How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat


Each woman at any age dreams to have a mink fur coat. Nothing gives greater confidence than noble fur. He gives charm, makes his owner more attractive and desirable. However, not to experience disappointment from buying, you should not hurry. It is necessary to learn about all the subtleties and nuances of acquiring this luxurious thing. This article will teach you to understand as fur and keeps you from the wrong choice.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_3

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_4

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_5

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_6

What you need to know about the types of mink?

There are several mink varieties. The appearance of this animal depends on how he was grown. And it should be noted that the fur of different species is different. Consider what natural properties each of them is endowed.

  • Russian mink

The skin of this animal is perhaps The most warm of all. Thanks to its natural qualities, it is perfectly adapted to harsh Russian frosts. Clothes made of Russian mink fur can be easily found in domestic shops and in the markets. It is worth noting that it is The product has a fairly acceptable cost. However, it does not use special demand. The reason is that the fur of this animal is characterized by a high subvention and long ust. Because of this, he seems too shaggy. A Fashionable today is a more sophisticated import fur.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_8

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_9

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_10

  • North American Mink

Fur coat made from this fur will more suitable for mild winters, inherent in European countries. With Russian frosts, she may not cope. North American mink is distinguished by a low pile, which is not endowed with a special brilliance. Often, this fur is called velvet.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_12

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_13

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_14

  • Chinese mink

Usually, Chinese fur coats are not highlighted by special quality. But they are sold at a very low price. As a rule, in China, the ladies prefer high-quality mink furs. . But things made from the cheaper fur go to export. Also for the production of such fur coats, the technology of stretching furs is used. This, of course, negatively reflects on the strength of things, the term of its service, warming and keeping heat.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_16

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_17

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_18

  • Wild mink

This species is rare enough. The fur of this animal is distinguished by a rather long pile and a unique gray-brown color with a light piping. The selection of wild mink - the occupation is very laborious, because it often happens to the fur with defects. These difficulties directly affect the cost of the finished product, significantly increasing it.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_20

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_21

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_22

  • Scandinavian mink

The fur of this animal is perhaps the most popular of all. It is characterized by a thick subcase and medium in length of darity. Otherwise, this animal is called "black diamond." The fur is noble shine and looks gorgeous.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_24

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_25

  • Italian mink

In truth, in Italy, the mink is not grown. Nevertheless, The fur coats of Italian manufacturers attract the ladies from all over the world His sophistication and diversity.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_27

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_29

By the way, relatively recently, the clothing made of fur began to produce in Greece. Thus, in these places there is an opportunity to purchase a mink coat in stores with a factory for less money.

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Quality assessment of the product

To evaluate the quality of the fur coats, you need to immediately inspect the pile and the skin of the animal. Not many know how natural fur should be and what to do to determine its quality. Although everything is quite simple here. First you need to spend your hand against wool. If high quality fur, then he must come back in place after a couple of seconds. A If the pile stared either, it says that the product is made from a cheaper material.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_32

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_33

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_34

So as not to run into the fake It is necessary to carefully consider the cover of the fur coats. The real mink fur has the same pile length. If it is different, The likelihood is great that the thing is made of grinding fur. Very often, it is trying to sell him, giving up for a mink. It must be remembered that the grouse fur is rather stuck. Norse, despite its rigidity, you can not call barbed.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_36

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_37

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_38

A real mink fur has a characteristic cannon. It can be seen by looking inside the fur, almost the skins.

It is worth noting that the ability to recognize the mink fur does not give a guarantee that you buy a high quality product. After all, even a real mink can have both a good fur and not very. Therefore, you need to know a few more points. To determine the quality of the fur, you need to shake or pinch it a little. High-quality mink will not drop a single villus. If it happened, then the fur was wrong kept or mined it during a seasonal mink. Anyway, if the wool hangs on, then the thing does not last long.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_40

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_41

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_42

The fur coat should not be proper. Also, the fur should not glue and have a fat shine.

In some cases, manufacturers paint the mink fur. It does not reduce the value of fur. The main thing is that all rules and technologies are met in the process. However, if staining was incorrect, it may later have problems. To check the quality of staining, you need to spend on fur with a wet white cloth . If it is not painted, it means everything is in order. I would like to note that quite often the staining of fur is carried out by unscrupulous manufacturers in order to hide its disadvantages. Therefore, if the product is painted in a natural color, it should alert.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_44

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_45

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_46

Assess the quality of the mink can be a look from the side. Real fur even from afar has a beautiful shine and overflows.

