Tattoo "Black Sun": the value of the tattoos from the Slavs and Celts, sketches on the elbow, chest, shoulder, knee and other areas for men and girls


Tattoo "Black Sun" - a popular ornament found on the elbow and knee, chest, shoulder and in other areas in men and women. Today it is often applied, choosing sketches of Naobum, not knowing the history of the sign of the sign and its meaning. Having studied the meaning of this tattoo from the ancient Slavs and Celts, it is possible to more consciously approach the search for your own overag symbol and places to apply it.



Tattoo value

Black Sun is a mystical sign, a symbol of an endless change of cycles in the universe. In some sense, it is approximated by its meaning to the Hindu Wheel of Sansary, the symbol of the eternal movement to the tops of spiritual being. In other ancient religions, the sign of the solar disk had its interpretations. So, the Indians gave him the features of the Divine: angry, formidable, bloodthirsty.


Slavic symbol had a completely different meaning. Here he was considered a charm, a special sign that protects against the evil. In the Slavs, the Black Sun depicted schematically, but always with 12 rays. The Celtic image of this sign was even more simplified: in the form of two circles concluded in each other. From their center, 12 broken lines were published.


In most cultures, the sign of the Black Sun was carried in the form of an amulet on the chest or wrist. Slavic Kolovrat, the very symbol of the pagan deity could be single or end-to-end, with 2 different directions of rotation of the rays. They symbolized the origin of the new and celebration of life, but reminded about the end of existence. Later, the meaning was distorted, and today this sign is increasingly carrying representatives of non-social flows, sometimes a radical orientation that call for the struggle for racial purity.



It is known that initially the image of the Black Sun could wear solely mysticism on the body: priests and other servants of cults, who understood what this drawing means. It was also used as an ornament for tattooing warriors, sent to the battle or won a glorious victory. Slavs applied this symbol as a sign of close connection with the reason, with ancestors, considered it a powerful protective guard. But the drawings on the body at that time could use only men.

This symbol was attributed to the following abilities:

  • elimination of obstacles for good deeds;
  • expanding the boundaries of human spiritual development;
  • disclosure of talents;
  • cleansing, renewal of man after severe illness or testing;
  • Intuition growth, the ability to recognize a lie.


In the ancient Vikings, the Black Sun often accompanied the navigators, travelers. In this case, the image of the divine face in the circle was framed by rays resembling the location of the Lights. And today, the navigators often apply such a "compass" to their wrist.



Who comes up?

Initially, the Black Sun was considered a tattoo exclusively for men. She was worn by warriors and priests, so the ornament was clear, with a complex geometry. The pronounced tracking of Celtic style says that a person demonstrates its warliness, hardness and intransigence of character. The modern value of the Black Sun on the male body is more peaceful. People with such a tattoo often carry it in spiritual enlightenment, rebirth, thus emphasize their readiness for change.



The selection of the Black Sun as a talisman is suitable for men with an active life position. It will be a guard for his owner, will help him in a difficult period of life. It is important to understand that the tattoos carry a certain energy and semantic promise. Black Sun is a good choice for men who want to defeat doubts. This is a good sign for beginners new life.

Tattoos sizes are also very important. Young people often try to make an image as large as possible, occupying them all forearm, shin, chest. This is not necessarily in the case of a tattoo in the form of a black sun.



A stylized image is considered a stylized image located on the back between the blades. According to ancient beliefs, it is in this area of ​​the body a human soul is concluded.

For girls, sketches of tattoos with the sun are chosen in more miniature versions. They decorate ankle or thigh, wear a sign between the blades and on the neck. Usually, the image is left by monochrome, complementing his moon, inscribed in a sunny circle. This symbol has a romantic value, sometimes they are made in the form of paired tattoo.

Interestingly, over time, the symbolic image of the Black Sun began to be considered a sign of continuing. Girls and women wishing to know the joy of maternity make it hidden from an extraneous eye of the body of the body. It is believed that the charm helps protect against the evil eye, other people's bad words and thoughts, protects the future kid.



The Black Sun is a symbol tougher in the nature of its owner. That is why it is not recommended to choose as a tattoo with wovel women, strong and independent. The mystical influence of the sign can negatively affect these bright features, distorting them, making too extended, grotesque.


Types and sketches

Main options for images of the Black Sun are well known for professional tattoo masters. Blackword, Old Skul, Minimalism, Tribal, is most often chosen as a work technician. Now consider the basic plot varieties.

  • Runic. The sun in them looks like a painted circle in the frame of complex geometric ornaments.
  • Full disk. This symbol is a fairly modern stylization of ancient images. The solar disk is completely painted, the pointed or curled rays in even quantities are located around it.
  • Kolovrat. The most wheel with lightning rays connecting 2 circles. This symbol has a very deep meaning. It is necessary to choose a sketch with caution, as many options indicate affiliation to radically tuned non-social groups of people.
  • Rising Sun. Symbol of a new life. The discovery disc is visible only partially, here is necessarily framed as a ray.
  • Two-mounted sun with moon. Such tattoos refer to the category of pairs, emphasizing the desire for the acquisition of harmony. The sun and the moon are inscribed in the disk.
  • In the form of a mask. In this case, the sun is approaching the traditional ornaments of island states. The mask-sun can be kind or formidable, harsh or angry. But in any case, it is a charm that protects its owner from other angry thoughts.




These are the main sketches that use a tattoo masters when applied to the body of the ornament in the form of a black sun.


Where can I apply?

Tattoos with the image of the Black Sun are popular among men and women who are passionate about the Slavic or Scandinavian culture. Apply them accepted on open parts of the body. Initially, the Black Sun was a warriors' warriors, so it was not hidden, but they had openly, proud of this symbol, demonstrating him to others.

The most common application zones deserve a more detailed review.

  • Forehead. Here the image of the shine corresponds to the "third eye", according to beliefs opening in people who have reached enlightenment. It is applied in the center, between eyebrows or higher.


  • Breast. Here, the Black Sun is most often applied to a certain group of people as a sign. The image should be selected with caution. In the center of the chest places the tattoo-charm.




  • Neck. Black Sun Here warns outsiders from a collision with a man dangerous and seriously configured. This is a warrior sign and winner.



  • Shoulder. Here it is customary to wear a Celtic version of the Black Sun, supplemented by the Runic Symbols. Accurate deciphering of this element has its own.


  • Back. The Black Sun applied between the blades is considered a strong faith.


  • Knee or leg. The lower the tattoo is, the weaker its energy. So consider mystics. If you want to just decorate your body with such an ornament, a foot or a knee cup will become the best solution.


  • Elbow. The rising sun is depicted here. Also, such a tattoo can be found in the wrist area, hand brushes, forearm. A symbol of rebirth, a new beginning is often applied to the hand in cases where they want to designate a new stage in the life of a man or a woman.


The popularity of the symbol of the Sun often makes it an element of combined tattoos.

The addition of the moon symbolizes the unity of male and female began. Supplement in the form of a lotus or flower Sunflower testifies to spiritual purity.


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