxurious life, but also a rather practical thing in winter and cold autumn. Fur Mink is a classic fur fashion and appreciates beauty, durability and ability to warm and keep warm. Like all natural materials, like leather, silk, etc., the mink fur has softness, wear resistance, versatility and excellent heat-saving qualities. In recent years, the mink fur products are experiencing a new peak of popularity and has become available to every fashionista.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_2

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_3

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_4

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_5

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_6

Special place is occupied by mink coats. The secret of their popularity is that the mink goes to all ages and for each type of figure and appearance you can find the perfect option.

Stoys and models

The color decision remains within the framework of the classics and rarely the fur is given bright tones due to the impracticity of the painted fur and the complexity of the care. The main colors of fur mink:

  • Walnut,
  • All shades of dark brown;
  • Black;
  • "Blue" mink, i.e. gray-ash color;
  • White;
  • Beige, peach;
  • "The Handel" is a special color of the fur of a mink, in which black or dark hairs are found on the background of the main color, creating dark islets, stripes or patterns: white-black, beige-black, etc.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_7

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_8

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_9

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_10

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_11

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_12

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_13

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_14

Classic models There are always relevant and they include direct cut fur coats, the "trapezoid" cut, the Zatla style, the slaughtered, short straight stripes.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_15

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_16

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_17

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_18

The fur coats of direct croes of different lengths are with a belt or without, with a postponed collar, counter or hood. Fur coats with a hood use the greatest demand, allowing them to do without a head removal that protects against wind and precipitation.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_19

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_20

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_21

Fasteners in the form of hooks are used as accessories, decorated with decor, large buttons . The belt can be both fur and leather, suede. Classic models are distinguished by simplicity and conciseness in the finish. The focus is on the quality of the cut and the quality of fur.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_22

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_23

Modern models are distinguished by reflected in the models of the latest fashion trends, a combination of various materials with fur , variations in finishing and details, the use of the latest cutting technologies and fur processing. In modern models there are also the ultra-shock length of the fur coats of the unusual shape, including short; and luxury collars-hoods, buffers, swans, sides of the head and sleeves, combining fur minks with leather, other furs (luxury, fox, doodle).

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_24

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_25

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_26

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_27

Experiments with the direction of fur, giving a stunning visual effect - for example, the end of fur coats and the sleeves have the direction of fur down, and the hem with the backward direction of the fur. Another novelty of recent years - fur coats with transverse curren , which are clearly accented transverse strips of equal size, from which the fur coats are sewn. Such fur coats are very in demand among young people.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_28

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_29

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_30

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_31

Interesting models are fur coats with a furred fur, loungeless, etc. Mink convergence is attached to special cutting technology, it can be both for all the product and areas or even patterns.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_32

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_33

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_34

The "bat model" is a fur coat with wide sleeves like a pelline or poncho. The length of such a fur coat ranges from below the belt to above the knees.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_35

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_36

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_37

The model "Butterfly" is distinguished by a very arched pyol , as a rule, from transverse inserts and crushed sleeves, with a wide collar or hood. Summary creates a silhouette of a butterfly. Thanks to the peculiarities of such a cut, suitable for young slim girls and full ladies, Wishing to hide some flaws of the figure.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_38

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_39

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_40

Fame Pried the model "Cleopatra", the feature of which was the possibility to transform with the help of an inner lace-riding From the belt to the bottom of the product. The fur coat itself is made with anted beacon and sleeves. . The collar is wide or in the form of a hood. The model "Chanel" looks like luxuriously Repeating in the fur Famous silhouette of Chanel jacket. Such a model of fur coats in modern interpretation is sewn from the crossbar, without a collar or with a rack, the sleeves can be long straight or ¾ wide.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_41

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_42

Modern models offer numerous variations of mink combinations with other furs, What emphasizes the sophistication of the fur coats and originality. In combinations, models of fur coats are mink with leather, expensive fabrics.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_43

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_44

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_45

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_46

Whatever the model you choose, the main thing is that the fur coat is perfect for the size, color and length.


Special attention in mink coats is riveted to the sleeves, its length and shape, finishing. One of the last trends in the mink fur products was the use of non-standard sleeves in models: short, ¾, long. There are such sleeves and widths, shape - straight and short, shortened free, "bat", tapering to cuffs, in the form of a buff.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_47

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_48

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_49

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_50

A long sleeve can be a classic straight, end with a cuff, a crowd, assembling on the scene, or be curved, with various finishes in the form of a curly insert, a volana, ornamental wedges. Wherein The incomizional rule is observed that the sleeve of the fur coats should not argue movements, be wide enough.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_51

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_52

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_53

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_54


As regards the length of the fur coats, then the same variety is presented as in models - from ultra-screw, coupling options for young people and auto-out to long fur coats.

