Tattoo "Bee": the value and designs for men, little bee tattoo for girls on the arm and neck, tattoo bee on a flower, and other beautiful examples


Today we will talk about one of the most common themes for tattoos - it bees . Like all other insects, they are quite petite. Therefore, when a realistic image can be placed anywhere on the body.





Since ancient antiquity attributed the bees a lot of positive qualities. They are revered in the East, a reference to their proximity to the gods can be found in Greek legends. Tattoos as bees have pronounced symbolism.


Among the most common values ​​form the bees include:

  • industry - this is a lot of young bees is said in folklore (legends, parables and legends). Throughout his life, these insects are constantly working on the production of honey, which in ancient times people called "the nectar of the gods." It is no coincidence these days about the energetic and active people say "works like a bee."
  • Thrift - known to all manner of sweet bees prepare stocks for the winter. In this context, a drawing of an insect can mean caution and prudence.
  • Motherhood - the ancient peoples worshiped woman as the head of the family, and the bee was a symbol of matriarchy. In this interpretation of the hive symbolizes family and bee - the same woman who keeps all of its genus in the order.
  • Sociability - Bees are social beings who live in a group. Spotted a clearing with fragrant flowers, they immediately returned to the swarm to tell their relatives.
  • the spirit of toughness - despite the fact that the bee is small and fragile in appearance, her abuser, she will sting is very painful.
  • Focus on results - busybody able to spend on the search for the best golf many days. To this insect the most important is the quality and quantity of the products they produced.
  • self-sacrifice - bees sting serrated. When the attack stops in the tissues of the offender, so any attempt to escape leads to the death of this creature.
  • oratorical gifts - for all ages, the bee was associated with eloquence, it went away the phrase "honey of speech."





Most often tattoo in the form of a bee can be found on the body of the girls. This striped hard worker on the skin of the fair sex symbolizes the love of housekeeping and women's discretion. Its image is associated with the desire to start a family and create your cozy home.


bee symbol found in many cultures, beliefs and religions, it is often considered to be sacred. For example, prehistoric kings in Lower Egypt were called "Prince of Bee", and a little later in ancient Egypt and the symbol of these insects associated with the Sun. In India, fluffy worker was compared with the clots of Ether - the personification of Krishna, Vishnu and Indra.

The goddess of Artemis in ancient Greek legends was identified with a sacred bee. In addition, the ancient Greeks called the bee a symbol of immortality - they believed that the souls of dead people put in these insects. The image of the bee makes ancient Greek poets.

For example, Vergil compared her with the "breath of life", Porfiry called the impersonation of justice, and Seneca saw the embodiment of monasticism in it.




    The important role of the bee plays in Christian traditions, here it is often referred to as "God's Wife". According to the covers of the bee, their origin is obliged to the Lord God and this they differ from the OS, blind and the harnesses that became the creation of the devil. It is the opinion that the bee never falls asleep, so believers compare it with the zeal of true Christians. They give it the symbolic meaning of the soul, entering the kingdom of heaven after the earth's death. This gives the hardworking creatures with a halo of holiness, sacred wisdom and glory.



        Options sketches

        The following types of tattoo are most in demand:

        • The bee and barrel of honey - this option speaks of his owner, as a true spouse and glorious family man;
        • Bees and honeycombs - this option indicates practicality, hospitality and hospitality of its owner;
        • The bee and flower - the image of the striped trouble during the collection of nectar is the personification of efforts, hard work and the desire to succeed with their own difficulty;
        • The bee in boxing gloves - this tattoo indicates that its owner only at first glance is calm and peace-loving, but in case of an attack, he will be able to protect his own interests and its loved ones;
        • Bee with leaves, berries and birds - this naturalistic figure is the personification of the beauty of nature, he testifies to the love of a person to the world around;
        • The bee with the crown is a stylish tattoo, it is an indication that its owner appreciates the work and its loved ones most in life.
        • The composition of several bees speaks about the desire to be in society, the desire to communicate, such an image symbolizes the faith in the fact that collective work always brings much higher fruits than the efforts of single.





        The technique of drawing is directly dependent on the wishes of its future owner and his personal preferences. Someone like Monochrome drawings , and someone gives preference Color Tattoo . When applying black and white patterns, the choice is better to do in favor of styles such as graphics or trash polka.

        Beautiful sexes, as a rule, prefer color images. Pcheles - very juicy, bright and colorful creatures, best of all, such a nasty painting looks in such styles as watercolor and realism . Among the youngest girls, a tattoo was greatly distributed Cartoon style In this case, the famous worm is taken as the basis - Maya bee.




        Look very colorfully Bee with hives in a realistic manner with thoroughly embossed details. Such tattoos applied by a professional master look very naturally and resemble photos.

        The young people got the spread of a tattoo in the stylistry of New Skull. Such plots typically include not only insect, but also additional elements in the form of flowers and inscriptions. In technique doosek Make a miniature tattoo for the finger, the back of the neck and the plot behind the ears.




        Places of application

        Due to its size, the tattoo with a bee usually takes very little space - You can place it on any part of the body. The choice must be made, based on your own preferences and the possibilities, if necessary, close the tattoo with clothing or hair. Be sure to take into account the pain threshold, the areas in the abdomen and small pelvis are much more sensitive than the rest.

        Girls Most often placed the image of the bee on the neck, in the wrist area, on the ankles and footsteps. Men Typically choose more overall pictures, so the image of the bee is supplemented with the image of the hive, honeycomb or barrel with honey. In this performance, the tattoo is better to place on the back, hip, hand or in the chest area.





        However, it should be remembered that the more tattoo, the more expensive it will cost its owner.


        Beautiful examples

        If you definitely decide to put a tattoo with the image of the bee, you can safely approach the sketch selection. The correctly selected design will complement the individual image and give confidence.

        • A miniature bee on hand looks very realistic.


        • A large bee on a blue background will immediately attract attention.


        • A black and white bee among flowers under the breasts looks stylish, the main thing is that the contours of the body have not changed over time, which adjusts and tattoo not for the better.


        • Two different tattoos on the legs on the bee topic look very original.


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