In addition to wool material, the quality of the skin is of great importance, which is also called Mebra. As you know, before sewing the fur coats, the skin is exposed to the process. It is from this that the strength, softness, lightness of the finished thing and its ability to maintain heat depends.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_48

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_49

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_50

To evaluate the Mezer, you need to look under the lining of the product. Even if it is at all sewn, you can ask the seller a little bit at its bottom seam. In case you receive a failure on your request, the likelihood is trying to hide something from you. Remember that bona fide manufacturers never sew the lining with Niza coch.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_52

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_53

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_54

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_55

So, the skin of good quality should be white. Yellow color speaks about the opposite. Of course, if the fur coat is painted, then the hue of the skins will be the same.

The qualitatively selected member does not have extraneous fragrances, holes or any other damage. In addition, you need to look at how skins are connected to each other. They must be sewn, and the seams - to be even and neat. If the skins are glued, the price of the product should be much lower. Well, of course, the service life of such a product is less. Size of the skins should be 15 on 15 cm. If they are less, this thing will also quickly come into disrepair.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_57

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_58

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_59

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_60

Defective assessment

  1. During the acquisition of mink coats, it is very important to inspect it for the presence and degree of defects.
  2. If there is any uneven color on the fur, it may mean that the thing has fallen or burned out.
  3. If there are some blows on the fur coat, then the skins of the old animal could be used for its tailor.
  4. If the fur slip, it means that errors were made during the manufacture of the fur coats.
  5. If there are rusty stains, then the mink was kept in the iron cell. This is a very frequent defect and it should be noted that these stains are not displayed.
  6. If the fur coat has an uneven surface, then the fur was amazed by the teeth of the animal. This thing is not necessary to buy.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_62

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_63

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_64

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_65

Selection of style

At first glance it may seem that the choice of the model of the martial coat is very simple. But in fact it is far away. Of course, if the girl is high and has a slender figure, then the choice will not be difficult, as it will be suitable for absolutely any model. Little and fragile women should not choose volumetric, lush and disproportionate styles.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_67

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_68

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_69

The fur coat must be comfortable, not heavy, it's good to look at you and not limit movements.

Long volumetric coats are suitable for high women . Extended straight models with a belt, hood and alternate sleeves are more warm than trapezoidal. But, For autoled, it will be more convenient for a shorter coat.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_71

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_72

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_73

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_74

The ideal option is the coarse fur coarse. This is due to the fact that they are suitable for owners of any figure. At the same time, they look very impressive. So, the transverse is a fur coat, made of pieces of fur arranged horizontally. Thereby The fur is blurred and shines. The most sought-after models, such as the year, butterfly, fur coat, coat or Cleopatra, are sewn in this way. It should be noted that such a fur coat has a basic seam on the back and this is not its defect.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_76

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_77

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_78

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_79

Thus, mink coats are different. Choosing a style, you should not focus on fashion trends. After all, high-quality fur coat will serve not one year. The main thing is that the model fit you and was comfortable in the sock.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_81

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_82

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_83

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_84


The mink fur is so spike and rich that it does not require additional decorations. Therefore, the decor in the form of rocks, the ruffles or coupling buttons here will be inappropriate. For a long time in fashion, modest and concise models.

This winter manufacturers offer an unusual course - mink combination with another fur, leather, suede or knitwear. Moreover, this is done so delicately that the thing preserves the elegance inherent in it and does not look pretentious. Wherein Thanks to this decor, the fur coat acquires a highlight and uniqueness. Usually inserts are located on sleeves or collar. Very fashionable leather or suede in the form of a corset on the mink coat. Pickle pockets can be performed from this material. The trend of the season is leather longitudinally located strips on the fur coat, which give the harness figure.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_86

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_87

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_88

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_89

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_90

In addition to the fact that decoking the above materials is fashionable and beautiful, it is also quite practical, as usually inserts are made in those places where the fur is inclined to wiping.

