Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls


Despite the fact that the underwear is not involved in such a phenomenon as "recognition for dressing", many feel more confident in those sets that are correctly selected. It is much more comfortable and more productive for the day if no details of the kit are hirked and do not cause irritation. In addition, the right choice can transform any girl and focus on her advantages or, on the contrary, hide disadvantages. To please yourself and your loved ones, you should familiarize yourself with some recommendations.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_2

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_3


First of all, it should be found out what is included in the category of female underwear. Bra in combination with panties is the main, but far from the only components.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_4

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_5

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_6

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_7

The bra is designed to support and hide the chest. It is a product consisting of two cups connecting tapes or gum, as well as strapless. Depending on the model, some parts can be separated from traditional forms or not completely. The bra is needed to evenly distribute the load from the chest, and does not allow it to shine through the cloth cloth.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_8

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_9

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_10

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_11

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_12

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_13

Panties help hide the bikini zone and protect it from infections. There are many diverse models, but overall panties look like triangular fronts and rear, stitched with each other on the sides.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_14

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_15

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_16

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_17

Body for girls serve as both underwear and self-type of clothing, depending on the model. It is a fusion with Long Slot panties, necessarily dressed through legs. At the bottom of the belly of the body can be claasted.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_18

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_19

Corsets are actually a wide belt on the entire waist in which special frameworks are sewn, allowing to keep shape. The belt can be merged with the bodice, which allows you to give your chest beautiful shape. Corsets look very attractive, but at the same time help adjust the figure, hiding the tummy or making the waist thinner. Mandatory part of the corset - lacing on the back, front or sides.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_20

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_21

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_22

The combination is a subtle short shirt on straps without sleeves. Some models are part of the bed kit, while others can be worn under translucent shirts. Penuyars dress over underwear as a spicy supplement.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_23

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_24

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_25

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_26

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_27

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_28

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_29

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_30

In general, stockings can be found to the bottom clothing, as they are not rarely an important component of the set of panties and a bra. For a more seductive type of stockings are fastened with elastic bands to a special belt.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_31

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_32

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_33

What characteristics should have?

When buying underwear, it is necessary to clearly separate the kit for each day from the kit for special occasions, for example, a date when a beloved person is seen, or a hike somewhere in the outfit with open shoulders or deep cuts.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_34

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_35

The lingerie for every day should be primarily convenient, as not only a comfortable feeling during the day, but also the safety of intimate zones depends on the panties and the bra.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_36

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_37

To begin with, unconditionally beautiful, but synthetic models should be left in the dresser, but no way to wear them every day during the working week. Synthetics does not allow air to pass through the fabric, which means the body and skin are deprived of the necessary ventilation. This is especially dangerous in the hot season, since synthetics also does not absorb sweat. The conditions created in this way are suitable for rapid reproduction of harmful bacteria.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_38

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_39

It is important to choose the correct model of panties. For each day, you should choose classic cut or shorts, depending on what allows you to wear outfit. Panties with subtle details, such as thong, do not cover the bikini zone completely. Such models contribute to raising the risk of infection with some diseases. In addition, entering the skin details, for example, fashionable now numerous gum can cause irritation on the skin.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_40

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_41

The bra leads not only the presence or absence of straps, which affects the choice of the outfit. In addition, they must be correctly chosen in size - not strongly pushed into the skin, leaving deep traces, but not to subsight on the shoulders. Since the straps most often have items that allow them to change their length, then special attention should be paid to cups.

The bra does not have to press the chest and squeeze it, bring discomfort, to dug into the body, however, and it is not overly free to buy.

It is best to put priorities correctly: first of all, the comfort must be worried and convenience, and only then just how the chest looks in a particular bra.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_42

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_43

Finally, attention should be paid to the composition. The perfect linen should have a preferential advantage of natural materials, such as cotton. However, the presence of synthetic material, for example, elastane, no more than twenty percent, as it allows the linen to serve longer. Models made of 100% natural tissues will soon lose their shape, and for underwear it is unacceptable. Of course, this rule concerns the first linen for every day.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_44

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_45

How to choose and how to wear?

There are several basic types of bras, each of which will suit one or another breast or the situation. The most common is classic, which is divided into models with soft and dense cups. Soft raise the chest, but do not add additional volume to it. Dense cups, on the contrary, can noticeably correct the shape and visually increase. Soft bras most often textured, that is, they will be noticeably under the transparent and tightcloth, while dense - smooth and invisible.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_46

The model "Balconet" has low cups, thereby opening a view of the top of the chest. There are also closed models in the form of "drops" with wide straps, they provide maximum fixation and support. Sports brakes also cope with fixation, but they will provide it because of the bones and straps, and stretch tissue.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_47

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_48

The bra strapless will become the necessary acquisition for each who wears the clothes open in the shoulders. However, sometimes there is a problem with clothes with shoulders, but with interesting cutouts or cut. In this case, the bra will help with the "smart" straps, which can be fixed in several positions, adjust to specific clothing. Another peculiar model is the invisible bra, which is a silicone shoe on his chest.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_49

