Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares


Creating comfort and comfort in the house, it is very important not to forget about yourself and members of your family. In any weather and with any mood, it's so nice, removing street shoes, plunge into the warmth of home slippers. Not everyone loves, knows how to wear them appropriate. However, when it comes to knitted slippers, few people can refuse them.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_2

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_3

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_4

Features and advantages

What is this type of home shoe? Everything is very simple: the appearance and shape of knitted slippers varies depending on the personal preferences of the owner, and they may look like a track, socks with high and low-top and so on. You can find a huge variety of models suitable for your color, mood, form and even atmosphere.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_5

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_6

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_7

What are they so unique? The main advantages of knitted slippers are:

- softness and convenience;

- the best body preservation and air circulation, compared with textile fellows;

- The possibility of washing and fast drying. They can be wrapped at any convenient time even in a washing machine;

- They do not need to be removed, if you sit in a chair or on a sofa, driving legs under it;

- Always unusual appearance and the ability to choose slippers with all preferences.

Such home shoes can be born on your own or order from a professional or also to purchase in stores.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_8

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_9


To date, a large number of models of knitted slippers are represented on the market. Let us dwell on the brightest and most common representatives.

1. Baby. Here imagination simply no limit. Children tend to prefer bright gaming colors, original solutions of slippers made in the form of various animals (bunnies, kittens, cubs and even bees), animated and fabulous heroes (Chippolino, Luntik, Minions) and other children's fun.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_10

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_11

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_12

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_13

2. Women. Women to please the most difficult thing, especially when it comes to home comfort and comfort. Therefore, women's models are still divided into subspecies:

  • Slippers: with closed and open toe, imitating textile slippers;

  • Ballet slippers, fully repeating the appearance of this female shoe, can also be on the sole, with patterns and various decorations;

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_14

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_15

3. Seamless. Very comfortable and pleasant slippers that knit without a single seam in a circle.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_16

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_17

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_18

4. Motual. The principle of mating such shoes is to connect squares, five- and hexagons among themselves so that a cute knitted slippers turned out.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_19

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_20

5. Japanese. Separate model of unusual home shoes. These knitted slippers are fixed on the leg long cords tied up just above the heels.

6. Slippers-sneakers. Fully imitate sports shoes. Can also be made with logos of favorite and well-known brands, and even shoelaces.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_21

7. Sneakers socks. The most common type of knitted domestic sneakers and, moreover, the most familiar. For true conservatives, which are very difficult to get used to everything new, sash slippers will fit perfectly. They can be low, like sports socks, and high, like golf or even leggings.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_22

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_23

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_24

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_25

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_26

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_27

8. Cool. To this section, some diversity of domestic knitted slippers created for certain festive events are attributed: New Year's Eve, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland (in the form of tanks and machines) and even wedding.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_28

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_29

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_30

The more creativity and individuality in each model of knitted slippers, the more memorable will be a gift and a person who presented it. In them, you will always be comfortable at home, always in a good mood, in a cozy chair with a mug of your beloved hot drink.

Where do knitted slippers come from?

If with conventional everyday shoes is more or less clear, then where can you get knitted home slippers?

The most appropriate option would be to tie them on their own. Knitted slippers are made in several basic ways:

  • Crochet - the most common way to knit all slippers models;

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_31

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_32

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_33

  • Spokes - no options here: on two, four and five spokes, on circular spokes, etc.;

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_34

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_35

  • On the sole. The main minus of knitted domestic slippers is the rapid wear of the woolen sole. However, this can be avoided by making home shoes immediately based on felt or rubberized soles.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_36

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_37

The next to the popularity of the search for knitted slippers is considered a variety of forums and sites on needlework, where masters of different levels and specializations will come to your aid, paying attention to the maximum and fulfilling all the wishes.

And place number three: markets, home textile shops, supermarkets and others. Perhaps there you will have to sweat yourself in search of the desired model and coloring. After all, the chassis, still, there are classic home slippers and they are presented on attachments in a much larger assortment.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_38

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_39

How to tie home slippers with your own hands?

