Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas


The image of the puma is often captured on the native images. About what this image means, what kind of sending it is in itself carries and who is more suitable, you can find out below.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_2

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_3

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_4


Puma is a wild animal, which refers to the Feline family. It leads a single lifestyle, has an internal character, grace, plasticity and dangerous beauty. This wild animal since a long time caused a person both admiration and fear. Despite this, the pumas attacked people extremely rarely, most of their main cattle served as their main delicacy.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_5

The interpretation of the image of the puma, which is often able to meet on tattoos of both girls and men, for the most positive.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_6

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_7

So, The image of this wild cat means the ability to adapt, become "its" in the new company and find a way out of the most difficult situations. This interpretation is related to the fact that the adaptation of the Puma to the new conditions takes not so much time.

Puma is also a symbol of an active life position. This animal is almost all the time in motion, despite the fact that it is chosen only at night.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_8

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_9

Another interpretation of this image is independence and self-sufficiency. Puma, as a rule, live by one, unlike the same lions. The male and female, of course, can be united in a pair, but this happens only in the married period. In the rest of the time, each of these predators has its own territory, which he jealously protects, trying to prevent the appearance of strangers on it. A person who has a tattoo with the image of the Puma is usually also self-sufficient and independent of other people, it is not necessary for successful operation to someone else's attention to successful operation.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_10

In addition, the image of the Puma symbolizes the power and power, because it is quite brave animals that are good hunters. Few animals are capable of them in this regard.

It is worth saying that the tattoo with the image of the Puma is universal. It is suitable for both women and men. However, most often such a native figure makes representatives of a beautiful floor, because the image of the Puma only emphasizes their femininity, natural beauty and grace. Mare mostly prefer the tattoo on which the image of a lion or tiger is captured.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_11

Options sketches

The puma tattoo can be made in different style solutions. Among them, the most effective is the style of realism. Such images are usually very detailed and looks quite natural and naturally. For the most part, in the image of the drawings in this style, much attention is paid to the eyes of the pomas, which differ in their depth. However, the drawing itself in such a stylist solution is quite difficult, and therefore not every tattoo master is taken for such work.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_12

Of course, realism is not the only style that is very popular. It looks quite original such an image made in the styles:

  • watercolor;
  • New Skul or Old Chelse;
  • graphics;
  • geometry;
  • dough.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_13

The last style attracts many of its features: it implies drawing with a large number of points. As a result, it turns out a fairly spectacular and interesting image.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_14

Stylized images of the PUM also have their fans. They look very interesting and mysterious. Such a hitch will be able to emphasize the originality of its owner, his individuality.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_15

If we talk about the plot component of the tattoo, then there is from what to choose from.

  • Pictures are very popular, where the Puma is depicted in full growth. As a rule, this wild cat is in dynamics: it either steal either jumps, or moves in any direction. All this is due to the increased activity of this predatory animal in real life. Myum, which is in a relaxed state and rests, on tattoos depict extremely rarely.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_16

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_17

  • No less popular is an image on which there is only an animal head. It can be drawn in detail and clearly or only contour - it depends only on the preferences of the owner.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_18

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_19

  • In addition, the mood of the beast is played a special role in such images. Most often, the Puma is depicted swaying somewhere, while her glance is directed forward. Such an image symbolizes power, power, the desire to move towards its goal, despite possible difficulties.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_20

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_21

  • The image of the puma with grind looks effectively. Such a drawing means independence, courage, the ability to protect yourself if required.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_22

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_23

  • In addition, the image of the puma can be supplemented with a variety of elements: Flowers and various vegetation, natural landscape, inscriptions - all this depends only on human preferences.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_24

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_25

Where to locate?

When choosing the location of the tattoo, people are usually guided by its shape and size.

So, If the image looks oblong, it is better to place it in the area of ​​the hand or shoulder, legs or edge. Drawings made in the style of minimalism will effectively look on the neck, chest or clavicle.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_26

There are more pictures that differ in the circular shape on the blades.

If the image is characterized by scale, then in this case it should be placed either on the back or on the chest.

Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_27

Beautiful examples

    There are many interesting sketches of tattoos with the puma.

    • Tattoo performed in the style of realism. Pay attention to what the eyes of a predatory cat look in the figure.

    Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_28

    Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_29

    Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_30

    • Stylized image images that look pretty interesting and bright.

    Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_31

    Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_32

    • Lovely looks and large-scale drawings, where the Puma is present.

    Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_33

    Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_34

    Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_35

    Tattoo with the puma: the value and sketches of tattoos for girls and for men, tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on the foot, on the neck and in other areas 14136_36

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