Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews


Buying mink coats - a serious step requiring appropriate training. At the unprepared fashionista, the head can go around from the variety of styles and colors. In order to get rid of himself from experiences about the correctness of the choice made, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the options for cutting, shafts and the specifics of mink fur shades.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_2

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_3

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_4

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_5

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_6

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_7

When should you make a choice in favor of a light-colored fur coat?

For the exits "Light", light shades of fur coats are suitable as it is impossible. Traditionally, secular events ladies dress up in dark colors, so white or cream-nut fur coat will be advantageously highlighted on a general background.

For long regular walks in the open air or trips in the car and on public transport, light fur are much less winned than dark: splashes and street dirt are maximally noticeable.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_8

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_9

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_10

Long fur coats "in the floor" require a certain skill - the reason for this lies everything in the same susceptibility to light furs to rapid pollution. Even if you really liked the elongated model, it is necessary to think thoroughly before you decide on such an acquisition - otherwise there is a risk of a regular visit to dry cleaning, which also does not benefit the fur.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_11

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_12

Stoys and models

Drawing up a complete classification of variations Crow fur coat is practically unpaid mission. Specialists offer to allocate the following main types of models and styles:

Classic - Long straight coat, suitable ladies with conservative taste.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_13

Robe - Comfortable coat with smell and belt, resembling oriental clothes.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_14

Shuba-Klesh - Universal model, perfectly hiding any drawbacks of the figure.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_15

Cleopatra - fur coat transformer with the inner lace from the waist until the middle of the caviar.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_16

Year - Strict top in combination with very cured bottom, recommended by high and slim women.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_17

Franch - Refrigerated curb fur coat with a fluffy collar of fox fur or sable.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_18

Avtoleda - Middle-length fur coat with a slightly arched back.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_19

Bat - A shortened fur coat to the belt squeakly pulls the top of the silhouette and makes the figure more proportional.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_20

Butterfly - shortened trapezoid coat with openwork decorated sleeves.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_21

Jellyfish - One of the most original styles: equipped with a hooded high-coal coat with draped floors and sleeves.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_22

Color and shades

The color of fur coats, as a rule, depends on the habitat of the mink and its breed, as well as the specific selection of the skins and their highlight. Among the bright shades of the fur of the mink outline are the following:

  • mocha and cappuccino - various shades of brown, coffee tones;
  • Pastel - dozens of variations of beige, sapphire, topaz, powder and palomino;
  • fawn - beige-pink shades;
  • Gray pearls - color, increasingly called "new black";
  • Snow white - the most "capricious" and demanding fur.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_23

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_24

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_25

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_26

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_27

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_28

Mink fur coat - the pleasure is not cheap, but the time during which it will actively worry, it is definitely worth it. As a rule, a qualitatively sewn fur coat serves as a tenant ten or more years.

Of course, to buying mink fur coats should be treated as a long-term investment in their own comfort and image - to make a mistake in the choice of extremely undesirable. It is especially important to choose the right mink curvature of bright shades, which are much more demanding both to the neatness in the sock and storage.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_29

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_30

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_31

How to choose a color you?

Light shades of mink fur always stand out among the diversity of more dark colors. It has long been known that light fur are suitable for both young girls and mature ladies. First they add femininity and sophistication, while the second in such a fur coat will visually become for several years younger.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_32

When choosing a light mink fur coat stylists advise to navigate the type of appearance. Flashing girls with blue and light gray eyes are perfectly suitable for a fur with a blue or silver tint.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_33

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_34

The brunettes are traditionally "woven" the black and close to this color of the fur coats, however, the trend of recent years is exactly the opposite - the lady with dark hair is increasingly appearing in the snow-white mink coat.

Representatives of the Slavic type of appearance, characterized by warm shades of the skin and russes with color of hair, specialists recommend fur with pearls, as well as pastel, gray and light beige gamut.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_35

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_36

How to store?

Light fur coats are extremely bought as casual wear - this is a luxurious component of the "output" image. Non-go and bright sun, tobacco smoke and other negative factors are especially destructives precisely for light fur.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_37

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_38

Specialists recommend adhere to strict rules, which will allow even a snow-white fur coat look luxuriously and many years:

  • Keep such a fur coat in a case of special fabric, which, as a rule, is included in the purchase;
  • Exclude long-term exposure to the fur of direct sunlight - otherwise the fur coat may be yellowed;
  • In the event that the owner of the fur coats fell in it under the rain or in the snow, the coat must be carefully, but strongly shake, hang on the shoulders and put as far as possible from heat sources, to a room with good ventilation;
  • It is extremely desirable to avoid hits for fur cosmetics and even spirits - bold yellowish spots may remain from them;
  • If serious contamination still happened, the fur coat is better to immediately pass into the dry cleaning.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_39

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_40

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_41


Most women who have decided to buy a bright mink coat are pleased with the choice. On thematic forums and in the comments on social networks, the owners of such fur coats share their own experience and advise those who are still thinking about what color and style should be their future acquisition, weigh all the "for" and "against". The advantages of bright fur coats are obvious, "pitfalls" are also pretty well known.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_42

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_43

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_44

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_45

Ladies that are actively moving behind the wheel are recommended to look at shortened models in which the car is controlled as comfortable as possible. For such a lady, the shade of fur is a purely taste - both snow-white and light-nut fur coat feel perfectly in the cabin car.

For amateurs, long walks along the streets of the city are more likely to be coat pearl gray shades, which are much less prone to pollution and easier in care.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_46

It is important to understand that the presence of the hood fur coat does not exclude the possibility of carrying it off with the cap - however, it is necessary to avoid the feeling that the lady decided to wear all the most expensive and beautiful immediately. Knitted hat, elegant sinud, fur Kubanka - a combination should delight the eye and not look inappropriate. In this case, the hood is transformed into a feminine collar, without entering confrontation with an independent headdress.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_47

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_48

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_49

Many owner of light fur coats note that the acquisition of this object of the wardrobe had a positive effect on their habits: they became more disciplined and founded. The need to carefully be dear in all senses did the thing made them carefully and maintaining that even more emphasized femininity and elegance.

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_50

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_51

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_52

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_53

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_54

Light mink fur coat (55 photos): light brown mink fur coat, light walnut colors, reviews 14419_55

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