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_50

In a separate category it is worth highlighting erotic underwear. Sometimes it takes a completely fantasy form and, in general, absolutely not practical, but effectively and attractive. This appearance can be attributable without a cup, with cutouts for nipples consisting of only ribbons.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_51

The size of the bra is a rather scrupulous question that worries many women. It is worth remembering the one most important rule - it is necessary to wear a suitable size of a suitable size. Some prefer a little smaller than the chest, the size of the bra, which over time can lead to health problems due to constant incorrect pressure. Excessively large bra, on the contrary, does not hold his chest. The bra must fit tightly, but not to squeeze, do not drag, and the chest should not fall out of the cups.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_52

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_53

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_54

Women with great breasts should look at bras with large cups and wide straps, sports bras, adjusting linen. All these models will allow uniformly to distribute the load on the back, and will also hold the breasts. Girls with magnificent forms should be worn by this part of the underwear even at home so that the chest is not sacrificed. Pregnant women should pay attention to elastic models that will be stretched with a natural increase in size.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_55

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_56

Girls with small breasts often opt for model push-up. With the additional volume it gives a delicious form. However, there are also a drawback: the push-up holds the breast in an unnatural position, so do not wear it all day long.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_57

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_58

When you purchase should look, and the shape of the cup, as the model chosen by the individual features of the structure of women customers, able to adjust the shape of the breast. It is necessary not only to choose the right bra, but also to wear it properly.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_59

It is necessary to carefully choose a bra under clothing. For example, dark and bright bras are too visible through light clothing, which will shine through. It is best to pick up clothes under the color of clothing, whether it be a shirt or top. You must follow not only color, but also the transparency of linen material. If it still can be seen through the thin shirt, the clothes really should definitely not shine. Models without reserves no intrigue, fit only for appointments.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_60

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_61

It's one thing everyday way, another thing the evening, when the outfit is often open in some parts or sewn from flowing tight fabric upon which all invoices under it are visible. In order not to spoil the image of luxury should be selected fine neat model panties that will not be visible from under the clothes. In the case of a bra, you can always select the ones who have silicone transparent straps (though they too noticeable, but sometimes allowed), or bra-Bado, which they do not exist at all.

It should be remembered that underwear peeping details relevant only in the youth casual fashion, but it is only within reason. In business and evening dresses it can ruin the whole look of elegance, give vulgarity.

Panties are divided into three types, depending on the degree of closeness and cutouts. First, the maxi - is trousers and shorts. Knickers cover the hips down to the knees. Very often this style is used as a corrective underwear, then he has skeletons and dense paste, but there are also playful lace patterns. Boxer shorts or can be inflated with a low or line belt. As well as breeches, they are divided into corrective, casual and sexy with various cutouts and decorative elements.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_62

Panties-slips, asset, Cusls and Tangs belong to the midi category. Slips are classic and most popular for everyday wear with panties with a connecting seam on the waist or hollows. "Active" is one of the varieties of slips, except with a deeper cut, the most opening the hips. Culota, on the contrary, a more closed model of slips. Tanga has a high cutout, while the back and front of the panties are connected by rubber bands, besides, they can both close the buttocks completely and partially.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_63

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_64

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_65

Finally, bikini, brazilians, thongs, shorts, thongs, Devan derer and Tong are counted to the mini. Bikini consists of two triangular parts connected by thin rubber bands, veins or ribbons. The Brazilian model, the rear part opens a little buttocks, and with the front connects either in thick or fine rubber band. Devan derer consists of two identical very narrow parts, they look most often seductive, but not intended for everyday wearing. In Tong Panting, the classic triangular part of the front and a gum from behind.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_66

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_67

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_68

The most open are thongs, with a small triangular part of the front and subtle rubber bands or stripes on the sides and behind. There are more closed shorts-thongs that allow a little to adjust the shape.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_69

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_70

Choosing panties It is worth ensuring that the gum does not stick, does not rub it, if there is decorative elements that they do not scratch the skin. It should be selected the necessary size, not more than or smaller, since in one case linen simply will look badly, but in the other it will also harm.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_71

Girls with wide beads preferably carry panties with narrow rubber band and low fit. If the problem zone on the waist and tummy, then everything can be hidden with high fit and a wide elastic band, for example, like shortcuts. Girls, characterized by hood and small inexpressive forms can be trembling, putting on linen with ruffles and other volume decorations that visually give volume.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_72

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_73

The main fashion trend is femininity, expressing in a non-surge coloring (dark or beige leather color, golden, dairy, sand tones), cute ornaments (mouths, rhinestones, ribbons, lacing), forms. In addition to the feminine romantic style, sports and retro are relevant. Those who prefer brightness should pay attention to emerald, burgundy, blue colors, as well as "thematic", for example, New Year with the prevailing use of red and green.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_74

