Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones


Dragon is a fairly popular character. The tattoo with his image is applied both girls and men. What value is this tattoo, and what options for its execution exist, we will tell below.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_2


Dragon is one of the most common and ancient images, which is found literally in every culture. However, most of all he is honored in the countries of the East - in China and Japan. Thus, the inhabitants of China believe that this an ancient creature is able to control the weather, in particular, rain and lightning. In addition, he has a lot of power over all the elements and the sides of the world. Many believe that this majestic creation has the ability to reincarnate. It is believed that most often it takes the human appearance, the appearance of an insect or even the whole universe.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_3

If we talk about Japan, then the image of the dragon moved to this country with straight from China, and therefore it is interpreted in a positive key.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_4

The Japanese Dragon personifies wisdom, experience, strength, sanity and good luck. According to one of the Japanese legends, a well-known Koi carp, which in Japan is considered a symbol of success and courage, overcoming all the tests took the appearance of this creature.

The appearance of the Japanese Dragon is pretty peculiar: it has sharp orline claws, camel nose, the sieve mustache and a long beard, under which the pearl of prosperity lies. Often, the Japanese dragon is depicted with a horse head, as well as deer or bovine horns.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_5

It is worth saying that the image of the dragon for the Japanese is closely connected with the emperor, so it symbolizes power, greatness and patronage. This connection is due to the ancient beliefs, according to which the first emperor - Dzimmu - occurred from the dragon kind. Because of this, the dragon image was previously often seen on the imperial attribute, whether it was a ruler's throne or clothing.

In addition, the Japanese believe that this creature can strengthen family bonds, support family hearth, protect children and their parents.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_6

Sketches and Styles Options

A tattoo with a dragon image can be performed in any style solution.

  • Realism. In this case, the drawing will be characterized by the detail and drawing of all small nuances. As a rule, such images are made in black and white, however, color drawings occur - in the latter case, red and green tones are most often dominated in the images. Most often, such patterns prefer the men who wish to emphasize their power, power and wisdom.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_7

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_8

  • Such styles like watercolor, New School and their likes will also be appropriate for the image of the dragon. Usually tattoo make color and bright, thanks to which they look very impressive. Drawings in this stylist tend to put people who like to stand out, they like to be the center of attention.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_9

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_10

  • Stylized pictures also look interesting. Cartoon images look soft enough, innocently and funny, which gives a picture of some playfulness. Especially love such tattoos of women.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_11

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_12

If we talk about the plot component of the tattoo, then here it also plays a big role, having a direct impact on the interpretation of a native drawing.

  • So, quite popular is the dragon image surrounded by colors - most often it is rose or sakura. As a rule, the dragon on such drawings is calm, its wings are omitted, and the mouth is closed. Such a pattern means femininity, softness, tenderness, cleanliness of intentions, but also wisdom.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_13

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_14

Particularly interesting, it looks at female bodies.

  • No less interesting and the image of the drawing with the image of two dragons, which was awake in the ball. Such a tattoo means vital energy, helps to emphasize the women's charm and confidence.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_15

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_16

  • Men, as a rule, more like such versions of tattoos, where the dragon is depicted Grozny, fierce. Most often, this creature in the figure can be seen ruined, large claws. The wings are open, which indicates his readiness to protect itself and defend themselves.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_17

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_18

  • An important role is played by the direction of the movement of the lizard. If he flies down, it means a hidden threat, danger, aggression is a kind of warning. If the dragon goes up, then this is, on the contrary, symbolizes openness and positive.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_19

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_20

It is worth paying attention to the colors of the Japanese Dragon, as it also plays not the last role in the drawing interpretation.

  • Black color symbolizes respect for the ancestors.
  • Blue and blue mean openness and peacekeeping, as well as eternal life.
  • Golden color is a symbol of wisdom and kindness of the soul.
  • Yellow is rare enough, as in Japan it is associated with war and attacks.
  • If the dragon is depicted in red, then this is a symbol of love, passion, but at the same time aggression. It is believed that such a dragon is capable of protecting children if one of the parents on the body has its image.
  • Green color symbolizes close connection with the earth.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_21

Where can I fill?

Place a tattoo with a dragon image can be on any part of the body. This does not have any influence on the value of the tattoo. A large role in choosing a place on the body play the size of the picture, as well as the preferences of its future owner.

If the drawing does not differ in scale, it can be placed on hand, blade, leg or hip.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_22

If the image is large enough, then in this case it is best to give preference to the following zones: "Sleeve" (tattoo covering most of the human hand), chest, shoulder, back.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_23

Beautiful examples

There are many beautiful sketches of tattoos with a dragon image. They may vary in color, size and plot component. Below will present some variations of such a drawing for the tattoo.

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_24

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_25

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_26

Tattoo with the Japanese Dragon: Sketches and the value of tattoos in the style of Japan, sleeve on hand and tattoo on the shoulder, on the shovel and on the chest, on the foot and in other zones 14174_27

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