Combining fur

Recently very Combined fur coats made from fur of different animals became popular. A special demand is used by combinations of short-circuit mink and more magnificent skins, such as sands, fox or a black fur. And the most elegant are mink fur coats with trot or sable. This thing Ensures luxury and wealth. The cost of this product is appropriate, so that it may not be possible to afford it.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_92

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_93

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_94

The combined fur coat of mink and lynx or black fur looks very respectable. In these products, fluffy fur can be used in various variations. Many manufacturers finish them only separate parts - collar, pockets, cuffs sleeveless fur coats. However, there are more original models, where the top is made of one fur, and the bottom - from the other.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_96

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_97

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_98

Fur mink is not mixed with a fur of a rabbit, beaver or nutria, since an exceptionally expensive fur is well harmonized with each other.

Select length

This season is the most relevant are mink coats of shortened length . Long fur coats in the floor moved to the background. However, for each woman is suitable for its length.

  • Short fur coats.

These models are simultaneously original and chic. Often they are decorated with various prints and patterns. Today, in the trend, the serpent, complemented by a hooded hood and sleeves, length to the elbow. Unusually and interestingly, the collapsed models look. If the fur coat is without a hood, it is decorated with a collar-rack.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_100

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_101

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_102

Short fur coats look well with leather belts.

  • Knee coats long.

This is the most optimal option, as it is beautiful, warm and does not shine movements. This is the very golden middle between short and long models. A mink coat, a little longer above the knee, makes an image with elegant and feminine.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_104

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_105

  • Long fur coats.

As already mentioned, long fur coats are not trend of this winter. Wherein They still remain an excellent option for the evening event. Note that the length of the product must be to the ankle, not longer. In any case, for everyday socks, this style is not recommended.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_107

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_108

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_109

The role of color

Today's designers offer a huge range of colors and shades of mink coats, both natural and painted. In order to choose the appropriate color for yourself, the thing should be done.

After time, the mink fur acquires a yellowish subtone. And from it is not going anywhere. This is especially true of light tones. By the way, the darker the color of the mink, the higher the price of the fur coat. If you still decided to buy a bright mink coat, remember that it is necessary to store it very carefully and treat it carefully. Together with a fur coat, a special case should be purchased. It is impossible to enter the product of direct sunlight.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_111

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_112

As for the painted mink, there is a checked rule. The brighter and rich color, the more the fur coat is susceptible to fading and the less she will last. This season is the most popular are natural colors. Especially popular Walnut and Mahagon. Interestingly looks and fur coats of pastel beige tones. Moreover, these colors are out of time and always in fashion. No less popular mink black coats. They look rich and luxurious. Snow-white mink looks amazing too, but it will not suit everyday socks.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_114

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_115

Speeciously watching fur coats, blue and graphite colors.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_117

As for color fur, in fashion, bright screaming shades, such as orange, green, blue, yellow or purple. Such models are designed for bold beauties that are not afraid of experiments.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_119

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_120

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_121

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_122

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_123


If we talk about the price, then the fur coats from natural fur were always expensive. Of course, you can find a model and for 30 thousand rubles. However, for a long time, she will not serve you and is unknown, whether it will warm you in a lard frost and does not flow with her paint at the first snow. Most often, mink coats in the price range from 30 to 70 thousand rubles are Chinese, No quality certificates nor information about the used raw materials. Thus, the statement is working here that the miser pays twice. After all, behind the fake is too high price. Buying a mink coat, be sure to require a guarantee from the manufacturer. Let the cost of the product be higher, but you will be sure that it will last you at least ten years.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_125

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_126

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_127

Important rules and advice

Let's summarize some results. Answer the question of how to choose a mink coat, you will be helped by clear recommendations.

  1. The thing must have a quality certificate. It contains the name, article and a full description of the goods.
  2. A real mink fur glitters even at a distance.
  3. Vors must easily return to the original position.
  4. You should give preference to the fur of the winter mink. It has a greater density than a summer animal fur.
  5. Fur should be homogeneous color, without properms and flaws.
  6. Respeter Manufacturer necessarily leaves inside the lining is not a fed place.

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How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_129

How to choose a mink coat (131 photos): tips for choosing high-quality mink coats, rules when buying a fur coat 14428_130

And last. When going to make the purchase of a mink coch, we will take care of your choice responsibly and seriously, so as not to guess and then do not regret the thickest money thrown on the wind.

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