In order to acquire their own knitted "clothes" for the legs, it is not at all necessary to have creative thinking or many years of needlework. Even if you have basic knowledge in knitting on knitting or crochet, has already been done. You can only be patient, the yarn of the color or colors you like. Decide with the model slippers that you would like to see daily on your feet. And go to the tempting and a little adventurous journey under the flag of home comfort.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_40

The main advice from professionals for the manufacturing process of home knitted slippers:

1. If you first start the mate of the slippers (no matter what size, models and colors they will), you should choose simple schemes, it is desirable for one-piece, with a detailed step-by-step description.

2. The most comfortable and simple decoration for your future slippers will be pomponiki, appliqués, praises, beads, beads, buttons, hooks and other pleasant little things that can be bought at any store of sewing accessories.

You should not ignore the hands and get upset if the first slippers came out not as you imagined. Now you already have a good experience and, for sure, your personal look and approach to the manufacture of domestic knitted slippers with your own hands.

How much are?

The cost of knitted slippers on household needlewoman forums varies from 650 to 2000 rubles. At the same time, the motive models can be purchased for a smaller price than, for example, short challenges with pomponchiks, flower and other volumetric additions.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_41

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_42

When entering the store of goods for home and comfort, you can stumble on the models of knitted slippers-toys, which will cost no more than 280 rubles. Such slippers are offered both for children and adults. It is cute low slippers with a knitted strap-elastic, fixing it on foot, and a kitten's face.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_43

The following in the price category are slippers - ballet shoes, made in completely different styles: striped, colored, strict, on a rubber band, with bows ribbons, with brootters and pomponchiks. For such beauty, it will be necessary to give about 320-550 rubles per pair.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_44

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_45

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_46

Knitted sneakers-boots, saturated with motif patterns, with lacing, on a sole, combined with other materials (fur, velor, knitwear) fix the price at the level of 600-1000 rubles. Of course, it varies depending on the filling of the models themselves.

Well, and if you suddenly decided to associate something like with your own hands, the main costs will go to the purchase of the necessary number of yarn and, possibly, jewelry for your future slippers.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_47

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_48

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_49

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_50

Beautiful models

The top 10 of the most beautiful and incredible knitted slippers opens bright slaps with large bows. The sole of this original model consists of polyurethane insoles, linked yarn. They are performed in the form of beach slippers.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_51

Children love shoes and clothing with images of their favorite animated and fabulous heroes. Merry children's slippers -lsheskaya minion - a great gift to a small fiddle.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_52

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_53

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_54

A vivid example of a motif model of homemade slippers connected by crocheted. They are elegant enough, conservative and homely cozy. The sole is made of half-walled yarn in two threads. This, of course, is not the most durable option, however, such a seal will significantly increase the service life.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_55

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_56

One of the most simple models - slippers, stylized under ancient shoes - Napti. Bright color and simplicity will give you mood and comfort.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_57

Funny slippers-socks in the form of sheep - comfortable home shoes for adults and children. They will give comfort and warmth to the legs after street-trip and raise the mood of the hostess with their unusual appearance.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_58

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_59

Knitted slippers in the technique of "Patchwork". This original patchwork home shoes can conquer your even the most conservative households. A number of advantages in favor of this work of needlework art makes thinking about the acquisition (or independent manufacture) of this model of domestic slippers:

- Easy to execute (if you, nevertheless, decided to move this idea to life alone);

- accuracy of landing on any leg and extraordinary comfort in the sock;

- A huge number of colors, which can only be imagined.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_60

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_61

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_62

One of the main competitors of children's cool slippers with Cartoils can be only the original gift for a man for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, for example. Such clear slippers tanks will definitely show who the owner is in the house and who is now the coolest.

Cozy slippers-boots, made in the original knitting technique, complement the home wardrobe of any fashionista. They warm the legs with cold winter evenings and just give up a good mood.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_63

Cute children's slippers associated in the form of sandals will delight small fashionistas with a bright flower, non-slip sole and an "adult" clasp strap.

To coming home after a hard work day, I wanted to smile, you just need to get slippers-elephants with very realistic completed trunk, ears and testes.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_64

Home shoes are part of our daily life, our life. Therefore, paying more attention to her, we care not just about comfortable and cool clothes for our tired legs, but also about our own moral condition. Coziness and warm to you and your home.

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_65

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_66

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_67

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_68

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_69

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_70

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_71

Knitted slippers (72 photos): Models for children and women on the sole, beautiful and simple room slippers - sneakers, Japanese, from squares 14259_72

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