Tattoo "Three Triangles": the value of tattoos, a tattoo on the neck, on hand and in other zones, tattoos of triple triangles for men and girls


The desire to slip around others, express their attitude to the world, consolidate some life priorities or simply depict the philosophical categories in graphic symbolism - all this is characteristic of a tattoo culture that has gained special distribution in recent decades. The master who is engaged in stuffing the picture is not on the craft, but by calling - a real artist who understands the deep meaning of sacred symbols.



Tattoo "Three Triangles" - a multi-valued image, the subtext of which is variable depending on age and gender.


Description and value

The meaning of this image is not amenable to unambiguous definition, since the value of the geometric shape was used in different cultures, religious, esoteric and philosophical exercises. This form in which they tried to portray the harmonious device of the universe, the principle of the hierarchical structure of everything surrounding the universe or unity of the sacred began, the uniform nature of the sky, land and man.



Triangle is the first flat figure, the graphic replacement of the triple - the number of mystical, revered, repeatedly subjected to various interpretations.

One triangle means inseparable by the semantic associations Unity:

  • earthly solid, airspace and man who is forced to stay between them;
  • family bonds (mother, father and child);
  • human being consisting of body, soul and spirit;
  • In ancient Egypt, he was considered a symbol of the nature of the world (irregular trinity);
  • The equilateral triangle indicated the completion of any process, the structure, time cycle.




The meaning of the image is changing at its position and the tradition of location. At the same time, the placement of the vertex down means the feminine beginning in all its sacral manifestations - from the childbody to the Great Nature. The figure is the top up to designate a male start. Famous than all of the star of David - two triangles superimposed on each other - means hexagram, an organic union of the origin of the generating and creative.



Tattoo "Three Triangles" has a variable value, which even in case of ignorance of the interpretation, according to people dedicated to philosophical and esoteric subtleties, testifies to the attitude towards peace in some intellectual superiority. If the image selection was made with the awareness of the symbolism of one triangle, it emphasizes the power and wisdom, as well as a special attitude to life.



But even if the man leaned towards the triangle, not quite understanding his meaning, and simply because he liked the harmonious flat image in an unusual combination, then this speaks about some spiritual strength, belonging to the chosen, able to come to self-knowledge.

According to the masters, the tattoo, a tendency to such multivalued images means the ability to self-sacrifice, the abandonment of personal and unimportant in order to confess the idea, to preserve spiritual values, find the hidden truth.




For men

Even one figure can change the value depending on which the triangle is depicted. In equilateral, it matters where the peak of the symbol is addressed. For example, If it is directed up, it means fiery element, down - water. But with a truncated vertex, the value changes - this is the earth and air.



There are certain subtleties that change depending on the configuration, cultural affiliation, the presence of additional parts or colors.

  • The main difference is the continuity of the role of a male individual, as a representative of the well-established already human community (chief in the family).
  • The second (no less important) is the inclusion in a continuous chain of the genus, to which he belongs regardless of his knowledge of previous generations and its desire to be a link in the centuries-old chain.
  • And only the third part of the image speaks about the medium itself, choosing the image on the skin. It has at the same time three inseparable features - physical strength, spiritual power and wisdom, which gives the opportunity to properly apply the first two.



Traditional accommodation of three triangles from male representatives - on the forearm or brush hand. Some researchers are confident that it does not matter, does not carry any additional symbolism. However, there are wizards who believe that the value has not only the selected place of application, but also the image method is the contour, more distinct or using additional characters. The tongue of Tatu is able to read not everyone, but the choice of drawing is already characterized by a person at the level of its subconscious associations and inherent in the character traits.


For women

The symbol value is not particularly changing if the pretext of a fair sex is expressed to it. This is a trinity of the birth, the life and death of a person of His presence in the inseparable chain of the genus and its deep essence, consisting of a mortal body, the eternal soul and the strength of the Spirit, managing the existence, purpose and beauty.



Three triangles for girls can be regarded by unauthorized, as an inner readiness for the performance of their eternal purpose - continuation of the kind or as the maturity of the emotional sphere, willingness to join serious and responsible relationships.

From here, the frequent image is not on the upper limb, and between the blades, which means the consent to carry the dedicated goods of the family, education of children, to carry out the relationship between generations.


In any case, the sacred value of the tattoo changes, if it is not just a schematic drawing of black geometric shapes, and it is present or an additional symbolism or unusual placement, or it is made in color combinations.



Review of species

The composition of three triangles leaves the scope for imagination not only from the experienced master of Tattoo, but also in a person who first decided to resort to the strength of this art. Since 3 corners of the geometric shape had different (and at the same time similar) interpretation, the tattoo could in ancient times to designate belonging to a specific layer of society, the genus, to testify about the status, carry a semantic load. Each new symbol was understood by others, but in modern reality people use them arbitrarily. Therefore, in the case when the plexus is complemented by the image, you must certainly know its exact value, otherwise the triple drawing can designate the meaning that will be the opposite of what he wanted to say its owner.



Triangles in a simple interweaving mean the trinity: the return of the symbol to its original - already the main value.

Three can be interpreted in different ways. Located together in one triangle, with the addition of the ribbon of the Mebius or with beveled corners and embossed items, most often - men's. They talk about the strengthening of the trinity, a tendency to significant actions, confirmation of standard identification.




The same image, but inverted, means a tendency to chaos and non-standard behavior, the abandonment of stereotypes. Many are regarded signs of creativity and inclinations towards non-standard thinking.

Crossed figures, supplemented with a magical sign migrated (which means the elected node) - all the same trinity, but with the involvement of other and magical forces. This node has eight different combinations for which there is no unambiguous interpretation. They can be unfavorable for a person who has made an unsuccessful choice.


Where can I be placed?

The traditional image is placed on the neck: women are more often from behind, and men side. For the location on the hand, a woman is suitable for a neat triangular symbol of a small size, which looks pretty beautifully. Observations show that strong sexes prefer such images to fill on wrists, heads, forearms.



Girls and women can place tattoo everywhere where prompts fantasy, but more often choose the neck, a shovel, a foot or lower back.

There are no special rules and warnings against the place for such a simple image, but if a person intends to add it to some image, not particularly disassembled sacred meaning, but simply because the drawing liked, with the placement site you need to handle carefully. For example, Mystical eye on the lower back is clearly inappropriate, because it means the omnipresence of God's Oka, and the placement of him in the lumbar segment looks like a mockery of the sacred meaning of the triangle and the magic eye.




Beautiful examples

The tattoo masters performing a variety of drawings in modern techniques usually try to prevent their customers about the difficulty of removing the image, which is made by the traditional method. The painlessness of the application of the time tattoo means not only the absence of painful sensations and difficulties (in some cases) with healing, but also the ability to get rid of the unsuccessful tattoo with time. Now you can use the painting of henna, paint natural or chemical origin, spraying the dye.



In any case, it is worth carefully examining the sketch you like, understand its inner meaning, additional values ​​of the symbols that seemed particularly picturesque. Below are some examples that can be used without fears.

  • Male two-color on the back of the neck.


  • Color on hand (sexuality does not matter).


  • Penrose triangle - wrist.


  • Beautiful option for the girl.


  • Tattoo from Master Timur Morphev - on the back, with a tree.


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