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_75

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_76

As for the fabric, it still leads atlas, cotton, velvet, guipure and lace, and chiffon was added to them. The last three material allows linen, even for everyday socks, to be fashionable, thanks to transparency.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_77

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_78

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_79

The most beautiful lingerie undoubtedly be combined with openwork peignoirs or shirts, which this season in trend, because they complement the image and make it even more charming. Also relevant body, corsets, sports bras, panties with an overwhelmed waist in retro style and bustier, that is, elongated bras resembling tops.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_80

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_81

Among the interesting new products that remain at the peak of popularity - seamless model of underwear. Designers presented several stylish sets for every day at once: Tang's panties in combination with Push-up bra and classic slips with closed cups, the brains are no less common.

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Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_83

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_84

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_85

Erotic lingerie differs in many ways from everyday, since it is not necessarily practical and convenient. However, it is assumed that the woman will not walk in it for a whole day. In fashion, both simple transparent models and richly decorated with volumetric bows, stones, and sometimes even feathers. A large color variety is represented in the underwear of this particular category, so that you can turn around in tastes and choose a set of purple, coral, cornflower, mint, purple, yellow colors. The traditional combination of black with white and bright tender shades remain in fashion.

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Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_87

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_88

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_89


Ideally, the composition of the underwear should be mixed to be the most convenient, safe, durable. Natural fabrics provide comfort, absorb sweat, do not limit oxygen access to the skin, do not cause allergic reactions. Synthetic additives serve in order to make lingerie has become more elastic and wear-resistant. Good underwear is sewn from combined fabrics, in which about eighty percent of natural materials and twenty artificial. When buying, you should pay attention to the label with the composition to be after not disappointed in the selection.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_90

From natural materials should be mentioned about fust and cotton. Cotton should be the preferred material for linen for every day, as among its advantages are resistance to numerous washing and color saving. Cotton without a doubt, even for the cold season of the year, but Silk is less frost-resistant and relevant to the warm season.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_91

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_92

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_93

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_94

Lycra and polyamide give the linen pleasant to the touch smooth invoice, which is good for models that are worn to work and under the tight shirts. Popular elastic synthetic materials - Elastane, polyester, viscose. Openwork panties and bras are obtained thanks to lace, which is loved by all women for how elegantly and gently looks. Romantic linen is also made from the atlas. Less often, but still in the composition of the linen there are member, wool, tuner, micromodeal.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_95

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_96

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_97

On everyday underwear, decorative elements rarely meet, as they are too noticeable from underwear. But on beautiful unusual models there are ribbons, bows, rhinestones, embroidery, ruffles, stones, pearls, and sometimes even lightning. The foam rubber and gel are used as a filler for bras of a bra.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_98

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_99


Brands engaged in the release of underwear a lot. Some of them are more accessible and have an average price category, while others produce almost masterpieces of art that stand accordingly. Among those and others there are companies whose names are known to all women of the planet.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_100

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_101

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_102

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_103

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_104

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_105

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_106

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_107

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_108

Among the most expensive, luxury brands - French Carine Gilson with its lace lime and kimono, the price of which exceeds one hundred thousand rubles, silk concise models of Jean Yu, exotic and bold sets from Bordelle, extravagant Lascivious, provocative Agent Provocateur, and Kiki de Montparnasse, Harlette. Among the most expensive and welcome brands is also famous not only with lover, but also with its models, Victoria's Secret.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_109

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_110

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_111

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_112

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_113

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_114

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_115

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_116

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_117

Many Italian and French brands are engaged in the release of underwear. Their collections are feminine, attractive and impregnated with the aesthetic spirit of these romantic countries. The Italian company Lormar presents a wide range of lingerie, intimissimi has good quality and reasonable prices, linen Lormar has a bold and bright design, and La Perla has a thin lace.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_118

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_119

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_120

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_121

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_122

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_123

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_124

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_125

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_126

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_127

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_128

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_129

Among French brands Aubade, creating memorable extravagant models, CHANTELLE with practical everyday models, Coquette Revu, with lining both every day and for romantic dates

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_130

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_131

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_132

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_133

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_134

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_135

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_136

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_137

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_138

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_139

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_140

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_141

It is worth saying about brands of other countries that produce high-quality affordable and chic linen: Milavitsa (Belarus), Triumph (Germany), AMORALLE (Latvia), i.d. Sarrieri (Romania), Lascivious Lingerie (United Kingdom), Roza EUTERPE (Poland). Its underwear line is available in many high-end fashion houses and mid-class network brands. Among them Calvin Klein, Guess, Bruno Banani, Love Republic, H & M, Fora, VBulletin and many others.

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_142

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_143

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_144

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_145

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_146

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_147

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_148

Beautiful underwear (149 photos): the most attractive lingerie 2021, models of Fora brand, options for girls 1408_149

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