Tattoo "Perun": the value and sketches of tattoos with the Slavic God, a tattoo with a Perun symbol on the shoulder, sketches with a hammer and a wheel on the forearm for men


In the Slavic mythology Perun - the God of Thunder and Military Valit. If you believe legend, at the time when Lada gave birth to Perun, Iíry shuddered with thunder and lightning, illuminated by the sky. And although this God has a rather severe appearance, he personifies good and light. The tattoo with its image can have a few interpretations.





Peunun treated traditionally those who lacked military courage and dedication. According to the legends of Slavic mythology, Perun endowed many qualities of many who appealed to him with such requests: The man who received strength and courage from the Divine became good warrior, able to defend his country from enemy forces.

A tattoo on which Perun is depicted is more suitable, of course, men, but it does not mean that it cannot be applied to the female body. The main value of TATU is to demonstrate the surrounding power and courage. The tattoo characterizes those people who are not afraid of difficulties in life, does not try to evaporate or hide from enemies. Often, tattoo is picked up their military who have passed a serious military service, as well as those in whom the character prevails strong features.




Options sketches

The most popular option is justified by tattoo-charm. It is applied to the body as a protective talisman that protects from the negative impact of ill-wishers or enemies. Additionally, the image gives the owner of courage, strength of spirit and responsibility to more weak people. Very often, in addition to the main image, attributes inherent in this god are attached:

  • combat hammer (sequir);
  • shield;
  • Lightning.



    For this occasion, the sketch shown in photo 1 may be suitable. Previously, with a shield and secretion of Perun, predominantly representatives of a strong floor were styled. And since now women are inclined to take the initiative in their hands, it is possible that some will want to see Perun on their body in this guise.


    The classic version of the tattoo is presented in photo 2. There are just no additional attributes.

    And if you carefully look at the face of Perun, you can note the rather soft features of the Divine, a gaze and very good look.


    Often, the main image is attached to Perunov (the so-called Perun wheel). This symbol is represented as a fryer's infloresception or an eight-pointed sidewalk pattern. Since ancient times, the fern is inextricably associated with this god: it is believed that Perun a part of his soul shifted into this plant.

    Such a symbol stuck in the body in the form of a tattoo performs a protective function, protecting a person from evil thoughts of his opponents (damage, evil eye). In addition, a person shows the courage to him inherent in him, power, dedication. Sketches of tattoos with such a symbol are presented in photo 3 and 4.



    The bird is a little-known symbol that is directly related to the threshing god. It can be depicted in different variations:

    • as a supplement to the main image;
    • with monster from beak flames;
    • In a tandem with a swastika.

    A sketch of a very original and volumetric tattoo is presented in photo 5.


    If you want to move a little from the classic image, you can fade a more modern version of the tattoo. Sketch is presented in photo 6. Here Perun is depicted, rather, not as a deity, but as an ordinary person, endowed with the same qualities: courage, power, a harsh look. But at the same time the person depicted does not cause a feeling of fear. On the contrary, it feels a defender.


    Since it was previously designated that modern girls and women also stuff tattoos with the image of Perun, The photo 7 and 8 presents options for representatives of the fine sex. . In the first case, it's just a swastika. But the second option is already a full image. Often, women feed such tattoos as a sign of respect for their protectors' men.



    What part of the body to apply?

    It is noteworthy that the Tattoo with the image of Perun can be applied to almost any part of the body - it does not lose the main security value from the dislocation site. But still several recommendations should be considered.

    • If you want to portray your thumbnail in all of his greatness, the best place will be the back.


    • The second most popular places are shoulders and breasts (but it is rather concerned with men).


    • If there is no desire to do too volume through the area, it is better to do with Perun signs. Symbols can be applied to wrists, forearm, neck, ankles, caviar.


    Since Perun has a direct attitude towards Slavic mythology, it is very important that the Master Tattoo is understood in this area.

    Incorrect sketch ultimately can have a negative impact on its owner.




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