Tattoo "Kozatka": the value and sketches of tattoos, tattoo on hand and in other parts of the body for girls and men


The tattoo is not only the decoration of the body, but sometimes a strong sign that can carry a deep promise. In the article we will analyze what the tattoo with the image of Kosyka.




Kotatka is a marine mammal, which refers to the family of dolphin and feeds on warm-blooded animals. For the first time to depict this creature in its body, the inhabitants of Polynesia became. By the way, it is believed that the art of tattoos originated here. In ancient times, such tattoo was made not only from aesthetic considerations, but also to gain protection from the gods, receiving assistance from them and favor.

In antiquity, the Indians were very common legends in which the power and power of the kota. This creature was read, and some even considered him the ruler of the maritime expanses. There were also such people who were afraid of a kitkeeper, since they caused their associations with the monsters of sea depths.



The fear of these people was not really unfounded, because Kosyki is dangerous creatures, although they do not hunt people. Their flock can easily attack China and at the same time beat him. On the same Kozatok, as a rule, other marine creatures are not solved. For this reason, this mammal for many is the personification of leadership, striving for power and dominance.

In general, the image of Kosyka is interpreted exclusively as positive. In the culture of many peoples, the kinkot is a symbol of love and harmonious marriage, where both partners will be true to each other. Such a interpretation is associated with the fact that these marine animals are monogamous, that is, they should be typically creating a family and maintain it for life.



In connection with all this, a native figure, which is captured by the image of Kojäki, make in most people who are peculiar to romanticism and sensuality. They are usually honest and try to find their love without losing their faith in her. Usually, women who decide to put her on their body are empowered to put his tattoo. As a rule, they are distinguished by their easy character, they are peculiar to positive, vitality, openness, sincerity and tenderness, they are dreamers for Nature, who live with emotions

It is worth saying that the kink is also a rather smart mammal. For this reason, it symbolizes good intellect for many, the wealth of the spiritual world.

People who endow their tattoo with this meaning usually differ in their desire for spiritual and mental development, appreciate decency and value in people.



Another interpretation of the tattoo is wealth. This meaning is attached to most of its men who strive in this way not only to emphasize their strength and power, but also the desire to gain financial well-being, high social status. They are characterized by purposefulness, they know how to plan everything alternate and often become leaders.

In addition, both for men, and for women, a tattoo, on which the image of this mammal is present may become a strong faith. He will protect his owner or the owner from different adversity and failures, will help a person become more confident, to achieve prosperity, gain vitality and energy.



Styles and sketches

The killer tattoo can be performed in different style solutions. Among men is the most common such style as realism. Typically, such drawings are distinguished by their details and admire many naturalistic and naturalness. They are performed mainly using flowers such as blue, black and white.

Usually they choose those people who do not like too catchy and large-scale images. Fittings made in such a stylist solution, look very interesting and concise.




Another common style solution is a Polynesian style. It is characterized by a variety of bizarre patterns that can carry a certain semantic load, as well as saturated shades.



Such a style of like Linvork is also popular with people who want to apply a drawing on their body with a similar plot.



Watercolor style is also not lagging behind the rest. The drawings made in this style are distinguished by their tenderness and soft transitions between shades. They, indeed, look on the skin as if they were inflicted by real watercolor paints. Fatty drawings in such a similar style are often chosen by women, as they look very romantic and bright.



It is worth saying about the plot component of such tattoos. Often people prefer drawings where the chip is depicted as an independent object. The style and coloring for such an image is selected based on the wishes of the person and its preferences. In some cases, people decide to supplement such a drawing with ethnic ornament, thereby putting a certain meaning into the image.



Additional scene elements for such a tattoo play a big role.

So, you can often see a native figure with the image of Kailtika, where floral elements are present. Similar images choose predominantly women, thus striving to emphasize such features as tenderness, softness, caring, romanticism.




But the options where the sea or sea waves are present, symbolize the love of a person to the element of water, the desire to travel.



If the sunset is chosen as a background for such a picture, this indicates the romanticity of man. Typically, such scanners tend to influence dreamy images that have developed imagination.



The drawing, where the kitkeeper jumping out of the water will talk about the playfulness of a person, about its openness. If a whole family of groove is present on a native figure, then such an image will mean strong marriage bonds and a happy family.



Where to post?

Cyatki tattoo can be applied to a variety of body parts. For the most part, the choice of place depends only on the preferences of the carrier of the future tattoo and its scale.

Most often girls, and guys prefer small drawings that will easily fit on the hand. Especially beautiful minimalist images look in the wrist area. They can also be placed on the edge, on the shovel, neck or in the area of ​​the clavicle.



If the tattoo is distinguished by its size and is a one-piece picture with a certain plot, then such a drawing will be best looking at the back, on the chest, and in some cases, on the forearm.



Beautiful examples

There are different options for tattoo with Kojaka. Consider some of them.

Here is a minimalism tattoo.




And here are bright watercolor pictures.




Large-scale images here also take place.




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