Basically, classic and modern models are three main lengths:

  • • above the knees;
  • • to knees or just below;
  • • Before the middle of the thigh.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_55

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_56

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_57

Such a length of the fur coats is dictated not only by model specifics, but also practicality - The modern woman is actively moving, moves and, accordingly, the fur coat must be comfortable and universal. Maxi-Length occurs in the coats of classic direct cut, the Zamel "Kolata", "Year", a trapezium. Such models prefer, as a rule, women of older.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_58

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_59

Youth models

Among youth models are specially popular Mink Mink Coats - Hooded, long sleeves, the length of the fur coats to the belt. The same model is very convenient in wearing, if you drive a car.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_60

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_61

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_62

Classic models are suitable for all ages and for all styles. Young girls are not an exception. The optimal length of classic models to knees or higher.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_63

Youth models can distinguish the abundance of finishes and additional parts in the form of stones, beads etc., interesting variants of the collar in the form of a volumetric rack, a collar-transformer, a hood with decoration, etc.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_64

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_65

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_66

More and more young fashionrooms give preference to the "Butterfly" models, Chanel, "Cylinder". Modern trends allow designers to develop mink fur coats, adopted from other types of clothing on the fur.

Sticks for full

Models of fur coats for full distinguishes the free clock is a direct silhouette, anted model, "bat", "Cleopatra", "Chanel" and almost all classic models. The most important thing when choosing a model to take into account all the features of your shape and some nuances of fur mink:

  1. The dark color fur is visually slightly
  2. Short pile for full preferable than long;
  3. Laconicity of the model, the lack of volumetric parts will give additional slightness and clarity of lines;
  4. The optimal length for your type of figure is capable of visually pulling you in the growth and hide the completeness.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_67

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_68

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_69

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_70

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_71

Fashion trends in the fur coat industry in recent years are especially actively manifested in models for all ages. : The use of non-standard cut, finishing, variations in finishing and combining, length of sleeves, original collars and hoods, drawings on fur, etc. In the quality of the decor and finishes, beads, rhinestones, stones, metal chains, lightning, etc. are actively used.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_72

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_73

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_74

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_75

Models of fur coats with short sleeves look original in combination with long, above the elbow, gloves.

The new word in the fur coat industry was the trim of sides and the podol of the mink coats with another fur or fur with another vest direction , inserting curly wedges, the use of buff, assemblies and ruffles. Variations of collars are affixed by the fantasy of designers: cable, transformers, with different combinations of the fastener, without a collar, in the form of pelline, racks of different heights and shapes, unstable, etc.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_76

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_77

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_78

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_79

Stylish images

  • An interesting model of Oversisiz fur coats from a dark mink below the knees with rounded floors. Floors are beveled from knees in a semicircle, the fur coat is made in the transverse technique of the strips. Clasp in the form of a large decorative button. Draws attention to the sledge collar, decorated with another fur with a long pile in a similar transverse technique. Sleeves fur coats Long straight and wide. Perfect option for full women.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_80

  • The white fur coat of the model "Chanel" looks even more spectacular with the contrasting inserts of two colors on sleeves and podol. Narrow strips of fur attach the refinement and ease of model. Shuba straight cut, without a collar with sleeves ¾. The noble white color emphasizes two inserts from gray fur of different halftone - lighter and darker.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_81

  • A short fur coat from a blue mink length to a belt is made by transverse stripes. Cropped sleeve 3/4 gives the model modernity and ease. The collar in the form of a wide rack favorably emphasizes the image. The color of the "blue mink" seems to be designed to emphasize the elegance of the model and the freshness of the image. This model for practical and young girls is suitable for all occasions and on a date, and to the office and the theater.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_82

  • An extraordinary youth model of the martial coat looks ultracessly in combination with sleeves and collars from the scholar tissue. At the same time, the effect is created, as if the fur coat with a short sleeve is hoping over the down jacket or quilting jacket. Rack collar emphasizes the fragility of the image and the texture of the fur. A contrast combination of black fur with gray-silver cloth looks very harmonious. The optimal length of the fur coats until the middle of the hip makes this model universal and practical.

Models of mink coats (83 photos): Sticks of mink fur coats, bat, Fashionable models 2021, Sleeve 3/4, Shuba-shirt, butterfly 14431_83

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